View Full Version : Ok So How Do You Do This?
11-26-2003, 04:43 PM
I Love GS4 But thats from a warrior point of veiw... Im trying to re-do my cleric and im lost.
So, ya:
My Giantman Cleric, Lvl 39:
Skill Name..................................|Bonus - Ranks
Armor Use..................................|120 - 30
Shield Use..................................|141 - 41
Blunt Weapons...... ....................|141 - 41
Physical Fitness..........................|141 - 41
Harness Power...........................|145 - 45
Spirit Mana Control.....................|141 - 41
Spiritual Lore - Blessings............|62 - 13
Spiritual Lore - Religion...............|62 - 13
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........|62 - 13
Survival.......................................|14 1 - 41
Perception...................................|141 - 41
Climbing......................................|50 - 10
Swimming...................................|50 - 10
First Aid......................................|141 - 41
Spell Lists
Major Spirit..............................|25 - 25
Minor Spirit..............................|30 - 30
Cleric.......................................|40 - 40
Training Points: 10 Phy 0 Mnt
Spell Ranks:
Minor Spiritual :30
Major Spiritual :25
Cleric Base :40
Stats: Normal (Bonus)
Strength...........78 (29)
Constitution......70 (20)
Dexterity...........65 (2)
Agility................68 (4)
Discipline...........88 (19)
Aura .................87 (13)
Logic.................78 (9)
Intuition............94 (22)
Wisdom ............97 (23)
Influence ..........70 (15)
Thats what I have done so far, really got no idea on the lores, but whatever... can I raise dead? So far I have no MIU, No scroll and NO CM! ARGH I WANT CM!
Any suggestions?
11-26-2003, 11:34 PM
Thanks. I do want to keep 2x shield, since my cleric seems to have no DS (sucky) but he still swings his warmace good, and with 40 ranks in cleric can still smite/bane stuff ok.
I did test raising today (hit lvl 40) and i can do it, so thats cool, I just hate not having 40 ranks in CM anymore, I liked my cm...
here ill just give my info away for the hell of it so ya all know my age
Level 0 Stats for Edine, Giant Cleric
Strength (STR): 70
Constitution (CON): 23
Dexterity (DEX): 95
Agility (AGI): 90
Discipline (DIS): 21
Aura (AUR): 77
Logic (LOG): 65
Intuition (INT): 89
Wisdom (WIS): 80
Influence (INF): 50
Edine (at level 58), your skill bonuses and ranks are:
Skill Name | Bonus Ranks Goals Time to Goal
Armor Use..........................| 35 7 7
Shield Use.........................| 160 60 60
Brawling...........................| 160 60 60
Physical Fitness...................| 90 20 20
Arcane Symbols.....................| 90 20 20
Magic Item Use.....................| 149 49 49
Harness Power......................| 165 65 65
Spirit Mana Control................| 192 92 92
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 105 25 25
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 70 15 15
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 70 15 15
Survival...........................| 178 78 78
Stalking and Hiding................| 122 31 31
Perception.........................| 126 33 33
Climbing...........................| 54 11 11
Swimming...........................| 5 1 1
First Aid..........................| 215 115 115
Pickpocketing......................| 160 60 60
Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 25 25
Minor Spirit.......................| 30 30
Cleric.............................| 64 64
Training Points: 8 Phy 8 Mnt
do weapon instead of brawling if ya wish to swing... i suggest brawling for the open hand defence
11-27-2003, 10:27 AM
ClericX (at level 28), your skill bonuses and ranks are:
Skill Name | Bonus Ranks Goals Time to Goal
Armor Use..........................| 114 28 28
Shield Use.........................| 78 17 17
Combat Maneuvers...................| 102 24 24
Edged Weapons......................| 120 30 30
Physical Fitness...................| 93 21 21
Arcane Symbols.....................| 74 16 16
Magic Item Use.....................| 30 6 6
Spell Aiming.......................| 160 60 60
Harness Power......................| 114 28 28
Spirit Mana Control................| 102 24 24
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 70 15 15
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 70 15 15
Perception.........................| 50 10 10
Climbing...........................| 62 13 13
Swimming...........................| 5 1 1
Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 18 18
Minor Spirit.......................| 20 20
Cleric.............................| 18 18
Training Points: 12 Phy 6 Mnt
That's what I've done with my cleric...swings at 283 self-cast, bolts at 255 with 111, add 75 with 117.
His DS is only 190 self-cast tho, still not that shabby.
11-27-2003, 10:30 AM
Guild rat, can you post your starting numbers?
I think you can do that by typing infostart in the game. I'm just curious. I've done my cleric over, but she is still getting smacked around a bit.
Race: Giant Profession: Cleric (shown as: Acolyte)
Gender: Female Age: 45 Expr: 444715 Level: 19
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 78 (29) ... 78 (29)
Constitution (CON): 59 (14) ... 59 (14)
Dexterity (DEX): 53 (-4) ... 53 (-4)
Agility (AGI): 55 (-3) ... 55 (-3)
Discipline (DIS): 69 (9) ... 69 (9)
Aura (AUR): 93 (16) ... 93 (16)
Logic (LOG): 69 (4) ... 69 (4)
Intuition (INT): 96 (23) ... 96 (23)
Wisdom (WIS): 96 (23) ... 96 (23)
Influence (INF): 59 (9) ... 59 (9)
Mana: 72 Silver: 20
This is what is listed as starting info. I'm not even positive it's the same as it was, because on conversion, I didn't take good notes creating her..heh.
Strength (STR): 70
Constitution (CON): 50
Dexterity (DEX): 50
Agility (AGI): 50
Discipline (DIS): 60
Aura (AUR): 90
Logic (LOG): 60
Intuition (INT): 90
Wisdom (WIS): 90
Influence (INF): 50
[Edited on 11-27-2003 by Ilvane]
11-27-2003, 10:34 AM
Strength (STR): 84
Constitution (CON): 63
Dexterity (DEX): 75
Agility (AGI): 62
Discipline (DIS): 60
Aura (AUR): 86
Logic (LOG): 60
Intuition (INT): 74
Wisdom (WIS): 76
Influence (INF): 20
There ya go
11-27-2003, 10:35 AM
Thank you.:)
11-27-2003, 10:36 AM
De Nada
11-27-2003, 04:09 PM
You hurl a roaring ball of fire at a gremlock!
AS: +455 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +15 = +277
... and hit for 94 points of damage!
Flame sets a gremlock's head alight like a torch. Burned beyond recognition.
A gremlock collapses and her eyes roll up as she dies.
The guiding force leaves you.
DunkinDigital: hahahaha
DunkinDigital: You hurl a roaring ball of fire at a stooped being!
AS: +455 vs DS: +242 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +79 = +336
... and hit for 94 points of damage!
Neck consumed in flame and charred to a crisp.
A stooped being screams wickedly with both mouths as it falls and dies.
The guiding force leaves you
This is how you hunt the barrier as a bolting cleric...Hoozah!!!! (courtesy of Jabee Ghostface, 82nd train cleric of Luukos)
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