View Full Version : Bard info...
09-12-2007, 05:35 PM
I recently made a bard to mess around with.
I've never played one and they also don't seem to be a very popular profession.
I'm having trouble finding any helpful information.
First of all, Song of Purification.
So this increases value of a gem by 10% per cast right?
How do I know how many times I can use it before risking an explosion? Also, how many casts before creating an orb? I've seen other bards get to a certain point and then say, "okay, here's the tough part," and then it explodes. How did they know it would explode? I had one last 8 or 9 casts before exploding... another blew up after 3 casts. Just a bad hidden roll?
Next, loresinging.
I can't seem to figure out exactly how this works. I manged to get it to work a few times, but it seems very inconsistent. More times than not I end up singing and nothing happens at all... no message. Even more confusing is how I can sing a phrase I've used before that worked and it never seems to work again.
topaz that i hold;what is your worth if if you are sold?
That worked once, and then never again.
I've also got, "Your song was too weak" message a few times.
Can anyone explain how this works and how I can properly sing to something and find out all the info I need?
Also, does level effect Purification Song and loresinging at all? Stats? Skills other than manipulation?
Oh yeah, and the GS site says you must SING not CAST... yet CAST works fine for all my spellsongs. Any difference?
That's all I can think of right now... sorry for all the questions at once. Uber Bard newb, here... thanks for any info or links/guides.
09-12-2007, 06:31 PM
Song of purification: I'm lazy about it I sing everything 4 times most gems you can sing past that but I never have any blow up. There is lore that affects this I don't remember which so I'll update it later. Suffice to say 4 is safe on most things.
Influence and Aura are going to be your prime stats for singing.
As to the rest for loresinging
1st rule of thumb to abide by, the <item> you are singing to must be in the first verse of the loresong. However you do not have to be singing TO or ABOUT said item
Example (dont)
Loresing Gem of mine gem so pure;Be the value which you differ?
Have fun with it
I once knew a gem, such a fine and tender bit of lovely lass;
Her hair flaxen curls, curves were taught, such a value couldnae be bought!;
But her da was to be merchant of note and whilst my suit was to be saught;
Rounded up some baudy lads who put me primly and properly out on my ass!
Now you don't really net any more than the value out of this and perhaps the purpose but it's more fun. Loresinging was made for embelishment if there ever was. A GM is on record as saying rhyming does help the power of your song (though none of us have ever been able to determine the extent)
There are identifiers which must be in the second verse that can help guide a song but they aren't sublimely important beleive it or not. Persistance is the most important thing. Do a GIS search for "Gemstone Loresinging" in quotes there are more than 4 or 5 guides out there by some bards who have much more acrediation than myself.
Level will also effect you greatly prior to level 10 you are going to fail a lot even on simple items. Post that as long as your singing like level you should be fine. Now if you try and sing a story'd weapon you might get very little out of it. But when you do get to that point it makes it worth it.
Bottom line: Don't have a script and don't be ordinary with most of my loresongs they are either a blatant attempt to be baudy or to playfully insult someone in the room (including myself). You are representing the bardic class here, we are the french whore peacocks of Elanthia damnit!
09-12-2007, 06:37 PM
What's wrong with having a script? My bard isn't a performer, he doesn't sing or dance for peoples amusement. He doesn't play instruments (which will blow when I get to where I can use 1020). I won't loresing with other people in the room, and by golly, I'm gonna use a script!
09-12-2007, 06:41 PM
You get what you put in Tasty. You wanna script, then script it is quite literally your world. But I'm not going to tell anyone asking for advice about loresinging to use a script. Its an RP matter not a Mechanical one. The higher up you get most of the loresinging you do is for other peoples behalf not your own. To which I say, ham it up and have fun with it. Honestly, if this concept runs counter culture to how you want to play a bard, thats fine but you're not playing a bard your playing a harpy, act accordingly.
09-12-2007, 07:54 PM
Damn, I missed that part of the documentation where it says bards have to loresing for the public and be entertainment.
Guess I'd better reroll!
09-12-2007, 08:51 PM
Looking at your planned build I concur!
I keed I keed!
09-13-2007, 04:26 PM
Ouch, that hurt.
Want to know what's even better, though? I'm trying to figure out how to add in 2x pick locks and 1.5x disarm/perception. Real pure PICKING bard ftw!
09-14-2007, 10:52 AM
Probably doable actually perception is cheap for bards (actually perception is cheap for EVERYONE)
If you're not training weapons or armor past full leather you will have plenty of points to spare as long as you spend them wisely.
09-14-2007, 03:45 PM
I'm not spending a point in weapons or armor. Using a runestaff and robes.
09-14-2007, 04:05 PM
personal choice, and you mentioned it was part of your rp but from a mechanical standpoint full leather fail rate is practically nil with very few trainings, and the crit diff is much better.
09-14-2007, 04:26 PM
Heh, why be a bard if you aren't a performer at all? That is *what* a bard is.
I'm sure I'll hear every answer why, but seems kind of silly to me.
09-14-2007, 04:36 PM
self loathing?
09-14-2007, 07:20 PM
personal choice, and you mentioned it was part of your rp but from a mechanical standpoint full leather fail rate is practically nil with very few trainings, and the crit diff is much better.
I know that robes aren't as good as armor. Doesn't matter though.
And welcome to Gemstone, Angela. All empaths are not kindly healers, all sorcerers are not evil incarnate, and all bards are not performers.
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