View Full Version : Flamberge with claid crit weighting

08-17-2007, 06:33 PM
Here are a couple weapons I no longer use and I am looking for a good home for them.

a sturdy smoke blackened flamberge.
>look flam
The undulating blade of the large sword has been masterfully forged of the highest quality steel. Twin spikes jut out from the blade two thirds down its length above a black leather wrapped ricasso. Gently upswept quillions surmount a similarly wrapped twohanded grip. The flamberge appears to have been carefully smoke blackened over a coal rich fire, deadening the razor sharp steel's reflectivity and shine.

this weapon is -5 to the AS but is true flamberge based and has claidhmore crit weighting. It's not incredible but claid weighted. Great two hander for ambushing and mstrikes
min bid 10 mil bo 15 mil

send offers to battlerager@charter.net

08-17-2007, 08:15 PM
Here are a couple weapons I no longer use and I am looking for a good home for them.

Where is the second weapon?

08-17-2007, 09:10 PM
ups .. yeah I cut and pasted from the gs boards. However, the flamberge has a new owner .. and has been sold .. thanks for the interest