View Full Version : Script Help

11-29-2003, 07:52 AM
I created this little script to help channel my sorcerer spells, but it doesnt cast at the critter. Could I get someone's input on the problem with it? Thanks

put prep 702
waitfor Your spell is ready
put stance off
waitfor You are now in an
put cast at %s
pause 2
put stance def
waitfor You are now in a
put search %s

11-29-2003, 10:38 AM
The problem is that it tries casting at the saved variable %s which is not defined in what you show us. I don't know if this is the entire script but if it is meant to be then I would rework it like this:

syntax: .script_name_here <target name>
eg: .mdisrupt rolton

put prep 702
waitfor Your spell
put stance off
waitfor You are now
put cast at %1
pause 2 (---------> This one puzzles me... see below)
put stance def
waitfor You are now
put search %1

Either you use the variable %1 which is the first argument after the script name or you use the save function inside the script to define %s (not necessary here.)

Now the pause thing. You talk about channel now I don't know if you mean the new channel verb with increased casting power. If so (and you must since you change stance) then you have to change the verb "cast" for "channel" in the script.

If your intent was not to channel then you don't need the pause after casting, that is if you really meant to cast from an offensive stance.

Hope that helps!

11-29-2003, 10:44 AM
I would just go to the downloads section here and get cast


11-29-2003, 11:39 AM
Change it to this:

put prep 702
waitfor Your spell is ready
put stance off
waitfor You are now in an
put cast at %1
pause 3
put stance def
waitfor You are now in a
put search %1

Now, if you want it to Channel:

put prep 702
waitfor Your spell is ready
put stance off
waitfor You are now in an
put channel at %1
put stance def
waitfor You are now in a
put search %1

The syntax would be .cast crittername

11-29-2003, 11:49 AM
Only downside to using the quickcast script is that its designed for the cast verb... I also set one up for the channel verb to take advantage of the extra damage benefits that occurrs with channelling and 702, but you have to wait for the hart rt to finish before you stance up. If you're primary casting spell is going to be 705 then I suggest using the cast command. This script is a mod from one I got off of gemstonescripts.com a while back to give credit where credit is due.

(script name: sc.cmd)
(usage: .sc target 02)
(can also put in 05 for spell 705)

Channel method: (hard 3 sec. rt)

put prep 7%1
waitfor You trace
put stance off
put channel %2
waitfor You channel
put stance guard
put search %2

Casting method: (no hard rt)

put prep 7%1
waitfor You trace
put stance off
put cast %2
waitfor You gesture
put stance guard
put search %2