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View Full Version : bandolier, 4x HCP plate, 6x lance, FGB

08-11-2007, 10:48 PM
a dark suede multi-strapped harness, 4x cold flaring handaxe bandolier, show:

Two inch-wide straps designed to cross the chest, while another around each shoulder stabilize the harness, with blackened ora buckles maintaining adjustability. A line of laced loops run diagonally across the back where all the straps meet, designed to hold weaponry at the ready.

some silvery rolaren field plate, 4x heavily crit padded, lightened to only 50 lbs

an orase-hafted vultite lance covered in fine black runes, +27 disintegration flares

a suit of scaled gnomish armature (altered FGB) show:
This armor has been designed to assist the wearer with concealement outdoors. The brown armored scales are cleverly textured to resemble tree bark. The leather of the armor has been dyed various shades of green. Bits of small branches, twigs, and vines have been pinched between and under the metal scales to provide additional camoflauge.

a somber grey vultite longsword, 9x vibe flaring (Skull actioned w/ altered raise action:
The grey vultite longsword has a ruby-eyed ivory skull mounted upon it. The ivory is mottled brown and green and exudes a foul odor. The cracked teeth within the jaw are set crookedly, but someone took the time to sharpen them to a razor edge. The faceted rubies stuck within the eye sockets seem to follow you when you glance at the skull.

When you raise the longsword you get this:
The skull attached to your longsword howls, "Cower before my might as the right hand of Koar!"

08-16-2007, 05:35 PM