View Full Version : You fail to find an opening for the attack

08-30-2007, 07:22 PM
Perception is too low...or other factors are involved?

08-30-2007, 08:04 PM
If you're talking about ambushing (rather than the offhand in TWC), the general consensus is that ambush training specifically (rather than the other relevant skills) is what matters. I'm pretty sure at least CM factors in as well, but it doesn't appear to have the same effect (rank for rank) as ambush.

08-31-2007, 12:30 AM
Offhand TWC misses have different messaging that specifically mentions your offhand, for the record.


08-31-2007, 12:51 AM
Having a level 89 rogue maxed out in perception and ambushing and I still generated those messages when overhunting.

I think there's a natural failure (like d100=1) thats just not displayed. And yes its more prevalent when you're attempting to ambush over your level.

Another great reason to switch to ranged. ;)

08-31-2007, 02:37 PM
If you're talking about ambushing (rather than the offhand in TWC), the general consensus is that ambush training specifically (rather than the other relevant skills) is what matters. I'm pretty sure at least CM factors in as well, but it doesn't appear to have the same effect (rank for rank) as ambush.

At what point do returns on ambush training begin to diminish?

My sword/board ambusher's 618 bonus to dodging is going to be static for the next 10-15 trains, and I am trying to determine whether to have 100 ambush ranks (~1.7x) and 50 dodge ranks (~0.8x) at 60th, or alternatively, 90 ambush ranks (1.5x) and 60 dodge ranks (1x). Does it make a big difference either way for hunting areas in the 60-70 range?

Skills/Stats below, but the basics are half-elf, 2x hide, 1.6x ambush, 1x CM, 1x Perception, .8x dodge.

| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use.......................| 140 40
Shield Use.......................| 150 50
Combat Maneuvers...........| 150 50
Edged Weapons...............| 200 100
Ambush..........................| 180 80
Physical Fitness...............| 150 50
Dodging..........................| 140 40
Magic Item Use................| 70 15
Harness Power.................| 140 40
Spirit Mana Control...........| 70 15
Survival..........................| 150 50
Stalking and Hiding...........| 200 100
Perception......................| 150 50
Climbing.........................| 120 30
Swimming.......................| 90 20
First Aid.........................| 50 10

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.....................| 8
Ranger...........................| 40

CoL & 5th rank Shadow Mastery

Race: Half-Elf
Profession: Ranger
Level: 49

Strength (STR): 89 (19)
Constitution (CON): 100 (25)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (30)
Agility (AGI): 82 (26)
Discipline (DIS): 53 (-4)
Aura (AUR): 80 (15)
Logic (LOG): 94 (22)
Intuition (INT): 96 (23)
Wisdom (WIS): 87 (18)
Influence (INF): 43 (2)

Mana: 124 Silver: 0

08-31-2007, 10:25 PM
Nobody's really done rigorous and comprehensive research on any aspect of ambush. That said, it seems that the crit weighting aspect of ambush continues on up to 200 ranks, so I wouldn't stop training in it anytime soon if you do ambush. I would suspect that you're aiming about as well as you ever will now, unless you're hucking a bastard sword at eyes or something.

09-02-2007, 09:32 AM
When ambushing/aiming from open with two weapons combat, does the offhand follows where you aimed either from open or from hiding?

09-02-2007, 10:02 AM
It does unless that body part is rank 3d. I'm pretty sure after that it'll go to a specific place (hypothetically, if you're going for the right arm and you lop it off you'll always go for the right leg with the offhand), but not totally sure.