View Full Version : dwarf warrior

08-10-2007, 12:22 PM
I rolled up a dwarven fighter and i'm almost done with my 30 day migration so I was hoping to get some opinions on weapon styles. Right now I'm thinking about either going with pole arms or going twc with blunts.

I've never had a character going the twc so how does it compare to pole arms?

08-10-2007, 04:01 PM
I always thought dwarves were the ultimate power gamer-warrior. With their uber TD, extra DS from being short, and massive STR/CON, and no penalty to AGI, what else do you need? Also they have logic bonuses I believe.

As far as TWC, its alright. With qstrike/mstrike, you could rack up a lot of hits with 2 maces, or a star/star, etc. but lances are nice.

08-10-2007, 04:47 PM
hmm well either path i go, my ds seems to be horrible so i guess i'll have to carry around a lot of herbs.

if i get two maces/stars that flair, will i be able to put out more damage than if i were using a lance/awl-pike?

and how does qstrike work with twc? right now with two maces i have a rt of 5. would i have a rt of 2 at 5 ranks?

08-10-2007, 06:50 PM
The RT reduction for qstrike and TWC is the same as any other weapon scenario. The stamina cost is going to be the same as a lance's with two stars though (that is, really dang high).

Two morning stars will do more raw damage against any armor but rigid leather, but that doesn't mean two stars will do more damage or (more importantly) be more effective. If your character can hit hard enough to get rank 9s with the stars, he or she will be significantly more effective.

Dodge is your friend for a shieldless character, but in general warrior DS won't be enough to avoid being hit. Getting in good (i.e. plate) armor and having good redux will be fine.

08-10-2007, 10:27 PM
so if i decide to go twc blunts, i guess 2x morning stars is the way to go. i've been using 2 viciously spiked rolaren maces, but with the randomized crit system, i haven't really been impressed (one of the reasons why i fixskilled my ranger out of ohes).

If i don't have 140 ranks of armor how bad is the penalty for maneuvers if i were to 2x in cm and dodge? also, about what level can i expect to have decent redux if i double in pf, cm, dodge, and twc?

oh also what cmans/guild skills should i be going for? So far i've put my points into toughness (2) and surge (3). berserk doesn't seem as good as stun maneuvers but tricks and tackle seem to be pretty essential. if i pick up parry mastery will i have at least 30% parry from both blunts?

08-10-2007, 10:59 PM
By plate armor, I mean the plate armor group. MBP is perfectly serviceable armor, and only requires 80 ranks.

I'm guessing you get near 6 redux points a level: 2x PF, armor, TWC, CM, dodge, blunt. I'd say .4 is decent, and I'd expect your character to get that around level 40. If you double in armor, this will also coincide with your character's move to plate; the difference is spectacular, really.

Berserk beats the pants off of stun maneuvers. It's not even close.

Neither tricks nor tackle are really essential, but it'll be hard going without a feint-like maneuver and a knockdown. I recommend tricks because it's so easy to train in, but I'd recommend CMAN bullrush over tackle unless your character is really tight on CML points.

Parry mastery does count for each hand in TWC, according to the GMs. It's a very handy investment.

08-10-2007, 11:00 PM
I had a friend a long time ago that went dwarf with two morning stars. He was a very effective hunter. And that was before all the cman's. Possibly even the guild.

08-11-2007, 12:43 AM
My plat warrior got redux at 16. He's TWC stars. He's got parry mastery, wpsec for stars, rank 3 bonding, and is very pimp.

08-11-2007, 01:10 AM
yeah parry mastery is great for TWC, as is wspec if you use two of the same weapon, get to double dip.

master berserk, i did and it's saved me COUNTLESS times. And it's very easy to train it, i scripted the whole thing (including critter reps, it wasn't perfect but worked with only a slight amount of babysitting)

i was going disarm, for RP reasons, but as i leveled a bit more i'm noticing not having feint, big time. I'm going to get to work on tricks asap when i start hunting again (working up forging for the time being) at least to get feint. Spin attack is decent too.

Overall it's a real fun hunt, and a good training path. it's hilarious when i switch to one of my casters and something happens and i'm like "what is this "bleeding" thing? i only got hit once and the endroll wasn't even close to like 300!"

08-11-2007, 01:22 AM
with twc, bonding only works with the first weapon right? is it possible to bind to both by taking up wspec2?

08-11-2007, 01:25 AM