View Full Version : Kiramon Storyline in Ta'Illistim: A Summary

09-13-2007, 03:19 PM
For those interested, here is a brief summary of the events that have taken place in Ta'Illistim concerning the Kiramon storyline.

A wagon was placed inside the town, near the Sapphire gate roughly two weeks ago. I believe this coincided with the merchant's appearance in Ta'Vaalor. The wagon sold the Hazy Violet Potions which grant +10 to each of your prime stats, though at the time there were no negative effects. Several days later, the Aelotoi merchants (played by GH's, I expect) appeared on the Dais and elsewhere and hand sold the potions.

After several more sales sessions by the Aelotoi merchants, a band of Illistimi Scholars (also played by GH's and mentors, I wager) came and began telling others in the town that the potions had adverse effects. They also mentioned that when they brought this point up to the Illistimi government, they were temporarily jailed with the justification that they were in "Hysterics", and needed time to return to sanity. Along with speaking out against the merchants when they saw them in the town, they also questioned the townsfolk about any symptoms they may have had when consuming the drink.

A day after I first encountered these Illistim Scholars, immediate symptoms started to manifest upon drinking the Hazy Violet Potions. These symptoms include, but are not limited to: Sheer Fear, Nightmare, Sleep/loss of consciousness, Poisoning, and instant death.

In the following days, when the merchants returned to sell the potions, townsfolk turned violent towards the merchants, some were stunned/bound/slept, and one was tortured and killed. Since that day, none have been seen in the town since.

Several days later, those that have consumed even one sip of the potion began to experience the negative effects of the Hazy Violet Potions at random, and without having again consumed the drink. This has prompted the Scholars to step up their efforts in warning the populace against the use of the potions, as well as working to collect various alchemic ingredients in an attempt to decipher the components used to make the potions.

As of last night, this is all that I am aware has happened in Ta'Illistim. I know that this storyline is global, and originated in Ta'Vaalor, but the merchants, and the potions have been in nearly every town in Elanthia. Also, supplemental IC posts on the official boards by GMs have helped to move the storyline along, and can be found in the Quest, Storylines, and Events folder, in the Revenge of the Kiramon subfolder.

The storyline is still very much in its beginning stages, there are plenty of NPCs, and plenty of opportunities to get involved. It so far has proved to be a lot of fun, I hope this synopsis helps people get involved.

09-13-2007, 03:36 PM
I appreciate the synopsis, thanks, I had to leave Ta'Illistim for some business and then some RL things have kept me from playing very much the past month or so... think I might be able to start playing again and it's nice to be up to speed if I could get involved.

thanks again.

09-13-2007, 03:39 PM
Major Spots to look for NPCs are the Dais, and sometimes the Fountain. They will also use the thought net from time to time. I will have to go through my logs and see if I cannot list the names of the NPCs involved.

Here is what I can remember

Aelotoi Merchants: Sikka, Lauth, Amallia, Rizbran

Illistim Scholars: Kalare

There are plenty more, but I would misspell them and that wouldn't help anyone.

Some Rogue
09-13-2007, 03:47 PM
I've had most of my experience with this questline in Vaalor with just a night or two in Ta'Illistim and it seems they are interested in getting alot of people involved which is always a good thing. It's pretty easy to jump into and get involved right away.

As for current happenings in Ta'Vaalor, the scholars were there last night and they are in search of minerals, ores, gems and fragrant flowers in pinks, red, purples and blues, but only the more exotic flowers...things like roses were too mundane. I gave them a dark pink rain lily and that seemed to be more the type of stuff they were looking for. They said they will be back in a day or two to collect any of the things we might find.

Some Rogue
09-13-2007, 04:00 PM
Major Spots to look for NPCs are the Dais, and sometimes the Fountain. They will also use the thought net from time to time. I will have to go through my logs and see if I cannot list the names of the NPCs involved.

Here is what I can remember

Aelotoi Merchants: Sikka, Lauth, Amallia, Rizbran

Illistim Scholars: Kalare

There are plenty more, but I would misspell them and that wouldn't help anyone.

Sikka died so she may not show up again. Caiyen was one of the original merchants also but I haven't seen her in quite some time. One of the scholars who has been to Ta'Vaalor is Edei.

I had a long conversation with Amallia the other night, away from the crowds. I believe she was the one who let slip the Kiramon are the ones who tested these potions. She didn't tell me much but she did say they were making them for someone else and selling them because they've been forced to. She was also afraid to talk to me at all because she didn't want to anger "them" which I assume is the Kiramon. She refused any offer of protection because "it would do no good." I really don't believe she will show up in Ta'Illistim again. She finally left me because she was afraid of getting killed by the townspeople.

09-13-2007, 04:11 PM
Evarin accidently killed Sikka when torturing her for information.

09-13-2007, 04:47 PM
so much for stocking up on those potions!

09-13-2007, 04:54 PM
I sold some and gave a bunch away after my character consumed a repulsive amount hoping to get the instadeath.

Some Rogue
09-13-2007, 05:22 PM
I sold some and gave a bunch away after my character consumed a repulsive amount hoping to get the instadeath.

You may get your wish yet; people have been dropping dead out of the blue lately.

09-13-2007, 05:53 PM
After not drinking one for two weeks, I got the following after a full (long) hunt (this was in the fur shop in Illistim):

The touch of the air is suddenly an agony, and you claw at your face in an attempt to remove the sudden burning sensation!
Roundtime: 19 sec.
Roundtime: 9 sec.

followed a moment later by:

The waves of alternating heat and cold peak once more, then the lingering vestiges of the sensation fade. Your heartbeat slows to normalcy, and muscles that were unconciously clenched relax throughout your body.

(Funny, just realized unconsciously was spelled wrong. Go FireFox!)

Some Rogue
09-13-2007, 06:15 PM
My rogue hasn't had any of the potions but my gnome ranger has. He took one sip when they first came out and none since then. Today during a hunt, his legs gave out and he collapsed for a few seconds. I was able to finish the hunt just fine and haven't had any other symptoms since.

09-13-2007, 06:39 PM
Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your point of view) my priestess only managed to buy one from a passing merchant in Illistim and took two sips last week. Yesterday she came close to dieing from Nightmare but today she was sitting resting at a table when...

A feeling of sickness stabs at your innards, forcing you to clutch at your gut in agony!
Roundtime: 7 sec

... and she drops dead.

09-13-2007, 06:46 PM
Looks like a bad poison, likely more HPs taken than you had.

09-13-2007, 06:51 PM
I didn't even notice to be honest, I was distracted reading Tsin's whining posts on the officials about taking his alchemy toys and going home.

All I know is she was at full health with 125HP and was left with -45 when she dropped ... that's some bad poison.

09-13-2007, 07:06 PM
I didn't even notice to be honest, I was distracted reading Tsin's whining posts on the officials about taking his alchemy toys and going home.

I KNEW Tsin had a 'toy' fetish! (j/k) Now on topic..one of mine that tried ONE sip of the potion a while ago has so far gotten nightmares, bad poison, stunning and some 'pain' but no death yet..im afraid to log her in, let alone hunt. :(

Stanley Burrell
09-13-2007, 08:06 PM
We need Kadesha back to make the real deal potion.

09-13-2007, 08:59 PM
I was all pissed about getting a script check while forging when I had JUST thought on the net and said something out loud as RP... Now it makes sense.

Thanks Fallen, you do a bang-up job of keeping us informed about shit that some of us can't get to/know about.

You stare at nothing in particular.
>stare handle

Roundtime: 30 sec.
The powerful look leaves you.
R>turn grinder

Roundtime: 105 sec.
[Hobgoblin Workshop]
Uneven gaps between the rough-hewn planks of the walls make it clear that the workshop's walls are intended to only block out the worst of the weather. Crowded with a grinder, polisher and a workbench with a vise, this room is perhaps a third of the building's interior. Besides the exit, a red iron door pierces the center of the hut's one interior wall. For whatever reason, the bases of the workbench, grinder and polisher have each been carved with images of scampering rats. You also see the Vivaldi disk, a large sign, a rental hourglass and a wooden bin.
Obvious exits: out

You suddenly feel extremely weak. Your begin to wobble, then fall to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[script aborted]
You blink.

...wait 86 seconds.
You ask, "Eh?"

PR>artisan skill
In the skill of forging - crafting, you are a skilled laborer.
In the skill of fletching, you are a skilled laborer.


PR>report Um. Was that a script check or something? I just typed like two seconds ago

09-13-2007, 09:02 PM
eh, Peri and Missoni are involved. I really just don't want to bother anymore at the moment. Anyway, an important NPC is at the Dais for all who wish to follow the storyline.

09-13-2007, 09:24 PM
Whoever killed that pair, good job

09-13-2007, 10:05 PM
I wasn't there until later to turn in some herbs. Apparently Starkly killed them over some dispute or another.

09-14-2007, 08:52 AM
Altanya, an important NPC of the storyline should be back in the area tomorrow. She claimed she would be near the Dais, for those looking to be involved. Further, she claimed the other scholars will be there throughout the weekend. They are all collecting alchemic ingredients.

09-14-2007, 10:34 AM
I just want to state for the record that I fully expect a double switch here: these scholar folks turn out to be summoning a ginormous kiramon invasion or something.

09-14-2007, 12:04 PM
eh, Peri and Missoni are involved. I really just don't want to bother anymore at the moment. Anyway, an important NPC is at the Dais for all who wish to follow the storyline.
Cool, at least they're not in Solhaven. Peace and quiet!!! w00t!

09-14-2007, 07:28 PM
In their defense, they do hunt in the area. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with their type of RP. And in MY defense, neither was Starkly, so I know I am not alone.

09-14-2007, 08:53 PM
The only thing that brought them to the East was the storyline in Vaalor, and now in Illistim. They are hunting there because they are going to be here as long as the storyline is here. I guarantee that when the storyline moves to another city, so will they. Its what they do. She does it as the General of Northern Fury, and he does it as A) her husband and B) a character who feels that he should be involved in any conflict that threatens Elanthians. :shrug:

Some Rogue
09-14-2007, 10:15 PM
Yeah, it was kind of annoying having them magically appear in Vaalor when the NPC's would show up. It's like, why are you even here? You don't hunt in Vaalor, you don't know the people here, just go away and leave some of the people who don't normally get involved with this kind of thing to have their moment.

Haywood J.
09-14-2007, 10:47 PM
Do they somehow prevent others from having their moment?

09-14-2007, 10:58 PM
It can be daunting for others to get involved when they are there, and most certainly if you are furthering the enemies cause. I personally don't have an issue with them, I just sometimes dont want that level of conflict. If it turns to CvC, I have to KOS due to their levels.

09-15-2007, 01:34 AM
I don't think any of us are amateurs at this GS serious business. Few people here would be intimidated by them.

Starkly may not be a bastion of great RP but I didn't find him out of line in this instance.

Some Rogue
09-15-2007, 01:58 AM
Do they somehow prevent others from having their moment?

When they dominate the conversation and pull all the NPC attention, which obviously isn't all their fault, yes.

09-15-2007, 11:38 AM
Not in their defence but before some of you where there (maybe you were I do not know all of you).

Starkly and Adamina and about 4 others were randomly attacking each other and then healing each others wounds... These two were acting like total morons.

It was that dais annoying as hell behavior and it was making the NPC nervous. I think we are lucky she stayed about so long.

09-15-2007, 01:20 PM
I cast sanctuary, and am now being randomly attacked by some idiot halfling for it. Further, I gave Altanya a sanctuary scroll, she can put one up whenever she wishes.

Also, for any who wish to be involved in the storyline, there is to be a meeting on the boulder located in Sylvarraend to discuss the problem at length. I expect this event will further the plot a fair deal, so if you can attend, it is at 8PM EST.

09-15-2007, 02:22 PM
Is that tonight?

09-15-2007, 05:01 PM
I *think* so. Check the Kiramon folder for the official announcements, as it was listed there. I will just start X-posting them here as well.

09-16-2007, 12:14 AM
An Imperial Bulletin · on 9/15/2007 11:13:13 PM 335


Imperial Bulletin
Turamzzyrian Empire

Recent occurrences have brought it to the attention of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Aurmont Anodheles that a potion originating in the Elven Nations brings disease and possible death to any who taste it. Given that open trading with individuals in the Elven Nations has allowed for this devastating potion to filter into the Empire's borders, it is hereby declared that the imported potion trade is to be discontinued until such time as a cure is discovered. Additionally, any potions that are thought to carry the disease will be destroyed.

It is also declared that all Imperial citizens with healing abilities are immediately called upon to find a cure for the disease that the potion has caused. His Imperial Majesty is fully confident in the Empire's ability to find a cure as quickly and efficiently as possible.

May the Grace of Koar find us all in these times.

Issued in the name of His Imperial Majesty, Aurmont Anodheles, Emperor of the Turamzzyrian Empire.

09-16-2007, 12:15 AM
Oh, Bleck. I forgot to X-post my synopsis here.
A group of Illistimi Alchemists, as well as concerned citizens did gather on the boulder to attempt to reproduce the Hazy Violet Potion. After several failures, a recipe was produced that successfully reproduced a hazy violet potion. Ingredients included a firemote orb, a perfect essence rose, and rum-soaked Aelotoi spit. I am sure someone will come along and post a more detailed list of ingredients.

After finally figuring out what it takes to MAKE the potion, the Scholars are now attempting to figure out how to counter each ingredient, and expressed an interest in others seeking possible solutions as well. As so far, no specific date for another meeting has been set.

Stanley Burrell
09-16-2007, 12:29 AM
rum-soaked Aelotoi spit


Some Rogue
09-16-2007, 10:56 AM
Wolfsbane root
Perfect essence rose
Rum-soaked Aelotoi spit
cuctucae berry
firemote orb
butterfly wing

09-16-2007, 01:09 PM
I'd like to mention that people that have not touched the potions are getting infected as well. it might be transmitting through empaths that have the illness and healing others....but there's no definate way to prove it. It could have become airborne which would mean everyone could get this illness now.

09-16-2007, 04:27 PM
Yeah, Kembal's no longer healing on the dais. He's going to have to ask whether people have consumed the potion or not before healing them too.

I'm ready to get back in this storyline after being out for 10 days.

09-16-2007, 07:26 PM
several years ago.. wasn't that dwarf disease airborne too? The one that Kadesha made the cure for. I bet this is similar.

09-16-2007, 10:12 PM
There was an incidence of a disease that most people think was the return of the Red Rot, though I'm not sure if it's certain that's what it was. The substance that infected the dwarves was released in a series of earthquakes that opened up a series of caverns in Zul Logoth, which have now been plated over.


09-17-2007, 12:35 AM
Potion ingredients discovered, and more · on 9/16/2007

~*The Elanthian Gazette*~

Purple Nectar Ingredients Discovered
By: Nesser, Gazette Reporter

Restday, Imaerasta the 16th, 5107

TA'ILLISTIM -- The individuals in Ta'Illistim have found the potion's ingredients! They now know how to make it, but they aren't letting anyone else taste it! The next step is to find what counteracts the potions ingredients, so that the cure may be mixed together!

The ingredients were a strange mixture, if ever there was one: tuberoses, cuctucae berries, wolfsbane, blue trafel mushrooms, black illusion roses, firemote orbs, and, that secret ingredient -- aelotoi saliva. But not just any aelotoi saliva -- it had rum in it! A butterfly wing was used to stir the mix, and Siledryn supplied a spark of energy to activate the mixture. Looks like they were on the sauce while they were mixing and matching! It's time to find what opposes the effects these ingredients cause, so start thinking, start searching, and get in on the cure!

Keep looking! A cure is on it's way! Help is needed!

~~*~~ Special Announcement ~~*~~
~~*~~Concerning all elven citizens ~~*~~

Following discussions between the Elven Houses, it has been found to be within the best interest of all to declare an emergency situation. Potions recently sold in the cities of Ta'Vaalor, Ta'Loenthra, Ta'Illistim, and Ta'Nalfein have been found to cause disease that afflicts all races, but that is especially harmful to those of elven descent.

Citizens who have tasted the potion should be aware that the potion can cause dizziness, nausea, and even death. It is recommended to all citizens to see a healer, and that rest and comfortable surroundings are important at this time.

The Ta'Illistim government has agreed to entreat scholars and academics knowledgeable of the potion's effects to work in finding a cure as quickly as possible.

~~*~~ ~~*~~

Stanley Burrell
09-17-2007, 07:28 AM
It was the bug vomit! I knew it!

Soon we'll have to gather all the acidic saliva to burn a hole into the First National Bank, from where we'll steal money to keep up with payments on our broken patio furniture! Ahahaha!

09-20-2007, 12:29 AM
~^v^Commoner's Concerns^v^~

Seems to me a thing or two fishy's gone on round here. We got everaone running around like ridiculous, like they kobolds or something gone all mismatched in the head. Getting that cure's all good since we need it. Can't be having people sick and dying. But why we aren't going after them winged things that sold the potions is what don't make no sense. They know how to make it. Guessing they know how to cure it. Would make good sense to this old one sitting here writing. Already got orcs after us in that one place, causing people to abandon their lives, and now we got winged things feeding us something that ain't right. We all need to get together to put a plan together to find them Ael-toi and bring em in, make sure they held accounible, or whatever it is, and they pay for the crime. Make sure they know it weren't right, that they can't get away with it. If they attack us with a little potion, what's to make other kinds like the trolls or the kiramon think they can't get us worse?

Scholars Plan Second Meeting · on 9/19/2007

~*Heart of the City-States*~

Scholars Plan Second Meeting, Report on Cure
By: Ivre, Heart of the City-States Reporter

Day of the Huntress, Imaerasta the 19th, 5107

ELVEN CITY-STATES -- Scholars from Ta'Illistm who discovered the cure for the aelotoi-sold potion have announced that they believe they are close to finding a cure to the potion's adverse side effects. They are calling for a meeting on day 21 of the month of Imaerasta in the evening near the clock's time of eleven to share their theories and conclusions with the public. Due to the widespread interest in a cure from both individuals and government groups, the scholars have stated that they will meet at the Ta'Illistim Amphitheatre.

09-20-2007, 11:09 PM
Tonight, the Illistimi Scholars announced over the thought net that they had a new lead on the process of discovering the cure, and that those interested in the development should join them on the Dais. After a brief discussion, a group headed out down Sylvarraend road towards the apparent source of an ingredient said to have been gathered by the Aelotoi merchants.

Shortly into the journey, the group stumbled upon Rizbran, one of the Aelotoi merchants, who was nearly dilerious with pain and the lingering effects of the sickness. He rambled out a string of apologies, saying he was not responsible for his actions, and that he was forced to do the bidding of the "Elders." He had only escaped their dominating mental influence due to their distance away from our location, though it seemed still to cost him a great effort to speak of exactly who, or what they are.

After being repeatedly questioned as to who these Elders were, before he could mutter in response more than "Ki.." The disease began to manifest in full. Blood poured from his eyes, nose, and mouth, proceeding a clear fluid which streamed from his ears. At this point, argument broke out whether to continue to attempt to gain information from Rizbran, or to simply let him find rest in death. Attempts were made to heal, then animate, and finally to resurrect Rizbran, but he dragged himself away to die yet again and rot away.

Moments later, Kiramon attacked, answering the question Rizbran failed to answer. They were of a species to my knowledge never seen upon Elanthia, and possessed the ability to fly. After the deaths of several of those gathered, the Kiramon were eventually killed. After the brief battle, discussion as to how to proceed in the light of this new information took place. The map to the location we had originally sought was made nearly useless during the fight. Only the word, "Gyldamar", remained legible, but the scholars hadn't the energy to continue.

In the end, the group returned to town with the Illistimi Scholars promising to continue to investigate, and to attempt to reach the Gyldamar forest tomorrow night. The meeting, planned for Tomorrow for eleven hours past noon at the Ta'Illistim Amphitheatre, may or may not be held.

*Short version: Scholars called people to the Dais, we headed out, ran into a Aelotoi merchant who tried to tell us who was controlling them, but he died from the disease before he could say, then 6ish Kiramon Keepers attacked.*

09-21-2007, 12:05 AM
Angry citizens swarmed the wagons known for peddling the Purple Nectar today. Find out all about it from the various publications around the City-States!

~*The Elanthian Gazette*~

Front Page News

Wagons On Fire!
By: Nesser, Gazette Reporter

Niiman, Imaerasta the 20th, 5107

TA'ILLISTIM -- The aelotoi wagons for selling the Purple Nectar have been burnt down by angry citizens. And no wonder, for they have much to be angry about! This occurred throughout the Nations where the potions were sold. An especially violent incident is reported to have occured in Ta'Loenthra, where the destruction accidentally spread to nearby structures. Gone with the wagons, though!

On other even more important matters -- such as finding those who caused this, who would dare to poison and trick us!



Front Page News

Flames of animosity raged along western Victory Court this eve in our otherwise peaceful city. Why violence must befall us is a query that I will dispense upon you, the reader, to answer. But consider: the wagon that was set aflame and defaced was of no siginficant threat to any citizen of Ta'Vaalor. Officials previously sealed off the areas, and instead of acquiescing to the city's determinations in how to proceed, the public has taken matters into its own hands, and thereby disturbed the public peace.

In the future, I should think it astute of our citizenry to conduct themselves in an enlightened manner rather than by means of perfunctory abandon and reckless negligence.


~*The Elven Herald*~

Front Page News

Ta'Illistim Set On Fire!
By: Petratho, Herald Reporter

Niiman, Imaerasta the 20th, 5107

TA'ILLISTIM -- The streets of Ta'Illistim burned with fire, causing excitement in the city yesterday.

A wagon, infamous for selling Purple Nectar along Mzaarine Wey, was burnt down and demolished yesterday evening when a mob full of hatred for what the potion has done to them rampaged through the city, looking for someone or something to blame. With little regard to public harmony, the mob physically destroyed and then set afire the wagon. All that remains now is rubble and ashes, which the city officials are certain to clear away in short order.

The city has been questioned in terms of their lack of response at the time. Officials have remained close-lipped, though certain sources indicate that the wagon posed more of a threat to the city than the mob did. Confirmation of this will be sought after by this publication.

09-21-2007, 12:05 AM
Some shots of the Kiramon.

Debia swings an eahnor-edged curving vultite falchion at a sleek black kiramon keeper!
AS: +528 vs DS: +71 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +55 = +544
... and hits for 171 points of damage!
Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.

A sleek black kiramon keeper charges at Altanya!
AS: +298 vs DS: +76 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +14 = +262
... and hits for 38 points of damage!
Right elbow smashed into a thousand pieces.
She is stunned!

** White-blue bolts of electrical energy radiate outward from the keeper! **

... 40 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes right arm to elbow. Won't be using it for awhile.

A sleek black kiramon keeper claws at Kortirion!
AS: +378 vs DS: +200 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +21 = +222
... and hits for 32 points of damage!
Slash to Kortirion's right arm!
Slices neatly through the skin and meets bone!
He is stunned!

A sleek black kiramon keeper darts behind Altanya and tries to hamstring her with its pincers!
[Roll result: 144 (open d100: 16)]
With a vicious double-strike the kiramon keeper slashes at Altanya's right hamstring!
... 21 points of damage!

You gesture at a sleek black kiramon keeper.
CS: +477 - TD: +267 + CvA: +25 + d100: +63 == +298
Warding failed!
... and hits for 34 points of damage!
A sleek black kiramon keeper is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 15 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
... 45 points of damage!
What was once the kiramon keeper's left leg shatters with your well placed strike!
The kiramon keeper's left hind leg gives way and it lurches to the ground.
... 65 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces the kiramon keeper to a smoldering pile of ash!
The kiramon keeper clicks one last time and dies.
You feel 4 mana surge into you!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

09-22-2007, 02:03 AM
Wagons Burn, Kiramon Involvement Rumored

~*Heart of the City-States*~

Front Page News

Wagons Burn, Kiramon Involvement Rumored
By: Ivre, Heart of the City-States Reporter

Day of the Huntress, Imaerasta the 21st, 5107

ELVEN CITY-STATES -- Fear laces the hearts of many as whispers of a kiramon influence in the City-States has surfaced. Dozens of reports have filtered through this office since late last evening regarding the location of one Rizbran, an aelotoi who sold the potions filled with disease. Rizbran reportedly spoke of orders given by aelotoi elders, and made reference to some sort of control by the kiramon, though the wording in reports received varies vastly. What is clear, however, is that the aelotoi abruptly died in the middle of inquiry due to circumstances that are not entirely clear. Some attribute it to the potions, though many others believe some sort of destructive mind control was involved, due to the presence of several winged kiramon.

In close relation to the news on the aelotoi, wagons throughout the City-States that were responsible for housing the aelotoi-sold potions have been destroyed or gone missing in all areas. In Ta'Illistim, Ta'Loenthra, and Ta'Vaalor, fire and mob destruction account for the fate of the wagons. Ta'Nalfein is the only city in which reports have remained quiet in nature, with no reference to fire, though it has been confirmed that the wagons there no longer stand on city streets. What is for certain in all of this is that an animosity has developed toward the aelotoi who sold the potions.

09-22-2007, 02:04 AM
A lot of stuff happened tonight, but I am too tired to go into much detail. Basically, more Kiramon attacked, and the scholars believes themselves to be very close to the cure. Also, one of the Merchants seems to have been freed from the Kiramon influence.

Some Rogue
09-22-2007, 11:33 AM
Also, one of the Merchants seems to have been freed from the Kiramon influence.

Was it Amallia? Had a feeling about her from the beginning.

09-22-2007, 01:42 PM
yep it was Amallia that was freed from control. She was in great pain though trying to fight it. She tried to lead us to the hidden village but she collapsed from the pain in the end and had to return to Illistim.

The scholars gathered up a number of people to aid in creating an antidote to the purple potion. After an hour of using alchemy a potion was created that is believed to have worked. One of the scholars that was very ill and agreed to be the guinnea pig drank it and soon felt much better. The production of more antidotes are to soon start once the hard to find ingredient of aelotoi tears becomes available

09-22-2007, 03:30 PM
The Kiramon Hidden in the Grass ·

~*The Elanthian Gazette*~

Front Page News

Purple Nectar from the Kiramon!
By: Nesser, Gazette Reporter

Feastday, Imaerasta the 22nd, 5107

TA'ILLISTIM -- Ruination may be upon us if action is not quickly taken!

The potions that we have long blamed the aelotoi for were actually made at kiramon bidding! Kiramon, yes, kiramon, have taken control of a small population of the aelotoi. Those big kiramon bugs forced the small and weak aelotoi to make the potions, all to, for some reason, target the City-States!

We know what must be done. You know what must be done. Destroy the kiramon! Free the aelotoi! Gain back our hope!


~*The Elven Herald*~

Front Page News

Kiramon Attack, Mind Controlled Aelotoi Safe
By: Petratho, Herald Reporter

Feastday, Imaerasta the 22nd, 5107

TA'ILLISTIM -- Kiramon have invaded the protected space of Ta'Illistim!

The generous city of Ta'Illistim welcomed Amallia into her arms yesterday evening. Amallia is an aelotoi who sold the potions that have inflicted so many with disease, but she has assured us that it was against her own will. She does not remember brewing the potion, nor much of anything else, though she is sure she was under kiramon influence.

As Amallia recovers under the care of the city, she has promised to disclose as much as she can remember later in the evening. After she does, citizens should be fully prepared to invade the camp where the potions were first made. Fully acknowledging and destroying the threat, and the cause, is the only way that the city can keep itself safe from future threats.

Amallia will be held, of course, for further questioning.

09-22-2007, 04:42 PM
Here's one thing I don't get: didn't "aelotoi" use to be a proper noun?

09-22-2007, 04:49 PM
I hope that this is Alien-style, and the aelotoi they have in questioning suddenly has a kiramon burst out of her chest.

09-22-2007, 05:10 PM
Bwahaha. I would laugh. Rizbran's death was awesome, BTW. Brutal stuff. It should be fun tonight, too. A good time to get involved.

I likely wont be there, as UFC is tonight. Ah well, Social life before GS, right...Right?

09-22-2007, 07:30 PM

09-23-2007, 11:41 PM
Samesta is handing out the cure on the Dais right now. Look for Kalare as well.

Drink at your own risk.

Stuck up Elf
09-23-2007, 11:54 PM
Kalare is in Vaalor now asking if anyone suffered from the illness.

09-23-2007, 11:58 PM

You hear the faint thoughts of Samesta echo in your mind:
[General]: "Distributing the cure for the disease caused by drinking the hazy violet potion. Come get a sip if you're in need. I'm outside the Moot Hall."

09-24-2007, 01:14 PM

You hear the faint thoughts of Samesta echo in your mind:
[General]: "Distributing the cure for the disease caused by drinking the hazy violet potion. Come get a sip if you're in need. I'm outside the Moot Hall."

Ahha! Samesta's a Chronomage!

09-26-2007, 06:11 PM
does anyone in Illistim or IFW have a cure potion for this thing? It's getting really annoying

09-26-2007, 07:17 PM
No. I am going to try to brew one, though. My hommies are all sick, yo.

09-27-2007, 03:08 AM
You sense that the ritual is complete and lower your hands. The flame beneath the cauldron quietly goes out. You note that the solution in the cauldron has condensed into a rich potion.

You reach into the cauldron and fill your flask.

>tap my pot
You tap a hazy silver potion, which is in your left hand.
You beam!

Took me four days of solid hunting, foraging and tube waving but I finally managed it! And the irony is she hasn't shown any of the symptoms in those four days.

09-27-2007, 03:28 AM
Congrats. Where did you get your Ambergris?

09-27-2007, 04:00 AM
I found the best place to look was the Bog in Solhaven. The shelfaes drop tons of boxes so the odds are better.

09-27-2007, 08:39 AM
Well, if anyone has a couple for sale I have a character that keeps getting sick and so does a friend of mine.

09-27-2007, 09:20 AM
This just made me realize how awesomely innovative alchemy will be for future shit.

09-27-2007, 09:22 AM
I just wish you could smack an Aelotoi to get Aelotoi tears.

09-27-2007, 10:04 AM
With a deft flick of the wrist, you strike Flutterfly sharply across the face. Tears come unbidden to her unnaturally large eyes and you take a moment to casually set an empty vial against her cheek.

09-27-2007, 12:15 PM
This just made me realize how awesomely innovative alchemy will be for future shit.I wonder if this is the same deal that forging and bane weapons had: namely, that the system was designed specifically for the solution to one quest and afterwards nobody in red cared about it for 2-3 years.

09-27-2007, 12:16 PM
:( Hope not.

09-27-2007, 12:17 PM
I just meant in general, Evarin


09-27-2007, 01:56 PM
Well, I got a couple of 'sickos' in the Illi/Vaalor area who could use a cure, too. Anyone selling? I'm tired of going into 10 minute sheer fear in the gemshop...

09-27-2007, 04:53 PM
apparently not, I've been asking here and in game for days. Sheer fear for 10 minutes ftl :(

Some Rogue
09-27-2007, 04:54 PM
Supposedly Rohese who I've seen around Vaalor can make them now.

09-27-2007, 05:28 PM
From what the GMs posted on the boards, they were just planning to sell the cure outright via the shops, but then alchemy came out right in the middle of planning the whole thing, so they switched to an alchemy recipe.

I think it's fairly cool that they did so. I do wish the recipe was a little easier to make. :(

09-27-2007, 06:09 PM
It's semi cool that they let it be made with alchemy, but the problem comes in when you dont know anyone spending 10 hours a day learning it and therefore at the mercy of people you dont know to get a cure for this thing.

09-28-2007, 01:01 AM
From what the GMs have posted on the boards, anyone who has any sort of ranks in alchemy can make them. At least, that's how I interpret.


09-28-2007, 03:47 AM
Supposedly Rohese who I've seen around Vaalor can make them now.

I can and I am more than willing to make some more but the ingredients are really hard and time consuming to gather. The four doses of the cure I recently made have already been allocated I'm afraid or I would have offered them up here but I will endeavour to make more as time permits.

And as Nilandia says, it doesn't take many ranks of alchemy to be able to make it, just enough to be able to extract.

09-28-2007, 03:53 AM
Anyone know if the cure is also an immunization? It was mentioned that you could "catch" the disease, can you chug a potion, then interact w/ a sick person and become sick again?

I also have to imagine after a time everyone will just be cured... otherwise someone could get a locker character sick, shelve him for a while... then start a panademic a year or two down the road ... wait... wonder if the name Captrips is taken...

09-28-2007, 03:59 AM
Anyone know if the cure is also an immunization? It was mentioned that you could "catch" the disease, can you chug a potion, then interact w/ a sick person and become sick again?

Damn, I hope it is or else she's taking up the veil and disappearing into the Abbey for the next few years.

09-28-2007, 09:32 PM
There is an event happening now at the Ta'Illistim Amphitheatre which likely concerns this storyline.

09-29-2007, 01:45 AM
The meeting had nothing to do with the storyline. It was simply an IC town meeting.

09-29-2007, 12:44 PM
I have heard that if you take the cure and then drink the infected potion you will become infected once more. A friend asked one of the scholars this on my behalf and got that response.

09-29-2007, 01:27 PM
Heh. I asked that same question.

Nessu Karthorbek
09-29-2007, 11:02 PM
This may sound odd, but I certainly hope, they don't nerf any spare potions that people may have left and that they keep the infection live. What with the ability for just about any pure level 15 and above to make a cure, there's really no reason not to.

Plus, I still have about 40 or so of those things stacked up in a locker just waiting to be given out to unsuspecting adventurers who've forgotten about the 'big bad kiramon' threat

09-29-2007, 11:13 PM
Heh. I have about 54 potions in storage.