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08-06-2007, 06:35 PM
The items below are for sale/trade..

1. an enruned blued-steel flamberge

Four feet of precision wavy blade, blued until it resembles watered silk, has been acid-etched with intricate runic patterns running from blade tip to thrak hide-wrapped ricassa. A damascened gold and silver hilt and quillion add another two feet to the length of this already imposing weapon. Impressed within the pommel lies an onyx intaglio of a rampant firecat. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

-Incredibly Crit Weighted (35 points)
-Titanium Forge 95/240
-A very old weapon that use to be a Titanium Claid. However, back in the day it was altered to this, but remained its original weighting. If you ask around, you probably can get a more in depth history of the item.

2. A Ruic Heavy Crossbow

-Mechanical Crossbow with crank
-Instead of manually cocking the crossbow, you merely turn the crank to cock it. This allows anyone to cock the crossbow in 3 seconds everytime, regardless of strength and encumbrance. In addition to that, the crank does not change your stance when cocking or firing. It makes a very nice crossbow for those with low strength or small stature.

3. some six-in-one glaes ringed mail

-Augmented Chain
- Weighs about 34 lbs
- Has permanent Void Flares, both offensive and reactive
- Adds a BONUS of +10 to your combat manuevers
- Heavily Scripted

This item was originally won by Dhask back in one of the festival around a year or so ago. Definately a nice set for a high ended rogue capable of wearing it. This would also make a very nice set for a mid-ranged warrior that for those years before plate. However, any character that likes some heavier armor and uses combat manuevers regularly should enjoy it.

4. an oversized leather blackjack with a small Wyrdeep tree viper wrapped around it

-Paralysis and Poison Flares

This fairly simple yet effective weapons comes from the set of snake flaring weapons that was released. This remains one of the few brawling weapons that had the highest end viper attached. It makes an especially effective off-hand brawler for twc. Its quick roundtime will guarentee a paralysis flare within a few quick swings, leaving the enemy immobile and at your mercy.

5. a gently curved katana with a tiny coral snake wrapped around it

-Paralysis and Poison Flares
-Short Sword Based

Yet another weapon from the snake flaring set with the most powerful snake attached. However, this sword was enchanted to a full 10X before having the snake attached to it. Once again, this weapon will leave the target immobile when the snake flares/bites the target, leaving it at your mercy. This makes a great off-handed weapon, or a primary weapon for quick strikes and ambushing.

If you are interested in any of these items, please feel free to IM me on AIM at Hogateer, or PM me here. I will answer any questions to the best of my ability. Prices and trades will be negotiated to any interested party. That said, I am always interested in trades, silvers, or cash if that suits you best.

08-06-2007, 10:50 PM
3. some six-in-one glaes ringed mail SOLD

09-03-2007, 07:48 PM
Flamberge *SOLD*
Shortsword *SOLD*