View Full Version : My first Andraste run-in.

08-27-2007, 02:50 AM
I thought this deserved its own thread. As just about everyone knows I have never, EVER caused any sort of disruption in-game. Ever. I don't start shit with GMs and I don't try to instigate anything.

To give some background, Starkly convinces me to cast meteor swarm. I do so right outside the gate. To be honest, I think I've cast that spell ONE other time ever since having it.

Anyway, Starkly, myself, and Desse are outside the gate and its cast. Desse runs, Starkly and I die. Hysterically, and ironically, Zodin is caught in it running through. He is cool with it and actually found it funny. I had no fucking idea it kills the caster too. Which sucks. But we are all healed and raised and laugh about it. Then, I get THIS:

SEND[Andraste] Hope that was a mistake, because I know a smart wizard would never cast that mass area spell right at the gate, where it could hurt of kill unconsenting innocents...

So now I'm thinking "Oh shit." and I reply and start copying and pasting our conversation on PsiNet:

>report It wasn't. I have never casted it before and didn't realize the effect it had. It wont happen again.

SEND[Andraste] Tough way to learn :)

Everyone is chatting about it on OOC and jokes are thrown about that I should MS the dais. I have made NO MENTION of it in game save for on OOC so then I get this:

SEND[Andraste] Yeah, I would fight that urge to MS the Dais.

Now I'm pissed. I thought GM's weren't allowed to us PsiNet? And I'm still c&p'ing on Psinet.

report You are joking, right? Obviously you heard the rest of the conversation on psinet so I'll be optomistic and assume you know what will happen.

SEND[Andraste] Yep, I know exactly what will happen :)

Are you fucking kidding me? I'm so disgusted right now its rediculous. If she had just kept her mouth shut about MSing the dais I wouldn't care. But after that I figured "fuck it" and decided to throw it up here.

08-27-2007, 02:56 AM
yea, thats pretty unbelievable...

I always knew they were reading OOC, but never that they'd admit it.

Funny that the bitch who always makes people READ POLICY before she talks to them, like a three year old, is breaking policy.

Thats shitty of her, I'd ignore it. You're a good paying customer afterall. Maybe email feedback.

Also, she's not a Senior GM for a reason. They keep her around because she plays 24/7, and enjoys being the busy body of Elanthia.

08-27-2007, 03:02 AM
so you wanted to do the whole "Hey look at me, Im talking to a GM!!11" attention whore thing and get annoyed because the GM was listening?


08-27-2007, 03:03 AM
It not breaking policy if she is using two computers, or if someone else is copy and pasting PsiNet snippets to her.

08-27-2007, 03:04 AM
GMs are actively supposed to not be on PSInet due to the risk of account info getting taken. If this policy has changed, the "PSInet BAAAAD!" policy should change too. As far as I know it hasn't. Hmm... if one's uncomfortable with a situation one can always write Feedback.


From another angle...if this isn't the case...her live in is giving her PSInet stuff to bust on people with. That'd look bad for them now, wouldn't it.

08-27-2007, 03:08 AM
so you wanted to do the whole "Hey look at me, Im talking to a GM!!11" attention whore thing and get annoyed because the GM was listening?


No. I was posting it up there because frankly I was SHOCKED that I was getting such a repremand for it.

08-27-2007, 03:08 AM
SEND[Andraste] Evening Jesae, got a minute to chat?

>report Of course.

REPORT {message}
Please rephrase your report to include a message, not just one word or a name. Thanks!

>report Yeah I've got a minute.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

The Guard Captain just went southeast.
Jesae just appeared.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
Low thunder rumbles off in the distance, getting closer with each clap. As it appears to crash overhead, a sudden lightning bolt stabs at the ground with a mighty *BOOM*! As your vision clears, you see GameMaster Andraste standing there.
Andraste says, "Howdy."
You say, "Hi."
* Halthos just bit the dust!
Andraste says, "Let me see if I can explain the concern here..."
You have enough mana to continue spelling up.
INCANTing 911.
You gesture with slow, silken movements as you begin an engaging chant for Mass Blur.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your magic fizzles ineffectually.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>spellup stop
Aborting spellup.
>'Pardon that.
You say, "Pardon that."
Andraste says, "Granted, it was Ta'Illistim, which does garner an older crowd..."
Andraste says, "But if I said Ta'Illistim was an exception I'd be remiss."
Andraste says, "So for the sake of discussion, let's use the Landing, everyone's favorite town."
>'I didn't do it in the city. I did it outside the gate. It was intentionally done outside the gate because I understand the illegality of doing it in town.
You say, "I didn't do it in the city. I did it outside the gate. It was intentionally done outside the gate because I understand the illegality of doing it in town."
Andraste nods.
Andraste says, "That's not the issue, at least, not for me, not right now."
>'I don't really understand your point of wanting to chat at me. I did it, you warned me. It wont be done again.
You say, "I don't really understand your point of wanting to chat at me. I did it, you warned me. It wont be done again. ."
>'Then what is the issue?
You ask, "Then what is the issue?"
Andraste says, "I understand it was done for entertainment purposes."
>'Yes. The people involved were aware...even moreso than I, of the repercussions.
You say, "Yes. The people involved were aware...even moreso than I, of the repercussions."
>'even Zodin, who was caught in it was perfectly fine.
You say, "Even Zodin, who was caught in it was perfectly fine."
Andraste says, "The problem is, that for someone who might have gotten caught in that, it wouldn't have been seen as entertaining."
Andraste says, "People who didn't know you were casting it, for example."
Andraste says, "Since you can't warn 100% of the people coming and going what you're going to do."
>'Right. And its not going to be done again.
You say, "Right. And its not going to be done again."
Andraste says, "Something like that has a really bad affect on new players, young players...."
Andraste nods to you.
* Deakan just bit the dust!
Andraste says, "The other point is that you clearly knew what the spell did, even after telling me you did not."
>'I knew it killed things. I didn't know it was going to kill me.
You say, "I knew it killed things. I didn't know it was going to kill me."
Andraste says, "Otherwise you wouldn't have let Starkly convince you to cast it, or know Zodin just did it last month."
Andraste says, "But you knew it killed other people."
>'Of course.
You say, "Of course."
Andraste says, "You knew he'd taken out people at the dais, which you just pretty much admitted was why you did it outside of town."
>'i'm selfish, what can I say. Starkly wanted to see it, I thought I'd kill him without being arrested, Zodin got caught in it.
You say, "I'm selfish, what can I say. Starkly wanted to see it, I thought I'd kill him without being arrested, Zodin got caught in it."
Andraste says, "You know, there are GMs here that would seriously like to change that spell, Jesae."
Andraste says, "I'm not one of them."
You shrug.
You say, "Great."
>'I've used it all of twice since having it.
You say, "I've used it all of twice since having it."
You feel at full magical power again.
Andraste says, "I fight constantly for the caster's right to have those spells."
>'Right. Because it makes so much sense to have them when they kill the caster as well.
You say, "Right. Because it makes so much sense to have them when they kill the caster as well."
Andraste says, "But when someone casts it for reasons like the last two times, that does get GMs thinking about asking to nerf it."
Andraste says, "And that also makes players very unhappy."
>'Nerf it then. What's done is done. I don't know what you're expecting to get from this conversation seeing as I already know what I did was wrong.
You say, "Nerf it then. What's done is done. I don't know what you're expecting to get from this conversation seeing as I already know what I did was wrong."
Andraste says, "I hoping that you'll see our point of things, and frankly, you're lucky that I was the one watching, because any number of other GMs would have just consulted you, made you read policy, and given you a PvP warning."
>'For my first offense.
You say, "For my first offense."
You smirk.
Andraste nods to you.
Andraste says, "Yep, we've done it for first offenses."
>'Are you expecting me to grovel at this whole situation because you've done me a supposed "favor"?
You ask, "Are you expecting me to grovel at this whole situation because you've done me a supposed "favor"?"
Andraste says, "Especially when the person knows what the spells does."
Andraste says, "Hell no."
Andraste chuckles.
>'good, then I think we're done here then, yes/
You say, "Good, then I think we're done here then, yes/."
Andraste says, "Absolutely."
Andraste grins at you.
Andraste says, "Have a lovely morning, Jesae, and no... I don't listen to PsiNet since I'm on a Mac."
Andraste waves.
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court]
This corner of the court is dominated by a round marble fountain. A few couples stroll hand-in-hand around the wide edge, occasionally stopping to toss a coin inside and murmur a wish, as they look lovingly into each others' eyes. The water descends from a tall center column, producing a musical burble that obscures the lovers' words. You also see a wooden barrel.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, northwest

08-27-2007, 03:13 AM
Ha ha ha. Droll. The subtexts there were legion. One can easily emulate on a Mac these days as well.

If most other RATIONAL GMs were around...got the potential "someone's casting a meteor swarm" thing and no reports came through... not a god damn thing would have happened.

As for the other idea...that someone's feeding her PSInet info? Still noteworthy.

08-27-2007, 03:16 AM
GMs are actively supposed to not be on PSInet due to the risk of account info getting taken. If this policy has changed, the "PSInet BAAAAD!" policy should change too. As far as I know it hasn't. Hmm... if one's uncomfortable with a situation one can always write Feedback.


From another angle...if this isn't the case...her live in is giving her PSInet stuff to bust on people with. That'd look bad for them now, wouldn't it.

I've been led to understand they can't use it on a computer that they use for GM purposes. A second computer, with which they don't use for "work", wouln't violate the policy.

08-27-2007, 03:19 AM
:grins: Given that...can they really stick to the whole PSInet bad bit?

"I just did it to spy on the players to see what they were saying about me! I didn't do it for the useful features! Really!"

08-27-2007, 03:35 AM
Its damn useful. I've never really unerstood why they don't like it.

08-27-2007, 03:53 AM
My two cents: Andraste also reads these boards and I know exactly who her poster name is. The person who told me probably thought I forgot, but I have not!

So when you get a:

SEND[Andraste] Stop talkin shit on Player's Corner, bitch.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

08-27-2007, 04:00 AM
Check this out, she has no power over people who don't play GS:

Andraste is a dumb bitch.

08-27-2007, 04:01 AM
[QUOTE=Bobmuhthol;619430]Check this out, she has no power over people who don't play GS:

Haha true that. Although honestly I don't recall her ever doing anything to me that I probably didn't deserve, so I will not agree with the dumb bitch part until proven wrong.

08-27-2007, 04:06 AM
Haha true that. Although honestly I don't recall her ever doing anything to me that I probably didn't deserve, so I will not agree with the dumb bitch part until proven wrong.

Same here. That was a huge rant she gave Jesae and I'd be thinking differently if it was me.

08-27-2007, 04:11 AM
Whether or not you liked the second interchange, at least she tried explaining herself, and the reason for her SEND. It has been shown repeatedly that this isn't the case with other Hosts or GMs.

08-27-2007, 05:15 AM
...she caught me acting a little irresponsible once and instead of taking the heat for killing all those folks in the east tower when I rubbed that black spider <how was I sposed to remember it had e-wave imbedded in it, it'd been rolling around in the bottom of my backpack forever> damn, soooo I thought I'd hop on the "bend Andraaste over the consultation lounge couch" wagon and lend my voice to the general din...

not fucking likely...
my time is more valuable to me, it's much more fun to point my browser at player's corner and read the funny pages. see what whine is being served with the mud du jour.

the reason GM's aren't allowed to use PsiNet is because it greaty increases the opportunity for data to be compromised...far be it from any GM to want to use it to further their enjoyment of the game though, the only reason they could possibly consider using such a great tool is to spy on the players.

NEWS FLASH we ain't all that interesting...well none of us are except to ourselves and perhaps a few others. Ever occur to anyone that just maybe she was trying to do her job? what a fucking concept. this is not to say I agree with or like any or all things GM...Gads I used to hate that Ophion plick...but I still never set out to disrespect him ...scratch that to annihilate him on a personal level.

okay, now the disclaimer, my view in no way represents or reflects the view taste opinions or lack thereof of GemstoneIV, Simutronics it's employees, affiliates, subordinates, chattels, gophers, ass bandits, or lackeys. having said that and I'm sure pissed of at least 1 or 2 folks bite/blow/eat me, and get off my TIT.

sincerely NOT Andraaste

Sean of the Thread
08-27-2007, 05:22 AM
Shut the fuck up whore.

08-27-2007, 05:35 AM
but how eloquently put.

08-27-2007, 05:58 AM
No really. Do.

08-27-2007, 06:52 AM
Ghoti = fish.

This isn't some deep message, just a pronunciation key.

08-27-2007, 07:38 AM

08-27-2007, 07:50 AM
Check this out, she has no power over people who don't play GS:

Andraste is a dumb bitch.

2 days ago...

some black golvern-banded leathers 5x


08-27-2007, 08:11 AM
Andraste says, "You know, there are GMs here that would seriously like to change that spell, Jesae."
Andraste says, "I'm not one of them."

Please, change the fucking spell. I don't know who, as a player just loves this spell so much that they have to keep it.

I treat it as another blank spell slot. It is ridiculous to think that they can give us trouble over using a spell they have provided. Take away the ability to hit other players with it, at the least. Even doing that, it would be a severely overpowered hunting spell.

I think its well past time to get rid of it. Give us something we can use.

08-27-2007, 08:24 AM
Ghoti's ability to totally miss every single one of my points does indeed suggest regular PC membership for her.


I always was a huge defender of Andraste until personal experience and examples of others' experiences started turning up and started indicating that A. she had a literal God complex and B. the rules had ceased mattering any more and what was fun to her WAS said God complex.

To clarify:

I suggested that staff might be using PSInet for the features.

08-27-2007, 08:32 AM
I've never had much of a problem with her. My only interactions with her were on the boulder years back, which were generally good. Or when I did something retarded and I knew was wrong. She would come off as kind of bitchy in those situations I suppose, but I just figure she has to put up with a lot of crap and doesn't take it with as much... grace... as she probably should.

08-27-2007, 08:53 AM
I'm not a big Andraste fan, although I personally haven't had a run-in with her, I know people who have. She's a big buttinsky.

However in this situation, I don't see the big deal. Jesae knew the risk involved, knew that the spell was bad, had to be coaxed into casting it, did it outside the gate, then tells the GM she didn't know anything about it. And then she gets pulled up so that Andraste can explain herself and you give her nothing but attitude. Why even consent to the consultation? She was a buttinsky again but at least she wasn't a bitch about it.

And just in case GMs are listening, Avalon for Macs sucks the big donkey balls.

08-27-2007, 09:07 AM
I never even knew Psinet didn't work for Macs, but if she uses one she couldn't be on Psinet spying on everyone, huh?


Anyway, this is another situation where sitting and listening to what she had to say rather than snapping at her and looking for a fight would have probably worked just fine.

I can see both sides, but again, where is she abusing power, aside from telling you not to do something that you really shouldn't be doing, and really know you shouldn't be doing?


08-27-2007, 09:36 AM
I never even knew Psinet didn't work for Macs, but if she uses one she couldn't be on Psinet spying on everyone, huh?


Anyway, this is another situation where sitting and listening to what she had to say rather than snapping at her and looking for a fight would have probably worked just fine.

I can see both sides, but again, where is she abusing power, aside from telling you not to do something that you really shouldn't be doing, and really know you shouldn't be doing?


Why shouldn't she be casting a spell she has, outside of town? I agree with Aestheticdeath, if they're going to cry every time someone uses the spell, just remove the damn thing.

"Andraste says, "Since you can't warn 100% of the people coming and going what you're going to do.""

This is the logic she uses 100% of the time. I hate to tell her, but tons of shit happens in a city/place every day that 100% of the people don't know about. She's not an intelligent person, and has conjured up 2-3 "arguments" that are so fucking retarded that its impossible to come back at her.

Furthermore, as I said before, she's not a SGM for a reason. She's been a GM for a lonnnnngggggg time, but they'd never promote her. Lovely lines like "if someone else would have seen you you'd gotten a warning" is her trying to make herself look better. In reality, she's the only person with nothing better to do than monitor the game 24/7.

08-27-2007, 10:02 AM
2 days ago...


I was wondering the same thing myself.

08-27-2007, 10:06 AM
The only run in I've had with her when I was trying to deed a douchebag. I was MA'ing and would have my cleric raise him, so my sorc could wipe him out again. Horrible thing to do, and horribly OOC. So I deserved that one, took my warning with a smile and moved on.

On the subject of spells. I don't know what the point of having spells everyone gets butt hurt when you cast. How easy is it to find a hunting area that nobody ever comes to ever? I almost never used open implosion or open maelstrom because of these reasons. I've always thought those spells either needed to be reworked or removed.

08-27-2007, 10:07 AM
Why shouldn't she be casting a spell she has, outside of town? I agree with Aestheticdeath, if they're going to cry every time someone uses the spell, just remove the damn thing.

"Andraste says, "Since you can't warn 100% of the people coming and going what you're going to do.""

This is the logic she uses 100% of the time. I hate to tell her, but tons of shit happens in a city/place every day that 100% of the people don't know about. She's not an intelligent person, and has conjured up 2-3 "arguments" that are so fucking retarded that its impossible to come back at her.

Furthermore, as I said before, she's not a SGM for a reason. She's been a GM for a lonnnnngggggg time, but they'd never promote her. Lovely lines like "if someone else would have seen you you'd gotten a warning" is her trying to make herself look better. In reality, she's the only person with nothing better to do than monitor the game 24/7.

From this point forward we'll just start referring to her as 'Mother'.
Yes that is a Pink Floyd reference...

08-27-2007, 10:20 AM
Andraste says, "The problem is, that for someone who might have gotten caught in that, it wouldn't have been seen as entertaining."I guess Andraste is opposed to every invasion that has ever happened, right?
but again, where is she abusing powerNobody said she was. :)

08-27-2007, 10:24 AM
From this point forward we'll just start referring to her as 'Mother'.
Yes that is a Pink Floyd reference...

And for all these years I thought GM stood for Game Mother!

Who knew?

08-27-2007, 10:25 AM
And for all these years I thought GM stood for Game Mother!

Who knew?

Haha, Game Mother Andraste. I like it!

08-27-2007, 10:26 AM
Nobody said she was. :)

Then I guess the point of this thread, and the replying posts were just to complain that Andraste was a bitch? With no mention of abuse of power anywhere?

Somehow I didn't get that impression.

08-27-2007, 10:26 AM
She'd like that. Shit name.

08-27-2007, 11:24 AM
Then I guess the point of this thread, and the replying posts were just to complain that Andraste was a bitch? With no mention of abuse of power anywhere?In general. What seemed to set Shari off most was Andraste's hounding her about other people encouraging Jesae to swarm the dias. Overbearing, condescending, patronizing, yes. Abusive, ehhh not so much.

08-27-2007, 11:27 AM
I don't think Shari is arguing the first warning. I think it's the latter of Andraste being a bitch and not letting it die after said warning.

08-27-2007, 11:28 AM
Customer service FTW!!!!

08-27-2007, 11:31 AM
If anything, Andraste saying that if other GM's were around and saw the spell being used, it would be more ammunition for it to be nerfed.

I say cast the damn thing everywhere you get the chance, let it be reviewed and nerfed. Then perhaps it can either become a useful spell or at least removed so a useful spell can replace it.

08-27-2007, 12:45 PM
I have had my share of 'The Andraste'. I was speaking OOC to my group about the policy and how this GM tossed in my face and the IG 'Gods'. It went something like this.


Sevris waves a pale thanot wand at Deakan.
CS: +265 - TD: +23 + CvA: +19 + d100: +71 - -5 == +337
Warding failed!
His left hand explodes!
Deakan is stunned!
Jeeta traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Eponna grins.
Jeeta gestures.
A brilliant aura surrounds Jeeta.
You say, "Eww."

this person jump out of thte shadows and does this.
Nontan swings a ruby-pommeled invar claidhmore at Sevris!
AS: +374 vs DS: +361 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +93 = +134
... and hits for 38 points of damage!
Hard blow breaks the femur!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Surprisingly, Nontan manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again!
Nontan swings a ruby-pommeled invar claidhmore at Sevris!
AS: +374 vs DS: +290 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +92 = +204
... and hits for 80 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending left leg flying.
Nontan raspily says, "Oops."

so I take it upson myself, since this person jumped in for no reaon an does Webs him
prepare 118
Sevris put a pale thanot wand in his leather hooded cloak.
Katrick just arrived.
>cast non
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Web spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Nontan.
Cloudy wisps swirl about Nontan.
CS: +332 - TD: +210 + CvA: -21 + d100: +15 == +116
Warding failed!
The wisps solidify into thick strands of webbing that tighten about his body!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
another person out of hiding and...trys[/B
Mytmo comes out of hiding.
[Roll result: 93 (open d100: 69)]
Mytmo feints to the right, Sevris almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time.

ANYWAY.....time passes by 10 mintues at the most I see

SEND[Andraste] A word of advice, regardless of whether two people are engaging in silly fighting in town, resist the urge to join in if you haven't been attacked or clearly invited.
I>'are you kidding
You say, "Are you kidding."
>'and lets umm let the other person know as well
You say, "And lets umm let the other person know as well."
You snort.
I>'persons for that matter
You say, "Persons for that matter."
SEND[Andraste] I'm telling you, worry about yourself, and no, I'm not kidding.
You say, "Whatever."
>'i was only making it fair
You say, "I was only making it fair."
SEND[Andraste] Feel free to read Policy 4, since you need clear consent to conflict here.
so hmm ok Policy 4 huh
I>pol 4
GemStone IV Player Policy: Player vs Player Conflict
There are elements in GemStone IV that promote a competitive environment. GemStone IV has been designed to promote competition as player vs. creature, or player vs. puzzle, and not generally player vs. player.
Some events (such as the Gladiatorial Games), encourage player vs. player combat in a structured setting. Also, some players will choose to role-play a competitive situation between themselves, and will combat each other, which is acceptable. What is not acceptable is to initiate combat against unsuspecting victims, especially to prey upon weaker players for the singular enjoyment of the attacker. As a rule of thumb, Character vs. Character (role-playing -CvC) combat is acceptable, while Player vs. Player (OOC or disruptive - PvP) is not.
There are many gray areas in terms of defining what is acceptable competition, and what is abusive behavior. For example, a pickpocket stealing items or silvers. This *can* be considered an open invitation for CvC, but losing 25 silvers isn't exactly cause for death. Losing large amounts might be though. Another example, the classic duel (Character 1: You have insulted my honor and I must defend that to the death! Character 2: Have at thee Knave!) is on the surface acceptable, but on the other hand saying dueling (Player 1: Wanna duel? Player 2: Yeah) isn't as it can be considered OOC.
In general, Simutronics will not get involved in a conflict confined to a small group of players unless it threatens to overlap to others or cause a generally disruptive influence on the game.
Your next unread page is page 1.
I>>whisper ooc sevr i just got a send because i was trying to defend you...
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sevris, "I just got a send because i was trying to defend you..."
Sevris whispers, "Why?"

SEND[Andraste] Trust me, Sevris doesn't need the help.

Sevris whispers, "I was attacked by three diffrent people?">
You agree with Sevris.
whisper ooc sev Andraste been on my ass since Teras...
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sevris, "Andraste been on my ass since Teras..."
>nod sev
You nod to Sevris.
for a differnet reason might I add and that was resolved

whisper ooc sev but still being watched
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sevris, "But still being watched."
You chortle.
Sevris gazes up into the heavens.
>OOC) You quietly whisper to Sevris, "Well Andraste advised me to read policy 4....i dont seen anywhere where it says i can not defend another IGC."
>shr sev
You shrug at Sevris.
Sevris whispers, "They have to attack you first."

SEND[Andraste] Try reading the second paragraph again, but bottom line, I'll make it really clear... stay out of other people's conflicts unless you are attacked as well.

[B]so ok I read it again...please lets keep in mind i was TALKING OOC.

(OOC) Sevris's player whispers, "Or something along the lines of interacting with your character."
>nod sev
You nod to Sevris.
You say, "Yeah you can stop talking to me now."
Sevris raises his burnt scroll and gestures.
Sparks begin to fly between the burnt scroll and Sevris's fingers.
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into Sevris's hand and he seems to glow with power.
You fold your arms over your chest.

Speaking to Mytmo, you ask, "Oh i suppose the gods are talking to you also?"
You smirk.
Mytmo says, "Gods don't speak to me. I am forsaken."
Zadha laughs!
You cackle!
Some time passes...ten more minutes i'd say

[Town Square, West]
Here in the midst of the town stretches the cobblestoned main bazaar, its lamplit lanes abuzz with traders and vendors hawking their wares at any hour of the day or night. Groups of citizens, discussing the day's events or preparing for nighttime hunts, gather around the doors of the merchants whose shops border the square. The gilded but peeling stone facade of the First Elanith Bank dominates this side of the square. You also see a gypsy fortuneteller, the Zadha disk, a basket of rotting fruit and a city official.
Also here: Lady Eponna, Zadha, Lord Sevris, Elwron, Lord Trizdel, Nontan who is set in stocks
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

IJ>'so why did he attack you for no reason?
Speaking in Dark Elven, you ask, "So why did he attack you for no reason?"
Elwron removes a fel lute from in his climbing pack.
Lord Trizdel just arrived.
IJ>mutt policy4
You mutter policy4.
You cough.
I know I braught the policy IG at this point...but the GM was interacting with my OOC conversations, and I was pissed
IJ>whisper ooc group i feel like childern of the corn....theeyy'rree waatttccchhiinngg
Sevris seems to be waiting for something.
(OOC)You whisper, "I feel like childern of the corn....theeyy'rree waatttccchhiinngg." to your group.
You do your best at humming a joyful tune.
Sevris chuckles.
Eponna chuckles.
You snicker.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Eponna softly says, "Yeah."
Sevris adopts an agreeable expression.
Zadha grins.

SEND[Andraste] Let's also try to refrain from making OOC comments about "Gods" and Policy, thanks.
Nontan is awakened by Sevris's attack!
Sevris swings a sonic falchion at Nontan!
AS: +399 vs DS: +77 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +29 = +386
... and hits for 72 points of damage!
Right leg ripped from socket at the knee!
He is stunned!
Andovaria just arrived.
Andovaria just went south.
Calsidon just entered the First Elanith bank.
IJ>'no see
Speaking in Dark Elven, you say, "No see."
Zadha cackles!
IJ>'whers a god when you need one?
Speaking in Dark Elven, you ask, "Whers a god when you need one?"

08-27-2007, 12:51 PM
Wow... that whole exchange was retarded on both sides.

Some Rogue
08-27-2007, 12:54 PM
Looks like you were totally in the wrong there.

Joining in a conflict that wasn't your own, responding to GM sends outloud, speaking OOC stuff outloud.

08-27-2007, 12:58 PM
A menage a retard!

08-27-2007, 01:08 PM
I agree with jumping in and webbing when it wasnt none of my business. Yes, speaking to a GM outloud IG is not a good idea either, after so many 'sends' one tends to get a bit twicthy. However, my problem is when I am speaking OOC in whispers to another person, I should not get a send from a GM telling me how I should talk OOC. This is what I find that she is taking for granted, peeking in on OOC conversations. That is wrong.

08-27-2007, 01:09 PM
Agreed, but Andraste doesn't know what boundries are.

08-27-2007, 01:12 PM
She does that all the time. However it doesn't mean that you should go all retardo to spite her. Doesn't make you look any better.

And you know what truly amazes me about this? She reads these boards. She sees the complaints. The same complaints that have been said about her for years. And yet she still continues to behave this way. No other GM that I know if this much of a busy body. Doesn't she get it?

08-27-2007, 01:14 PM
Please, change the fucking spell. I don't know who, as a player just loves this spell so much that they have to keep it.

I treat it as another blank spell slot. It is ridiculous to think that they can give us trouble over using a spell they have provided. Take away the ability to hit other players with it, at the least. Even doing that, it would be a severely overpowered hunting spell.

I think its well past time to get rid of it. Give us something we can use.

Just agreeing with this.

08-27-2007, 01:14 PM
she shoudln't have been sending anything to begin with. The person attacked was your friend no?

Is it in character for you to sit there and watch your friend get ambushed?

Just another case of andraste power tripping. Shocking.

08-27-2007, 01:16 PM
She does that all the time. However it doesn't mean that you should go all retardo to spite her. Doesn't make you look any better.


08-27-2007, 01:20 PM
And you know what truly amazes me about this? She reads these boards. She sees the complaints. The same complaints that have been said about her for years. And yet she still continues to behave this way. No other GM that I know if this much of a busy body. Doesn't she get it?

She probably thinks, she's entitled to act that way because she is a GM. Like I said in the other thread, ten people...twenty, one hundred people could say she was wrong and she'd still insist she was right. Even if you prove her wrong, back it up with facts, she'll still believe herself to be right.

08-27-2007, 01:25 PM
It makes me sad when people can make Andraste look good.

08-27-2007, 01:27 PM
I've yet to see a positive Andraste comment, come to think of it. What is her job exactly? Be the emotional police force? She does no development work, etc.

I can understand clamping down on OOC/PvP/CvC stuff, for the sake of the game. Its just her CONSTANT nitpicking and "holier than though" attitude that is unacceptable. She does, you're right ViridianAsp, not think she has to treat other individuals with respect, or acknowledge when she's incorrect.

I'm going to draft (I know it won't do anything) a letter to feedback anyway. I have 0 warnings and have never been in any trouble in the game, but have a few incidents where she's just harassed a few of my characters.

One of them, me talking with some friends OOC at a table. She told me to take it to a room with a lock on it. Freaks me out that Big Mother is always watching... I also find it funny that I have to keep reminding myself that I'm a paying customer and they're lucky--I'm not lucky--that I'm playing their game.

08-27-2007, 01:29 PM
I've yet to see a positive Andraste comment, come to think of it. What is her job exactly? Be the emotional police force? She does no development work, etc.

I can understand clamping down on OOC/PvP/CvC stuff, for the sake of the game. Its just her CONSTANT nitpicking and "holier than though" attitude that is unacceptable. She does, you're right ViridianAsp, not think she has to treat other individuals with respect, or acknowledge when she's incorrect.

I'm going to draft (I know it won't do anything) a letter to feedback anyway. I have 0 warnings and have never been in any trouble in the game, but have a few incidents where she's just harassed a few of my characters.

One of them, me talking with some friends OOC at a table. She told me to take it to a room with a lock on it. Freaks me out that Big Mother is always watching... I also find it funny that I have to keep reminding myself that I'm a paying customer and they're lucky--I'm not lucky--that I'm playing their game.

Her job is being 'Mother'. A Game Mother to be exact. Now get in line children. Its time to take your medicine. And no pudding until you eat all of your meat.

08-27-2007, 01:35 PM
she shoudln't have been sending anything to begin with. The person attacked was your friend no?

Is it in character for you to sit there and watch your friend get ambushed?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this isn't an Andraste thing, this is a general GM thing as their totem is that if you weren't initially attacked in the conflict, you're not allowed to get involved. I think it's rather silly since I'm sure most people would want to defend their friends, but it probably causes more problems later on so they try to discourage it.

08-27-2007, 01:37 PM
And you best not mess with her friends or her PCs or else. That includes stealing or making fun of them.

08-27-2007, 01:38 PM
she shoudln't have been sending anything to begin with. The person attacked was your friend no?

Is it in character for you to sit there and watch your friend get ambushed?

Just another case of andraste power tripping. Shocking.

I tend to agree with you. It is in character for me to help a friend who has been ambushed by more then 1 person if I am sitting there with them.

Its not like Sorchia imploded them. She webbed them and left it at that. Basicly stopping them from attacking further.

Just my .02 cents thats probally not even worth that

08-27-2007, 01:46 PM
< And no pudding until you eat all of your meat. >

You're on a roll with those Pink Floyd snips.

Tea & Strumpets
08-27-2007, 01:57 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this isn't an Andraste thing, this is a general GM thing as their totem is that if you weren't initially attacked in the conflict, you're not allowed to get involved. I think it's rather silly since I'm sure most people would want to defend their friends, but it probably causes more problems later on so they try to discourage it.

That's such a crock of bullshit, though. Consent can be implied by a person's actions. If the person attacked "for no reason" has an objection, let them send a REPORT or ASSIST, don't just assume everything is PvP until proven otherwise---that's assinine and the reason Andraste has such a horrible reputation in these circumstances.

08-27-2007, 02:06 PM
< And no pudding until you eat all of your meat. >

You're on a roll with those Pink Floyd snips.

I'm in a very musical mood today.

I even held back on that post a little, but could have included a 'just a little pinprick' after the medicine comment.

Yes Pink Floyd rocks, there is no substitute.

08-27-2007, 02:07 PM
I have 0 warnings and have never been in any trouble in the game, but have a few incidents where she's just harassed a few of my characters.

You never got into ANY trouble as Lycaine/Lycane/Draacon? Are you SURE?

08-27-2007, 02:08 PM
That's such a crock of bullshit, though. Consent can be implied by a person's actions. If the person attacked "for no reason" has an objection, let them send a REPORT or ASSIST, don't just assume everything is PvP until proven otherwise---that's assinine and the reason Andraste has such a horrible reputation in these circumstances.

08-27-2007, 02:22 PM
You never got into ANY trouble as Lycaine/Lycane/Draacon? Are you SURE?

Nice outing.

08-27-2007, 02:27 PM
Nice outing.

Agreed. Unfortunately, I've never played those guy(s). Who is unconcerned1? That e-pimp Liannonuel?

08-27-2007, 02:29 PM
Yeah I thought Xaerve played Malok. So confused!

08-27-2007, 02:30 PM
Yeah I thought Xaerve played Malok. So confused!

Me too :( I guess Liannoneullley is the one to consult though!

08-27-2007, 02:41 PM
Me too :( I guess Liannoneullley is the one to consult though!

He played Lycane/Lycaine/Draacon/Aexcrybewhatever, among others, back in 2004. AIM name's the same ... D10.

Don't worry man, I wouldn't claim them, either.

08-27-2007, 02:45 PM
He played Lycane/Lycaine/Draacon/Aexcrybewhatever, among others, back in 2004. AIM name's the same ... D10.

Don't worry man, I wouldn't claim them, either.

Sorry Detective E-pimp, wrong again :( Don't know what to say.

08-27-2007, 03:00 PM
Billy the Studly: Stephivie whispers, "Ill remember."
Billy the Studly: Stephivie whispers, "That you walked by me."
Billy the Studly: Stephivie whispers, "As I lay dead."
d1o: lmao
d1o: fuck her
Billy the Studly: well tell that dumb bitch that i was sCRIPTING
d1o: she's a NUT BALL
Billy the Studly: lol
Billy the Studly: well duh
d1o: trust me
d1o: she's the dumbest bitch
d1o: in the game
d1o: next to a few others maybe
d1o: but she's a total wack job man
d1o: so glad I got outta that
Billy the Studly: i coulda told you that
d1o: I fixed her dumbass
d1o: so much
Billy the Studly: you used to be a dipshit too
Billy the Studly: lol
d1o: training wise
d1o: never that fucking retarded
d1o: give me a break
Billy the Studly: heh
d1o: I fucked around, sure
d1o: but I wasn't ignorant
Billy the Studly: i got an old log
d1o: lmao
Billy the Studly: it wasn't my style to post on the PC
d1o: of us?
Billy the Studly: of you
d1o: copy/paste it here
Billy the Studly: lemme dig it out
d1o: only you
d1o: btw
d1o: know that I'm who I am
d1o: ;)
Billy the Studly: well
Billy the Studly: fucking lame shit
d1o: gmail?
Billy the Studly: nah
d1o: I can invite you
Billy the Studly: some old email account i used to have
d1o: oh
Billy the Studly: hell if i remember the password
Billy the Studly: heh
Billy the Studly: ah man
Billy the Studly: kicking draacon's ass
d1o: lmao
Billy the Studly: a good 8 levels under him
d1o: you were OLDER
Billy the Studly: good times
d1o: NO WAY
Billy the Studly: i was NOT older
d1o: I was TWC
Billy the Studly: that bitch was over 40
Billy the Studly: and i was 33
d1o: which was weak shit
Billy the Studly: voln fu'd him
d1o: oh ya
d1o: lol
d1o: I remember now
d1o: I need to make X 2handers
d1o: get a claidh and come after your ass
Billy the Studly: oh wow
Billy the Studly: lol
Billy the Studly: xaerve with a claidh?
d1o: my arrows
Billy the Studly: i'd laugh at that shit
Billy the Studly: and
d1o: don't do shit to you
d1o: =\
Billy the Studly: my lycos email has been EMPTIED
d1o: LOL
d1o: that sucks =\

...I guess we never had this conversation, either.

08-27-2007, 03:04 PM
...I guess we never had this conversation, either.

I'd hardly call that a conversation...

08-27-2007, 03:07 PM
GMs... atleast wait until someone fucking complains before you step in... if no one is complaining then there is NO PROBLEM!!
In fact, sometimes people are having fun, until you come and fuck it up for everyone.

I realize GM's are just doing thier job, and they are human too... everyone can take things alittle too personal at times.
I don't think Andraste is the problem, I think the policy against PvP is the problem...
Let the people that want to PvP have a place to do so, even Blizzard was smart enough to make PvP and RP servers...

It's not rocket science... make a PvP area / town
then you can punish severely for PvP outside of that area... the RPers get to RP and if they want to PvP they can go to the PvP area.
Without doing this, there will never be harmony. GM's will continue to piss people off, people will continue to piss GM's off, and all will be lost to WoW.

Oh, I'll see ya'll around, gonna go do some WoW quests with Senja... FOR THE HORDE!!!

08-27-2007, 03:10 PM
The name xaerve in the above convo looks like it was dropped in, for some reason it doesnt appear simliar to the surrounding text.


08-27-2007, 03:12 PM
The name xaerve in the above convo looks like it was dropped in, for some reason it doesnt appear simliar to the surrounding text.


Yez, I dropped it in to totally implicate him.

08-27-2007, 03:15 PM
Yez, I dropped it in to totally implicate him.

Damn man, you seem really concerned about this. However, that sadly, isn't me. You must really hate this guy, you're approaching ~10% of your overall post count talking about the subject.

*Step away from the computer*

Anyway, Back on topic: Thanks to the OOC team, I present you with ....

08-27-2007, 03:15 PM
GMs... atleast wait until someone fucking complains before you step in... if no one is complaining then there is NO PROBLEM!!
In fact, sometimes people are having fun, until you come and fuck it up for everyone.

QFT. This is her major problem.

That Jay
08-27-2007, 03:25 PM
Then I guess the point of this thread, and the replying posts were just to complain that Andraste was a bitch? With no mention of abuse of power anywhere?

Somehow I didn't get that impression.

Well, there is the very recent instance of her revealing past staff info to try to get a dig at someone when staff is supposed to stay mum on such things.

Perhaps more an abuse of position rather than an abuse of power, but still an abuse.

08-27-2007, 03:30 PM
I've yet to see a positive Andraste comment, come to think of it.I've never seen her outright lie to someone. I recognize that's setting the bar pretty low, but she does outpace some of her peers in that.

wtf kind of baby has AC 6 in a shirt, btw Akari.

08-27-2007, 03:50 PM
I've never seen her outright lie to someone. I recognize that's setting the bar pretty low, but she does outpace some of her peers in that.

wtf kind of baby has AC 6 in a shirt, btw Akari.

It's because base AC for EVERYTHING is 10, and since the baby only has a score of 3 in Dexterity, that's a -4 penalty. Hence his AC being a total of 6.

/waits for the lol'ing over her D&D knowledge to start.

08-27-2007, 03:56 PM
It's because base AC for EVERYTHING is 10, and since the baby only has a score of 3 in Dexterity, that's a -4 penalty. Hence his AC being a total of 6.

/waits for the lol'ing over her D&D knowledge to start.


08-27-2007, 04:00 PM
It's because base AC for EVERYTHING is 10, and since the baby only has a score of 3 in Dexterity, that's a -4 penalty. Hence his AC being a total of 6.

/waits for the lol'ing over her D&D knowledge to start.I'm still on the version where -10 AC is better than 10. :S You win!

08-27-2007, 04:12 PM
Anyway, Back on topic: Thanks to the OOC team, I present you with ....

Arrrghh. Please tell me that's not really them.

/waits for the lol'ing over her D&D knowledge to start.

I actually found that kinda hot... and I haven't played D&D in years (but yeah when did they change it so higher AC was better?).

08-27-2007, 04:16 PM
I believe that is in fact them. I always thought Andraste looked like she belonged under a bridge.

08-27-2007, 04:17 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty much convinced after seeing that picture that Andraste only GMs as a huge ego boost by power tripping every time she logs in. Jesus Christ.

08-27-2007, 04:23 PM
I believe that is in fact them. I always thought Andraste looked like she belonged under a bridge.
Oh man. That was so wrong, yet it caused me to snort laugh. I hope you're happy.

08-27-2007, 04:26 PM
I actually found that kinda hot... and I haven't played D&D in years (but yeah when did they change it so higher AC was better?).

3rd edition, and personally I'm glad I no longer have to calculate THAC0. :P

08-27-2007, 04:29 PM
Where IS PB with his photoshop skills when you need him?

08-27-2007, 04:29 PM
3rd edition, and personally I'm glad I no longer have to calculate THAC0. :P

That you can renders you mad hot though.

:loves him some gamer chicks:

08-27-2007, 04:29 PM
Those are rather old pictures, like 2005?

And what exactly does it matter again?


08-27-2007, 04:31 PM
It matters about as much as Andraste's special friend coming in to proclaim that Xaerve is Lycain. Not very much...but insightful.

08-27-2007, 04:33 PM
Those pictures made me actually mad at Andraste when before I was indifferent.
What's happening to me?

Sean of the Thread
08-27-2007, 04:33 PM
Lycain is on the up and up now days. Believe it or not we have all been playing this game long enough that people do grow up. (amazingly)

08-27-2007, 04:34 PM

Yea right...

08-27-2007, 04:36 PM
3rd edition, and personally I'm glad I no longer have to calculate THAC0. :P

I played a little thrid edition but for some reason didn't remember that part of it...

Ever since playing D&D I always thought of ac as a thing where negative was good, yet just about everything since then showed it as positive...

THAC0 was great... just take the AC, add it to your roll, if it's greater then or equal to THAC0 you hit! Except... it never worked like that, the GM would always ask "what AC did you hit" and you then you had to subtract your roll from your THAC0... and somehow that was more difficult (no really... it was, somehow subtraction fucked with me when I was 13)

08-27-2007, 04:45 PM
<<Those are rather old pictures, like 2005?>>

Because, as we all know, 2 years ago for a middle-aged person = RATHER OLD picture.

<<And what exactly does it matter again?>>

It matters a lot. The fact that she monitors whispers and responds to them as if she's part of the conversation matches up nicely with how disgusting she is physically.

08-27-2007, 04:47 PM
Maybe to a 17-18 year old boy it might matter.(or maybe some of the more shallow "adults"

Her looks have nothing to do with anything. If you have an issue with her in game, fine, if you have issue with her policy decisions fine, but posting her picture does nothing to add to the debate except to bring it down the line of personal insults all over again.


Sean of the Thread
08-27-2007, 04:48 PM
Well at least he didn't post your pics.

08-27-2007, 04:50 PM
I don't have a problem with her in game, since I don't play her game, so my only venue is the only one that matters: life.

I didn't post her picture, either. Your argument blows.

08-27-2007, 05:01 PM
Maybe to a 17-18 year old boy it might matter.(or maybe some of the more shallow "adults"


I'm not shallow. I'm an adult.
Her life revolves around GS and she'll do anything to remind herself that there, she's 'important'.
It's so obvious that's what she's doing and if I saw myself doing that I'd drop GS and better myself and my self respect for me in RL in anyway I could.
She's not an Amazon God. Try telling her that though.

08-27-2007, 05:38 PM
Maybe to a 17-18 year old boy it might matter.(or maybe some of the more shallow "adults"

Her looks have nothing to do with anything. If you have an issue with her in game, fine, if you have issue with her policy decisions fine, but posting her picture does nothing to add to the debate except to bring it down the line of personal insults all over again.


hmmm, I could argue both sides here, but since you put up an argument for that side... I'll chose the other.

(I have yet to see the picture but...)
your physical appearance (in most cases) has alot to do with how you behave socially, and will definately effect how you interact with people.

The online wrath of an ugly person holds no boundry... they will fight for respect online because they don't get it anywhere else... It will be more important to them when alot of people would simply not care...

I don't have this problem since I'm sexy, and if I was a chick I would do me...
in fact, AFK a few...

08-27-2007, 05:42 PM
Just re-word anything I say, mate.
The last part :

I don't have this problem since I'm sexy, and if I was a chick I would do me...
in fact, AFK a few...

You can keep.

08-27-2007, 05:47 PM
Why do you think Sean2 is so nasty online? Mike Myers ruined his social life when he created Shrek.

Sean of the Thread
08-27-2007, 05:50 PM
Shrek: Ogres are like onions.
Donkey: They stink?
Shrek: Yes. No.
Donkey: Oh, they make you cry.
Shrek: No.
Donkey: Oh, you leave em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs.
Shrek: NO. Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers.
Donkey: Oh, you both have layers. Oh. You know, not everybody like onions.

08-27-2007, 05:56 PM
GMs... atleast wait until someone fucking complains before you step in... if no one is complaining then there is NO PROBLEM!!
In fact, sometimes people are having fun, until you come and fuck it up for everyone.

QFT x 3.

I had this same problem with Emeradan the other day. I technically violated policy, but nobody present cared, and it was all in good fun. He cared though and busted me anyway. Policy 4, the same one we are talking about here.

08-27-2007, 05:57 PM
I played a little thrid edition but for some reason didn't remember that part of it...

Ever since playing D&D I always thought of ac as a thing where negative was good, yet just about everything since then showed it as positive...

THAC0 was great... just take the AC, add it to your roll, if it's greater then or equal to THAC0 you hit! Except... it never worked like that, the GM would always ask "what AC did you hit" and you then you had to subtract your roll from your THAC0... and somehow that was more difficult (no really... it was, somehow subtraction fucked with me when I was 13)
D&D 3e is a lot simpler in my opinion than AD&D, and getting rid of THAC0 is one of the best improvements.

AC in 3e is a simple matter of starting at 10 and adding dex bonus (or penalty), armor bonus and any other bonuses like items or spells. To hit, you roll a d20 and add in your class attack bonus, relevant stat bonus (strength to melee or dex to ranged) and other bonuses like weapons or spells. If your attack roll is higher than target's AC, you hit.

Attacking in AD&D for me was always confusing. Do I add this? Am I supposed to subtract? Wait, did I remember that? 3e is just so much easier than the headache of THAC0.

Gretchen, fellow D&D addict

Sean of the Thread
08-27-2007, 06:03 PM

08-27-2007, 06:25 PM
This thread gets 3 thumbs down, because the original complaint is retarded. It'd get four, but I think I'd rather stick it my my ass than read past page one.

08-27-2007, 06:29 PM
Anything you've ever posted is nothing but shit.

08-27-2007, 06:49 PM
Please, change the fucking spell. I don't know who, as a player just loves this spell so much that they have to keep it.

I treat it as another blank spell slot. It is ridiculous to think that they can give us trouble over using a spell they have provided. Take away the ability to hit other players with it, at the least. Even doing that, it would be a severely overpowered hunting spell.

I think its well past time to get rid of it. Give us something we can use.

Agreed times a zillion.

MS stinks hardcore. In a recent thread here, there was a rumor that you could learn from it killing critters if you stayed in the area. Ok, so I tested. No EXP. BUT!!! Guess what I did get?

Can you guess?

Can you?

Yup, a SEND. Do not use that spell! It kills innocents. Granted I had announced, and mentioned I was swarming the area I was hunting, and at the time, no one was there. :shrug: No one died either.

So um yea, off the spell. Hell, it wouldn't make any difference to me if they just removed the spell and didn't even put another one there.

Every time you cast MS, all GM are alerted (at least this is my guess), so why have it? To set up wizards to get official warnings?


08-27-2007, 06:54 PM
Feh I 720'd + 718 most rooms in my hunting areas from 30-40 ( roughly ) and went to the room next to the resting area to enjoy the benefits before frying and resting on the node.
I heard the same about open 720 being flagged. Didn't seem so.

Sean of the Thread
08-27-2007, 06:55 PM
I open 720'd all the time. Fuck em if they don't want me to use my spell.

Don't like it? Get the fuck outta the area when a sorc is hunting.

08-27-2007, 06:56 PM

08-27-2007, 07:12 PM
^Wow. I'm all for the "tough shit" thing but that's taking it way too far. Oh, you don't want me to cast a spell that is continually dangerous to other players over a substantial amount of time? Well, tough shit!

That's absolute bullshit.

08-27-2007, 07:17 PM

Sean of the Thread
08-27-2007, 07:19 PM
I did get consultation lounge'd for using during invasions tho.. dumb. That and 435.

08-27-2007, 07:40 PM
I also find it funny that I have to keep reminding myself that I'm a paying customer and they're lucky--I'm not lucky--that I'm playing their game.

Agreed w/ Lycane

I think they need to start lettting their GMs know this once in a while. Some of the incidents I've seen in-game and posted on here are borderline harassment. If the players are having fun and no "innocents" were hurt or whatever, I don't see why it's a problem. We are paying for this.

08-27-2007, 08:13 PM
1)Get rid of meteor swarm, bring back firestorm.

2)Andraste is a pain in my ass as well. How dare she reprimand me for making fun of homosexuals IG. How dare she!

3)That is all.

08-27-2007, 09:20 PM
I don't think Shari is arguing the first warning. I think it's the latter of Andraste being a bitch and not letting it die after said warning.

THANK YOU. That's exactly my point. I know what I did. I realized there was another Andraste thread. Hell, I haven't even READ it because before this incident I had no problem with her. I wasn't even upset that she yelled at me the first time. It was her whole:

"And I wouldn't recommend MS the dais" that blew me out of the water.

I mean, come the fuck on, if I was going to MS the dais I wouldn't WARN people over psinet. I'd just run the hell over there and DO IT.

However, I'm a GS Barbie and being able to afford more gowns and other bullshit is more important to me than having my 15 seconds of GS fame by blowing up the dais and paying a huge fucking fine.

08-27-2007, 09:49 PM
<<Those are rather old pictures, like 2005?>>

Because, as we all know, 2 years ago for a middle-aged person = RATHER OLD picture.

<<And what exactly does it matter again?>>

It matters a lot. The fact that she monitors whispers and responds to them as if she's part of the conversation matches up nicely with how disgusting she is physically.


08-27-2007, 09:57 PM
QFT x 3.

I had this same problem with Emeradan the other day. I technically violated policy, but nobody present cared, and it was all in good fun. He cared though and busted me anyway. Policy 4, the same one we are talking about here.

I would let him 'Bust' me anyday...heh

08-27-2007, 10:10 PM

Right on brother. Make it rain on them hoes.

For the sake of all that's right and good in gemstone. Make it rain.

Kinda makes me want to bring back my toon and just bring the noise. It'd be worth the 15 bucks.

08-27-2007, 10:16 PM
FYI, Andraste posts here.

... and has done so for a long time.

Care to chime in, Caramia?

08-27-2007, 10:37 PM
Wait, wait..

She's Caramia on here?


08-27-2007, 11:12 PM

08-27-2007, 11:21 PM
Marking for later cause I'm too lazy to read right now.


EDIT: Had to add a pic for good measure.

08-27-2007, 11:23 PM
Oh, I have so many things to say right now, but I think I'm just going to go to bed instead.

08-27-2007, 11:27 PM
FYI, Andraste posts here.

... and has done so for a long time.

Care to chime in, Caramia?

Haha, if that's the case so much has been answered for me.

08-28-2007, 12:12 AM
Looks like you were totally in the wrong there.

Joining in a conflict that wasn't your own, responding to GM sends outloud, speaking OOC stuff outloud.

Yeah, except when you respond with REPORT, they tell you you're abusing REPORT and threaten to warn you. Dipshit GMs.

Just cast Quake next time, since technically you won't be attacking anyone. Or does quake get you tossed in jail now if cast in town?

I don't think Andraste is the problem, I think the policy against PvP is the problem...

9 times out of 10, Andraste is the problem. She takes it upon herself to get involved in conflicts when nobody reports and she really doesn't have a clue wtf is going on.

See for yourself. Get a handful of friends together and stage a fight somewhere, similar to the one in Sorchia's log. I can almost guarantee that if Andraste's on, she'll jump into it. Then you can all report back and say something like "I don't recall sending a REPORT asking for your help, so kindly piss off please."

Then you can let her in on the gag that it was all pre-planned and everyone was in on it, and make her feel extra stupid.

08-28-2007, 12:22 AM
Her life revolves around GS and she'll do anything to remind herself that there, she's 'important'.
It's so obvious that's what she's doing and if I saw myself doing that I'd drop GS and better myself and my self respect for me in RL in anyway I could.

The same could be said about folks on message boards... myself included.

08-28-2007, 12:25 AM
I agree with jumping in and webbing when it wasnt none of my business. Yes, speaking to a GM outloud IG is not a good idea either, after so many 'sends' one tends to get a bit twicthy. However, my problem is when I am speaking OOC in whispers to another person, I should not get a send from a GM telling me how I should talk OOC. This is what I find that she is taking for granted, peeking in on OOC conversations. That is wrong.

She's not the only GameMother* to put out SENDs for OOC talk. I've had several different GM's do this before..

Oddly enough, I haven't gotten one from Andraste.

*Patent Pending

08-28-2007, 12:27 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty much convinced after seeing that picture that Andraste only GMs as a huge ego boost by power tripping every time she logs in. Jesus Christ.

<<And what exactly does it matter again?>>

It matters a lot. The fact that she monitors whispers and responds to them as if she's part of the conversation matches up nicely with how disgusting she is physically.

I just wanted to be on record for agreeing with this evaluation.

Sean of the Thread
08-28-2007, 12:40 AM
Haha, if that's the case so much has been answered for me.

Yeah she posts as Caramia on these boards.

08-28-2007, 12:46 AM
Yeah she posts as Caramia on these boards.

I guess she can relate to how it must feel to be outed.

08-28-2007, 12:48 AM
Kinda funny with a friend of hers who she's protected from PVP trouble outing somebody in this thread.

08-28-2007, 02:50 AM
.....It's not rocket science... make a PvP area / town
then you can punish severely for PvP outside of that area... the RPers get to RP and if they want to PvP they can go to the PvP area.
Without doing this, there will never be harmony....

That's what the boulder is for in the landing... at least what it's currently used for...

08-28-2007, 04:26 AM



Hot porn star girlfriend? In that picture? If you like anorexic.

Sean of the Thread
08-28-2007, 05:02 AM

What a trotch.

08-28-2007, 06:00 AM
Inside Andraste is a skinny woman just fighting to get out.

She ate her.

Tea & Strumpets
08-28-2007, 09:06 AM
Then you can let her in on the gag that it was all pre-planned and everyone was in on it, and make her feel extra stupid.

Disruptive behaviour, enjoy your ban.

08-28-2007, 10:50 AM



ROFL - Bob wins again.

08-28-2007, 11:09 AM
Oh, I don't ever intend on defending Andraste ever again after hearing she is Caramia. I'm probably best not commenting on her at all any more.



08-28-2007, 11:41 AM
Disruptive behaviour, enjoy your ban.

How is that disruptive behavior if everyone involved is consenting? They can RP it out or whatever to keep it CvC, and then when Andraste sticks her nose in and ruins the situation, they report back and tell her it's staged and to keep her face out of it, and then when she keeps on about it.

Disruptive behavior would be more along the lines of starting a riot in the park and involving aoe spells. Not a staged conflict between a handful of people.

08-28-2007, 12:08 PM
It wouldn't be disruptive behavior normally...but Andraste'd be on duty so it would be. Sort of like the fictional meteor strike on the dais.

08-28-2007, 12:41 PM
Maybe, but what could she possibly say when everyone involved reports back and says, "We're all in on it and consenting, so fuck off and stop ruining everything with your fat head."

EDIT: Possibly say that wouldn't make her look dumb that is.

Tea & Strumpets
08-28-2007, 12:44 PM
How is that disruptive behavior if everyone involved is consenting? They can RP it out or whatever to keep it CvC, and then when Andraste sticks her nose in and ruins the situation, they report back and tell her it's staged and to keep her face out of it, and then when she keeps on about it.

Disruptive behavior would be more along the lines of starting a riot in the park and involving aoe spells. Not a staged conflict between a handful of people.

I was joking because that seems to be (some) staff's fallback position when a player disagrees with a GM.

08-28-2007, 12:47 PM
Oh, that makes sense then.

08-28-2007, 01:45 PM
I was joking because that seems to be (some) staff's fallback position when a player disagrees with a GM.

If Andraste comes after you, you could always claim species discrimation on her part. Something that god damn fat and fugly certainly can?t be human.
Suzuki gt750 specifications (http://www.suzuki-tech.com/wiki/Suzuki_GT750)

08-28-2007, 02:35 PM
She does tend to use disruptive behavior for everything, even if the only thing you're disrupting is her.

Oh, and Vitruvian's little anorexic porn star girlfriend? :bananahit:

08-28-2007, 02:52 PM
Where was the pic of Andraste? Someone delete it due to the sheer size of it?

08-28-2007, 02:55 PM

08-28-2007, 02:59 PM
Anyway, Back on topic: Thanks to the OOC team, I present you with ....

Wow, I should've refreshed the page within 5 minutes of responding.

Sean of the Thread
08-28-2007, 03:00 PM

Jesus just imagine them trying to have sex.

08-28-2007, 03:17 PM
I hate you.

08-28-2007, 03:44 PM
Jesus just imagine them trying to have sex.


08-28-2007, 04:00 PM
Jesus just imagine them trying to have sex.

I consider that post assult with a deadly weapon due to the images and horrors it prevokes

08-28-2007, 04:09 PM
Someone needs to find a better picture of Tilmont, that is an awful picture of him, considering what he looks like in real life.


08-28-2007, 04:12 PM
Let's not sully Tilmont's reputation by dragging him into this.

08-28-2007, 04:13 PM
Yeah, that.


08-28-2007, 04:13 PM
Let's not sully Tilmont's reputation by dragging him into this.

^ - He's a good guy.

08-28-2007, 07:30 PM
Yeah...at least one thing most of the folks in this thread can agree on.