View Full Version : Sale, including 7x shield, 6x chainmail, 6x shield, 5x runestaff, and more

07-21-2007, 03:49 PM
Bids can be sent to infinitysplashgt@hotmail.com, IM'd to infinitysplashgt, PM'd to me, or posted as a reply.

a faenor-tipped mithril dagger: +11 - 10k
a butcher's cleaver: +20 - 20k
an elegant invar-hilted mithglin dagger: +20, player forged - 20k
an elaborately etched belt knife with polished black leather wound about its hilt: +20 - 100k
a razor-sharp fillet knife: +15 - 15k
a vultite short sword: +20 - 20k
a razor-sharp vultite dagger: +20 - 20k
a silver falchion: +20 - 20k
a hazel mithril short sword: +5 - 5k

a tanik-handled mithril mace: +10 - 10k

a gold-nocked wood light crossbow: +5 - 5k
a dented mossbark heavy crossbow: +15 - 15k

a heavy mithril knuckle-duster: +5 - 5k
an elegant invar-handled vultite fist-scythe: +20, player forged - 20k

an acid-pitted wooden runestaff: +21 - 200k
a gold-capped orase runestaff: +25 - 750k

an ivory-chased lustrous gold lance: +20 - 100k
an old pitted halberd: +15 - 30k
a mithril halberd: +5 - 10k

some deep ebony vultite mail: +30, chain mail (dyeable), only weighs 25 lbs - 3.5m
some dark brigandine armor: +20 - 10k
some imflass full plate: +12, full plate, only 52 lbs - 300k
a yellow-plumed visored rolaren heaume: head/neck coverage, actioned: - 100k

>wear heaume
Grasping your visored rolaren heaume with both hands, you carefully place it on your head and adjust it until it feels comfortable.
>remove heaume
You grasp your visored rolaren heaume with both hands and carefully lift it off of your head.
>close heaume
You unlatch the visor of your visored rolaren heaume and slide it down over your eyes.
>open heaume
You slide the visor of your visored rolaren heaume into an open position and latch it securely in place.

07-24-2007, 10:19 PM
Updated. Some prices dropped. Cheap prices here! Take advantage of them!

07-27-2007, 03:15 PM
I'll take your 6x shield... Kontii in game, send me a PM with what works for you for pick-up

AIM SteveThrock24 as well

07-28-2007, 12:35 AM
Ok, since I'm suckin w/ these updates - flat prices on everything. You bid, you win. IM me at infinitysplashgt or find me in game as Fatali to get somethin.

07-28-2007, 03:30 PM
Ok, since I'm suckin w/ these updates - flat prices on everything. You bid, you win. IM me at infinitysplashgt or find me in game as Fatali to get somethin.

some polished mithril-linked brigandine: +10, brigandine, fairly crit padded - 100k
I'll take that for 100k if it's still up forsale

Player of Morrff's many!

P.S. Where can i pickup?

P.S P.S Post reply as a PM because I won't be looking for this thread again, thank you

07-30-2007, 12:12 AM
Updated again. Just pulled items that were bought. If you want somethin, IM me at infinitysplashgt to pick them up in the landin (possibly FWI if I find someone)

08-02-2007, 01:13 AM
Updated again. Sold/picked up items have been deleted.