View Full Version : 5x gem-loading sai

08-05-2007, 03:22 PM
5x, sai base, insert gems to get any of the basic flares, blessability, or damage/crit weighting. Just curious :)

08-06-2007, 12:02 PM
I'd have to say somewhere around 3-6m, depending on the # of charges you get with what stone + How long the effects lasts + How highly weighted it becomes

It's not the everyday run of the mill weapon, but it's quite cost effective to keep up on the charges of it I'm sure, perhaps not.

If you could list the gems it takes for what effect along with how many charges, how hard the weighting and flares are, OR if there are any scripts or loresongs with it.

A show if it has one would determine beter or worse value, depending on the customer.

Hope that helped a little ;)

Player of Morrff's many!

08-07-2007, 12:03 PM
yes on show, not sure on loresong. Not exactly sure on the gems but more expensive have the "better" effects (i.e. diamond is crit weighting)

not sure how long they last, the same as any of the other gem-encrusted weapons sold at the merchant (was...foehn's promise i think? or wavedancer, i forget now)

the first offer from the seller was "like 25m"

to quote belnia "it's a sellers market, since theres only like 3-4 high end sais in game"

was just curious what other people though. 25 seems high to me as well, but again...very low supply of sais.

08-07-2007, 12:30 PM
Rare and unique high end items are exceedingly difficult to appraise since there aren't many similar items to guage it against. Its less about what most people would be willing to pay but rather if you can get two (reasonably wealthy) people to desire the item at the same time and bid against each other for it.

A nice sai appeals to a relatively small market but thats reflected in the number of nices ones available as well.

The more data you collect and display concerning the gem effects, whether higher quality gems last longer, etc. the more likely you'll be to attract an offer. Leaving it ambiguous means people will probably assume its a gem munching wench of a weapon that will simply never pay for itself.

08-07-2007, 01:36 PM
well i'd be the buyer, not the seller. I'll see if I can get some info on about how long the gems would last.

08-07-2007, 02:37 PM
Make the seller cough up the data or risk getting scammed by nebulous claims. A 5x sai with the ability to sometimes hit incredible crit weighting with magnificent gems might be worth 25m. A 5x weapon with some random ass off-shelf-like flares that you constantly need to feed gems to would be worth 1m because you have to keep a constant inflow of coins to keep it from being a base 5x weapon.

08-07-2007, 03:19 PM

08-07-2007, 03:21 PM
I'd reactivate just to buy that weapon and pretend I'm a ninja turtle.

08-07-2007, 06:48 PM
Were these not the ones that would speed up your attack or have a haste effect with some gem?

Was it something else?

08-07-2007, 07:06 PM
They used to have a bug that allowed zero second ambushing, iirc. Once the bug was fixed, the values plummeted, and they pretty much started finding their way into the market again.

Liberi Fatali
08-07-2007, 07:24 PM
Were these not the ones that would speed up your attack or have a haste effect with some gem?

Was it something else?

Oh, m'boy, it was moreso than that. These weapons were the -best- in the game for three years. I purchased mine for a mere 10 million back in 1999 and the owner was oblivious of the bug(s) that they contained.

As it stands now, if you put a gem in the hilt, it will give certain characteristics for a mere 100 swings -- once you plop it in, it's stuck in there. Back in 1999, however, you could press the gem in the hilt and then remove it -- essentially giving you an unlimited amount of swings for whatever gem you were using. The gem would "shatter", but since there was no gem in there, you just merely had to press it again to "refresh" the duration.

If THAT wasn't good enough, the emerald/ruby/diamond gave you ZERO ambush roundtime -- note, this was only AMBUSH. What I mean by ZERO roundtime is that the roundtime indicator was removed completely. All you had to do was pound the ambush key, and you were on your way to being invincible. I rolled up Zenogais in 1999 and got him to level 80, and then I rolled up a warrior and got him to level 40 all within 8 months using the morning star. I put them in 4x plate as soon as I could. They could have 3 million silvers on them as well as wearing the plate they weren't trained for and still swing with 0 roundtime (and permablessed/crit weighting).

I used to terrorize the village on Teras with the Bard Scintillion. We wracked up quite a bit of fame. His method, of course, was to use a haste 2 Wizard like Tsin does -- back then, of course, you could also achieve a 0 roundtime via haste.

I was once offered 200 million on the dot for my morning star, but stupidly, I refused the deal thinking that the bug wouldn't get fixed anytime soon.

08-07-2007, 08:04 PM
so it's 100 swings per gem? hrm. Thats on the borderline for me actually. I swing a LOT.

i'd guess 4-5 swings per mob due to mstrike. so thats 20 - 25 kills before i need to change it. hrm.

still dunno, 25m still seems a little on the pricey side even finding out about the weighting/flaring amounts. we'll see.

forgot to mention: thanks all for the info, it was very helpful :)

08-07-2007, 08:28 PM
Another minor plus to these weapons - they're relatively inexpensive to enchant with premium points. They're considered just like any other scripted weapon for costing, so only 1000 extra points past the cost of the enchant to bring them up.

08-07-2007, 10:33 PM
I was curious about that myself, for something down the road if I do end up acquiring it. Thanks for that :)

08-09-2007, 11:56 AM
I might be crazy but I'd rather just carry a few weapons.

08-09-2007, 01:31 PM
yeah I knew about the bug and the fix - just making sure it was this weapon. I didn't see any sort of RT reducing attribute listed among its abilities on krakiipedia

08-09-2007, 02:19 PM
I might be crazy but I'd rather just carry a few weapons.

please find me 1 sai from every flare type that flares as hard as these, and very heavily crit/damage weighted sais.

I'll wait.