View Full Version : Ranting

08-23-2007, 09:51 PM
Post all your Gemstone rants in here! I'll start with one of the many I have:

I just got a new character the other day, and was excited and all set to go hunting and crap. After I fried and went to go rest to absorb the exp, I realized what I was doing. I was sitting there, doing nothing. Watching a little red bar not move. Waiting for it to turn pink. I got bored rather quickly and went to playing another game.

The enormous stupidity of it just hit me all over again while waiting for the bar to change colors, and my mind to start emptying. It's just ridiculous. The game is no longer uncapped, and there is an end point (of a sort). I would like to reach that end game at some point in my lifetime. And then I can restart or something. But I don't want to waste the majority of my time sitting on my ass doing nothing.

I realize many people have other things to do while waiting for their mind to empty. And for some hunting isn't even a favorable pastime in Gemstone. Personally though, I find more enjoyment in hunting the creatures, finding loot, and all that jazz. I like a sense of accomplishment.

All this comes to a realization that they have managed to stretch something that could take less than 127 hours*, into something that takes the most astute gamer 3788 hours. OR over two years of gameplay at 5 hours a day for an average Joe who holds a full time job and plays the rest of his free time. Which is more than a responsible person should be playing per day. Most shouldn't be playing that often. Just because some can or do, doesn't mean everyone else should be slowed down as well.

So they stretched less than seven days into over two years. Hurray!

Absorption sucks.

*Using 100 exp per kill, at 6 seconds of soft cast RT per kill, no absorption necessary.

08-23-2007, 11:26 PM
Personally though, I find more enjoyment in hunting the creatures, finding loot, and all that jazz. I like a sense of accomplishment.You can still hunt and find loot while your character is fried. I'm a little puzzled how you've linked "a sense of accomplishment" to "I could beat this game in 7 days", though.

08-23-2007, 11:56 PM
And if you hunt and loot while fried you normally absorb at a lesser rate, which is again wasting time, and keeping you from the final level.

I'm not linking those as such. I'm saying I don't get a sense of accomplishment from something that takes over two years. More a waste of time than an accomplishment.

I don't want to be able to finish the game in 7 days. I was just pointing out that for the amount of exp you get per creature, and the amount of time it could take to get that exp, if you didn't have to wait to absorb it, it would take a fraction of the time.

08-23-2007, 11:58 PM
Not a fan of colleges, huh? :)

08-23-2007, 11:59 PM
So what would be the fix AD? I like that it takes time to get to endgame, but I also hate watching that bar get low enough to go hunt again, so I can maxiize my experience absorption, which is made even worse with saturation. Yet, I like getting saturated and staying that way.

So what is the fix?


08-24-2007, 12:01 AM
Not a fan of colleges, huh? :)

Is that knocking my grammar and sentence structure or something? Or equating them to a waste of time to get to the job you want?

08-24-2007, 12:03 AM
<<Is that knocking my grammar and sentence structure or something? Or equating them to a waste of time to get to the job you want?>>

I'm saying I don't get a sense of accomplishment from something that takes over two years.

The majority of college students attend for more than 2 years.

08-24-2007, 12:05 AM
Well I obviously haven't gone to one myself yet. So I guess you could say that.

Though I am sure graduating from college would have a sense of accomplishment even were it to take that long. Its a larger part of life and all that.

This is a game, and it shouldn't take that long.

08-24-2007, 12:08 AM
It's been an ongoing game for nearly two decades... your choices are either limiting advancement or constantly raising the cap, and there's nowhere near the kind of dev team needed to add game content every time there's a new wave of capped characters.

08-24-2007, 12:11 AM
>>>I just got a new character the other day, and was excited and all set to go hunting and crap. After I fried and went to go rest to absorb the exp, I realized what I was doing. I was sitting there, doing nothing. Watching a little red bar not move. Waiting for it to turn pink. I got bored rather quickly and went to playing another game. >>>>>

Try filling that time with roleplay. No, this wasn't a slight.

08-24-2007, 12:30 AM
So what would be the fix AD? I like that it takes time to get to endgame, but I also hate watching that bar get low enough to go hunt again, so I can maxiize my experience absorption, which is made even worse with saturation. Yet, I like getting saturated and staying that way.

So what is the fix?


The fix is to go AFK. For more details on being afk, click here:


08-24-2007, 12:16 PM
I was simply curious if he had an idea on maintaining that the game takes alot of time, just not as much as it currently does.

I know with being saturated, you can sit and RP for decent lengths of time and that is nice.


08-24-2007, 12:39 PM
I don't like raiding, I don't like the end game of most MMO's...what I did enjoy about say World of Warcraft for example was leveling characters. That was the challenge to me...ultimately, after many level 70's on multiple servers, sides and whatnot. I got bored again...

Gemstone, while level is slow as shit, offers constant new experiences. For the most part, I'd say in the 1-70 range...you could probably change hunting grounds every single level and never hunt the same stuff twice. Also, a lot of those levels are filled with new abilities or new things to achieve.

I don't know that I'll care much for the 70 or 80+ game...but I love the low and mid range stuff.

What are you going to do once you cap gemstone? start another character perhaps...thats what I do...but it takes so damn long that it stays interesting for a good deal longer.

Stanley Burrell
08-24-2007, 01:31 PM