View Full Version : Coins for sale

08-22-2007, 11:05 PM
50 million coins


$11.00US per million silvers.

Must have a positive paypal history.

Only paypal transactions.

I accept bank draft paypal or credit paypal.

Coins delivered upon verification of receipt of funds.

No exceptions.

Yell at me via U2U for purchase instructions if you wish to buy.

08-23-2007, 11:16 AM
Sale pending for all 50.

08-23-2007, 11:17 AM
so is this a new trend, now? 1m = $11 USD? The pattern has held up for at least a coupla weeks now.

08-23-2007, 11:20 AM
Its the current market rate.

Notice that Sergey is now selling for 13 per instead of the 16 he used to charge.

I expect the price to jump before the next big pay even though as silvers become more in demand.

08-23-2007, 12:48 PM
What's funny is if I lower my prices you all have to lower yours, a month ago you couldve sold all those to me for 11.50 per and had no fees taken out. But since you'd rather undercut now you lose .50C + fees on every transaction.

08-23-2007, 01:00 PM
What's funny is if I lower my prices you all have to lower yours, a month ago you couldve sold all those to me for 11.50 per and had no fees taken out. But since you'd rather undercut now you lose .50C + fees on every transaction.

Yeah Gan, you are soley responsible for inflation! Guess that'll teach you not to fuck with the monopoly!

Please... people "undercutting" you is not the issue, people who have coins to sell and have the time/motivation will always "undercut" instead of sell to you for less, it might cause a downward trend in coin prices, but it's by no means their fault.

08-23-2007, 01:07 PM
Actually, I based this price on the lowest rate that was advertised most recently here... which was $11 per.

Sale confirmed, by the way.

Silvers are gone. (the ones I'm selling that is)

08-23-2007, 01:08 PM
I never meant Gan specifically, since his is just 50m but I'm talking over all and yes people are undercutting 'me' as www.GSAuctions.com sells more coins than anyone I can think of anyway.

08-23-2007, 01:23 PM
I never meant Gan specifically, since his is just 50m but I'm talking over all and yes people are undercutting 'me' as www.GSAuctions.com (http://www.GSAuctions.com) sells more coins than anyone I can think of anyway.

I know who you are, and on a number of occasions when I see people selling small amounts and want to move quickly I recommend you (particularly if they're only like $0.50 over your price), but it's not something you can blame them for. When people are selling in bulk and have time, why on earth should they make less and sell to you? Even as repeat sellers it's foolish for them to think they can stop inflation... it's going to happen... so they might as well get as much as they can while they can.

I'm just saying that it's ridiculous for you to come and lamblast anyone for ... how dare they... undercutting you! That's like saying "That'll teach Mom & Pop for selling their chicken eggs to the public for more then they would get if they sold them to walmart, and now walmart has cut the market out from under them."

08-23-2007, 02:12 PM
we're talking about de-flation not inflation, these sellers that are undercutting me and not selling to me only force me to lower my prices, which then forces them to lower their prices lower than what I would have given them to begin with!

08-23-2007, 02:15 PM
I'm also not lambasting anyone I totally understand the reasoning behind selling on their own to make a few extra bucks (and really that's all it is) but my point is still 100% on the mark.

08-23-2007, 02:18 PM
we're talking about de-flation not inflation, these sellers that are undercutting me and not selling to me only force me to lower my prices, which then forces them to lower their prices lower than what I would have given them to begin with!

Inflation or de-inflation depends on your opinion of the market, you could argue either way (inflation of the cost of GS items but not increased their "real" value, or deinflation of the cost of GS silvers).

You've got just as much a choice to stop the cycle as these people selling silvers, you could increase your prices of buying just like they could not increase their prices of selling. Don't blame economics... it's all simple and natural, it's just how it happens.

08-23-2007, 02:18 PM
we're talking about de-flation not inflation, these sellers that are undercutting me and not selling to me only force me to lower my prices, which then forces them to lower their prices lower than what I would have given them to begin with!

As long as your floor limit on silvers isnt advertised and remains fairly arbitrary then you can expect nothing more from those who decide to sell on their own. If all buyers were to fix their prices to your bar, then it could be considered collusion at worst, price fixing at best.

Competition and the freedom to participate (no barriers to entry) will always encourage entrepreneuership in a barter system.

08-23-2007, 02:33 PM
we're talking about de-flation not inflation, these sellers that are undercutting me and not selling to me only force me to lower my prices, which then forces them to lower their prices lower than what I would have given them to begin with!

Yea, well inflation/deflation is driven by demand. I would venture that the demand over time itself is pretty much on a permanent, slow degrading slope. Not as many people playing, lots of the major sellers/buyers are gone, and the number of new people willing to invest xxx dollars into their character is not keeping up with those who are leaving.

Pre-September 1995 ? 300-350 per million
September 95-December 96 ? 250-300/million
Pre-Web 1997 ? 60/million ? gemmerch/ken sets a more fixed price.
1998 ? 30-40/million
2000 ? 20-25/million
2002 ? 18/million (around the time ken leaves GS to work as a lead for a startup IGE)
2003-2007 ? not sure at any specific time, but on its way down.
Today ? 11-12/million

It probably seems a bit less organized now, but only because there isn?t one dominant presence. Tsin always liked to say otherwise, but even at 11/million, he doesn?t have enough cash on hand to dominate a market, even in this lowered demand state. Furthermore, ken had an ability to maintain prices at his own comfort level because people trusted him. Unlike tsin, he didn?t try and steal accounts, lie about items, etc. Even though I?m sure he doesn?t do it anymore, now that he?s decided to turn it into a business for himself, the reputation will stay with him to at least some degree. Not to mention, there are a lot of people now to compete with, including GSauctions, and other individual sellers.

But with a 15-20% margin, and the lowered states of demand and price, other than some extra petty cash, or a fun thing to do, there?s hardly anything serious to be made.

And undercutting is part of the process that is having lots of people sell the same product.
Herbalaire vaporizer (http://herbalairevaporizer.com/)

08-23-2007, 02:38 PM
Inflation or de-inflation depends on your opinion of the market, you could argue either way (inflation of the cost of GS items but not increased their "real" value, or deinflation of the cost of GS silvers).

You've got just as much a choice to stop the cycle as these people selling silvers, you could increase your prices of buying just like they could not increase their prices of selling. Don't blame economics... it's all simple and natural, it's just how it happens.

Exactly. An interesting collaboration of the dot-com business model with some basic supply side economics. You could pump up the price by cornering it, buying silvers for more than the current discount sale price, and hoard them at that rate. Not sure it would work though, it would depend entirely on how easy silver was to come by (influx), and ultimately, you can risk bursting the bubble if the influx at the higher price is still higher than the demand. Otherwise, you'd reap a nice hefty continuous tip-of-the-iceberg margin.
Magic Flight (http://mflbvaporizer.com)

08-23-2007, 03:12 PM
$15 trending down to 14/13 non-gsauction rate.
$17-16 and now trending down gsauction rate.