View Full Version : Incorporating Escort into Goto?

07-25-2007, 09:00 AM
Has there ever been an attempt to do this? Seems like it would be a simple loop, along with an array of the different types of travellers. I hate using ;escort DIRECTIONS since I always use goto and don't have the directions memorized.


07-25-2007, 10:38 AM
Um, I can't remember if this was in the repository or if I made it. It's just like ;goto, but works with travellers and children. Save it as escortgoto.lic

I set up two macros to work with it:

ALT-I = ;s arrives, following you.\r
(simulates the traveller following you for instances where the messaging isn't exact, like on the rope-ladders.)

ALT-U = ;up\r
(unpause after making sure any NPC's are dealt with)

I also usually set up a loop like this to work for ambushes:

;e loop { waitfor("an ambush"); if (!checkpcs); cast(435); else; cast(719); }
;e loop { waitfor("an ambush"); cast(317); }

I've used this a lot, although it does need a tad of babysitting. Absolutely not for AFK, but great if you're running escorts whilest at work.


07-25-2007, 07:52 PM
you are awesome, thanks.