View Full Version : Warn

06-27-2003, 02:51 PM
I'm curious what folks here think of the warn verb. I played HX (Herc and Xena) for a while and it seems to me that they pretty much borrowed it from there for Gemstone, just as they have borrowed a few other things.

In HX it was used mostly buy the people that should actually be getting warned themselve. Usually a warn occured when someone that was out of line, and knew it, wanted to take a pre-emptive strike to avoid punishment when they inevitably got reported.

I have never personally needed to warn anyone, though I have had a friend use it properly once. In contrast, I have seen it used (again, never on me, I must live right) dozens of times improperly.

Frankly, I think it's a waste of resources, and should be done away. All it is becoming is a way for someone that is clearly in the wrong to avoid the consequences of their actions. And just like in HX, people that warn improperly are not being punished when they violate the warning themselve buy continuing to interact.

06-27-2003, 03:30 PM
How can they borrow something that's theres? I'm sure they have similar coding in all their games somewhere.

In any case, not everyone uses it correctly. What happens (supposedly) is that the interactions are logged/watched (whatever). So let's say for example idiot sends a warn interaction to victim and victim accepts. If idiot continues to talk to, near, or about them and victim makes the GM aware of it, the idiot gets in trouble, not the victim since they are complying with the warn.

It actually takes some of the burden off people who constantly report/assist when their underwear gets in a bind. If they do the warning and continue to act like morons, then their actions are justified and you can go on from there. I had a friend who was warned with interaction and he didn't speak to her again, yet she kept on talking badly about him. My friend told the GM that she was the one doing the harassing and she was spoken to.

06-27-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTearsSo let's say for example idiot sends a warn interaction to victim and victim accepts. If idiot continues to talk to, near, or about them and victim makes the GM aware of it, the idiot gets in trouble, not the victim since they are complying with the warn.

Theoretically. What tends to happen is the idiot with a warn-interaction fixation continually warns someone and the GMs ignore it. I've seen people verbally harass someone, then slap them with a warn-interact so as to get the last word in.

06-27-2003, 03:50 PM
Theoretically. What tends to happen is the idiot with a warn-interaction fixation continually warns someone and the GMs ignore it. I've seen people verbally harass someone, then slap them with a warn-interact so as to get the last word in.

When you warn interact someone, you are suppose to leave the area. Not doing so results in voiding the warn, giving the other person reason to start saying things back. I personally believe WARN and CHALLENGE is a waste....

06-27-2003, 03:58 PM
It's retarded how some people use it. When they get bested.. "Well I'll show you.. I'll WARN HARASSMENT YOU!"


06-27-2003, 04:09 PM
Honestly, I didn't mean that they 'stole' warn from HX. 'Borrow' was just an easy word to describe it. I'm well aware that they own both games.

Warn was in HX for years, now it's in GS. My assumption is that they 'modeled' it from HX. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Is 'modeled' ok ? Semantically ?

Speaking of models, that description of how it should work, and how it actually does, don't seem to correlate. One instance of it working properly does not offset the many where it does not work properly.

06-27-2003, 04:50 PM
On the same line, I can't stand when/if somebody actually thinks or whispers to you that they have reported you. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of using it? As well, I have only retorted to EVER reporting anyone if they were completely out of line, as most GM's have much better things to do than baby 15 year olds who don't know how to behave or role play a conflict.

06-27-2003, 05:26 PM
Heh, I get a kick out of seeing people publicly announcing over the amunet, "XXXX, I am now warning you against further interaction with me, any further action against me and I'll take it to the gods!"

Who do you think uses it as a shield for losing in an argument or making up for a complete lack in ability to RP?

06-28-2003, 06:51 AM
[[GSIV needs to be like the proposed GS Fallen.Characters should be able to fight their own battles, and I feel the inability to run/threaten to run whining to a GM for actions you brought upon yourself would definitely fix a lot of problems in the lands.]]

I disagree. I think that there area a lot of people, if you were to take that policy away, that would start trouble and harass others. I personally like the new policy on this.

I was harassed once by a much older character who stunned me in the middle of a hunting area, and kept trying to get me killed..claiming it was RP, but the entire time all he did was stun me. I hadn't even said anything to him, either. I wish we had the warn mechanics in at that time, would have saved a lot of stress.

Some people like fighting and going back and forth, and others don't particularly care to be harassed(me!). I would much rather just walk away, and hope the person will grow up.


06-28-2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Likewise, if someone whispers to you "Hey, i'm really not having fun, so don't talk to me anymore," why not just leave them the hell alone? It's basic respect and logic.

To be quite honest, it don't really work that way. There are SO many people out there that want...demand that they always win, any conflect, for any reason. There are people that are itching, begging for fights. Now, I'll admit, I RP Adredrin as cocky at times. But I also have a strong sence of what I call "elmy" in me. The one person who taught me the in and outs of this game was Lord Elminstir. If anyone knows him (and I know some do, Mors!) he is the most calm, kind person I've ever met. You could inplode him..and he will just chuckle, get raised, buy another deed, and move on. I've NEVER seen him involved in an argument, or a fight in GS. He will discuss, as soon as it goes beyond that..he leaves. I've always respected him for that..

-Adredrin, still trying to find Elmy's fountian of youth..

07-03-2003, 12:18 PM
Seems another thread rehashing much of this information has been opened as "Warn verses RP".

07-03-2003, 01:51 PM
He he...my mistake for making a new thread. Sorry bout that.

04-12-2017, 06:58 PM
I'm curious what folks here think of the warn verb. I played HX (Herc and Xena) for a while and it seems to me that they pretty much borrowed it from there for Gemstone, just as they have borrowed a few other things.

In HX it was used mostly buy the people that should actually be getting warned themselve. Usually a warn occured when someone that was out of line, and knew it, wanted to take a pre-emptive strike to avoid punishment when they inevitably got reported.

I have never personally needed to warn anyone, though I have had a friend use it properly once. In contrast, I have seen it used (again, never on me, I must live right) dozens of times improperly.

Frankly, I think it's a waste of resources, and should be done away. All it is becoming is a way for someone that is clearly in the wrong to avoid the consequences of their actions. And just like in HX, people that warn improperly are not being punished when they violate the warning themselve buy continuing to interact.

I think it can be a useful tool if used properly, but like many things it is prone to abuse.

04-12-2017, 06:59 PM
I think it can be a useful tool if used properly, but like many things it is prone to abuse.

Timely advice.

04-12-2017, 07:01 PM
Timely advice.

Whatever do you mean, good sir?

04-12-2017, 07:02 PM
Whatever do you mean, good sir?
http://www.quickmeme.com/img/b2/b277d5e4b3997f1861cc64b53f1906564c8303d9d8e37d821d b02098b3551f8f.jpg