View Full Version : Erithian Warrior/Paladin/Samurai ???

12-02-2003, 06:32 PM
I heard Erithians are supposed to be oriental-kinda. Or atleast, that is the reason they gave for re-releasing katanas in the lands. So I am wondering... How the hell would I make an Erithian warrior (Who hopefully I would later turn into a paladin)? Plus, is roleplaying a samurai type dumb or what?

I figure it will be nice wielding a katana, and a warrior would be fun in the meantime while waiting for paladins to be released (Because samurai are religious warriors).

Any thoughts on this? Also, any help in developing and training the best Erithian warrior would be much appreciated. I'm also maybe looking to start a small little group of Erithian warriors for roleplay if all goes well.

Thanks much.

12-02-2003, 08:51 PM
Samurai aren't religious. Go read the Hagakure.

I don't know if they're allowing Warriors the profession reallocation. I thought that was just a Cleric thing. I could be wrong. Besides, who wants to be a wimpy Paladin when you could be an awesome Warrior?

There are no dumb roles to play. There are roles that are played dumbly. If you can pull it off, then you can do it. :D

I don't think you can get an Eastern-type Warrior in Elanthia because the skill set doesn't really exist to properly create a samurai, or ninja, or whatever. But you could probably fill in the gaps with some good rp-ing.