View Full Version : Warcry
07-23-2007, 06:35 PM
I'm thinking about doing warcries instead of wtrick for feint in the guild. I heard Warcries have the same effect as feint but the RT is stackable? Or the skills are generally better. Anyone know anything about this, any advice would be helpful:love:
07-23-2007, 06:49 PM
Warcries will most likely be harder to keep up with than feint, and you need high charisma. Warcries has some sort of vocal limiter where you cant yell after you use it too much. Feint works on your stamina. So feint is more in line with what I would want my warriors stats to be. low charisma high con etc..
And although you can get feint through the cman system, if you master it in the guild as well, you should have a stronger feint ability. I think...
But I don't play warriors. So you should definately get a real opinion from one of them.
07-23-2007, 06:52 PM
I thought this was a thread about the Sally Army magazine.
07-23-2007, 07:25 PM
Warcries were given a significant uptweak recently in general and feint was given a wee bit of a downtweak. Before this, feint beat the pants off of warcries. I don't know if warcries is now on par with feint; I would be very surprised to find it's now better. The limiting factor to warcries is much more severe than feint's, but I would think that using them in tandem is now far more useful than one or the other alone.
This only relates to warcries' use as a creature inhibitor; obviously feint has no effect on group AS and in terms of that warcries are superior.
07-23-2007, 08:18 PM
Interesting so warcry/feint combo would be the way to go? How would that work? Feint a finger waggler then warcry them to get them in RT?
07-23-2007, 08:27 PM
don't they have an AS boosting warcry too?
Stanley Burrell
07-23-2007, 08:47 PM
don't they have an AS boosting warcry too?
That only work in a group and Holler, what is it? Three times? Can be used before becoming completely parched.
I'd say go for a paladin transformation :thumbup:
07-23-2007, 09:36 PM
I say a combo is useful because if you flub a feint (a 104 endroll or something) you can't re-feint but you certainly don't want to hang around in front of things. Remaneuvering with a different maneuver is the way to go, and warcry certainly fits that bill.
07-24-2007, 08:24 PM
Yeah you can throw out a TON of warcry bellow before your voice goes.
It isn't tied into stamina in anyway so it works really nice to throw in as a rt inducer.
Anytime you are adventuring solo warcry bellow works in well with feint. mix in tackle and what not, a lot of good skills to chose from.
After berserk and wtricks I'd definitly suggest warcries.
07-25-2007, 03:57 AM
I'm thinking about doing warcries instead of wtrick for feint in the guild. I heard Warcries have the same effect as feint but the RT is stackable? Or the skills are generally better. Anyone know anything about this, any advice would be helpful:love:
feint was nerfed. RT doesn't stack. but bellow/feint sounds pretty good. pain in the ass finding training partners on my schedule otherwise i would have mastered warcries myself.
stamina cost is less with guild feint than it would be with Cman feint. and you can do it bare handed with the guild. don't think you can do that with combat maneuver version.
07-25-2007, 10:54 AM
and you need high charisma.
Influence?(when did they rename charisma?)
07-25-2007, 10:55 AM
where do all the warriors here hang out? I cant find guild partners no matter what town I go to.
07-25-2007, 10:57 AM
There are a couple around Ta'Illistim now that the guild opened up.
07-25-2007, 10:58 AM
I've only seen 2 since it was reopened :(
07-25-2007, 10:59 AM
Debia is a master at arms, Rohese? I believe trains with her on occasion. Gordd(sp) is a warrior who is moving up the ranks. Could be a few others. I would imagine the majority of them are in the landing.
07-25-2007, 11:08 AM
:( I dont want to be around the landing anymore. The guild there isnt that much busier than the others and I hate the hunting options. Guess I might have to go back and suffer through my last 30 ranks or so to reach guildmaster then leave the landing.
Influence?(when did they rename charisma?)
It used to be named charisma, it's influence now.
Also, regarding bare handed feinting, with the cman version you can only do it at rank 5.
07-25-2007, 03:48 PM
feint was nerfed. RT doesn't stack.Feint RT hasn't stacked on creatures for years, if ever. What was changed is that RT can no longer be refreshed. At the same time, stance forcing was uncapped, making it unnecessary in every case to double-feint.
stamina cost is less with guild feint than it would be with Cman feint.This is untrue. Every maneuver that is available through the CMAN and guild systems is functionally identical at equal ranks.
Influence?(when did they rename charisma?)In the GS4 switch.
where do all the warriors here hang out? I cant find guild partners no matter what town I go to.There's a guild practice at 9 PM every Monday in Icemule. They get a decent turnout from what I've heard.
As an aside, you know the word is spelt "inebriated", right?
07-25-2007, 03:55 PM
yeah i know. was a drunken thing, a friend was trying to spell it and couldnt. I have used this handle/name for pretty much everything except GS.
07-25-2007, 06:36 PM
Has anyone tried out the warcry/feint combo, hows it working out? better then expected? Just wondering before I commit endless hour at the guild.
07-25-2007, 07:05 PM
Why are people changing their names?!
07-25-2007, 08:12 PM
If you ever need reps, Elrodin (I've figured you out now!) let me know. I play a Master of Arms a friend gave me a long time ago when he quit.
07-25-2007, 08:29 PM
Warcry works well for my dwarf with only 45 ranks, but warcry bellow is pretty hit or miss on higher level critters. (at least for me not being mastered yet)
He uses a 2 handed axe. I tend to feint and then disarm/tackle. usually I wont have to feint again being that the first feint knocked 80-90% of their stance off.
Warcry isn't to shabby, it ranks right up there with all the other guild skills. As an rt inducer it won't work on undead and elementals though, so you might be better off with another skill through cmans or the guild.
As for guildmasters.. Icemule has a passle full of them. The rift is spectacular for keeping older warriors around mule. I know quite a few of them are AFK and like to avoid the mishmash but from what I've experienced very few will turn you down if you whisper them directly for help.
My warrior Barjin is about mule/landing on and off. If you ever need help give me a holler. I stop by the guild(s) frequently, and will be happy to help with reps if I am not busy.
Sylvan Dreams
07-26-2007, 10:16 AM
Feint RT hasn't stacked on creatures for years, if ever. What was changed is that RT can no longer be refreshed.
This is absolutely incorrect. You COULD stack people into several minutes of roundtime by using haste + feint - which, while realistic, is incredibly powerful. You couldn't ever "refresh" roundtime induced by feint.
The guild and CMAN offensive skills are pretty handy, but I will say that at higher levels, you don't really use them. I use often headbutt but that's because I have a really badass spiked/flaring helmet, but I don't disarm or tackle or any of that. I just aim my attacks.
07-26-2007, 11:32 AM
Feint RT hasn't stacked on creatures for years, if ever.
This is absolutely incorrect. You COULD stack people into several minutes
Poor reading comprehension FTL
07-28-2007, 06:09 PM
Hey does the AS boosting warcries only work in a group and how long do they last?
07-28-2007, 06:18 PM
They're definitely group-only. The durations aren't spectacular, but being grouped up reduces the need for using the other disabling warcries, thus making it pretty easy to keep the boosts up for a good time. The only trouble is that your character will need a good 30+ ranks for the first AS one to be even marginally reliable. It's not a ridiculous investment, but it takes a little doings.
Sylvan Dreams
07-28-2007, 06:50 PM
AS boosting warcries lasts for a minute and they are group only. They also do not stack with certain spells like Bravery, the Kai spellsong, and possibly Heroism.
07-29-2007, 10:13 PM
As an rt inducer it won't work on undead and elementals though, so you might be better off with another skill through cmans or the guild.This is very important to point out.
Also, since (as I understand it) you can't re-feint until RT runs out, I find growl much more effective against turtling casters - it forces a full offensive stance.
07-29-2007, 11:08 PM
Feint can force a full offensive stance now too, you just need a 200+ endroll (though I'm sure 190 is close enough to full reduction to pwn).
07-30-2007, 09:57 AM
Are there any tips to being more successful in warcries? I only have about 15 ranks so I am guessing that is the main limiting factor in my success. I have noticed much higher success on bellow when im in defensive stance though, was wondering if that was just luck or if it was part of the mechanics that I was unaware of.
07-30-2007, 04:04 PM
The masters at arms tell you to take an offensive "schtance", but they haven't been touched for 20 years so who knows how accurate that is. More ranks, more levels, and a good INF bonus pretty much covers it.
07-30-2007, 04:15 PM
yeah thats what made me wonder about stance for warcries. I have pretty good INF for a human warrior...
Influence (INF): 75 (12) ... 75 (12) im guessing its a matter of ranks. Im even level with my hunting grounds right now so there shouldnt be any penalities for being lower level.
07-30-2007, 04:17 PM
My Delf's warcry blows with about the same INF. Of course, there's like 4 warriors in Plat, so getting teach reps is a bitch.
07-30-2007, 04:29 PM
How many ranks? Im sitting on 15 ranks of warcry to get my lack of results.
07-30-2007, 04:48 PM
rooflez, 5.
Sylvan Dreams
07-30-2007, 09:07 PM
15 ranks out of 63 isn't very much at all. It will get easier as you move up in ranks.
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