View Full Version : Vegascon 2008: Dates and Preliminary Information (x-post)
09-01-2007, 05:32 PM
I went and signed the contract yesterday, so now that the ink is dry, it's time to let everyone know!
After listening to the responses here, I went with the South Point. The group sales guy, Byron, is very cool and listened attentively when I tried to accurately describe for him what our group is like. I actually got to see our hospitality suite, and it is fantastic. My favorite bit is the real bar - as in, real wetbar with enough room for people to cluster behind, not, "here is this countertop we crammed into this space so we can call it a bar."
First, the bad news for this year: They're making us pay for the hospitality suite. Depending on the number of attendees (this will determine how big of a suite we actually use), we'll wind up taking a chunk of around $1200 out of our budget for the suite. For that reason, registration is going up, but only by $5. The same wildly awesome array of booze and snax will be available in the suite this year, because the coolest part of Vegascon is the ridiculous amount of booze that registration brings.
The dates will be March 19th-23rd - much later in the spring than I can ever recall. I told them that we were flexible and wanted the best room rates any time in February or March, so this is what we wound up with. For the regular room (which I also got a peek at, and they're gorgeous), our group will be paying $75/night Wednesday and Thursday and $115/night Friday and Saturday. For a four-night total, this is a $60 savings over what we paid last year for the dump (er, Frontier).
As of right now, our room block stands at 25 rooms Wednesday night and 50 Thurs-Sat. They have reserved more double-queen rooms than king rooms, as I naturally assume more people will be bunking up in threes and fours than singles or twos. Byron did say that they would be willing to give us more rooms if the situation demands it, but this is NO REASON to slack on your room reservations. Make them as soon as possible by calling 866.791.7626 and identifying yourself as part of the GS4VEGASCON group. Something important to note is that while you are of course welcome to stay anywhere you'd like, people without room keys will not be allowed access to the elevator banks by security (this is a norm at most "nicer" hotels in Vegas). Registration gets you access to the suites, however; if you are staying somewhere else you'll have to find someone willing to babysit you to get into the elevator area. For this reason, I strongly suggest attendees stay at the South Point.
I have exchanged emails with Bubba, and our signups should be open soon. One thing he suggested I do this year that I didn't do the past two years was have a separate box office event for Plat, so Plat people can sign up with the character they'd like to attend as. Registration won't close until the end of February, so I'll be sure to post reminders about that when the time comes (or make Lisa Ann do it for me, since she's my awesome co-planner lady). As usual, no registration, no entrance. I'm not interested in seeing this turn into an issue again, so no matter who you are or how much I may think I know you, I will not be accepting promises of any type to "donate to the party fund," nor will I be entertaining any discussion about "just hanging out for a little bit." If this in any way unclear, feel free to ask me for details.
Also, in what has become a new tradition, we've decided to honor an event from the previous year by taking it as the new theme. So I hope you're all excited for Vegascon 2008: Down to Chinatown!
Vegascon 2008: Down to Chinatown!
( will be updated soon - feel free to harass Tierus about it until then)
Sean of the Thread
09-01-2007, 05:36 PM
09-02-2007, 12:02 AM
Yay! Thank you so much. This sounds great and the 5 dollar increase is not an issue. I'm looking forward to attending this year and seeing everyone again! You rock!
09-02-2007, 12:53 AM
hey! don't you shit talk on the frontier!
I like my sleazy dirty casinos, thank you very much.
09-02-2007, 01:17 AM
Well, since the Frontier is closed, you'll have to hit Circus Circus for your Hep C infection.
The Ponzzz
09-02-2007, 01:18 AM
Well, since the Frontier is closed, you'll have to hit Circus Circus for your Hep C infection.
09-02-2007, 04:54 AM
ugh...circus circus. No thank you, I need my hep c from consenting adults...not the kids in the midway.
Just truck it down to the old strip. I always had better luck at the tables there too :)
09-02-2007, 07:59 AM
Ooh, I can't wait.:)
09-02-2007, 03:04 PM
So I was looking at flights already and there are some insane prices considering it's so far in advance.
What are some good cheapo flight sites that you can search for tickets on? I haven't flown in a while so I have no clue what's the norm. I'd be coming from Florida (or I could just fly straight out of Atlanta).
09-02-2007, 06:21 PM
I hope to attend this time and bring my boyfriend a long so he may witness the insanity that is Gemstone IV players.
09-02-2007, 06:44 PM
I was hoping to attend but I think I already have a performing gig that weekend.
09-02-2007, 08:20 PM
I would attend, but I may be having a baby that weekend.
09-02-2007, 11:35 PM
So I was looking at flights already and there are some insane prices considering it's so far in advance.
What are some good cheapo flight sites that you can search for tickets on? I haven't flown in a while so I have no clue what's the norm. I'd be coming from Florida (or I could just fly straight out of Atlanta).
Yeah, I was looking at flights, too, 'cause hopefully I'll be able to go this year...and they're just nuts. But...I saw this with SimuCon, too, that pricing flights six or seven months in advance always gets higher prices; they're likely to go down by the time you only have 2 - 4 months until your trip.
Right now I just have Travelocity watching fares for me. Not like I'll even be able to think of actually purchasing a plane ticket until around Thanksgiving at the earliest anyway.
~Some Chick
09-02-2007, 11:56 PM
09-03-2007, 01:03 AM
Looks like we might have to make out own frozen margaritas this year. :(
The Ponzzz
09-03-2007, 01:50 AM
You all should be using Best airfare site out there for getting deals. I used them over 10 times now and never a problem with the ticketing process... Not the airlines, that's a whole other issue...
I'm seeing flights for just under/over 200 roundtrip from NY for me.
09-05-2007, 07:58 PM
Signups are now open... so thank you very much to Bubba for doing that super-speedy-like.
For the uninitiated among you, you are probably wondering, what does my $50 get? It goes to pay for...
-The hospitality suite in which we will all party like rockstars
-The seemingly un-ending supply of booze which will be in the suite (we'll be serving Singapore Sling this year out of the jug, as Bard's Brew is SO over, along with lots of beer and other useful liquor
-Snax in the suite
-A catered lunch during the raffle
-Prizes for the raffle (last year I gave away a 2G iPod Nano, and GMs donated awesome stuff like alteration sessions)
-Other things associated with the suite - trash bags, ice, cups, ice, plates, ice
-Badges of d00m identifying you as the dork you are
-Pizza party
-Tips for the housekeeping staff
So sign up early. Signups will close on FEBRUARY 29TH. After that cutoff, they will only be available through me, and the price will go up to $80 (doubling the price at $50 seemed a wee bit extreme). This is not because I'm a greedy bitch, it is to encourage you to sign up early so I have a somewhat accurate count of how much stuff I need to purchase.
I will constantly remind you of this.
<3 Kristin/Naessi (updated for '08 as soon as Tierus gets off his lazy bum)
09-05-2007, 08:02 PM
How many people usually turn out for this? it fun?
09-05-2007, 08:05 PM
Gah. I could possibly go to this. My spring break is the next day. What time does stuff start on the Friday, the 28th?
09-05-2007, 08:09 PM
Wait, I was looking at the dates in the old website...the new dates are the week before Easter. Luckily, I go to a Catholic law school, and have all those days off, yay.
Now, I need to figure out if I want to go. Hmmmmm.
09-05-2007, 08:10 PM
Give us links to pictures from previous VCs!
I don't really lick the slide show thing on the VC site, anyone else not like it?
09-07-2007, 04:46 AM
Have you looked at Jet Blue? and allegiant
So I was looking at flights already and there are some insane prices considering it's so far in advance.
What are some good cheapo flight sites that you can search for tickets on? I haven't flown in a while so I have no clue what's the norm. I'd be coming from Florida (or I could just fly straight out of Atlanta).
09-07-2007, 08:01 AM
Or you could just start gambling an insane amount at the closest MGM or HET casino and they'll give you a free flight to Vegas for those dates.
09-07-2007, 07:06 PM
I live only a few hours from Vegas so I'm pretty interested in this. What all are the events that usualy happen, and other activities that you all get into? Is it pretty much like the average weekend in Vegas, drinking and gambling, or are the Vegascon activities take up the majority of the time?
09-08-2007, 12:07 AM
Wait, wait, we're actually staying in a decent hotel this year?!
09-08-2007, 01:20 AM
I live only a few hours from Vegas so I'm pretty interested in this. What all are the events that usualy happen, and other activities that you all get into? Is it pretty much like the average weekend in Vegas, drinking and gambling, or are the Vegascon activities take up the majority of the time?
This is a good question. The schedule goes something like this (based on previous years) - -
Wednesday: Early arrivals.
-Some kind of organized dinner. Since we have to pay through the nose for the hospitality suite this year, it probably won't be open Wednesday night.
Thursday: Official first day. Hospitality suite will open around 5pm-ish.
-In previous years we've done a "welcome dinner," last year's (at Firefly) was very successful - but - I originally told the guy 35 people, then changed it to 50 the week of, then we showed up with around 65. In short, people don't RSVP well and I had to practically bully the guy into letting us order ala carte at 35. So there may not be a welcome dinner this year.
-Pub Crawl. Best event evar. We do four pubs in about 4.5 hours, they're locals' joints so you're not paying $10 for a domestic. Plus, there are waitresses in leather bras which have proved enormously popular.
-Hanging out in the suite all night.
Friday: Suites will open around 10am for people to congregate and play stuff like Munchkin (which I still don't understand).
-Raffle. I do a "lite" lunch with this (delivery from Jason's Deli). Raffle tix are $1 each, funds go to the con, and last year we gave away something like 5 GM-donated prizes (like alteration sessions), a few books, gift certificates, silvers, an iPod, etc.
-Jello. Friday night is the night of the Jello shot party, which also traditionally requires some kind of costume (last year was The Discovery Channel party, people wore animal ears).
Saturday: Saturday is a pretty relaxed, open day. We do a pizza dinner that night in the suites, and do our best to consume the rest of the booze. If people want to go to a show, strip club, etc, this is usually the night they choose to do that.
Sunday: We do a farewell brunch, I'm not sure where that's taking place this year (previous we've done it at TI's Dishes, but that's kinda far away from where we're staying this year).
So to sum up: Most of the activities take place at night. The suites are open most of the time and people just hang out doing whatever, going off on little adventures in groups, stuff like that. Since our location has a lot to offer this year I'm looking at doing an organized bingo day, a movie afternoon, bowling night, etc. Registration includes pizza, lunch, booze (in-suite), pub crawl, and consumption of snax in the suite. Meals (except for pizza and deli lunch) are all on your dime. We don't do GM seminars or discussions or anything like that - this isn't Simucon, so if that's what you're looking for you'll probably be disappointed. If you want to know something, get a GM drunk and ask them.
09-08-2007, 09:26 PM
Have you looked at Jet Blue? and allegiant
Mikare fly on Jet Blue to Las Vegas from Jacksonville, you have to connect through JFK in New York and stay overnight.
That other airline I haven't heard of and they don't fly from here to Vegas either :( Le sigh. I guess I'll wait til it gets closer to see.
At least the good thing about being a hotel manager is I don't have to pay for the hotel room so it gives me more money to spend on booze and gambling :D
10-02-2007, 08:39 PM
Are there any update on this, I'm not sure if it will fit into my schedule but I am interested in going. How many people have bought tickets so far?
10-02-2007, 09:27 PM
It's still early, you can't really judge by the tickets at this point.
10-02-2007, 10:56 PM
I think there are 5 people signed up in prime, I don't know if plat people have signed up yet (or will, I just had them do it that way this year so people could sign up with their plat character if they wanted).
The majority of signups usually come about 2 months before the close date (which is February 29th) and then I get a small-ish rush about 3 days before the close date.
10-04-2007, 02:44 PM
The website has now been updated, thanks to the web stylings of Tierus.
10-04-2007, 02:45 PM
...and it's hot.
10-10-2007, 02:58 PM
There is a possibility I'll be attending. What good shows are happening around that time?
10-10-2007, 04:01 PM
Pretty much every major casino has a bad ass Cirq-de-sole (sp??) that are all different, and then there is the Blue Man Group, Pussycat Dolls, some other stage shows of people that are only famous in Vegas. But yea, every casino there will have at least 1 cool show every night, while most will have 2 or 3 different ones.
10-10-2007, 04:28 PM fly on Jet Blue to Las Vegas from Jacksonville, you have to connect through JFK in New York and stay overnight.
That other airline I haven't heard of and they don't fly from here to Vegas either :( Le sigh. I guess I'll wait til it gets closer to see.
At least the good thing about being a hotel manager is I don't have to pay for the hotel room so it gives me more money to spend on booze and gambling :D
Allegiant is reputable, they basically fly puddle jumper regional flights in and out of vegas. I've flown with them a ton, but i'm coming from CA so they operate here a lot more. I'd expect jacksonville to be a bit out of their "we don't so much fly as jump" range.
10-10-2007, 04:36 PM
< I'd expect jacksonville to be a bit out of their "we don't so much fly as jump" range. >
Jump, tuck and roll. Getting flights out of Jax sucks balls.
10-15-2007, 04:51 AM
Hmmm, right now it's looking like about $1000 total for my flight... the question now begs would it be worth it...
Sean of the Thread
10-15-2007, 05:09 AM
Wow. Impressed with the website this year.
Everyone remember to take pictures of Dessedemona pissing her self.
P.s. she is lucky I lost her last con pictures.
( plz k thx someone)
The Ponzzz
10-15-2007, 05:10 AM
I'm still seeing flights for about $200 to Vegas from Upstate NY.
Sean of the Thread
10-15-2007, 05:11 AM
Out of THE ROCK!! or SYR?
The Ponzzz
10-15-2007, 05:13 AM
Actually, Syracuse is cheaper! Shit!
Sean of the Thread
10-15-2007, 05:17 AM
I always flew into SYR.. was worth the extra drive/ride.
10-15-2007, 05:36 PM
I'm still waiting on fucking Southwest to update their fares site. Rumor is going around that it'll be $49-99 each way nonstop from BWI to Vegas during that timeframe, but very limited amounts of those promo tickets will be available. I only need a one way ticket because I'm going to Hawaii on business from Vegas.
Anyone got a better deal on a one way nonstop from DCA or BWI (I refuse to fly out of Dulles)?
10-16-2007, 08:11 PM
That seems like a pretty good deal. I'm stationed in CA and I guess NOVA would be what I consider home and I usually fly in/out of Vegas and that is pretty cheap compared to what I usually see. Also, if you could fly out of DCA instead of BWI or Dulles the check-ins and security are so much faster and easier to deal with.
10-26-2007, 01:15 PM
I think i'm going to go to Tunisia or Egypt instead. For what i'll pay just for the flight to Vegas, I can stay about a week and a half.
10-26-2007, 01:35 PM
For anyone looking for cheap tickets - Try
I'm not coming for Vegascon, but I do have a friend getting married in Vegas, and just got my two-for-one plane tickets plus hotel for three nights for about $450.
11-08-2007, 05:44 PM
Southwest came through with a nonstop one-way flight from BWI for $120 before taxes and fees (Total about $140).
See y'all in March!
11-08-2007, 06:20 PM
I think i'm going to go to Tunisia or Egypt instead. For what i'll pay just for the flight to Vegas, I can stay about a week and a half.
88 cent meals for the win!
I lived in Cairo for like half a year. PM if you have any q's.
The Ponzzz
11-08-2007, 07:07 PM
man, I live in NY and the flights are still cheap (under 300). Is it really that expensive for others?
The true money saver is sleeping with 17 strangers.
11-18-2007, 09:34 AM
If anyone has a Southwest hub and is planning on going to Vegas, check quick. The non-stop tickets I bought for $140 are now $214, but there is a connecting flight that still is selling for $140. Airlines may be hiking prices as we speak.
That Jay
11-29-2007, 07:26 PM
I was looking at shows scheduled during Vegascon and just noticed that Blue Oyster Cult is playing Boulder Station on the 22nd. I'm not going to out his characters but Eric Bloom used to play Gemstone. Platinum most recently before WoW. Good people.
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