View Full Version : script help
09-08-2007, 02:54 AM
can someone help me figure out why this script doesnt work?
counter set 0
pause 1
put light caul
put get water
put put water in caul
put get %1 %2
put put %1 %2 in caul
goto firsttry
put alch %3
pause 20
match sweet [rolling boil]
match sweet [slow simmer]
match firsttry [but then dies down]
put get flask
put alch seal
pause 26
put put %1 in cloak
goto start:
09-08-2007, 03:10 AM
put alch %3
pause 20
match sweet [rolling boil]
match sweet [slow simmer]
match firsttry [but then dies down]
Try taking out the brackets, I believe it's trying to wait until it finds either of those phrases including the brackets... That's just first guess since you didn't mention where it stops at.
09-08-2007, 12:31 PM
its stops after it attempts to boil, i killed the [] in the matchs and it still stops there
09-08-2007, 12:33 PM
This is a wiz FE script? If its stormfront then you need to change the variables to %1%(I think thats what it is, I dont use sf). If its wiz FE then the multiple "put" commands with nothing to slow it down might be causing the script to get ahead of itself. Try adding a waitfor You after some of the puts.
Also, the pause 20 will cause it to wait for 20 seconds AFTER the rt is up iirc. Try doing a wait 20 or just pause 1.
09-08-2007, 12:54 PM
stormfront, its weird now, it wont work the first time but when i type "alch boil" no matter what the outcome, it will catch and run a cycle, if it boils after i type alch boil then the script finishs, if it fails then it inputs alch boil again. if the alch boil the script enters fails then it will snag again
Haywood J.
09-08-2007, 12:55 PM
Your Pause is before your matches, so it doesn't get any new line feeds to match against. If you want it to pause 20 seconds, put that right after your Sweet: matchmarker.
09-08-2007, 01:01 PM
once i get another guild cauldron task ill put the changes in and give it another go, thanks for the help guys
09-08-2007, 01:14 PM
still locks up after the first boil/simmer, heres what i got
counter set 0
pause 1
put light caul
put get water
put put water in caul
put get %1 %2
put put %1 %2 in caul
goto firsttry
put alch %3
wait 20
match sweet The flame beneath it quickly flares up wildly, bringing the contents to a rolling boil.
match sweet The flame beneath it quickly flares to life, bringing the contents to a slow simmer.
match firsttry The flame beneath it flickers briefly, but then dies down.
put get flask
put alch seal
pause 26
put put %1 in cloak
goto start:
09-08-2007, 01:46 PM
Your Pause is before your matches, so it doesn't get any new line feeds to match against. If you want it to pause 20 seconds, put that right after your Sweet: matchmarker.
put alch %3
wait 20
match sweet The flame beneath it quickly flares up wildly, bringing the contents to a rolling boil.
You dont even need that wait actually. The script will wait until it finds one of the criteria for the matches and then go from there. Remove the wait.
09-08-2007, 05:10 PM
matchwait has a built in roundtime pause, you don't need a wait/pause and a matchwait. Kill the wait.
11-23-2007, 01:56 AM
anytime you put wait or pause before the matches your matches will never get met! matchwait usually has a wait in it also if it misses do to sf then i also put these matches in it
match label ...wait
match label Whatever you do
put pause 1
goto label it timed out on (this is so it repeats the process)
other label leads it to next step
11-23-2007, 05:35 PM
And why do you have the counter set to 0 when you're not even using it? There's no point to even have it there.
Can you still be in RT when the recipe seals? If not, then this should work. At least it would in the Wizard FE. If you can still be in RT, you can put checks in there that will make sure the RT doesn't screw up the script. Leans or something like that.
put light caul
waitfor you
put get water
waitfor you
put put water in caul
waitfor you
put get %1 %2
waitfor you
put put %1 %2 in caul
waitfor you
goto firsttry
put alch %3
match sweet [rolling boil]
match sweet [slow simmer]
match firsttry [but then dies down]
put get flask
waitfor you
put alch seal
put put %1 in cloak
waitfor you
goto start
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