View Full Version : Klaive

06-28-2003, 04:28 AM
You can give me attention here on the Klaive Topic.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

06-28-2003, 11:11 AM
Sorry Pookie. Hard to get attention anymore when a new generation of (*less intelligent) snerts along the lines of Warlcaidhm, Candor, Haashek, etc. have taken over. Though I'm guessing Haashek stole the claiming himself as Legendary from you. Every interaction I've had with him in game (generally me berating him on the net for being an idiot) has resulted only in reinforcing that. While I never had any problems with Klaive in game and just on the boards.

06-28-2003, 12:16 PM
Point in case

Haashek [subdued]: "Hugs to my super son Soiren"
Soiren [subdued]: "Hello Father"

06-28-2003, 12:17 PM
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
Dimbat [subdued]: "lookin to buy a 5-6x shield...ttm please"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
You [subdued]: "We heard you the first three times"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"

06-28-2003, 12:43 PM
Um :: Y A W N :: ?

06-28-2003, 01:11 PM
Has Haashek called you a stinky poopiehead yet Soulpieced? I remember he was begging for full spellups on the voln net one time, and I told him to take it to the amunet, to which he replied:

Hasshek: 'you are a stinky poopiehead xxxx, I use da spellies to hunt da undead and further voln's work'
Haashek: 'I am a 7' 265 lb legendary giant warrior and if I see you dead somewheres xxxx I would leave you there'

06-28-2003, 01:15 PM
Are all the new gen idiots warriors?

06-28-2003, 01:21 PM
Taernath: That is REALLY freaking funny. Ever considering sending it to Juspera so she'd post it up? Hehehehe.

As to them all being warriors: I'm pretty sure Candor is a rogue. I'm not even sure I'd group Candor with the rest of them, as far as I've seen he's all boast and bluster but fully willing to decay if someone kills him. I've never seen him OOC, he just lives up to his name.

06-28-2003, 01:41 PM
I would, but I'm basing it on memory because I didn't save the log. There was another comment where he called me "stinky, both inside and out". The guy can get himself really worked up sometimes.

And yeah, Candor's a rogue. I wouldn't call him an idiot, just someone who's rp'd as an asshole.

06-28-2003, 01:46 PM
Candor candor candor..

Him and Adredrin always have things happening between us..I sometimes hope he understands that its pure RP. Adredrin really REALLY dislikes being slapped..and candor is fond of that. Other then that, I rather like the guy..he is fun to tease and kill. Hehehe


06-28-2003, 05:05 PM
I just think its hilarious that you folks have hijacked this thread to talk about someone else. Keep up the good work!


06-28-2003, 05:58 PM
I blame myself

06-29-2003, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
Dimbat [subdued]: "lookin to buy a 5-6x shield...ttm please"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
You [subdued]: "We heard you the first three times"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"

Okay, I give. I guess I'm no longer the worst thing to happen to Elanthia.

I can be annoying, controversial, abrasive, arrogant, hypocritical, heartless, immature and backwards.

But one thing I can't be is stupid or intellectually inept.

I guess I'll just retire from making waves now that the Super Snerts have arrived. I'm obsolete. Time to go sit on the porch and tell young'uns about my glory days.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

Red Devil
06-29-2003, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

Originally posted by Soulpieced
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
Dimbat [subdued]: "lookin to buy a 5-6x shield...ttm please"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"
You [subdued]: "We heard you the first three times"
Haashek [subdued]: "Looking for a warcry lesson in the Warrior Guild Please"

Okay, I give. I guess I'm no longer the worst thing to happen to Elanthia.

I can be annoying, controversial, abrasive, arrogant, hypocritical, heartless, immature and backwards.

But one thing I can't be is stupid or intellectually inept.

I guess I'll just retire from making waves now that the Super Snerts have arrived. I'm obsolete. Time to go sit on the porch and tell young'uns about my glory days.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

Drag a AFK noobie to solhaven again and post results LOL

06-29-2003, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by Red Devil

Drag a AFK noobie to solhaven again and post results LOL

>look tab
You look around the room to see who is seated at the various tables.

[Ferocious Thrak Table]

[Pink Thrak Table]

[Two-headed Thrak Table]
Dougtheous and Bluga

[Thrakling Table]

[Ancient Thrak Table]

[One-eyed Thrak Table]

[Kittens and Thraks Table]
Wagglehand and Phixoliz

[Galloping Thrak Table]

Type GO <table name> TABLE or GO <person> TABLE to be seated.
>go ancient table
You approach the Ancient Thrak Table, which is occupied. If you are sure you wish to join the people at that table, GO there again.
go ancient table
>You head over to the Ancient Thrak Table.
[Ancient Thrak Table]
Smooth to the touch, the edges of the table and the chairs placed here are comfortably worn. Even the letters carved into the table top are now shallow, perhaps carved by lovers, long ago. The outline of an old thrak curls around one set of initials. The only feature not worn away by time is an eye with a tear at the corner. You also see the Valdomort disk and a short rod.
Also here: Journeyman Valdomort who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
You smile.
>look val
You see Journeyman Valdomort the Ranger.
He appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
He appears to be very young and average height. He has piercing grey eyes and bronze skin. He has short, flowing steel grey hair. He has a straight nose and slightly pointed ears.
He has a long brown beard.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a scratched haon chest in his right hand.
He is wearing an imflass greathelm, a gold ring, a clean white linen bandage, a fire pearl inset silver necklace, some azure pants, some elven fighting leathers, a vaalorn-bound dwarven battle harness, a pearl-buckled black leather belt, a silver lizard skull earring, a pair of magnificent white puma hide shoes, a pair of tanned leather gloves, a gold-clasped sturdy leather pack, a voluminous black stalking cloak, a silvery vultite shield, a lustrous white diamond pendant, a small black leather kit, and a dark leather locksmith's toolkit.
>pull val
You try to pull Valdomort to his feet, but he is too heavy.
>pull val
You try to pull Valdomort to his feet, but he is too heavy.
>pull val
You try to pull Valdomort to his feet, but he is too heavy.
>pull val
You try to pull Valdomort to his feet, but he is too heavy.
>pull val
pull val
You pull Valdomort to his feet.
>You pull Valdomort closer to you.
>hold vald
You reach out and hold Valdomort's hand.
>"Eh, you'll do.
You say, "Eh, you'll do."
>"Dark Lord, Valdomort! Hurry, or we'll be late.
You say, "Dark Lord, Valdomort! Hurry, or we'll be late."


In Solhaven...


[Garden of Death]
This enclosed area looks remarkably like a graveyard, with a large stone crypt standing at the center of a garden of blank white marble headstones. Beside the crypt, a boulder rests with a brass plaque set into its surface.
Obvious paths: out
Valdomort followed.
>read plaque
It reads:
Dread Luukos, Eater of Souls and of Undeath, Lord of Lies -- We, the citizens and merchants of the City of Solhaven do dedicate this courtyard in honor of your horrific powers and mastery of souls.
>"Here we are.
You say, "Here we are."
>hug vald
You hug Valdomort, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
You smile.
>"It was nice meeting you. I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did. I bid you farewell and hope to hear all about your adventures (with the REAL Lord of Death) when you return to the Landing.
You say, "It was nice meeting you. I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did. I bid you farewell and hope to hear all about your adventures (with the REAL Lord of Death) when you return to the Landing."
You wave.
You disband your group.
Your group status is already set to closed.
[Solhaven, Lornon and Eastbridge]
A solid wall of evergreens fills the intersection's northeast corner, providing privacy and seclusion for whatever lies beyond. In contrast, facing the trees from the other side of Eastbridge, a black iron fence -- its gate gaping wide at the corner -- does nothing to hide the brownstone crypt standing in the center of that plot. Above the gate, a brown enamelled lozenge bears the image of a coiled, green snake.
Obvious paths: north, south, east, west

06-29-2003, 09:26 AM

Red Devil
06-29-2003, 09:48 AM
I didn't think you'd actually do it.... LOL!!

06-29-2003, 05:44 PM
Lol thats cute but me. I would rather drag the noob into the wilderness near Icemule.. run back to the landing and just wait, if it didnt happen on the way back.

*Newbie just bit the dust!

Thats so fun on days of boredom. They have to bite the dust for it to be funny you know... its like seeing their name in lights. bwahahaha

06-30-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Lol thats cute but me. I would rather drag the noob into the wilderness near Icemule.. run back to the landing and just wait, if it didnt happen on the way back.

*Newbie just bit the dust!

Thats so fun on days of boredom. They have to bite the dust for it to be funny you know... its like seeing their name in lights. bwahahaha

Yes, fun yes but against policy? Very much so. Gettin em killed will get you a warning. But just takin em to new town, that's classic. Way to go I love it.

06-30-2003, 09:17 PM
Heard on the Solhaven Net.

Valdomort: "help I'm lost in a garden and didnt walk here. How do I get to the inn"

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-05-2003, 06:01 PM
I = Cool.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-05-2003, 06:43 PM
Keep trying to convince yourself of that..however, as you can tell the rest of us are not. lol I'm wondering if you smoke the same weed as Sean/Kesir smokes. Might I recommend something a little stronger to help your much delusioned state.

roflmao ;)

07-06-2003, 03:25 AM
He doesn't smoke weed, but I hear he mistook a lump of used cat litter for an Almond Rocha once

07-06-2003, 10:39 AM
He's a "genius" and a Werewolf tabletop GM...who goes and names his GS character Klaive. If you're that corny...one shouldn't necessarily expect common sense.

07-08-2003, 05:33 PM
A genius would do something unique in the game. Everything Klaive does is old, old hat. It's hilarious that he gets off on quaking the park, something every 'evil' sorcerer and their mother used to do...but 'hee hee hee, it MUST be so much Fun!'

Give me a break. The day Klaive is intimidating is the day Sleepy defends Wehnimer's.

07-08-2003, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by vigilante
A genius would do something unique in the game. Everything Klaive does is old, old hat. It's hilarious that he gets off on quaking the park, something every 'evil' sorcerer and their mother used to do...but 'hee hee hee, it MUST be so much Fun!'

Give me a break. The day Klaive is intimidating is the day Sleepy defends Wehnimer's.

I intimidate and own you.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-08-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

I intimidate and own you.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

Ah, how sweet that you still dare to dream.

07-08-2003, 09:43 PM

07-09-2003, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by vigilante
A genius would do something unique in the game. Everything Klaive does is old, old hat. It's hilarious that he gets off on quaking the park, something every 'evil' sorcerer and their mother used to do...but 'hee hee hee, it MUST be so much Fun!'

Give me a break. The day Klaive is intimidating is the day Sleepy defends Wehnimer's.

I agree.. quaking the park is stupid. One of my characters will probably take offense to it and make it so the quakes cease.

07-09-2003, 02:16 PM
I intimidate and own you.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

There's that oh-so-witty 150+ IQ expressing itself again! Notice the sophisticated tone, the rich double -- no triple entendres...truly one would have to travel far and wide to find a more perfect emotional outburst.

...and what's sad is he had all day to think about it.

07-09-2003, 03:39 PM
Makes me feel happy to be stuck in the 140s.

07-09-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by vigilante

There's that oh-so-witty 150+ IQ expressing itself again!


- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-09-2003, 05:31 PM

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

A pathological liar, too! It doesn't get any better than this....

07-10-2003, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by vigilante

A pathological liar, too! It doesn't get any better than this....

Mensa says, "STFU! Darien is God thx"

07-10-2003, 08:11 AM
The fact that you need to keep stating your IQ speaks volumns. It's not impressive, it gets old... about as old as telling people how long they've been playing Gemstone. IQ means squat if you consistantly act like a tool.

[Edited on 7/10/2003 by CrystalTears]

07-10-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears

The fact that you need to keep stating your IQ speaks volumns. It's not impressive, it gets old... about as old as telling people how long they've been playing Gemstone. IQ means squat if you consistantly act like a tool.

Oh I agree. My IQ doesn't help me much at all. It's mainly useful when something new comes about and I wish to figure it out for myself. I pick things up quickly.

Only, I don't ever pick up anything useful. I squander it on Video Games, Movies, Music, GS and stuff like that.

Although I am trying to learn to draw, speak Japanese and perhaps learn a coding language... my motivation to do constructive things is fairly low. Which sucks for me. ::shrugs::

It's all I can do to force myself to them gym every day. LoL.

I mainly harp on my IQ cause it's all I've got. That and my woman. Everything else for me kinda sucks. My GS character is strong, but he can still get his ass handed to him. I am too much of an individual to get a decent job. I don't get enough sleep because I'm such a night person and I try to be up during the day lately. I feel horrible and you guys do nothing but insult me, which I guess I deserve.

So yeah, my IQ and my woman are all I have going for me. And I'm not gonna talk about my woman cause then those jackasses among you would mess with her in game. I gotta have something to brag about.. otherwise I feel like there's no point to life.

- Klaive

07-10-2003, 02:54 PM
<<<So yeah, my IQ and my woman are all I have going for me. And I'm not gonna talk about my woman cause then those jackasses among you would mess with her in game. I gotta have something to brag about.. otherwise I feel like there's no point to life.

- Klaive>>>

Right cause it's tough to know who Crimsy's other character is.......

07-10-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101

Right cause it's tough to know who Crimsy's other character is.......

ROTFLMAO. Damn, okay that was priceless.

Ignant - (pronounced: Gemstone101)

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-10-2003, 03:19 PM
Heh, it ain't Crimsy. But let's focus on the genius and not the poor girl who has to put up with the guy. :P

"I feel horrible and you guys do nothing but insult me, which I guess I deserve."

Gee, who was the one who started this thread asking for us to talk about you? Wow, talk about opening your own can of worms and then bitching about how it goes afterwards. You hanging out with Warclaidm or something?

Do you really want to brag about your supposed high IQ to gamers on a message board and admit that all you have going for you is your IQ and your woman and not expect any response? Heh, yeah right.

[Edited on 7/10/2003 by CrystalTears]

07-10-2003, 03:22 PM
Oh no, it's not Crimsy. It's her other character. Either that or they live with eachother in real life because they both know what eachother does and they are never in the same game with eachother. However I don't think anyone would do anything to "his girl" because he's a complete jackass.....

07-10-2003, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Heh, it ain't Crimsy. But let's focus on the genius and not the poor girl who has to put up with the guy. :P

"I feel horrible and you guys do nothing but insult me, which I guess I deserve."

Gee, who was the one who started this thread asking for us to talk about you? Wow, talk about opening your own can of worms and then bitching about how it goes afterwards. You hanging out with Warclaidm or something?

I have been as a matter of fact. Hmm...

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-10-2003, 03:28 PM
What I meant was, far as I know, I was under the impression that they broke up quite a while ago, both his relationship with Crimson and her player. <shrugs>

07-10-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
What I meant was, far as I know, I was under the impression that they broke up quite a while ago, both his relationship with Crimson and her player. <shrugs>

I thought so as well, but seeing some of these things, I'm almost positive the new girl is one of crimy's character.

07-10-2003, 06:12 PM
Half make me want to post "Self Esteem" by Offspring.

07-10-2003, 07:52 PM
This is a warning for being on-topic. Please confine discussion in this category to anything other than the title of the folder. Continue to use this thread to be entirely off-topic or risk generating exactly the kind of attention the author of the thread pathologically needs.

Now, how about that test instance of the game? Funky eh?


Who me
07-10-2003, 10:09 PM
Since my character's name as been mentioned... I'd like to set the record straight, then you can leave my name out of it.
None of characters including Crimsy are with Klaive. Nor will they ever be again. (No offense to you D- and you know why). Klaive and Crimsy still remain good friends and that is all.
We can be found on occasion in the game at the same time. We are not living together, and we never have.
Thank you very much, and have a nice day. :drunk: Now please keep me out of this amusing topic.


07-11-2003, 08:25 AM
Darien (Klaive) has been infected with a rare and dangerous disease:


What is Seanititis?

Seanititis is an acute infectious disease caused by close and intimate contact with farm animals. Seanititis most commonly occurs in wild and domestic lower vertebrates (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, antelopes, and other herbivores).

What are the symptoms of Seanititus?

Symptoms of disease vary depending on how the disease was contracted, but symptoms usually occur within 7 days.

Most (about 95%) Seanititis infections occur when the bacterium enters a cut or abrasion on the skin, such as when handling contaminated wool, hides, leather or hair products (especially goat hair) of infected animals. Victim may feel a tight feeling in their head due to their relatively small brain enlarging to sometimes double in size. Though this does not actually increase the intelligence of the victim, it does make them believe they are smarter than all. Other dillusions include, but are not limited to: Thinking they look better than they actually are. Thinking their mate looks better than they are. Thinking they post intelligent things on message boards. Thinking people care about them in an internet game.

Cure: There is no known cure for this disease, but it's effects usually subside with the victim's maturity. Home remedies have included: Constantly making fun of the victim by others, banning them from message boards and internet games and simply ignoring them.

[Edited on 7-11-2003 by Parkbandit]

07-11-2003, 11:58 AM
Klaive destroys ParkBandit effortlessly.
Klaive yawns.
The Most Excellent and Exceedingly Legendary Lord Klaive went west.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-11-2003, 12:18 PM
Lets not forget the other symptoms like pathalogical lying about ones status in life ie. football star, rapper, model, actor and complete denial and slight blindness to owning man tits.

07-11-2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Jay
This is a warning for being on-topic. Please confine discussion in this category to anything other than the title of the folder. Continue to use this thread to be entirely off-topic or risk generating exactly the kind of attention the author of the thread pathologically needs.

I think that the red pill tastes better.


07-11-2003, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Lets not forget the other symptoms like pathalogical lying about ones status in life ie. football star, rapper, model, actor and complete denial and slight blindness to owning man tits.

I want man tits. I'd never leave my bathroom.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-11-2003, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
and complete denial and slight blindness to owning man tits.


that is too funny.

i like you.

07-12-2003, 08:18 AM
>>>>I want man tits. I'd never leave my bathroom.<<<<

I can't believe guys say stuff like that. You know, the same types that say how lucky dogs are since they can lick their own balls and if they were able to do so, they'd never leave their room.

Why would they want to do that? That's what girls are for, I always tell them. I guess it's the lonely people that can't catch a girl/guy that wish they had the magical abilities mentioned above.

- N, who's glad he can't lick his own.. ahem

Red Devil
07-19-2003, 04:30 AM
Klaive is so cool.

[Edited on 7-23-2003 by Red Devil]

07-23-2003, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by Red Devil
Klaive is so cool.

I know.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-26-2003, 12:39 AM
You're so full of yourself Klaive... Heh.


[Edited on 7-26-2003 by Sharkie17]

07-26-2003, 01:05 AM
ehh what happened to the log of Klaive getting his head removed? Why did you edit it?

07-26-2003, 02:07 AM
Klaive saved my character from going demonic.

...after he started the whole thing by killing me.

07-26-2003, 08:43 PM
Sorry, the 'surgeon' who preformed the head amputation asked me to edit the log.


07-27-2003, 09:54 PM
***Warning*** The names were changed to protect the guilty.

XXXXX says, "The only thing I have left to blame you for, YYYYY... is making the mistake of accepting my marriage proposal. It was wrong. I know ZZZZZ had vanished for a while there, but accepting a proposal when your heart belongs to another, even if they have dropped out of sight for a time, is a sure path to disappointment."

07-27-2003, 09:58 PM
Hilairious that you decided to air this out in public. Thank you Klaive, I haven't laughed that hard at something in game since I found out Anticor was a mini Boom Boom.

07-27-2003, 10:01 PM
Character ZZZZZ also asked me how to get a "room" at the inn. Rrrow.

07-29-2003, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Character ZZZZZ also asked me how to get a "room" at the inn. Rrrow.

Yep, that's Dargius. The other one's Raeyanii.

Raeyanii and Dargius were friends, and Raeyanii and Klaive got together cause Raeyanii's player and I got together.

We decided after she moved in with me on the 18th that we'd break Klaive and Raeyanii up cause ICly, they just weren't that compatible. So we're RPing that Raeyanii always loved Dargius and stuff and I'm RPing being all hurt. Klaive'll eventually get with another character she's growing on her account. LoL But for now, he's persuing romantic avenues with another lady.

In the end, everything that happened has been very interesting and it's all about role-play these days. Hard to get upset about IC stuff when you live in the same house IRL and are as happy together as we are. :)

Dargius isn't a bad guy IRL either, just in game, he's a pretty big ass. LoL. Klaive's had to snuff him out on a few seperate occasions, but he's a nice guy when you get right down to it.

Also, I realize it may seem that I'm being overly dramatic, but that's just Klaive. He wants pity and respect all at the same time.

- --[ Darien ]-- -

07-29-2003, 11:17 AM
Klaive is being dramatic... Darian is being dramatic... it's all the same. :P

Red Devil
07-29-2003, 12:19 PM
Warriorbird=lazy mofo


07-29-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Klaive is being dramatic... Darian is being dramatic... it's all the same. :P

Not anymore! :bouncy:

Darien is happy, content and hasn't a grievance left in the world. When you take an angsty Generation Y'er and fulfill their every desire... a strange thing happens.

They stop complaining. It's pretty neat.

- --[ Darien ]-- -

08-01-2003, 07:47 AM
could the day start off any better?

* Klaive just bit the dust! [4:49 am]

08-02-2003, 02:28 AM
I would like to translate this for those who couldn't themselves, because arrogance bugs me.

Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

<< I agree. My IQ doesn't help me much at all. It's mainly useful when something new comes about and I wish to figure it out for myself. I pick things up quickly.>>

"I have the insatiable urge to be better at everyone at everything I do, and if I'm not, I won't do it."

<<Only, I don't ever pick up anything useful. I squander it on Video Games, Movies, Music, GS and stuff like that.>>

"Since I am either obese or dealthy skinny, I cannot perform superiorly in athletics, so I sit behind a screen of some sort and declare my supremacy where no one can see me."

<<Although I am trying to learn to draw, speak Japanese and perhaps learn a coding language... my motivation to do constructive things is fairly low. Which sucks for me. ::shrugs::>>

"I can draw little more than stick figures, I know four words of Japanese, and I learned BASIC when DOS was popular. 'Lack of motivation to do constructive things' = Lazy."

<<It's all I can do to force myself to them gym every day. LoL.>>

"I got my gym membership, went for two weeks, every day. I didn't see immediate results, and my ADD kicked in and I now go whenever I have nothing better to do."

<<I mainly harp on my IQ cause it's all I've got. That and my woman. Everything else for me kinda sucks. My GS character is strong, but he can still get his ass handed to him. I am too much of an individual to get a decent job. I don't get enough sleep because I'm such a night person and I try to be up during the day lately. I feel horrible and you guys do nothing but insult me, which I guess I deserve.>>

"I took an online IQ test once and it told me I was really really smart (because it wanted to sell me a report of how smart I was for $10.95). My GS Character is not old enough to were I can declare supreme domination. I was picked on endlessly as a child, either for bad looks, bad hygiene, or obesity. I found a woman that either a) shares one of the previous attributes or b) is blind or c) is one of the few, treasured women who don't care about looks and pities me."

<<So yeah, my IQ and my woman are all I have going for me. And I'm not gonna talk about my woman cause then those jackasses among you would mess with her in game. I gotta have something to brag about.. otherwise I feel like there's no point to life.>>

"Due to my aforementioned inadequacies, the woman I have convinced to spend extended periods of time with me is more important to me than life itself, and if she were to leave me, I would feel worthless once more and probably attempt suicide. I come to this game and these boards, putting my Narcissisitic Personality Disorder (http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis1/p21-pe07.html) on display to capture the attention I deeply need and desire."

- Klaive

P.s.- He'll either a) come up with a 3 word response, dismissing this post, b) Use his wit (developed through years of verbal abuse) to give me a stinging retort or c) not respond at all, because he can't defend himself.

[Edited on 8-2-2003 by Tayre]

08-02-2003, 09:57 AM
Super intelligent people, as a rule, never consider their "woman" a huge asset.

08-02-2003, 12:28 PM
Tayre....damn man that is just NOT right. You owe me a keyboard....AND a new monitor.

Funniest (and most accurate) thing I have seen in quite a while.

Can anyone confirm if Klaive pulled a "Fisdan" last night? Someone said he thought this:

You hear the subdued thoughts of Klaive echo in your mind:
"act drags his tongue roughly up the sole of your foot from your heel to your toes, sliding between them and lapping softly at the tender flesh of your toes. When he is satisfied, he pushes your legs back until your toes touch the bed above your head and he slowly pushes forward, entering you."


08-02-2003, 12:30 PM
Chris Langan has an IQ of 195, the highest known IQ in the US. He started talking at 6 months and by age 4 could read and comprehend books.



- --[ Klaive ]-- -


I finally understand now. KLAIVE has a 234 IQ, Darien does not. It's all so clear now.

08-02-2003, 12:31 PM
I maintain that was a purposeful slip of the tongue simply so the sad bastard could reveal he has the mane to manage to score with a girl and cyber her. All respect Klaive. Then shoot him.

08-02-2003, 12:50 PM
I read somewhere that Stephen Hawking's IQ is something like 210. I know you're not claiming to be more intelligent than him.

08-02-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I finally understand now. KLAIVE has a 234 IQ, Darien does not. It's all so clear now.


[Edited on 8/2/2003 by CrystalTears]

08-04-2003, 03:10 AM
lol! Tayre that was soo funny! So did Klaive pull a Fisdan? i am sorry i missed it! lol....how can someone w/such a high IQ make such a stupid & humiliating mistake?

08-04-2003, 03:56 AM
114 < My IQ < 116

08-04-2003, 12:47 PM
You people believe he was with a girl when he had that 'fumble'... or anyone for that matter.

Just because someone thinks on the amulet.. doesn't make it the truth.

08-04-2003, 12:56 PM
He's just after attention.

08-04-2003, 12:58 PM
I would have rather he "fumbled" that thought with one about licking an ear or even her navel. But my God, why oh why the feet?! Blech!

08-04-2003, 01:13 PM
He was on the net a couple of weeks ago, wanting an Elven Sorceress or some such, as a foot model. Seems he has a foot fetish or something

08-04-2003, 01:52 PM
Not only is Klaive a genius, he's only marginally better at that sort of thing than a certain "toe-rific" mage. Sad. You'd think with a 234 IQ you could do better.

08-04-2003, 03:43 PM
Exactly. For such a smart guy he can't write for shit. Never use the same noun in a sentence twice. IQ of 200+? Ha!

08-04-2003, 03:51 PM
Actually, he was laying with Vashtee on his featherbed when he 'accidently' thought that. He did do it on purpose, he does all the time.

08-05-2003, 12:22 PM
We all know klaive your the biggest twit in the game.

08-05-2003, 01:01 PM
Twat is more like it.

08-07-2003, 05:08 PM
So yeah basically I just wanted to confirm that yes, Klaive did pull a "Fisdan' or whatever you people keep calling it and it was in all accounts hilarious! I seriously laughed at that one. I don't know if he's known for doing that on purpose or not but it sure was entertaining for a few minutes by dragging up responses on the amunet from various people including myself. I personally could NEVER lick a persons foot, feet are just.. not cute. *shudders* However, if that's what floats his boat, more power to him. hehe. Anyway, just wanted to confirm that the thought actually went out on the net.

08-07-2003, 09:13 PM
Which leads me to wonder... is this guys life sooo droll that he does anything he can think of so people will talk about his character? It's sad really that someone is in need of, that much, or even that kind of attention. He probably is up late at night wondering omg what foolishness can I do to get them to talk about me more. Whats worse is that it's of a character in a rpg. So I'm like god he must be the biggest loser irl. That is the impression I am getting, anyway.

Crazed Sylvan
08-07-2003, 09:55 PM
I'm just wondering, if his girlfriend lives with him, why he was banging in game when he could've been banging her for real.

08-07-2003, 10:58 PM
I heard that his girlfriend left him after she found out that he was a pathological liar.

08-11-2003, 12:54 PM
Yeah, he's probably grinning as he reads this thread, the sad fuck. Lets just stop talking about him.

08-11-2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Crazed Sylvan
I'm just wondering, if his girlfriend lives with him, why he was banging in game when he could've been banging her for real.


08-11-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Exactly. For such a smart guy he can't write for shit. Never use the same noun in a sentence twice. IQ of 200+? Ha!

Yeah really, I thought the highest your IQ could be is 200. Or thats what I thought when I read. <G>

~The great Terror is upon us~

08-11-2003, 03:46 PM
<<Which leads me to wonder... is this guys life sooo droll that he does anything he can think of so people will talk about his character?>>


<<Whats worse is that it's of a character in a rpg. So I'm like god he must be the biggest loser irl.>>

Oh trust me, there's a lot of us that would love to meet Klaive in RL just to confirm how much of a loser he is. Maybe he'll go to Simucon next year dressed up as a DBZ character and start trying to throw fireballs at people.

08-11-2003, 03:48 PM
I remember a video clip of a bunch of people playing an RPG, only they were the characters. They ran around the forest and some guy kept throwing tinfoil lightning bolts and yelling, "Lightning bolt!"

<<Maybe he'll go to Simucon next year dressed up as a DBZ character and start trying to throw fireballs at people.>>

08-11-2003, 04:47 PM
LMAO. Was probably Klaive.

08-11-2003, 04:53 PM
I'd just like to meet (or know who is) the crackhead that gave him this IQ test and told him he had 200+. Unless he did one of those stupid online IQ tests by some bozo with no life out there and made him believe he had that IQ number.

08-11-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I'd just like to meet (or know who is) the crackhead that gave him this IQ test and told him he had 200+. Unless he did one of those stupid online IQ tests by some bozo with no life out there and made him believe he had that IQ number.

hehe yeah something I can agree with you on. :D

08-11-2003, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by daragon13
Yeah really, I thought the highest your IQ could be is 200. Or thats what I thought when I read. <G>

~The great Terror is upon us~

Marilyn Vos Savant (columnist for Parade magazine) is down in Guinness as the highest ever recorded at 228. She scored that at the age of 10 and it appeared in the record books in 1989.

I highly doubt she would score the same if she were to re-test (if you've ever read any of her articles. Her score BTW was (at the time) the ceiling score for 23 year olds and the tests have been dumbed down since. Other record books have her score at 190 (still the highest)

Currently the highest IQ holding person in the world is a 35 year old Greek by the name of Nikos Ligeros. His score on the MENSA records is 189. This score is more realistic in nature. An adult holding a recent scoring holds more water than an adult waving around a score recieved before puberty.

Can you tell I'm not a Savant fan?

08-11-2003, 09:57 PM
Klaive most likely just made that number up off the top of his head.