View Full Version : Who's using this StormFront crap?
11-26-2003, 11:00 AM
On certain machines all I'm seeing is BIG FAT MEMORY LEAK.
I'll play for about an hour, then entire system slows to a crawl. Click IE, it comes up in about 60 seconds.... other windows even doing alt-tab take bout 15 seconds to pop.
My settings don't stay -- I have to import all my settings every single login.
I really gave it a shot, I really like it, I'd like to keep using it, but what with memory leaks, crashes, and non-persistent settings, screw it, I'm going back to FE.
11-26-2003, 11:02 AM
There was like one feature from the SF I liked that the Wizard doesn't have. And there were about a dozen I hated that the Wizard also didn't have so the choice wasn't too hard to make.
The SF is teh suck.
11-26-2003, 11:59 AM
Yeah, they need to fix it so that you don't have to import your stuff every time. That's annoying.
It's also very annoying that it is a big fat memory hog. I wish they would just stick with the nice stable wizard FE and do some nice improvements to that, but that isn't going to happen, according to what Mr. Whatley said a couple of Simucons ago.
11-26-2003, 12:06 PM
I think somehow my problem is tied to using 3 different machines. That was what I enjoyed about StormFront was that everything was *stored* server side so that if i changed something at home on my laptop, when I got to work the next day it would be there without me copying over a .lay or .cmd file.
I reimport my .xml file each time and get my script command to be / instead of ., and to reactivate macros, it was 23 clicks. Bah. Since I'm importing anyways, may as well just import to WizFE, that way I'm importing once a day instead of every time I log in
WizFE seems to lag much less for me too.
11-26-2003, 12:10 PM
Don't fix it, if it ain't broke. Wizard rules.
11-26-2003, 12:28 PM
The SF is teh suck. -Adhara
I couldn't have stated it better myself or with fewer words. ::cheers Adhara::
stormfront sucks anyway, like 50 pounds of sausage in a 10 pound package
11-26-2003, 02:25 PM
I figured out the problem, and it has to do with Psinet.
As soon as I uninstalled PSINET, my settings all automagically returned on the next login.
Still remained unconvinced that SF is the way to go, but at least now I have the option.
Miss Jade
11-26-2003, 04:47 PM
i like how you can adjust your stats in the stormfront dont know if you can do that in the wizard. I dont like that you dont have the option to bring up the last or the last few commands like you can in the wizard.(if you can please let me know how) will we be able to adjust the stats like we can now or is that only part of the 30 day deal?
Shuhei Nakamoto (
11-27-2003, 01:21 PM
Yeah I'm not sure why Psinet started doing that. At first it was just doing it with one char which isn't too bad, but then it was all the chars on every login, so I went ahead and uninstalled it. As soon as I uninstalled it my problems went away.
Bummer because I thought Psinet is a pretty neat app.
I may try a reinstall at some point, at least I know what's causing the problem, so if it gives me grief again I can uninstall.
Dighn Darkbeam
11-27-2003, 03:29 PM
I havent even bothered with the SF front end. I am am a firm believer in the "Ain't broke, dont fix" philosophy. I have enough headaches in my life without trying to master a new App when the old one works fine.
11-27-2003, 03:56 PM
Stormfront is great when Thundermage gets updated to convert Scripts from Wizard to Stormfront it will be even better. Kudos Simu on the new interface.
11-28-2003, 05:48 PM
I admit I only used Stormfront in the beta, and it was a bit of a pain. I'm sure it's good, I just don't want to put forth the effort to learn something new right now. Maybe after the 45 day modifier.
11-30-2003, 01:07 AM
StormFront.. sucks. I hate it.
That's probably why there's a PsiNet problem with it. I spent about 4 hours writing the update that allowed PsiNet to work with it, and about 2 testing it. I really hated it too much to use it longer.
I've had several people complain of the intermittent importing problem, and I'm looking at what might be causing it. The problem with issues like this is that it doesn't seem to happen to everyone, so I have to spend a bit of time tweaking.
I'll get it figured out though. Thanks for your patience.
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