View Full Version : acantha boiling, help save a cauldron maybe too

09-01-2007, 03:36 AM
Don't do this in a room with another person using a cauldron cause they get all Fubar'd up...oh and you need your shit together first..IE flasks water and leaf and a cauldron...


put put cauldron
waitfor you
put get my water
waitfor you
put get my leaf
waitfor you
put light cauldron
waitfor you
put put wat in caul
waitfor you
put put leaf in caul
waitfor you
put alchemy boil
pause 21
put get empty fla
waitfor you
put alchemy seal
pause 28
put put acantha
waitfor you
put get cauldron

Edit as you see fit... replace with simmer and tkaro root if you need too... etc..etc..