View Full Version : website info - domain names/registry

07-25-2007, 06:27 PM
Ok, the name that want for my e-business appears to be unregistered; however, someone owns the website already. After a little research, it appears the guy (GNO, Inc.) is a cybersquatter of a sort with several cases/mediations etc. involving cybersquatting and the sort.

I did find that even if the .com version of the domain name I want is already purchased (which he said he'd sell to me for 4,500, even though its not developed beyond a commercial link page), the .net version was available. So I picked it up for $10 bucks through google.

I have some info I pulled down on domain registry and the like, but can someone tell me if having a .net domain with the same name as a .com domain name is bad news, especially if there is no indication of like industry between the two?

The .com domain comes available (if not auto renewed) next year. I might put an auction bid on it so I can have a shot when it does, in case he doesnt renew...

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

(I'm being vague on purpose until I get my e-business off the ground, so dont ask, cause I wont answer). ;)

07-25-2007, 06:29 PM
What's your e-business?

(I know, I went there)

07-25-2007, 07:02 PM
Depends what kind of bad news we're talking about. The .com domain is typically the primary one to use for a business, and .net is secondary. This isn't enforced enforced anymore though.

As for whether this could hurt your business or anything... I doubt it will. Most people will likely find your website via a search engine or an advertisement and so will get to your website via a link. Generally I don't think it's a big deal.

07-25-2007, 08:17 PM
If you're going to commerce through your site, it's a pretty big deal IMO. If it's purely informational for the product/service you provide, it's not such a big deal IMO. Every time I mistakenly go to nissan.com I am reminded of the importance of getting and using the most logical address for a website. Cyber squatters, what trash.

07-25-2007, 08:34 PM
Just throwing this out there. You may also consider .us as an alternative. Not many people realize it exists. It was set up like any other country code but Americans insist on the standard .com, .net, etc.

One warning though... and I know this from experience. People are automatically programed to type .com at the end of any web url. This goes for email addys as well. It happens quite often so if that bothers you find some other .com name. It shouldn’t be too hard.

08-09-2007, 09:53 PM

I have the .net domain acquired. I've got the business plan underway. Have an attorney and accountant on board and within the next few weeks will be registering the LLC. Artwork is complete for the logo...

I also have a web developer who will be setting up the database and site.

So I need some ideas on ASP's (server hosts) who are liberal enough to allow my developer the freedom to work/update the site and data, who will allow Microsoft SQL server 2005 to be on their server as well as the .net 2.0 framework, scripts, and a wsywig app for admin updating.

Who's worked with some reliable ASP's out there?