View Full Version : Children's Star Wars misconceptions

08-26-2007, 05:43 AM
This is really funny, it's people posting about all the misconceptions they had about Star Wars as a kid. If you were like me and watched these movies all the time as a kid you will probably get a kick out of some of these:


That's the thread, I pulled out some of the ones I liked:

I remember I used to think that Vader wanted the Millenium falcon because it was faster than his ships and he was jealous.

Also, I thought that Obi-Wan disappearing was a censorship thing because they weren't allowed to show him getting chopped in half!

i didn't understand about the ep IV thing either, and when i asked my parents they told me that George Lucas must have been on drugs or something because a lot of people did drugs during the time they were made, so for a long time i thought he just numbered them wrong because he was on drugs and forgot how to count, and i thought it was very sad.

Whenever I watched Empire as a kid I used to think that when Luke falls down the shaft on Bespin, that he falls to Earth and hangs from a telephone pole. Yep.

I remember thinking that Princess Leia selfishly doomed Alderaan by looking out the window at the planet and confirming the location of the rebels in a German accent.

"Dat one, they're on dat one."

I always used to think that when Ben's sabre blade dissapeared in A New Hope his battery had run out.

also me and my chilhood friends came to the horrifiying conclusion that obi wan was alive and had escaped in the nude. jst a naked old man running through the death star

I thought the first Death Star run was a game, sort of like the Olympics. Some kind of contest. It was because of the medals at the end, with the award ceremony!

The only others I can think of are more misconceptions about how films were made. I used to think the pilots in the space battles really died. I knew they were actors, but I figured they were just really devoted to their craft.

08-26-2007, 06:19 AM
I can't remember what misconceptions I had, but I was scared absolutely shitless by the Yoda scenes in Empire Strikes Back. When Luke says he's not scared and then Yoda replies "Oh you will be, you will be" I still kind of want to hold someones hand. I don't know why I found these scenes so scary but I did for whatever reason. Also I didn't really get that when Luke fights the fake Darth Vader in the cave on Dagobah that it's his head inside of Vader's helmet. I never knew who that was, someone told me eventually but I still didn't really get it. I knew that he was like facing his fears but I just thought his ultimate fear was Darth Vader, I didn't get until much later that his ultimate fear was actually that on the inside he was like Vader.

08-26-2007, 08:15 AM
Also, I thought that Obi-Wan disappearing was a censorship thing because they weren't allowed to show him getting chopped in half!

This was my misconception.

Was not altered until Episode I when Obi Wan was told by Yoda that Qai Gon Jin had discovered how to become eternal or whatever.

08-26-2007, 09:24 AM
This was my misconception.

Was not altered until Episode I when Obi Wan was told by Yoda that Qai Gon Jin had discovered how to become eternal or whatever.


08-26-2007, 11:36 AM
I can't remember what misconceptions I had, but I was scared absolutely shitless by the Yoda scenes in Empire Strikes Back. When Luke says he's not scared and then Yoda replies "Oh you will be, you will be" I still kind of want to hold someones hand. I don't know why I found these scenes so scary but I did for whatever reason.

It's because you're weak minded and Yoda was using a jedi mind trick on you.

08-26-2007, 01:12 PM

Was it 3?

well shit.


For some reason I was picturing Yoda telling Ben somewhere during the funeral for Quai Gon.

This is a good excuse to go back and watch them all again.

08-26-2007, 02:55 PM
Yeah it was 3, I just wasn't going to be pedantic.