View Full Version : Old school fish spine sword for sale
08-25-2007, 07:38 PM
So... bacon is literally burning on the stove, so I'll keep this short for now.
For sale or trade: One fish spine sword. 0x, crit weighted, broadsword based. Considering offers, but I just paid 3 mill for it, so it'll need to be in that area. Also interested in trades if you have one. First offer of 3.5 mill gets it, no questions asked.
You can reach me at sacalicornATgmailDOTcom.
Sean of the Thread
08-25-2007, 07:52 PM
Didnt we just hear of one of these shattering on a stone gargoyle's head this morning on the amunet?
08-25-2007, 08:52 PM
Beans don't burn on the grill.
08-26-2007, 12:13 AM
any and all non magical weapons can break on many of the critters in darkstone, and probably other stone critters, used to be any weapon without the silly mark not sure if thats still the case.
08-26-2007, 07:39 AM
why the fuck did you pay 3 mil for a fishspine?
08-26-2007, 10:46 AM
The person wanted to be extremely generous?
08-26-2007, 11:33 AM
Did your bacon turn out ok?
08-26-2007, 02:26 PM
The bacon turned out great... except for the horseradish I stuck on my 15 year old daughter's BLT, it was a hit.
Now that the important question's answered...
The sequence of events went something like this...
Played a sorceror, wizard, empath, and cleric over the years. Tinkered with a warrior, got bored around level 20. Decided to try a rogue. Played with him for a while, playing with the adventurer's guild, and letting him hunt with my bard's weapon pretty much exclusively (opaque vultite fal).
Got to the point where I was hunting Stone Gargoyles, because I saw the boxes a few of my lockpicking customers were dragging in from there, so I headed out to give them a shot. Did OK, but was dying about every sixth hunt or so, when I would get caught out in the open. Complained to a rogue friend that I was getting 300 roll hits, from hiding, on a leg, and not even knocking them down, much less removing the leg. He scoffed and told me that I "had" to have a crit weighted weapon to advance as a rogue much further.
Checked the bank balance, had about 4 mill to spend, so started asking around for what I should be looking for. Tried to take advice from as many sources as possible, and I got a shortlist:
black coraesine waraxe
wickedly curved faenor waraxe
old-style fish spine sword
Never having owned any of these, I looked them up on various forums. Fish spines got rave reviews pretty much across the board, more so than the other two. (Plenty of people told me to save up and get a fel hafter, too, which is the new plan). I looked for all three, and the first one across my path was a fish spine. I looked around for what the market was for them, and saw one sell on the forums for 2.5 mill a month or so ago. I offered that, he declined, saying he wanted 3. I held off, asked around some more, looked at my other options (which weren't very good), then gulped and bought it.
Like a moron, I didn't register it, and in my giddiness scooted off to Darkstone for a test run. First ambush: 4 points of damage on a 174 end roll. Not encouraging. Second ambush: Shattered fish spine sword. I yanked out my dagger and poked his eyes out, and got out of there. Complained to a friend about my rotten luck (and idiocy for not registering it first), and he suggested I ASSIST anyway. So I did that.
Told the GM my sob story and he replaced it, along with some enlightenment about stone critters and unenchanted weapons. So I took the sword to Frost Giants and Ice Trolls, up in Icemule. Tried every critter I could think of, and was woefully unimpressed. So... sticking with my opaque vultite fal, and tryin to get something out of this sword. Lots of people love them, supposedly, so I guess they work for some people. Just not for me, at the level I'm hunting right now.
Now... aren't you glad you asked? :)
08-26-2007, 07:41 PM
I love my altered fishspine.
08-30-2007, 01:52 AM
Ill give ya 3 mill
08-30-2007, 07:53 AM
inflation is fucking crazy
edited to add: I was gonna buy one for a mil like a year ago and the guy was like you have can it for 450 cause I'm not using it.
Carl Spackler
09-10-2007, 01:01 PM
heh, i bought my first one for like 50k
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