View Full Version : Hot is evil

06-26-2003, 04:12 PM
it's 34 degree celsius here (around 93F)
it's 43°C with the humidity in mind (around 108F)

I wish to die

No, i'll move to the atlantic coast asap.
And my aunt who lived in Florida said it was like that often, and more humide...
Holy crap, it's not humain to endure that!


06-26-2003, 04:26 PM
It's really hot here too. 95F and humid. Blech. This is why I left Florida! I didn't move up north to get the same crap! ::whines::

06-26-2003, 04:32 PM
It was 98F a little while ago. 95F now, with weather predictions of "Hot and Humid." Humidity's at only 35% now. Heat index of 99F. And I'm sitting in a room that faces the sun with a fan that blows hot air and no A/C.

--Bobmuhthol, the hot, angry man.

06-26-2003, 04:50 PM
bought an A|C as you said... (air conditioner?) 8300 b.t.u, 2 engines, bla bla bla, 550 damn bucks
doesn't work at all, too hot, too humide
holy damn

CrystalTears, you can't be more North than me, and it's hotter here!
Bring me a chainsaw, i'm really tired of that!

06-26-2003, 05:27 PM
I've been in my air conditioned work all day, leaving for the heat in a second..:whines:

I'm glad I have AC at home, or I'd be cranky too.

Hopefully the train AC is working.


06-26-2003, 05:30 PM
<< bought an A|C as you said... (air conditioner?) 8300 b.t.u, 2 engines, bla bla bla, 550 damn bucks
doesn't work at all, too hot, too humide >>

All the windows in your house are closed?

Man, if it's still broken then that's hurting.

06-26-2003, 05:41 PM
Heh... at least there's a breeze in Florida, and plenty of trees for shade.

06-26-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Kranar

All the windows in your house are closed?

Man, if it's still broken then that's hurting.

windows all closed, 4 fans running to push the maximum of air..
big apartment, in a form of an E, must be that.
I think Ontario is a pain in the butt too, since you're just north of the grand lac, must be damn humide, isn't?
and pollution must not help

06-26-2003, 11:25 PM
Haha! I beat you all! My room is nice and cool! I'm freezing my ass off in the middle of summer and loving it! Only a 5200 BTU, though.

In conclusion, Air Conditioner > All of you.

Red Devil
06-27-2003, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Haha! I beat you all! My room is nice and cool! I'm freezing my ass off in the middle of summer and loving it! Only a 5200 BTU, though.

In conclusion, Air Conditioner > All of you.


06-27-2003, 08:38 AM
red devil could you please hang yourself until you'll stop behaving like that?
your mom never said to you when you don't have anything intelligent to say, just shut up?

please don't post anymore in reaction to my posts

06-27-2003, 08:56 AM
Could be worse, you all could be running PT in the 80-90 range with me and then staying in a barracks that isn't AC'ed at the moment never fails they do maint. on the AC in the summer and and on the heat in the winter....

06-27-2003, 06:24 PM
All I have to say is...

Burn yankees, burn !

I enjoy 50's and 60's in the winter here in Texas, and pleasant 90's with almost no humidity in the summer. Living in DC I remember a day at 103 with 100% humidity, which blows.

Frankly heat can be annoying, but cold is far worse. Hell isn't hot, it's freezing. (Not that I believe in heaven, hell or any of that rubbish).

06-27-2003, 06:25 PM
I hate the heat, which is why I moved out of Florida and headed up north. I'd take a day of snow over a 95F with 100% humidity ANY day.

06-27-2003, 08:19 PM
it's often -40°C here, in winter.
All you have to do is wear clothes. When it's +45° C (110), all you can do is wait and suffer, even in a pool.

Dry temperature are indeed the best though

06-29-2003, 02:48 AM
It's pretty hot down here in certain areas of southern cali too. Luckily since I'm at the beach I have the coastal breeze to keep our tempature normal.

However, I was down in the valley yesterday and I got my sinuses screwed up big time due to a huge change in tempature. I went from 65 degrees in my town and stayed in the valley for a day which was at 98 degrees, and then came back the next day to around 65 degrees again.

That 33 degree change on the way home sucked. 65 degrees isn't cold but I was shivering my ass off due to the change. It was only a 30 minute drive from near the valley and back to my place with a 33 degree difference in such a short amount of time. Yuck.

Sneeze, sneeze. Ha-choo, ha-choo!

- N

06-29-2003, 11:34 AM
I'm a pretty skinny guy. I have no way to heat my body other than to shiver, and I sat in my less than 150 sq ft room for 6 hours straight with the air conditioner on at the coldest temperature and high cool. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The room temperature fell below 64 degrees Fahrenheit very quickly (I'm using a galileo thermometer, it may very well have been below 60.). I think I ruined my nerves with all the sodas I drank, too. You may say, "Well that's not very cold." but I had my own personal wind chill. At high cool, the air conditioner throws a *lot* of cold air at you at all times. It felt like 30, but it was actually 60. Now cold is bad. Possibly as bad as hot.

(There were a few misleading things in my post that I wanted to fix.)

[Edited on 6-29-2003 by Bobmuhthol]

06-29-2003, 11:41 AM
at -30, winter, i sleep with the windows opened, and i am not that fat. It's a matter of blood i guess

06-30-2003, 06:04 PM
I just got back from Florida. I was dieing. Remember I'm from Alaska, so those 95 degree days with 80% humidity was just torture. My last day there my kid and I were tryin to find something to do, but everything fun is outside so we went to the beach. At least there I just sunburn but at least it's cool.

So I get home and we're having a damn heat wave here too. it was 70+, which is hot for here. So here I am driving the 3 hrs home with my AC on. Go figure.

Ahhh it's so good to be home.

07-01-2003, 03:19 AM
You're all wusses. I live in Chicago.