View Full Version : After the bog

07-23-2007, 11:22 PM
Hey guys,

I've got a level 46 voln fu halfling wizard. He's currently hunting the bog in Ta'Vaalor, but its pretty pathetically easy, so I'm starting to think about where to go next. He has zero spell aim (and I'd like to keep it that way), so it has to be something he can fu. His MB is ~ 270ish and his ds in offensive self spelled (without 919) is just over 300.

Looking at the maps, my choices seem to be either bonespear or wind wraiths/soul golems. Teras seems more appealing than solhaven, but I'm worried about the sheer fear. I don't mind getting stunned (and ds shouldn't be a problem since I can run 919 constantly, and can use 102 if need be) but I'd rather him not be on his knees all the time.

Also, treasure would be nice, but is a secondary concern.

Anyone have any thoughts?


The Ponzzz
07-24-2007, 12:26 AM
Teras is way over you right now.

Solhaven it til 53-55 and then do banshees/wind wraiths on teras.

07-24-2007, 07:40 AM
yup bonespear then wind roltons... man i wish i had cake hunting like wind wraiths again...