View Full Version : CMAN Sidebyside

08-30-2007, 04:23 AM
I couldn't find a 'Combat Maneuvers' folder, so I posted here.

Does anyone know the AS/DS bonuses for sidebyside ranks? If Char A has 2 ranks, and Char B has 1 rank, will Char A notice a bigger bonus than Char B? Is your AS/DS bonus based on your ranks, and your grouped players just have to have any rank of it to give you the bonus, or is it total ranks of all the players in the group? I have two chars, a paladin and a warrior, and plan on getting sidebyside with both of them since they always hunt together. Anyone know the answers, or know of a good faq I could take a look at on sidebyside? Thanks.

08-30-2007, 05:03 AM
Well I can tell you this much.

Jolena has sidebyside, mastered. Stunseed has 4 ranks of sidebyside. When we hunt together in a group, my AS bonus takes into account his ranks of sidebyside, but I have no idea what the formula is for it. When he was mastered in it, I had a higher bonus than I do now that he has 4 ranks.

Keyvon, who is his wizard, has absolutely no ranks of CMAN skills, and when he joins our group, our AS goes up by 2 points. The more people in our group, the higher our bonuses are, and if they have sidebyside it obviously goes up. I believe (though I can't prove it at this point) that if they have any CM training at all, it also increases your bonus.

Wish I could give you hard #'s to detail how much each rank (for other people) causes your AS/DS to go up, etc but I just don't.

08-30-2007, 11:28 AM
I wonder how good it is in invasions... like what does it do to your AS to have 50 someodd people in your group? IE is there a cap.

08-30-2007, 11:30 AM
If there was ANY Cman I wish I could train in, it would be this one. It is most appropriate for my character.

08-30-2007, 01:36 PM
It's one skill that every MA'er should have.

08-30-2007, 04:03 PM
Thanks for the help all, you all gave me all I was lookin for. Thanks!

08-30-2007, 04:33 PM
Jolena, Stunseed, we should get together and test this a bit, I have a few characters we can throw into the mix with 5 ranks of SBS.

And just some more useful info from the Cman SidebySide function in-game...
"Side by Side is automatically active whenever you are grouped with other characters. It works better when some of the members of your group are also skilled in Side by Side, AND if they are well trained in the Combat Maneuver skill."

-Not sure if proper english was used, but since the "and" is there (instead of "or") I'd assume they must have side-by-side skill, and get more of a bonus if well-trained in CM's.

08-30-2007, 04:49 PM
Just as an aside I would still like to know why multistrike doesn't give you your sidebyside bonus to AS.

08-30-2007, 05:11 PM
Just as an aside I would still like to know why multistrike doesn't give you your sidebyside bonus to AS.

I can see where you're coming from, but I think Mstriking would actually make an act like side-by-side harder.

Mstrikes involve a single individual, spinning/slashing their way through opponents in a flurry of strikes. In a group, it would be extremely hard to coordinate offensively/defensively with someone when they do that.

Maybe at higher levels of Multi-opponent combat, I could see it as a viable characteristic of SBS, but not until someone was extremely skilled in it.

11-11-2007, 12:36 AM
Sorry to bump an old thread, but does anyone have any actual numbers on the increases of sidebyside for both groups with 1 person with the skill and with more then 1 person trained in it?

01-10-2009, 12:55 AM
Sorry to bump a REALLY old thread, but any ideas on the formula involved? We talking +2 AS or +20?

01-10-2009, 02:14 AM
Sorry to bump a REALLY old thread, but any ideas on the formula involved? We talking +2 AS or +20?
Someone was testing this in-game just the other day. Unfortunately, I have no recollection at all who it was. Ask around on Psinet OOC, if you use Psinet, and maybe someone will know something.