View Full Version : A stupid question but..

08-01-2007, 08:43 PM
..anyone have a list of the magic metals, their bonus, and the required level to wield them?


08-01-2007, 08:47 PM
Play.net always worked for me.

08-01-2007, 09:02 PM
Ok, lets see if this works...

From QRS:

METAL STR/DUR Weapon/Armor - Rarity - Description
alexandrite -40/-100 -19:NA 5 Clear green in day/violet by torchlight
black-alloy 0/0
bronze -15/-50 -5:-5 2
coraesine 20/40 +15:NA 6 Misty white w/dark grey veins
drakar 0/0 +5:NA 5 Brilliant white/crimson speckled
drake 0/0
eahnor 24/50 +18:+18 7 Crimson metal
eonake 20/55 +20:NA 6 White to silvery-grey, lustrous, shiny
faenor 15/45 +8:NA 6 Light green w/dark green veins
feras 0/0
glaes 24/65 +15:+15 5 Translucent black volcanic glass
gold 0/0
golvern 24/99 +25:+25 7 Rich gold, sometimes red tinge
gornar 0/0 +5:NA 5 Ruddy brown, stonelike appearance
high steel 0/0
imflass 20/40 +12:+12 4 Silver usually w/blue or green tinge
invar 5/15 +2:NA 3 Matte black steel w/red speckles
iron -10/-10 -10:-10 7
ironwood 5/10 0:0 3 Heavy, strong hardwood
kelyn 15/55 +10:NA 6 Matte black, mottled red, dark green
krodera 5/60 +25:NA 7 Silvery, distorts reflections
laje 0/0 Soft, chalky dark red
leather -10/-50 NA:-5 1
low steel 0/0
mein 24/65 +15:+15 5 Trade argot for glaes
mithglin 20/50 +15:+15 6 Blue w/black swirls
mithril 20/40 +5:+5 4 Dull grey or bluish
modwir -10/-80 2 Scaly grey barked softwood
obsidian -15/-50 -5:NA 3 Brittle, sharp, black volcanic glass
ora 15/30 +10:+10 4 Dull grey, sometimes pitted
ora-white 15/30 +10:+10 4 Dull white, sometimes pitted
ora-black 15/30 +10:+10 7 Dull black, sometimes pitted
razern 5/15 +10:NA 6 Black shards, sometimes blue streak
rhimar 0/0 +5:NA 5 Blue-white to deep steel-blue
rolaren 20/65 +20:+20 6 Deep blue-grey to black
ruby -40/-100
steel 0/0 1
urglaes 15/30 +12:+24 6 Deep black;sometimes crimson veins
urnon 20/70 +20:NA 7 Chaotic, changes randomly
vaalorn 10/30 +18:+18 7 Sparkling blue & white streaks
veil-iron 24/75 +25:+25 7 Black/grey w/white or blue specks
veniom 0/0 5 Sky blue w/silvery specks
vultite 15/40 +20:+20 4 Light blue-grey w/silver veins
white-alloy 0/0
witchwood -15/-80 -5:NA 6 Dark grey or brown shrubwood
wood -20/-90 -20:0 1
zorchar 0/0 +5:NA 5 Bright white/dark blue, may glow

You may not hold a metal until you have at least half the bonus in levels. For example, vultite is +20. You must be level 10 to use it. Mithril is +5. You must be at least level 3, since 2.5 rounds up.

very common -iron, leather, steel, wood
common - bronze, modwir
infrequent - invar, ironwood, obsidian
uncommon - imflass, mithril, ora, ora (white), vultite,
rare - drakar, glaes/mein, gornar, rhimar, veniom, zorchar
very rare - coraesine, eonake, faenor, kelyn, mithglin, razern, rolaren, urglaes, witchwood
extremely rare - eahnor, golvern, krodera, ora (black), urnon, vaalorn, veil iron

flaring metals: Elven metals: Dwarven metals:
zorchar (lightning) Faenor (+8) Eonake (+20, sancted)
gornar (earth) Eahnor (+18) Glaes (+15)
urnon (acid) Vaalorn (+18) Golvern (+25)
rhimar (cold) Vaalin (lockpick, soft) Invar (+2, dwarf steel)
drakar (fire)
coraesine (air, double)

Lockpick metals:
Alum, Laje, Vaalin

08-01-2007, 09:21 PM
Code tags exist.

08-02-2007, 09:04 AM
Another stupid question.

What spell creates a pure white aura sparkling around you?

08-02-2007, 09:06 AM
Prayer of Protection 303

08-02-2007, 10:24 AM
What were the new metals? The dispelling flare metals and the disarm flare metal?

08-02-2007, 02:48 PM
What were the new metals? The dispelling flare metals and the disarm flare metal?Kroderine and Adamantine, respectively. Although my spelling on either or both might be off.

08-02-2007, 08:09 PM
There's also zelnorn, which boosted defense as well as offense. I don't recall precisely if it boosted TD or DS, however.


08-02-2007, 09:29 PM
The zelnorn hauberk and breastplate that were released had AS/DS bonuses. Either side could be enchanted up via premium points, but only to a total of +50 combined, not 10x/10x.

They also had some odd properties that changed the AS/DS based on stance. In full offensive, a portion of the DS was taken away, and in full defensive, some of the AS was taken away as well. Whether it shifted into the opposite bonus, I didn't find out, as my friend sold both sets before we were done testing.

Stanley Burrell
08-02-2007, 09:31 PM

And this thread got me wondering if anyone actually owns any sort of McGrail item. Prolly not.