11-30-2003, 08:24 AM
As the seasons change, it is once again time for the Sorcerer Headmaster's Caucus to convene to discuss revelations on the Art of Sorcery, and what, if any, impact last year's motions have placed upon it. The Caucus shall be gathering in Ta'Illistim this year, but the location remains relatively quiet outside of the Headmaster's circle. All the members are expected to arrive by the week of the 1st of Eorgaen.

(Nothing is as it seems, and what it seems maybe nothing it is. One is best to keep their eyes open, maybe for nothing at all.)

Dighn Darkbeam
11-30-2003, 03:08 PM
Of Course they have to hold the damned thing in EN: The official shithouse of Elanith.

11-30-2003, 03:22 PM
Heh, am I the only one that finds this amusing? Its like the people thought...

"Hey, 99% of our guild is Dark Elven..so lets hold the council in the Nations, the on place we are hated more then anything else! Yah! That sounds like a plan!"


Dighn Darkbeam
12-02-2003, 07:26 AM
Anyone care to post a log? I heard something about some unfindable shop in Illistim that will have Demonology components. If I have to walk my happy ass all the way to the EN and back whenever I run out of supplies, I will be one pissed off manchild.