View Full Version : GS customer service rant

08-02-2007, 12:43 PM
I apologise in advance for the rant but I have to let off steam somewhere and this seems like a good a place as any.

Another excellent example of how NOT to treat your customers.

I was lucky enough to win the second ebow raffle at the Festival over 10 days ago and have still not been given the prize, despite being in game every day since to wait for it. I sat around for 3 hours that night waiting on Lirion to show but no joy. Even though I heard he literally dropped Tsin's at his feet straightaway the week before. REPORTed that night to ask how much longer I had to wait and was told by a GM that I should go, Lirion would not be showing ... gee thanks for letting me know earlier.

Khal then informs me on the forums that he was heading for Simucon the next weekend so not to expect it until his return on the Monday, which is fine, at least I knew not to hang around unnecessarily. Simucon has come and gone and nothing so I ASSIST just to make sure I'd not been forgotten.

A GH duly arrives to tell me ... wait for it ... there's nothing they can do but will refer me to a GM. Great, I'm in another queue. 4 days later Soraya shows and I get the following bullshit attitude. Okay I understand that Khal may be busy but please ... don't patronise me and tell me I'm lucky that I didn't forfeit the prize by leaving that night!

Soraya says, "Okay, I spoke with Lirion."

You smile.

Soraya says, "He says he does know that you won the raffle."

You nod.

Soraya says, "But since you left that night - he subsequently left for Simucon so...you will need to be patient and that he will definitely find you and award your prize."

You say, "Okay."

You sigh.

Soraya says, "Hey if people leave my raffles they forfeit the prize."

Soraya stares off into space.

You say, "I was around for three hours that night waiting and was told not to wait any longer."

Soraya says, "Im eveil, I think."

Soraya exclaims, "But, you will get yours for sure!"

You say, "Well I would have stayed around but was informed he'd left for the night."

Soraya says, "Don't know what to tell you about that, since I wasn't here - but."

Soraya says, "No worries - he is usually around quite often."

Soraya says, "And I'm sure the prize is worth it."

You say, "I'm sure it is."

You nod.

You say, "I've been here every day waiting."

Soraya says, "ALrite - I'll leave a note for him anyway - but, like I said I spoke with him so you are good to go."

You nod.

You say, "Okay thanks."

Soraya says, "I think he's returning any day now."

Soraya exclaims, "Ciao!"

Soraya gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs her. When the light recedes Soraya is no longer there.

Anyone think there's any mileage in sending feedback or is that simply a blackhole?

08-02-2007, 12:59 PM
So you're expecting a very busy GM who is responsible for multiple aspects of GS, particularly Upsells, to drop everything he's doing for you prior, during, and after SimuCon?

You're really just essentially stuck waiting.

A better thing for you to do would be to EMAIL GM KHALADON at gs4-khaladon@play.net

Then you can negotiate the delivery of your prize.


You're really going the wrong way about the whole thing.

In the meantime, I'm sorry that you've been kept waiting 10 days, as that is indeed longer than it should be.


Perhaps a perk of the upcoming mail system is that GMs can mail items to players?

08-02-2007, 01:13 PM
Yeah Atlant made a good point. The GM's/hosts should have just told you to e-mail him. Best way to go about it.

Congrats on the bow, I am sure the anticipation will continue to build!

08-02-2007, 01:16 PM
So you're expecting a very busy GM who is responsible for multiple aspects of GS, particularly Upsells, to drop everything he's doing for you prior, during, and after SimuCon?

No, my complaint isn't really with Khal although honestly what would it take, 3 seconds to hand it over. My frustration at the time was with Soraya.

08-02-2007, 01:19 PM
"Soraya says, "Hey if people leave my raffles they forfeit the prize."


08-02-2007, 01:24 PM
Heh, be glad you didn't get Khaladon at the con.

The one comment he made about 'The line for alters starts here' while pointing at his crotch kinda said it all, heh.

08-02-2007, 01:28 PM
Soraya says, "But since you left that night - he subsequently left for Simucon so...you will need to be patient and that he will definitely find you and award your prize."

Soraya says, "Hey if people leave my raffles they forfeit the prize."

You say, "I was around for three hours that night waiting and was told not to wait any longer."

You say, "Well I would have stayed around but was informed he'd left for the night."

Soraya says, "Don't know what to tell you about that, since I wasn't here - but."


Soraya says, "I'm retarded and just got pwned."

Honorable mention:

Soraya says, "Im eveil, I think."


Soraya says, "Simutronics has lowered the requirements on spelling and grammar skills for staff members."

08-02-2007, 01:35 PM
Heh, be glad you didn't get Khaladon at the con.

The one comment he made about 'The line for alters starts here' while pointing at his crotch kinda said it all, heh.

Guess that explains why Gothique is so decked out.

08-02-2007, 01:45 PM
Nice Zing there, Skeeter.

08-02-2007, 01:47 PM
"Friend" pwnt in 3... 2...

08-02-2007, 02:38 PM
If I still played you'd give me the ebow for well, well cheap wouldn't you?
Say yes and I'll reactivate. :)

08-02-2007, 02:54 PM
If I still played you'd give me the ebow for well, well cheap wouldn't you?
Say yes and I'll reactivate. :)

Of course, but then again ... our respective definitions of cheap may differ somewhat ;)

08-02-2007, 07:46 PM
I didnt even know there was a second ebow auction... damn.

Anyways whats the actual deal? They say you left that night, you say you waited that night for 3 hours?

So the drawing was held while you were in attendance, and you waited 3 hours after said drawing, with him being a no-show? And they seem to think you should have waited longer?

08-02-2007, 10:28 PM
I don't know wtf Soraya's problem was, but she didn't seem to handle that very well. I'd have expected her to refer you to Khaladon's email, and then politely ask you if you needed help with anything else. (Which every GM/GH ask me *every* time I assist.)

On another note, if anyone has delusions of e-peen grandeur, its Khaladon. Yeah he does a shit-load for the game and makes sure to remind everyone of it outside the game. His arrogance does nothing but leave a sour taste in my mouth and I'm sure had I been at the con I would have said something that would have had me tossed out of the room.

I appreciate all that he does, but christ, get over yourself.

08-03-2007, 12:10 PM
Couldn't have said it better myself Shari.

I can't believe he has made you wait so long....

Wait, yes I can. I'd say waiting three hours AFTER a damn raffle is enough time.

But remember, just beacuse we pay 40 + a month for this game means that obviously we aren't entitled to good customer service. (Sarcasm)

08-03-2007, 02:45 PM
I remember when I won my bow at the ebon gate festival a couple years ago, I got mine in about 5 minutes. One of the folks (Chivalrous, maybe?) had to wait a week or so though, if I remember correctly. The bows are worth the wait, but I'd be disappointed to not get it on the day of the raffle myself. Being told that you should feel lucky not to have lost the prize for not waiting is ridiculous.

08-05-2007, 01:01 AM
On another note, if anyone has delusions of e-peen grandeur, its Khaladon. Yeah he does a shit-load for the game and makes sure to remind everyone of it outside the game. His arrogance does nothing but leave a sour taste in my mouth and I'm sure had I been at the con I would have said something that would have had me tossed out of the room.

I appreciate all that he does, but christ, get over yourself.

I had to bump this thread in order to say, you are my fucking hero Jesae. I couldn't agree more, or phrase it any better.

08-05-2007, 11:55 AM
Now he will have reason(in his mind) to whine again that we are NEVER satisfied. NEVER...like asking for a reasonable thing is just being needy bitches.

It must be on Khaladon's time or you will be called on it eventually. Love to hear what he says if/when you actually DO get the bow.


08-05-2007, 12:28 PM
So you're expecting a very busy GM who is responsible for multiple aspects of GS, particularly Upsells, to drop everything he's doing for you prior, during, and after SimuCon?

Yeah, it's really too much to ask that he log in for 5 minutes. Who do you think you are, a paying customer?

08-05-2007, 03:14 PM
I'd be really fucking annoyed too, if he knew he was going to be that busy, he could have put up a sign when he made the raffle saying "You might not get your prize for weeks because I'm really busy" or SOMETHING. Anyway, any luck on getting your bow yet?

08-05-2007, 03:19 PM
Yeah, it's really too much to ask that he log in for 5 minutes. Who do you think you are, a paying customer?

Outrageous of me to be upset isn't it.

And still no luck but I did email him as suggested and have had a reply so we'll see if something can be sorted out soon. I just wish Soraya had told me to do that in the first place! Then perhaps I wouldn't have felt I'd been left high and dry.

08-06-2007, 08:14 AM
You draw back the string on your black oak longbow and a black witchwood arrow shimmers into view.
You fire a black witchwood arrow at a kiramon worker!
AS: +269 vs DS: +102 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +90 = +280
... and hit for 70 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm!
The kiramon worker is stunned!

**Noxious liquid from your witchwood arrow showers the kiramon worker which falls to the floor and large, oozing blisters begin to form.**
The arrow splinters into tiny slivers.
Roundtime: 4 sec.


08-06-2007, 08:15 AM
Awesome! Congrats!

About damned time too.

08-06-2007, 12:44 PM
Yay! I'm glad you finally got it.

08-06-2007, 12:57 PM
I think it's good that the both of you were able to meet up at a time that was good for you both! It's hard sometimes when someone schedule doesn't match up!

I know how I am right now since I'm stuck at work and I have an item I want to get bad, and I can't get on the same schedule as the person who I'm exchanging with..because it's either I'm not available or she isn't..Sucks sometimes.

I'm glad you got your item, good stuff.


08-06-2007, 01:35 PM
I think it's good that the both of you were able to meet up at a time that was good for you both! It's hard sometimes when someone schedule doesn't match up!

I know how I am right now since I'm stuck at work and I have an item I want to get bad, and I can't get on the same schedule as the person who I'm exchanging with..because it's either I'm not available or she isn't..Sucks sometimes.

I'm glad you got your item, good stuff.


You should have signed that "Khaladon."


08-06-2007, 01:53 PM
I think it's good that the both of you were able to meet up at a time that was good for you both! It's hard sometimes when someone schedule doesn't match up!

I know how I am right now since I'm stuck at work and I have an item I want to get bad, and I can't get on the same schedule as the person who I'm exchanging with..because it's either I'm not available or she isn't..Sucks sometimes.

I'm glad you got your item, good stuff.



08-06-2007, 02:07 PM
I know how I am right now since I'm stuck at work

Sadly it was Khaladon's schedule that wasn't lining up ... and if he was "stuck at work" this problem would be solved.

Way to completely miss the reason for this thread though.

08-06-2007, 02:15 PM
Black oak longbow.. that's what I wanted more than anything else for such a long time.
If I still played I'd never stop hasseling you to sell it to me.
Very, very nice win hon.

08-06-2007, 02:19 PM
How do you know he wasn't stuck at work? He could have very well been. (Yes, most GM's have other jobs aside from just working for Simu)

I think to assume either way that he was ignoring her or otherwise is pretty silly.


08-06-2007, 02:21 PM
I think having to wait two weeks for a raffle item is what's pretty silly.

08-06-2007, 02:22 PM
<<(Yes, most GM's have other jobs aside from just working for Simu)>>

That doesn't make being a GM less of a job.

And let's not forget this:

Soraya says, "But since you left that night - he subsequently left for Simucon so...you will need to be patient and that he will definitely find you and award your prize."

Yeah, he was obviously working real hard at that job he cares about that has nothing to do with GemStone, right?

08-06-2007, 02:28 PM
Oh I agree that Soraya was rotten, no doubt.

I think everyone is allowed to have a vacation Bob. When I did go to Simucon myself, I took a week off of work and took my 4 days in Missouri. Most people have vacation time.

I wasn't even defending Khaladon, I just said it was nice she was finally able to meet up with him. Oh and I think the fact that Simucon happened made it longer than usual because he was away. Makes sense, in my head anyway.

Jeesh, you guys sure like to start something out of nothing.


08-06-2007, 02:31 PM
It's not "nothing" and this would come up regardless of the GM who ran a raffle and decided to leave and not give out the item after the drawing. It's truly inconsiderate.

08-06-2007, 03:25 PM
Oh I agree that Soraya was rotten, no doubt.

I think everyone is allowed to have a vacation Bob. When I did go to Simucon myself, I took a week off of work and took my 4 days in Missouri. Most people have vacation time.

I wasn't even defending Khaladon, I just said it was nice she was finally able to meet up with him. Oh and I think the fact that Simucon happened made it longer than usual because he was away. Makes sense, in my head anyway.

Jeesh, you guys sure like to start something out of nothing.


I think the point is:

1. Khaladon held a raffle.
2. OP wins raffle.
3. Khaladon couldn't be bothered to take 5 minutes to award the prize because he was so busy with ultra important other things when he was really just going to Simucon.
4. Soraya says OP is lucky she didn't forfeit the prize for leaving after sitting around waiting for 3 hours.

Smells like rotten ass to me, mainly Soraya.

08-06-2007, 03:33 PM
I think the point is:

1. Khaladon held a raffle.
2. OP wins raffle.
3. Khaladon couldn't be bothered to take 5 minutes to award the prize because he was so busy with ultra important other things when he was really just going to Simucon.
4. Soraya says OP is lucky she didn't forfeit the prize for leaving after sitting around waiting for 3 hours.

Smells like rotten ass to me, mainly Soraya.

Well, and Khal ... don't forget that he dropped Tsin's at his feet almost immediately.

If the person is there, or even in game, when they win ... just fucking give them what they won. It's really fucking simple.

08-06-2007, 05:34 PM
I think it's good that the both of you were able to meet up at a time that was good for you both! It's hard sometimes when someone schedule doesn't match up!

It took me having to log on at 4am this morning to get it but hey, at least I have it now and I'm one happy bunny (albeit tired).

08-06-2007, 05:50 PM
It took me having to log on at 4am this morning to get it but hey, at least I have it now and I'm one happy bunny (albeit tired).

Wow... what a douche Khal is... jesus, he made you log on at 4 to get it? Seriously, that's extremely unprofessional on their end as a whole. Sorry you had to jump through all those hoops Elvenlady, and I'm glad you've got it now (worth it or not, it's just not right)

08-06-2007, 06:29 PM
Not that it makes it any better but I think it would have been 11pm Khaladon time to ElvenLady's 4am.
Still poor form.

08-06-2007, 07:42 PM
I think everyone is allowed to have a vacation Bob.

I don't know about anyone else but I tend to tie up any loose ends before I take a week off of work. Why should my client's have to suffer because im on vacation?

He could have easily logged in and given it to her before leaving for his vacation. Both the GM's in this scenario were very good example of how to deliver BAD customer service. Making someone log in at 11:00pm? Are you kidding me?

Yeah it's just a game but its a game some of us spend ALOT of money on and they need to deliver better service then this.

If I lost my visa card and my bank told me to come down to the office at 11:00pm (or 4:00am for that matter) I would be very very pissed off.

08-06-2007, 08:30 PM
Heh I wish all of you could see the serious shit fest Khaladon had on the plat forums over issues similar to this.

Apparently since their wages are next to nil they feel they are 'volunteers' and don't have any company standards to go by.

My statement was that even volunteers at the Hospice I work for have to live up to certain expectations and company standards AND they do have a boss to answer to for their actions and time spent.

He threw a complete fit and stormed out of the conversation at that point stating that we are "NEVER" satisfied no matter what they do.

Home entertainment at its finest, glad I closed my accounts.


Tea & Strumpets
08-07-2007, 09:31 AM
Heh I wish all of you could see the serious shit fest Khaladon had on the plat forums over issues similar to this.

Apparently since their wages are next to nil they feel they are 'volunteers' and don't have any company standards to go by.

My statement was that even volunteers at the Hospice I work for have to live up to certain expectations and company standards AND they do have a boss to answer to for their actions and time spent.

He threw a complete fit and stormed out of the conversation at that point stating that we are "NEVER" satisfied no matter what they do.

Home entertainment at its finest, glad I closed my accounts.


I never understood that line of thought. Why do I have to pay the price for Whatley being cheap as fuck and finding suckers to work for free?

08-07-2007, 09:40 AM
How do you know he wasn't stuck at work? He could have very well been. (Yes, most GM's have other jobs aside from just working for Simu)

I think to assume either way that he was ignoring her or otherwise is pretty silly.


The fact that you have no fucking clue what or why, yet you are still here making excuses for downright rudeness, shows you up for being a bit or a prick, really...well a lot of a prick actually...hmmmmm...how about a complete turd?

If she has sent messages via other GMs/GHs and he has not responded, that's called ignoring her. It's rude. It's unnecessary, especially when the whole of the interaction is done on the internet anyway. How long would it have taken to send an email to say "Sorry, Im a fat cunt with an over-inflated sense of my own value, I am unable to get this to you just now because I need a couple of weeks of e-peen strokage to see me right, Love Khaladon"?

Not very long. Indeed, I typed that out in about ten seconds. Pretty fucking lame really.


And you.

Quit while you are behind IMO.

Doyle Hargraves
08-07-2007, 02:57 PM
I think everyone is allowed to have a vacation Bob.

Somehow I get the feeling your opinion would differ if either a) You were in Elvenlady's shoes or b) This thread wasn't about your friend.

How do you know he wasn't stuck at work? He could have very well been. (Yes, most GM's have other jobs aside from just working for Simu)

I think to assume either way that he was ignoring her or otherwise is pretty silly.


Looks like I was right. Either that or you're just a fucking idiot.

Heh I wish all of you could see the serious shit fest Khaladon had on the plat forums over issues similar to this.

Apparently since their wages are next to nil they feel they are 'volunteers' and don't have any company standards to go by.

My statement was that even volunteers at the Hospice I work for have to live up to certain expectations and company standards AND they do have a boss to answer to for their actions and time spent.

He threw a complete fit and stormed out of the conversation at that point stating that we are "NEVER" satisfied no matter what they do.

Home entertainment at its finest, glad I closed my accounts.


Considering he's a millionaire in rl, that's a pretty piss poor excuse. Maybe the reason people are "NEVER" satisfied is because he acts so arrogant and thinks everyone should bow down and lick his ass all the time.

How long would it have taken to send an email to say "Sorry, Im a fat cunt with an over-inflated sense of my own value, I am unable to get this to you just now because I need a couple of weeks of e-peen strokage to see me right, Love Khaladon"?


08-07-2007, 03:09 PM
He's a millionaire? In that little house?!

Hey Khaladon, how YOU doin'?

08-07-2007, 03:15 PM
"Soraya says, "Hey if people leave my raffles they forfeit the prize."

A fucking men.

Guess that explains why Gothique is so decked out.
:rofl: BLAMMO! 1000000 pts!

You draw back the string on your black oak longbow and a black witchwood arrow shimmers into view.
You fire a black witchwood arrow at a kiramon worker!
AS: +269 vs DS: +102 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +90 = +280
... and hit for 70 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm!
The kiramon worker is stunned!

**Noxious liquid from your witchwood arrow showers the kiramon worker which falls to the floor and large, oozing blisters begin to form.**
The arrow splinters into tiny slivers.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Nice bow, glad you finally got it.

I think having to wait two weeks for a raffle item is what's pretty silly.
Silly is being nice. Way too nice.

How do you know he wasn't stuck at work? He could have very well been. (Yes, most GM's have other jobs aside from just working for Simu)

I think to assume either way that he was ignoring her or otherwise is pretty silly.

And yet again you see Illvane coming to the rescue of a GM. If you cant see a pattern to this, you cant be helped.

The fact that you have no fucking clue what or why, yet you are still here making excuses for downright rudeness, shows you up for being a bit or a prick, really...well a lot of a prick actually...hmmmmm...how about a complete turd?

If she has sent messages via other GMs/GHs and he has not responded, that's called ignoring her. It's rude. It's unnecessary, especially when the whole of the interaction is done on the internet anyway. How long would it have taken to send an email to say "Sorry, Im a fat cunt with an over-inflated sense of my own value, I am unable to get this to you just now because I need a couple of weeks of e-peen strokage to see me right, Love Khaladon"?

Not very long. Indeed, I typed that out in about ten seconds. Pretty fucking lame really.


And you.

Quit while you are behind IMO.
:rofl: This bears repeating.

08-07-2007, 04:10 PM
Yeah, same GM too..there must be some grand moderator Ilvane conspiracy.


08-07-2007, 04:23 PM
Well, in Khaladon's defense, he's definitely not fat.


08-07-2007, 04:28 PM
Yeah, same GM too..there must be some grand moderator Ilvane conspiracy.


Just dont get mad and start deleting posts, especially your own. ;)

08-07-2007, 04:31 PM
Yeah, same GM too..there must be some grand moderator Ilvane conspiracy.


It's not a conspiracy; it's a conflict of interest. Since everyone knows your stance and plan of action on all things Khaladon, the only participation you should have in threads involving him should be moderation only. You have a duty here first to moderate and you've skewed that very easy to see line into obscurity. Even if no one knew your position, you should still have the professional integrity not to include yourself in these conversations since you've already admitted to moderating in them based on your bias towards Khaladon.

However, I suppose I can see the conspiracy because of the inconsistencies in how moderation is executed. So, maybe you're right and it is a conspiracy... [cue dramatic music and roll eyes]


08-07-2007, 04:34 PM
Yeah, same GM too..there must be some grand moderator Ilvane conspiracy.

Conspiracy is hardly the word I'd use.

08-07-2007, 05:30 PM
you should still have the professional integrity

Professional integrity is lost on Khaladon and on Ilvane, it was a good try though.

08-07-2007, 05:53 PM
Maybe you should read what I said then..I didn't even defend him.

I actually DO think he should have met up earlier. Do I think it warranted a thread on poor customer service? Maybe. But now that they were able to work things out when both of them around, it's all done.


Some of you guys are going to find issues with me even if I were praising you..:grin:


08-07-2007, 05:56 PM

08-07-2007, 06:38 PM
He's a millionaire? In that little house?!

Hey Khaladon, how YOU doin'?

Rumor has it, that's why his GS girlyfriend hooked up with him. Broke and needed money for her kid!

08-07-2007, 07:37 PM
Maybe you should read what I said then..I didn't even defend him.

I actually DO think he should have met up earlier. Do I think it warranted a thread on poor customer service? Maybe. But now that they were able to work things out when both of them around, it's all done.


Some of you guys are going to find issues with me even if I were praising you..:grin:


I'd consider things like "Maybe he was at work or <insert other lame excuse here>" as defending.

Rumor has it, that's why his GS girlyfriend hooked up with him. Broke and needed money for her kid!

I doubt that, she's never struck me as a gold digger.

08-07-2007, 09:25 PM
Maybe you should read what I said then..I didn't even defend him.
Alrighty then, let's stroll down Ilvanesia lane, shall we?

I know how I am right now since I'm stuck at work and I have an item I want to get bad, and I can't get on the same schedule as the person who I'm exchanging with..because it's either I'm not available or she isn't..Sucks sometimes.
Comparing your schedule to a GM who's JOB is to work on the game, including giving out items from his raffle which he arranged, is laughable.

How do you know he wasn't stuck at work? He could have very well been. (Yes, most GM's have other jobs aside from just working for Simu)
Your sarcasm sucks. People don't really give a rat's ass if he was balancing knives on his ass while blowing a seal and getting paid $1 million dollars to do it, when people expect delivery from a service they pay for, they better get it. Spin it all you want, it was irresponsible behavior on his part.

I think to assume either way that he was ignoring her or otherwise is pretty silly. He DID ignore her. He completely blew her off for two weeks. But that's okay because he's a nice guy. He shouldn't have to obligate his duties which he chose to uphold. Fuck that. Fuck it with a big stick.

I think everyone is allowed to have a vacation Bob.
Yeah, after you finish what you started at your other job. And it's HIS company, amirite? He can easily tell himself, hey boss, I'm gonna go take care of something at my non-paying job for a second, yeah sure no problem.

When I did go to Simucon myself, I took a week off of work and took my 4 days in Missouri. No one cares about your vacation. You weren't supposed to deliver an item to someone that was promised it at the winning.

Most people have vacation time. And don't go til they finish their fucking job.

I wasn't even defending Khaladon Yeah and I have size 20A boobs

Oh and I think the fact that Simucon happened made it longer than usual because he was away. Makes sense, in my head anyway. Yeah because there are no computers at this fucking thing and couldn't possibly have handled it there either, right? Heaven forbid someone log into GEMSTONE at a GEMSTONE convention.

Jeesh, you guys sure like to start something out of nothing. I know, because GMs are so innocent and pure like snow and Ilvane! Yeah and Khaladon walks on water with his ass, where your head tends to be a lot lately. Give his girl a turn.

I think I covered it all.

08-07-2007, 09:40 PM
Heh, I'm not going to even bother with that.

Anyway, there is more than one side to every story, but god forbid anyone ever think of that.

I think Elvenlady even said, there was a pretty big time difference between them, and I don't think that can be ignored as part of the reason it might have been the issue on the first night when she won the raffle, because of the big difference in time.

What happened after that point is annoying, sure. If you won an item, of course you want it that night and hope that someone will make that happen, but when the person doing the raffle went on vacation..well, sometimes things happen.


08-07-2007, 09:51 PM

08-07-2007, 09:51 PM
I think Elvenlady even said, there was a pretty big time difference between them, and I don't think that can be ignored as part of the reason it might have been the issue on the first night when she won the raffle, because of the big difference in time.

She waited around for hours after the auction finished, just waiting for him. I believe he was in game on another one of his merchants when the raffle went off, Serpantis I think, but he never showed to her afterwards to deliver the prize. The time differences has jack shit to do with that.

You know, i've been a member on these boards for only a few months and already I can see your true tool, Ilvane. Do you think that you could remove your lips from Khaladon's cock for about two minutes to actually say something worthwhile? Seriously though, what do you get out of making up all of these lame excuses for him?

Oh and, as far as his vacation... Simucon began Wednesday evening at the earliest. The festival (and his raffle) ended Sunday night. Please make more excuses, thx.

08-07-2007, 09:56 PM
Heh, I'm not going to even bother with that.

Anyway, there is more than one side to every story, but god forbid anyone ever think of that.

I think Elvenlady even said, there was a pretty big time difference between them, and I don't think that can be ignored as part of the reason it might have been the issue on the first night when she won the raffle, because of the big difference in time.

What happened after that point is annoying, sure. If you won an item, of course you want it that night and hope that someone will make that happen, but when the person doing the raffle went on vacation..well, sometimes things happen.


Still defending him...

Just because she finally got what she won does not make the issue go away. At. All.

Oh, and ditto to CT's post; the in your face one where she pointed out how you have been doing nothing BUT defending him.


08-07-2007, 10:07 PM
And it doesn't really matter what I say because you'll say I was defending him..


08-07-2007, 10:13 PM
It's about time to see my sig :)

08-07-2007, 10:17 PM
And it doesn't really matter what I say because you'll say I was defending him..


Actually, I think the majority of us just call them as we see them, and we don't wear shit-tinted glasses. If you act like a tool and defend him in any situation, we'll call you on it. If you quit acting like a tool and remove mouth from cock, we'll get off your case.

Instead of blaming the entire world for ganging up on you and being sooooo mean and unfair, perhaps you should take a closer look at yourself.

08-07-2007, 10:40 PM
And it doesn't really matter what I say because you'll say I was defending him..


That generally will happen because you'll do anything but say anything negative about him. You'll come up with excuses and skirt around it but you wont commit to saying he may actually have been at fault.

08-07-2007, 10:49 PM
There are always two sides to every story.

I'm sorry that she had to wait, that's too bad. Now it's done with.

Only thing you really can do is write feedback to say what a horrible experience it was to have to wait, and how Soraya was, and whatever else.

Otherwise, don't know what to say.:P


08-07-2007, 10:53 PM
There are always two sides to every story.

I'm sorry that she had to wait, that's too bad. Now it's done with.

Only thing you really can do is write feedback to say what a horrible experience it was to have to wait, and how Soraya was, and whatever else.

Otherwise, don't know what to say.:P


Fair enough, but you are just as guilty as everyone else in this thread of picking a side and pushing it though. By making excuses for Khaladon (working, vacation, time zones, etc.) your doing the same thing as those slamming him.

08-07-2007, 10:54 PM
omfg... :banghead:

08-07-2007, 11:21 PM
Anyway, there is more than one side to every story, but god forbid anyone ever think of that.There are also facts. They include but are not limited to these:
1) Elvenlady won a bow.
2) Upon winning and waiting around for three hours, Elvenlady did not receive her bow. She had to be told by a different GM that she wouldn't be getting her bow that night.
3) Ten(!) days later, Khaladon is aware of the situation as he tells her about him going to SimuCon.
4) He does nothing (relevant) upon his return.
5) It take Elvenlady assisting and emailing him as well as waiting another eight(!) days from point (4) to finally get her bow.

Khaladon was able to get to a computer at least once in this period, yet he did nothing to resolve the situation. His behavior is inexcusably unprofessional. 17 days and he couldn't hand the bow off to someone else who wasn't as furiously busy as he?

You're welcome to propose that people are just being hardasses about this, but neither your propositions nor your attitude in any way influence the facts of the matter.

08-07-2007, 11:53 PM
And it doesn't really matter what I say because you'll say I was defending him..


You're not very good at this are you?

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 01:58 AM
Just give the guy a break, he does do a lot for all of us.

08-08-2007, 02:02 AM
Just give the guy a break, he does do a lot for all of us.

How many breaks does he deserve? Because it's not like his holier than thou, sarcastic, obnoxious attitude is anything new. I'm aware that in many ways he makes this game better, but why should paying customers be treated like shit so he can feel better about himself?

08-08-2007, 02:05 AM
You know who was awesome? Kyalia. She didn't really have a high ranking position if I remember right, but she just ruled.

Just a random thought.

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 02:06 AM
How many breaks does he deserve? Because it's not like his holier than thou, sarcastic, obnoxious attitude is anything new. I'm aware that in many ways he makes this game better, but why should paying customers be treated like shit so he can feel better about himself?

How is he making himself feel better from what he does?

Concerning his comments or the bow thing?

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 02:07 AM
You know who was awesome? Kyalia. She didn't really have a high ranking position if I remember right, but she just ruled.

Just a random thought.

She actually was run off by very rude players. People really ripped into her.

08-08-2007, 02:13 AM
How is he making himself feel better from what he does?

Concerning his comments or the bow thing?

His comments, not the bow thing. I don't know his reasoning behind why it took him almost 3 weeks to get Elvenlady her bow. It's craptastic, but yea, I meant his comments.

And yes, Kyalia was really awesome. Even though she couldn't (or wouldn't) RP worth a damn, she was very sweet. And not just because you could get almost any alteration past her ;)

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 02:19 AM
His comments, not the bow thing. I don't know his reasoning behind why it took him almost 3 weeks to get Elvenlady her bow. It's craptastic, but yea, I meant his comments.

He doesn't mean to be vicious with his comments, I'm sure. He's a pretty funny guy. And maybe IC with a merchant he says things that might be taken wrongly, but when he handles referrals he's always professional. I know because I've had him help fix a bunch of items I've had.

I know some people just have it in for him, but geez. He really does try to always bring us the best. I'm sorry everyone has a lot of hate over this.

As for the bow, I've waited months for my raffle wins in the past and not from him, so yea. I know people get anxious for their new toys.

08-08-2007, 02:25 AM
She actually was run off by very rude players. People really ripped into her.

Really? That's pretty gay. Like Elton John gay.

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 02:26 AM
Really? That's pretty gay. Like Elton John gay.

Heh, not the only reason she left, but yea, was one of them.

Least that's what I heard from Platinium.

08-08-2007, 02:27 AM
He doesn't mean to be vicious with his comments, I'm sure. He's a pretty funny guy. And maybe IC with a merchant he says things that might be taken wrongly, but when he handles referrals he's always professional. I know because I've had him help fix a bunch of items I've had.

I know some people just have it in for him, but geez. He really does try to always bring us the best. I'm sorry everyone has a lot of hate over this.

When I say his comments, I don't mean anything he says or does IC. I've never had a problem with him in IC and his characters can often be amusing.

Also, I didn't have any issues with him out of the game until this premium festival. Sure, I found some of his posts on the officials condescending and obnoxious, but it was easy enough to just skip over the ones I found to be in poor taste (customer service-wise).

So I don't know about anyone else, but I don't have anything "in" for him. All I know of him is how he acted recently, most notably having a shit fit over that mess with Tsin's white ora auction win, and then basically giving a big fuck you to everyone in prime because some people complained about how he reraffled the item.

He's a GM, he knows you can never please everyone, in fact I believe i've seen him post as such on the officials. So why does his skin get so thin when some people complain? Why would he take it out on everyone else in prime who didn't complain, and who NEVER complain?

I'm tired of hearing how we take advantage of him and how we're never appreciative. If he doesn't like his job, he should quit. Sure, the game may suffer, but if he's so fucking unhappy then quit the crybaby routine and do something about it.

08-08-2007, 02:29 AM
Your avatar rules.

08-08-2007, 02:33 AM
Your avatar rules.

I'm assuming you mean The Ponzzz's, cuz his is new? If you mean mine, then thanks :)

08-08-2007, 02:33 AM
Yeah I meant yours. I just kept forgetting to tell you this whole time.

08-08-2007, 02:43 AM
Thanks! I think I got it off of icanhascheezburger.com, but i'm not 100%. If you can wade through the retarded pics on that site, there are some real gems.

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 02:48 AM

08-08-2007, 02:53 AM

Ahahaha! Yeah, after my last post I did a quick google for sniper kitten to see if I could find where I got it from, and apparently this pic is all over the damn web. Still though, icanhas etc. is worth a look if you have some free time.

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 02:57 AM
Yea. The cat pics are great.

08-08-2007, 09:00 AM
Just give the guy a break, he does do a lot for all of us.
Yeah, I'll make sure to use this line of reasoning when I neglect a customer and go on vacation for a week and the customer is left hanging. :tongue:

08-08-2007, 09:55 AM
To me, saying that because he does alot of work on GS he should not be called on a mistake is a cop out.

Assuming all is as was presented there was a customer service goof up here.

While it is not the end of the world, it should also not be dismissed due to what some may see as a good track record or good effort in most areas.

Khaladons man behind the gm is a successful accomplished professional or so I have read and as such should not be nearly so fragile as to be unable to handle some criticism and understand that even though there are some customers who you will never please, there are also times that the customer has indeed been slighted and this appears to be one of those.

08-08-2007, 10:13 AM
She actually was run off by very rude players. People really ripped into her.

:( That sucks. She was really great when she did assists too. Super nice.

I'm really glad you got the bow Elvenlady. I agree that it could have been handled better and it's unfortunate that you had to wait for so long. Also, CT getting bitchy and feisty is so...fucking...hot. :blndwhip:

08-08-2007, 10:15 AM
So, honest question here. How do you know there is not more to the story?

Just honestly asking. Not defending, not doing anything but asking.


08-08-2007, 10:26 AM
More to which story? Which part of getting a raffle item 2 weeks later is the part that is being overlooked?

Are you saying Elvenlady may have left out some detail or lied about the timeframe this all took place? Did she in fact get contacted by Khaladon early on and she didn't say so? Was Khaladon bleeding out of his eyes the couple of days prior to Simucon, got better, went, came back and eyes started bleeding again?

Seriously, just asking, where is the discrepancy here? You really mean to tell me that getting an item late is excusable?

08-08-2007, 10:35 AM
:( That sucks. She was really great when she did assists too.
The one and only time I assisted asking to have a awesomely altered staff restored she flat out refused. The bitch lost all her cool points with me that day.

08-08-2007, 10:36 AM
He's a GM, he knows you can never please everyone, in fact I believe i've seen him post as such on the officials. So why does his skin get so thin when some people complain? Why would he take it out on everyone else in prime who didn't complain, and who NEVER complain?

I'm tired of hearing how we take advantage of him and how we're never appreciative. If he doesn't like his job, he should quit. Sure, the game may suffer, but if he's so fucking unhappy then quit the crybaby routine and do something about it.

Amen, that was ALL I tried to point out to him and instead received the "I thought we were friends, why are you ripping into me" crap from this grown man. Pathetic.

It IS his job to finish what he starts. The whole 'write feedback' thing is no good. Feedback was a joke everytime I've written anything to it.

Write feedback, Antavian shovels whatever you write directly to the GM you complained about and then you have them in your face. Why bother, just take it and tell the GM in question yourself IMO.

Of course then you have the people who bitch in private then have to kiss GM ass in public because they got spanked for bitching out loud. You know who you are. Gross.


08-08-2007, 10:38 AM
So, honest question here. How do you know there is not more to the story?

Just honestly asking. Not defending, not doing anything but asking.


Why don't you just ask him if you can tongue his asshole?

08-08-2007, 10:43 AM
So, honest question here. How do you know there is not more to the story?

Just honestly asking. Not defending, not doing anything but asking.


I'm not sure what you want me to tell you here Ilvane, I posted the facts and the reasons for my frustration at the time. What would I gain by misrepresenting them?

Short of adding links to the relevant posts I made on the officials beforehand, a copy of my subsequent emails to Khaladon and his reply or even a log (had I made one which I didn't because I didn't feel it would serve any purpose) of my final interaction with him the other morning, I have nothing more I can add really. I was merely pissed off with the way Soraya handled the matter and I have no real gripe with Khaladon.

I guess at the end of the day you just have to accept my post for what it was, a rant from a frustrated GS customer.

08-08-2007, 10:45 AM
Yeah, I don't kiss GM ass, never have.

If anyone says otherwise, they are lying. I actually told him exactly what I thought of this issue too. Asked him some questions about it and what happened from his side, and then came back after hearing both sides.

Imagine I might actually be trying to see both sides.

I do see both sides. I would have been disappointed to not get my item for two weeks too. I think that it should have been resolved earlier.(AS I HAVE SAID REPEATEDLY)

I am being neutral, regardless of what some of you assholes might think.


08-08-2007, 10:47 AM
if by neutral you mean incredibly defensive of your "friends" per usual. Then sure.

08-08-2007, 10:47 AM
Paranoid much? As far as the kiss ass comment was made not toward you, I don't know you except for the insanely stupid posts I've seen you make. Get over yourself.


08-08-2007, 10:55 AM
Ilvane, you should realize that this didn't blow up in this fashion until you came in stating possible reasons/excuses for why she received the item late. Had you kept you mouth shut in the first place, this thread would have ended long ago on the happy note that she received her item. But nooooo.

If anyone says otherwise, they are lying. Way to just make it worse.

I am being neutral, regardless of what some of you assholes might think.Being neutral means not taking a side and STAYING QUIET! You took a side when you stated his possible reasons for being late. You took a side whether you want to admit or not. YOU blew this issue out of proportion.

08-08-2007, 10:56 AM
CT, you are seriously a bitch. I get so sick of your stupid little snide comments.

Why you really care about a game you don't even play is beyond me.


08-08-2007, 11:01 AM
Well stop being a completely ignorant and stupid person and I wouldn't have to insult you.

And yes, why should I care how people get mistreated in a game I no longer play. For a while I was reconsidering, but things like this are what continue to keep me away. But since I've been told before, why do I have to be invested in something personally to actively care about it?

08-08-2007, 11:05 AM
Yeah, I don't kiss GM ass, never have.

If anyone says otherwise, they are lying. I actually told him exactly what I thought of this issue too. Asked him some questions about it and what happened from his side, and then came back after hearing both sides.

Imagine I might actually be trying to see both sides.

I do see both sides. I would have been disappointed to not get my item for two weeks too. I think that it should have been resolved earlier.(AS I HAVE SAID REPEATEDLY)

I am being neutral, regardless of what some of you assholes might think.



08-08-2007, 11:06 AM
Aside from the fact that we agree on what happened being too slow, and bad customer service, maybe you should try reading what I say rather than being so quick to jump all over me every chance you get.

And Kyra, same to you, I wasn't even talking about your comment.:P Kthx.


08-08-2007, 11:11 AM
Really? That's pretty gay. Like Elton John gay.

You're slacking...

08-08-2007, 11:29 AM
CT, you are seriously a bitch. I get so sick of your stupid little snide comments.

Why you really care about a game you don't even play is beyond me.


Another retarded comment, brought to you by Ilvane.

She's a bitch because she (like everyone else in this thread) is calling you out on your bullshit. You say you never defended him, when that's all you've been doing. You say you see both sides, but clearly you're not seeing the side everyone else is (this "oh, yeah boy waiting sucks, sometimes things make people have to wait" is not what everyone is saying).

And the whole "you don't even play" comment is really stupid too, you don't have to play, or even have played at some point, to be able to comment on terrible customer service and your ignorate PoV.

08-08-2007, 11:31 AM
Aside from the fact that we agree on what happened being too slow, and bad customer service, maybe you should try reading what I say rather than being so quick to jump all over me every chance you get.
You only focus on my words because I don't hold back and say what I feel. However I was far from the first person to berate you for your comments. I didn't start with my bitchfest until you started with "I wan't defending him" when you clearly were.

So go ahead, keep being an ignoramus. I have a dentist appointment at three so I'm even more bitchy now because I'm stressed out.

08-08-2007, 01:36 PM
Yeah, I don't kiss GM ass, never have.

If anyone says otherwise, they are lying. I actually told him exactly what I thought of this issue too. Asked him some questions about it and what happened from his side, and then came back after hearing both sides.

Imagine I might actually be trying to see both sides.

I do see both sides. I would have been disappointed to not get my item for two weeks too. I think that it should have been resolved earlier.(AS I HAVE SAID REPEATEDLY)

I am being neutral, regardless of what some of you assholes might think.



Tea & Strumpets
08-08-2007, 02:22 PM
CT, you are seriously a bitch. I get so sick of your stupid little snide comments.

I am considering making this my signature. Thoughts?

08-08-2007, 02:23 PM
I'm very proud of that. I almost used it myself.

08-08-2007, 02:32 PM

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 02:38 PM
Yeah, I'll make sure to use this line of reasoning when I neglect a customer and go on vacation for a week and the customer is left hanging. :tongue:

I dunno, it's just a game and was a raffle win that wasn't an item of theirs previously.

Like I said, I hate waiting myself. But least he got the bows approved to be released in the first place. From what I heard, there were to be no more ebows ever released for awhile.

08-08-2007, 02:45 PM
I dunno, it's just a game and was a raffle win that wasn't an item of theirs previously.

Like I said, I hate waiting myself. But least he got the bows approved to be released in the first place. From what I heard, there were to be no more ebows ever released for awhile.

Aw man c'mon this is such a cop out. So what if it wasn't an item she had previously? It was an item she legitimately paid 100k for and then won, and it should have been delivered within a reasonable amount of time. You can't start playing the "Oh well you're just lucky to have won something" game, because that's not how shit should work. If he didn't want the responsibility of running raffles and hence delivering the items, he shouldn't have set them up in the first place.

08-08-2007, 02:45 PM
From what I heard, there were to be no more ebows ever released for awhile.

Like Simu's word is ever good for anything. Reallocation anyone?

That Jay
08-08-2007, 02:47 PM
I dunno, it's just a game and was a raffle win that wasn't an item of theirs previously.

Like I said, I hate waiting myself. But least he got the bows approved to be released in the first place. From what I heard, there were to be no more ebows ever released for awhile.

I'd be ecstatic if no more were ever released. Some things should be rare.

08-08-2007, 02:47 PM
I realize it's just a game, but she does pay for it, did enter a raffle and was promised an item. Saying she didn't have it before and should be lucky to have it all isn't really fair either.

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 03:35 PM
Hey, most the time I shoot for high end items, they are made from Khaladon. People will always hate something.

I've waited 3 months for my win and I was told it was expected. And it was a long shitty wait. I forget the GMs name, but he's gone now.

But SGMs don't even have to run raffles really or offer services at events, that's just extra. So maybe you'll get your wish.

08-08-2007, 03:40 PM
But SGMs don't even have to run raffles really or offer services at events, that's just extra. So maybe you'll get your wish.

The second he started the raffle though he took the resposibility of coming through..

Imagine if they upsell team created a festival, sold tickets for it, taking extra cash, promised all sorts of goodies and prizes... then come time for the festival to start they were like "well, you know SGMs don't actually have to run festivals, you guys are lucky you're even getting one..."

It's a job, and they have paying customers, they need to act professional, even if they are being "generous"

08-08-2007, 03:44 PM
I wonder how the people defending Khaladon would respond if they won a lottery for $infinity and then it was given to them on their deathbed.

Hey, at least you got it at all, right? It's not like you had $infinity before!

08-08-2007, 03:46 PM
I'd be ecstatic if no more were ever released. Some things should be rare.

They should release tons of uber gear. Make me feel special in the game. There is absolutely no good reason that I can see to not have tons of uber god like weapons.

And if you say game balance that's bullshit because this game doesn't promote pvp. Even if it did, some people SHOULD be tougher than others.

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 03:52 PM
Oh well, I was just stating my opinions. I'm not preaching. Shit happens, we all live though. I can't stop people, nor do I expect anyone to stop me when I'm pissed off or feel something isn't professional.

And, heh, Alex, if I got the money I would atleast put it in my will!! I would know my family would be set for ever.

08-08-2007, 03:53 PM
It's attuned to you IRL.

That Jay
08-08-2007, 03:54 PM
Some perspective on waiting:

1. I won a flippable crossbow with a custom alteration from Elbrion.

Never got it.

Elbrion is no longer on staff.

2. I won two custom loresongs of my design on shadowdeath weapons from Thanthyl.

Never were implemented.

Thanthyl is no longer on staff.

3. I won a contest held by Ozias's NPC at Ebon Gate THREE YEARS ago in Platinum.

The Prime winner got their win within the year. I never got mine.

Ozias is no longer on staff.

Moral of the story = sucks to be me! :)

The Ponzzz
08-08-2007, 03:58 PM
It's attuned to you IRL.

I would get lots of strippers.

08-08-2007, 04:05 PM
But SGMs don't even have to run raffles really or offer services at events, that's just extra. So maybe you'll get your wish.

Sure, they don't have to do anything. Keep in mind though that it's the upsells team's job to make Simu extra money by selling all of these extras. If they want to convince enough PAYING customers to PAY EXTRA for their festivals, then they need to do their job and do it well, and quit the crybaby sand-in-the-vagina bullshit.

Oh and, my wish isn't for GMs to quit doing anything. My wish is for GMs to do their job all the while providing decent customer service, and not taking their issues out on the many because of the whining of the few.

The second he started the raffle though he took the resposibility of coming through..

Imagine if they upsell team created a festival, sold tickets for it, taking extra cash, promised all sorts of goodies and prizes... then come time for the festival to start they were like "well, you know SGMs don't actually have to run festivals, you guys are lucky you're even getting one..."

It's a job, and they have paying customers, they need to act professional, even if they are being "generous"

A-fucking-men. It's a job, and we're their paying customers. They need to act professional and do their job, and provide us with what we pay for. Why do people constantly lose sight of the fact that we PAY FOR THIS GAME? Gimme a break. If Khaladon were to pull that BS in any other situation (the bit with Tsin's white ora), he would have lost his job and/or his paying customers.

08-08-2007, 04:10 PM
When did Ozias leave staff? That's really too bad.


08-08-2007, 04:12 PM
SGM's don't have this kind of thing in the job description at all. Khaladon does his thing and also does extra work to make items, do raffles, etc..and does upsells. He pretty damn well does his job.

Does this change that he probably should have gotten the raffle done sooner, no. But he does work his ass off for the players.


08-08-2007, 04:12 PM
Does your new avatar mean you're mad at us?

08-08-2007, 04:14 PM
Lots of brown-nosing bullshit

I asked you to remove mouth from cock first then speak :(

That Jay
08-08-2007, 04:17 PM
When did Ozias leave staff? That's really too bad.


Sometime earlier this year I believe. Family priorities.

08-08-2007, 04:18 PM
It's clearly impossible for Ilvane to slight Khaladon without building him right back up afterwards. Sure he might have murdered some puppies but other than that he's a really nice guy and i'm glad to consider him a friend!

08-08-2007, 04:18 PM
Some perspective on waiting:

1. I won a flippable crossbow with a custom alteration from Elbrion.

Never got it.

Elbrion is no longer on staff.

2. I won two custom loresongs of my design on shadowdeath weapons from Thanthyl.

Never were implemented.

Thanthyl is no longer on staff.

3. I won a contest held by Ozias's NPC at Ebon Gate THREE YEARS ago in Platinum.

The Prime winner got their win within the year. I never got mine.

Ozias is no longer on staff.

Moral of the story = sucks to be me! :)

and you don't consider this horrible customer service? I would be raising so much shit they would be afraid to fuck me over because they wouldn't want to listen to the shit storm.

08-08-2007, 04:21 PM
<<SGM's don't have this kind of thing in the job description at all. Khaladon does his thing and also does extra work to make items, do raffles, etc..and does upsells. He pretty damn well does his job.

Does this change that he probably should have gotten the raffle done sooner, no. But he does work his ass off for the players.>>

I wrote out a really awesome example as a response to this post, but I decided it would be wasted so I'll just write out my main point:

Doing one aspect of a job well doesn't excuse doing another aspect like a d-bag. I don't even know how you can begin to say, "Well, it's okay that this guy fucked up, because he's so good at everything else he does."

08-08-2007, 04:30 PM
SGM's don't have this kind of thing in the job description at all. Khaladon does his thing and also does extra work to make items, do raffles, etc..and does upsells. He pretty damn well does his job.

Does this change that he probably should have gotten the raffle done sooner, no. But he does work his ass off for the players.



08-08-2007, 05:04 PM
How do you know there is not more to the story?Anything else in the story is irrelevant. He had access to a computer and GemStone and chose (chose) not to get Elvenlady her bow in some way. If that wasn't bad enough, this was with the knowledge that she'd already been waiting more than a week.
Imagine I might actually be trying to see both sides.Continually saying this in no way influences what happened. That Khaladon failed isn't really a huge problem, all he has to do in my book is come here and say "Yeah, I blew it, sorry Elvenlady" and that's that. The idea that his actions are defensible is what's not going to be tolerated (apparently). Being his friend, you don't have to pile on, but at least don't insult yourself by carrying on this charade.
Like I said, I hate waiting myself. But least he got the bows approved to be released in the first place. From what I heard, there were to be no more ebows ever released for awhile.
But he does work his ass off for the players.See, this is the thing though. Khaladon clearly didn't get this approval because he cares so much about the playerbase: if he did he wouldn't have taken three weeks to get it delivered to this particular player. I don't have enough information to deduce his actual motivation, but it's flatly incoherent to claim he's doing this for us.

08-08-2007, 06:11 PM
:popcorn2: ::waiting to see what else Ilvane can do to make herself look even more retarded::


08-08-2007, 06:16 PM
:popcorn2: ::waiting to see what else Ilvane can do to make herself look even more retarded::


I bet you wont run out of popcorn waiting...

08-08-2007, 06:16 PM
I love reading Ilvane's posts.

08-08-2007, 06:19 PM
Um, so is this where I go to complain about the full (5 item) outfit alteration I won back in Febuary but still have never received? Is it going to make a difference if I post it here? It wasn't Khal, but another gm. I have tried to contact this gm and have not received anything in months. What do I do now? I know other people who received this got theirs done. Or I can just come here and start insulting people and complaining about how they are to bow down before me because I pay for the game. Give it a rest people. Beating a dead horse here. Oh and let me be the first to call myself a tool. I just want my alteration....blah.

08-08-2007, 06:25 PM
Sounds like a good place to aire out grievances to me. Especially since its known that GM's read these boards...

Even some who like to pretend they're GM's.


08-08-2007, 06:27 PM
That Khaladon failed isn't really a huge problem, all he has to do in my book is come here and say "Yeah, I blew it, sorry Elvenlady" and that's that.

Why should he after reading all this crap? I certainly wouldn't. Perhaps privately but this is certainly not the place I would do it. And if Elvenlady really had a complaint, why bring it here? She clearly knows that he would be ripped on. Why not just express to him in an email her disappointment or to Simu?

I don't blame him for not saying anything on here. And I'm not defending him, I just think its lame to bring customer service complaints here rather than taking them up with Simu first. If then it is not taken care of, cool. Who really cares.

Oh and as far as being professional, like any of us have always been spot on and never made a mistake. At least it was taken care of and I don't see anything about Khal being a snot about it. Khal's not god, so maybe he can make some mistakes too. What's the big deal? It's the other GM who was rude to her that I would complain about.

Anyways...I just want my outfit.

08-08-2007, 06:36 PM
Sounds like a good place to aire out grievances to me. Especially since its known that GM's read these boards...

Even some who like to pretend they're GM's.



08-08-2007, 06:37 PM
And if Elvenlady really had a complaint, why bring it here?
If she posted it on the officials it'd get deleted in about ten seconds. She'd already talked to a GM in game, and was thinking about writing feedback when she made this post. This is the only place that gets any results, even if they're just 'yeah, you're not being stupid about this' posts.

08-08-2007, 06:37 PM
<<I don't blame him for not saying anything on here. And I'm not defending him, I just think its lame to bring customer service complaints here rather than taking them up with Simu first. If then it is not taken care of, cool. Who really cares.>>

... she did bring it up with Simu. Read the first post in the topic...

08-08-2007, 06:40 PM
And if Elvenlady really had a complaint, why bring it here? She clearly knows that he would be ripped on. Why not just express to him in an email her disappointment or to Simu?

Uh, she did! She e-mailed, assisted, got a referral. She came HERE because she was pissed off about the whole situation and about Soraya, and she wanted to vent. She obviously didn't come and post here because she thought Khaladon would then magically appear with her ribbon-wrapped bow.

08-08-2007, 06:44 PM
Um, so is this where I go to complain about the full (5 item) outfit alteration I won back in Febuary but still have never received? Is it going to make a difference if I post it here? It wasn't Khal, but another gm. I have tried to contact this gm and have not received anything in months. What do I do now? I know other people who received this got theirs done. Or I can just come here and start insulting people and complaining about how they are to bow down before me because I pay for the game. Give it a rest people. Beating a dead horse here. Oh and let me be the first to call myself a tool. I just want my alteration....blah.

And if Elvenlady really had a complaint, why bring it here?

Why did you?

08-08-2007, 06:44 PM
Why should he after reading all this crap? I certainly wouldn't. Perhaps privately but this is certainly not the place I would do it. And if Elvenlady really had a complaint, why bring it here? She clearly knows that he would be ripped on. Why not just express to him in an email her disappointment or to Simu?

I don't blame him for not saying anything on here. And I'm not defending him, I just think its lame to bring customer service complaints here rather than taking them up with Simu first. If then it is not taken care of, cool. Who really cares.

Oh and as far as being professional, like any of us have always been spot on and never made a mistake. At least it was taken care of and I don't see anything about Khal being a snot about it. Khal's not god, so maybe he can make some mistakes too. What's the big deal? It's the other GM who was rude to her that I would complain about.

Anyways...I just want my outfit.

This thread was originally about Soraya, not Khaladon.

Then Ilvane arrived and well....


08-08-2007, 06:51 PM

rofl ewwww imagine the sweat.

08-08-2007, 07:00 PM
Why did you?

Was joking?

08-08-2007, 07:04 PM
This thread was originally about Soraya, not Khaladon.

Then Ilvane arrived and well....


See, that's where I got confused, it was about Soraya and then everyone just bashes on Khal. I don't know, I don't much care, she got her bow, she vented. Fun. Nothing is perfect, I guess that's my point and it just seems that some people are expecting that. If I got so upset for everything that goes wrong, I would be one pissed off person all the time. O well.

08-08-2007, 08:08 PM
See, that's where I got confused, it was about Soraya and then everyone just bashes on Khal. I don't know, I don't much care, she got her bow, she vented. Fun. Nothing is perfect, I guess that's my point and it just seems that some people are expecting that. If I got so upset for everything that goes wrong, I would be one pissed off person all the time. O well. [referencing your previous posts as well]

The longevity of this thread has a lot more to do with Ilvane's veiled defense of Khaladon than with the initial complaint of the shoddy customer service provided by Soraya. The majority of the bashing is not even directed at Khaladon or even Soraya. It's directed at Ilvane's misguided and ignorant attempts to justify something that's clearly wrong because of her innate desire to defend Khaladon who is obviously a very dear, special and close friend. In fact, I'd venture to say that any references to either Soraya or Khaladon at this point are to illustrate just how preposterous Ilvane's logic is.

Then, there's back-story to all of this because of previous threads and the type of moderation implemented by Ilvane due to the aforementioned "friendship."


08-08-2007, 08:16 PM
The longevity of this thread has a lot more to do with Ilvane's veiled defense of Khaladon than with the initial complaint of the shoddy customer service provided by Soraya. The majority of the bashing is not even directed at Khaladon or even Soraya. It's directed at Ilvane's misguided and ignorant attempts to justify something that's clearly wrong because of her innate desire to defend Khaladon who is obviously a very dear, special and close friend. In fact, I'd venture to say that any references to either Soraya or Khaladon at this point are to illustrate just how preposterous Ilvane's logic is.

Oh. Woo Hoo! Carry on then and pay no mind to me. :D

Then, there's back-story to all of this because of previous threads and the type of moderation implemented by Ilvane due to the aforementioned "friendship."


Oh. Woo Hoo! Carry on then and pay no mind to me. :D

08-08-2007, 09:03 PM
The longevity of this thread has a lot more to do with Ilvane's veiled defense of Khaladon than with the initial complaint of the shoddy customer service provided by Soraya. The majority of the bashing is not even directed at Khaladon or even Soraya. It's directed at Ilvane's misguided and ignorant attempts to justify something that's clearly wrong because of her innate desire to defend Khaladon who is obviously a very dear, special and close friend. In fact, I'd venture to say that any references to either Soraya or Khaladon at this point are to illustrate just how preposterous Ilvane's logic is.

Then, there's back-story to all of this because of previous threads and the type of moderation implemented by Ilvane due to the aforementioned "friendship."


In other words (short version)...

This thread was originally about Soraya, not Khaladon.

Then Ilvane arrived and well....



08-08-2007, 09:13 PM
In other words (short version)...


Mine was more of a written synopsis since you're so succinct with the picture stories, heh.


08-08-2007, 09:14 PM
I know, I'm just trolling. But a picture is worth 1000 words :(

08-08-2007, 09:20 PM
Oh. Woo Hoo! Carry on then and pay no mind to me. :D

You misquoted me and I wasn't paying you any mind because you didn't initially read the first post apparently. However, you then seemed somewhat sincere in trying to understand what was going on, so I figured something a little more detailed than a sweaty ass with lips attached would do you better justice.


08-08-2007, 09:21 PM
I know, I'm just trolling. But a picture is worth 1000 words :(

Trolling is fun!


08-08-2007, 11:17 PM
You misquoted me and I wasn't paying you any mind because you didn't initially read the first post apparently. However, you then seemed somewhat sincere in trying to understand what was going on, so I figured something a little more detailed than a sweaty ass with lips attached would do you better justice.


Oh thank you, I did read the first post, and the second, and the third and so on and then it all just sort of became a big jumble of letters and pictures of asses I couldn't keep anything straight. Thank you for clearing it up for me. I did not mean to misquote you.


08-08-2007, 11:45 PM
Why should he after reading all this crap?Because it's the right thing to do. That ought to be enough.

08-09-2007, 12:00 AM
It's really between the poster of this thread and the GM's involved.

Taking it here for either GM mentioned in this thread would be a disaster, especially around here.


08-09-2007, 12:31 AM
It's really between the poster of this thread and the GM's involved.

Taking it here for either GM mentioned in this thread would be a disaster, especially around here.



08-09-2007, 12:41 AM
Was joking?

I don't buy this for a second... this is like when someone says "Boy I would really like it if someone could lend me the 10k I need to buy this item" ::looks around waiting for someone:: ... ::crickets:: "hah, just joking..."

Just vent the same, you deserve to, but don't go about it in such a simu-ass-kissing manner. They promised you something as a paying customer you deserve it, no reason to be so disingenious by pretending you don't really care.

08-09-2007, 01:03 AM
I don't buy this for a second... this is like when someone says "Boy I would really like it if someone could lend me the 10k I need to buy this item" ::looks around waiting for someone:: ... ::crickets:: "hah, just joking..."

Just vent the same, you deserve to, but don't go about it in such a simu-ass-kissing manner. They promised you something as a paying customer you deserve it, no reason to be so disingenious by pretending you don't really care.

Actually, I was just joking and that is why I haven't brought it up before. I'm not going to spend my time getting frustrated over trying to track down this alteration. I've done what I could. Big deal at this point. The excitement of the moment has been lost by now anyway. I have already managed to get the 5 alterations I wanted done since then. I play the game to enjoy myself, not get all bent out of shape if things don't always go my way. Do you think if it was a big deal to me that I would have waited until now to say anything to anyone outside of Simu about it? I have things in rl to get frustrated over than a few alterations. I'll spend that energy on that.

And I will never kiss Simu's ass. There is no reason to do so. I don't see where you get that from. The way I see it is that it was this GM, not Simu who promised me something.

08-09-2007, 01:20 AM
... The way I see it is that it was this GM, not Simu who promised me something.

GMs represent and speak for Simutronics.


08-09-2007, 01:21 AM
I just want my alteration....blah.

I don't blame him for not saying anything on here. And I'm not defending him, I just think its lame to bring customer service complaints here rather than taking them up with Simu first. If then it is not taken care of, cool. Who really cares.

Anyways...I just want my outfit.

Actually, I was just joking and that is why I haven't brought it up before.

I don't think you're all bent out of shape, but you're clearly a little miffed over it, and I think you're being a little shy to the fact that you really do deserve what you won.

GMs are Simu's representation in the game enviroment, if they promise you something, they are promising you something as agents of Simu, especially a sanctioned giveaway of some sort.

08-09-2007, 01:59 AM
I don't think you're all bent out of shape, but you're clearly a little miffed over it, and I think you're being a little shy to the fact that you really do deserve what you won.

GMs are Simu's representation in the game enviroment, if they promise you something, they are promising you something as agents of Simu, especially a sanctioned giveaway of some sort.

I'm sorry, yes, I was a little miffed. But I let it go. I use those words I said in jest. It just clearly does not translate well in text. Sorry, but it has been since February. I would have really done something about it by now if I really cared.

And yes, I agree with you. GMs are representations of Simu, but I have had more positive experiences than negative ones so I choose not to focus on this.

I guess I make a stink about rl things more than I do the game. Anyway, take the focus off me, this thread isn't about me anyway. Or you can continue to disect my posts and make it about me. There's some fun.


08-09-2007, 02:24 AM
At least you're a good sport!

08-09-2007, 02:29 AM
At least you're a good sport!

Gee! Yeah! :hug2:

08-09-2007, 03:02 AM
Gee! Yeah! :hug2:

Heh. You need to teach Ilvane a thing or two.


08-09-2007, 07:03 AM
It's really between the poster of this thread and the GM's involved.

Taking it here for either GM mentioned in this thread would be a disaster, especially around here.


:wtf: Do you EVER know when to stop talking? At this rate when you die you can just toss yourself into the black hole you've dug, cheaper on the funeral expense I guess.

On topic, Simu customer service via GM's is seriously lacking for the most part. The SGM in question just needs to retire as he just can not get a thick enough hide to tolerate any kind of criticism without a hissy fit being involved.


08-09-2007, 07:05 AM
She doesn't learn. She doesn't even realize that she perpetuated this monster of a thread when it could have stayed at "congrats, you finally got it, yay!".

08-09-2007, 07:12 AM
I can just see him sitting there thinking, "I'll show these guys...I'll quit being a GM! I do so much for this game, nothing will ever get done again!!!!!!!KL!JKLJ!K!J"

08-09-2007, 07:39 AM
I DID say that CT, but then everyone said I was kissing ass...so whatever.

So done with this bull. Time to um..let the thread die.

And Kyra, I don't know what your issue is, but um..I don't really believe for a second this thread was caused by me saying I was glad she was able to get her item, and they were able to make the schedule issues they were having work.

Well, I'm pretty much done here in this thread anyway..

All that's left in this thread is someone to call me fat. :smirks:

Come on Alfster, I'm waiting.


08-09-2007, 07:49 AM
I DID say that CT, but then everyone said I was kissing ass...so whatever.

So done with this bull. Time to um..let the thread die.

And Kyra, I don't know what your issue is, but um..I don't really believe for a second this thread was caused by me saying I was glad she was able to get her item, and they were able to make the schedule issues they were having work.

Well, I'm pretty much done here in this thread anyway..

All that's left in this thread is someone to call me fat. :smirks:

Come on Alfster, I'm waiting.


Here's your badge.


08-09-2007, 07:49 AM

Ilvane ^^

08-09-2007, 11:21 AM
I DID say that CT, but then everyone said I was kissing ass...so whatever.

So done with this bull. Time to um..let the thread die.

And Kyra, I don't know what your issue is, but um..I don't really believe for a second this thread was caused by me saying I was glad she was able to get her item, and they were able to make the schedule issues they were having work.

Well, I'm pretty much done here in this thread anyway..

All that's left in this thread is someone to call me fat. :smirks:

Come on Alfster, I'm waiting.


That's just the point, my God, you are being extremely dense. Look at the post immediately following your first post. It was me telling you that you were defending Khaladon (being sympathetic to him in a "sneaky" way that surely no one would notice - hahahahzzz!@!!11 I fulled j00 guize!!11!) by stating that perhaps he should have signed your post instead of you. YOU ARE THE ONLY REASON THIS THREAD IS STILL ALIVE!


PS Bump!

08-09-2007, 11:26 AM

08-09-2007, 11:36 AM
I DID say that CT, but then everyone said I was kissing ass...so whatever.

So done with this bull. Time to um..let the thread die.

Not having posted this would have accomplished it... having posted it you might have just kept it alive a post or two... until...

And Kyra, I don't know what your issue is, but um..I don't really believe for a second this thread was caused by me saying I was glad she was able to get her item, and they were able to make the schedule issues they were having work.

Well, I'm pretty much done here in this thread anyway..

All that's left in this thread is someone to call me fat. :smirks:

Come on Alfster, I'm waiting.


Utter fucking idiocy that's only going to serve to continue keeping this thread at the top. Nicely done. If you want it to die, stop breathing life into the thread, it's that fucking simple DO NOT EVEN REPLY TO THIS POST

08-09-2007, 11:38 AM
Okay fine, you make this cat look svelt.
Happy now?

08-09-2007, 11:42 AM
So done with this bull. Time to um..let the thread die.

AngelaThey are not going to stop responding to you, obviously, as it provides them a source of entertainment as it's been shown time and again. So, if you truly are done with the thread you'll stop responding to the posts. If you don't... well then, ya know, the thread ain't dying anytime soon and you know this.

08-09-2007, 11:44 AM

08-09-2007, 12:18 PM

"Damnit Jim, I'm Ilvane, not a reasonable person!"


08-09-2007, 12:22 PM

08-09-2007, 12:49 PM
Okay fine, you make this cat look svelt.

That is one fucking ginormous cat.

08-09-2007, 12:57 PM
I don't really believe for a second this thread was caused by me saying I was glad she was able to get her item, and they were able to make the schedule issues they were having work.

I don't believe that either. What I do believe (mainly because it's true) is that it was because you had your head up Khaladon's ass, not because you congratulated Elvenlady for getting her bow.

All that's left in this thread is someone to call me fat. :smirks:

I'm not really the type, but since you asked for it...


08-09-2007, 02:56 PM
I don't believe that either. What I do believe (mainly because it's true) is that it was because you had your head up Khaladon's ass, not because you congratulated Elvenlady for getting her bow.

I'm not really the type, but since you asked for it...



08-09-2007, 05:22 PM
Taking it here for either GM mentioned in this thread would be a disaster, especially around here.It's a good quote you have in your sig. It's even better when people live up to it, which is what Khaladon could do.

08-09-2007, 05:27 PM
If a GM were to bring it here with a thread topic such as this, they better bring their A-Game.

They (GM's) cant hide behind post-hiding (well, Khal might have a shot with Ilvane still being a moderator) and the nazi-like TOS thats found on the official forums.

08-09-2007, 05:52 PM
It's things like this that make me miss these boards, although not GS. I've yet to find another forum that can match the vituperativeness of this one in any of my other interests. You guys still make me smile whenever I drop by to read.

08-09-2007, 05:54 PM
It's not very often I have to go to dictionary.com to see if I'm being insulted or not. :D

Sean of the Thread
08-09-2007, 05:58 PM
All that's left in this thread is someone to call me fat. :smirks:

Come on Alfster, I'm waiting.


To be completely fair I've only seen your fat face.. for all I know the rest of your body is meth whore skinny.

08-09-2007, 06:02 PM
It's things like this that make me miss these boards, although not GS. I've yet to find another forum that can match the vituperance of this one in any of my other interests. You guys still make me smile whenever I drop by to read.

Happy to please.


08-14-2007, 07:41 PM
>>Your sarcasm sucks. People don't really give a rat's ass if he was balancing knives on his ass while blowing a seal and getting paid $1 million dollars to do it, when people expect delivery from a service they pay for, they better get it. Spin it all you want, it was irresponsible behavior on his part. Crystaltears

LOL! That one was hilarous! Thanks for a good laugh, laughter is a great thing. heh.