View Full Version : Everything goes sale! Cheap conversion rate if use paypal

08-13-2007, 10:59 AM
Delivery in landing only since I don’t remember how to get anywhere!

Please PM me, post here or email me at calile_h@hotmail.com If there are multiple bids I will use messages in PM first. I have also downloaded AIM, you can reach me at caliley
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All instruments have loresongs; I've included with each instrument what observers see, not the entire loresong.

a fang-trimmed fir cornett (wind) - 200k
The fir cornett seems to respond to the magic of xxxxxx's song.
The faint smell of garlic drifts around xxxxxx. The source appears to be the fir cornett in his hand.

The fir cornett seems to respond to the magic of xxxxxx's song.
The sound of a blade biting heavily into flesh swirls around xxxxxx, waxing and waning with the strength of his verse before finally fading away.
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a black walnut cornett (wind) - 150k
The black walnut cornett seems to respond to the magic of xxxxx's song.
The faint smell of haon bark drifts around xxxxx. The source appears to be the black walnut cornett in his hand.

The black walnut cornett seems to respond to the magic of xxxxxx's song.
The sound of someone digging for clams swirls around xxxxx, waxing and waning with the strength of his verse before finally fading away.
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a burnished fel cittern (wearable, stringed) - 250k
The fel cittern seems to respond to the magic of xxxxx's song.
The faint smell of narcissus flowers drifts around xxxxx. The source appears to be the fel cittern in his hand.

The fel cittern seems to respond to the magic of xxxxx's song.
The sound of a scythe hewing grain swirls around xxxxx, waxing and waning with the strength of his verse before finally fading away.
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a Faendryl black willow psaltery inlaid with morganite(wearable, stringed) 500k
The black willow psaltery seems to respond to the magic of xxxxxx's song.
The faint smell of fresh beer drifts around xxxxxx. The source appears to be the black willow psaltery in his hand.

The black willow psaltery seems to respond to the magic of xxxxxx's song.
The sound of the haunting song of a mermaid swirls around xxxxxx, waxing and waning with the strength of his verse before finally fading away.

In addition, if the loresinger is Faendryl they will coax more from the psaltery then those of another race.
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a long blond ponytail (3 different hair styles and you can chew on the end) – 50k
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a dancing-pixie clasped longcloak (enlarged, many zests including one that only works if you have the zested fangs, very large, close, weighs 7, show: Finely crafted to fit its wearer perfectly, this cloak has elegant folds that form to a feminine body luxuriously. Clasped with a delicate white-diamond carved dancing pixie, each detail of her lithe body lovingly worked. White diamonds are stitched along the tailored edge at the front and hem, forming intricate sylvan runes of lore.)
You remove a dancing-pixie clasped longcloak from your shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around you.
As you drape your clasped longcloak from your shoulders, it billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.
You pull your clasped longcloak around yourself tightly, doing your best to conceal your form.
You throw open your clasped longcloak. It billows out behind you like a pair of wings.
You catch the edge of your clasped longcloak with one arm and sweep it out in front of you until all that is left revealed are your eyes. The longcloak ripples mysteriously as it moves.
– 500k (now 350k)
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a pocketed half-moon tote embroidered with a golden Pegasus (holds large, shoulder worn, weighs 2) – 75k

08-13-2007, 11:43 AM
I'm having trouble editing this. Until I can get it to work: stunning shout casting intrument is gone, silk fan is gone, and silver armband is gone. Thanks.

08-13-2007, 11:48 AM
200k on the morphing runestaff

08-13-2007, 12:00 PM
runestaff sold. I downloaded AIM to make this easier, people can message me on it Caliley

08-13-2007, 01:38 PM
I wonder what race this character was.

08-13-2007, 03:02 PM
Hard to tell isn't it? I'm going to list an update with the sold items listed as SOLD since I can't get the edit to work.

08-13-2007, 03:16 PM
Well, since the fan is gone (bah!), I'll take the choker amulet holder.


08-13-2007, 03:30 PM
I'm having trouble with this, probably because the list is so long, I tried to load the list with the sold items listed as SOLD, but it would not load. I'll try taking the sold items out to make the list shorter and load it that way.

Unfortunately the choker amulet holder is also gone :(

08-13-2007, 03:50 PM
Sheesh, well never mind, then! Mean people buying my stuff before I get to it. :D


08-13-2007, 03:57 PM
I still can't post an update or edit this, so I'll post the update in a new thread: Everything goes sale! Updated

08-13-2007, 04:41 PM
Have you tried clicking the EDIT button?

08-13-2007, 04:53 PM
Do it through the advanced options too, I could only get Edit to work that way for me.

08-13-2007, 06:01 PM
Yes I tried Edit, I'll try the advanced, maybe that will work better!

08-13-2007, 06:11 PM
Do it through the advanced options too, I could only get Edit to work that way for me.

Thank you! The listing is updated now. Now I need to figure out how to get rid of the other thread... can a moderator do that for me?

08-13-2007, 08:21 PM
some snow white silver-insigiled invoking gloves clasped with diamond pixies


08-17-2007, 09:28 AM
40% price reduction on most - flat prices