View Full Version : post pulled quick

07-18-2007, 12:24 AM

Your post was hidden from the GemStone IV Forum.

Posts of this nature serve little purpose. If you have evidence of a GameMaster's impropriety, the appropriate venue for such evidence is GS4FEEDBACK@SIMUTRONICS.COM.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me at GS4-EMERADAN@play.net.

A copy of your post is included for your reference, below.

GM Emeradan
GemStone IV Forums
Clark: "So you killed him?"
Kara: "He didn't feel any pain."

GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
Forum: GemStone IV
Category: Four Winds Hall
Topic: FWI Summer Festival
Msg#: 1251
Subject: Isn't it surprising

How a well known GM's RL Girlfriend that plays Gemstone happens to show up at one of his merchants, just before he does, and happens.. for the Third time I hear.. make it onto one of his limited Morphing Lists.

odd.. Isn't it.

==== END COPY OF POST ====

07-18-2007, 12:39 AM
Yeah. That racked you up a few points, I'm sure.

07-18-2007, 12:39 AM
Yeah, dumbass, she gave away the spot. Real big nice conspiracy you've got going on there.

07-18-2007, 12:49 AM
LOL serves you right, you got pwned by Emeradan...

PS: next time get your facts straight and don't go by what you hear from other people unless you witnessed it yourself

07-18-2007, 01:04 AM
There was a brief mention on the officials today about something similar, though not as - blunt as this post was. I'm surprised, but not, that it was pulled.

And I'll say here what I said there. I don't like to think any GM would give preferential treatment to a significant other but sometimes you do have to wonder.

The Ponzzz
07-18-2007, 01:15 AM
The GM in question doesn't do that. And the person who joined the list gave her spot away. She did not join his list 5 times, nor 3 times.

Anyone that knows about morphing lists can easily get on those fast.

I personally love those lists and I always get the favoritism remarks because I am usually first or second.

07-18-2007, 01:17 AM
You just wish you could be riding a GM's pp for free stuff... :)
If I were a chick I'd do it.

07-18-2007, 01:17 AM
and yeah morph lists rock :) look join look join

07-18-2007, 01:48 AM
Isn't there a section titled "My Post was Pulled 'Cause I Don't Know Jack About What I'm Talking About?"

07-18-2007, 01:52 AM
The GM in question doesn't do that. And the person who joined the list gave her spot away. She did not join his list 5 times, nor 3 times.

I think, and Chronin can tell me if I'm wrong, that he was referring not to just Serpantis' list, but others throughout the festival.

07-18-2007, 07:22 AM
Clark: "So you killed him?"
Kara: "He didn't feel any pain."

Is it just me or is a sig like that a little unprofessional in a CSR email?

07-18-2007, 07:29 AM
Somebody give more details please!

07-18-2007, 08:02 AM
How unfair! I didn't get a copy of my post when Emerperson pulled my post.

Whole thing got pulled because of "OMFG"

Seriously Simu needs to grow up sometime. I still don't see how they can claim this as a family friendly venture when you have to be of a certain age to even sign up or get consent for it, andthen you have all the gory details in combat.. and those cyber loving freaks.

Not to mention you can get away with saying 'damn' in game all the time. Whats so horrible about letters and words anyone old enough to type has heard or read and most likely spoken themselves?

There is something to be said for keeping things clean but sometimes it goes to far.

Your post was uncalled for though. It could have been worded in a less inflammatory way. Even then beyond the fact that a lot of people might be thinking it - you had to know they would pull it.

07-18-2007, 08:15 AM
Eh. More likely the whole thing got pulled for being inaccurate. If anything the information that gets people places is festival chats and nothing else. Should people have to stop playing because they date a GM?

07-18-2007, 09:22 AM
Should people have to stop playing because they date a GM?

Or be refused an account because they're GM boyfriend/girlfriend convinced them to start playing even.

07-18-2007, 09:28 AM
Somebody give more details please!

This needs to be repeated, names please

07-18-2007, 09:44 AM
Subject: Isn't it surprising

How a well known GM's RL Girlfriend that plays Gemstone happens to show up at one of his merchants, just before he does, and happens.. for the Third time I hear.. make it onto one of his limited Morphing Lists.

odd.. Isn't it.

==== END COPY OF POST ====

Funny, she wasn't the only one who showed up before him and she wasn't the only one who got on the list. Also, some who did get on the list had been on other lists as well.

AND she openly gave her work to someone else. Not to someone she knew, but a character who hadn't had any work done yet. She specifically said that.

I think you are very wrong in your assumption. This particular GM is very professional and it's a shame that the player who is his girlfriend has had to avoid merchants and such because of silly claims like this.

If you have evidence that there is wrong doing then file a complaint but just posting with your assumptions is not going to get you anywhere.

I think your real motivation is just to anger and cause hurt feelings. So just shut up about it an move on.

07-18-2007, 09:49 AM
It would have been cooler if they left the post and let the public just tear into him for being a moron.

07-18-2007, 09:55 AM
It would have been cooler if they left the post and let the public just tear into him for being a moron.


Tea & Strumpets
07-18-2007, 09:56 AM
It would have been cooler if they left the post and let the public just tear into him for being a moron.

I don't really think it's that far-fetched. I've "seen" GM's send an IM to a player they know letting them know that their merchant is about to make an appearance.

07-18-2007, 09:59 AM
Yes but apparently in this case it wasn't really a favoritism thing, and from what people have been saying, it's not even accurate.

I know there is favoritism with GMs and players, and GMs do boneheaded things and people like to take every opportunity to call them out on stuff. You should just make sure that you're sure before making those claims is all.

07-18-2007, 10:05 AM
I don't really think it's that far-fetched. I've "seen" GM's send an IM to a player they know letting them know that their merchant is about to make an experience.

While that situation may not be far fetched, I am assured that is not the case in this one. This relationship is and has been well known for a long time.

To say it is would be calling both parties stupid. This GM is not one to be so unprofessional. Do you not think that because the relationship is out in the open, he has not been watched by the powers that be? I would be more suspicious if they were trying to keep it secret. But they don't.

I think the original poster is just one of those that whine and like to find fault with others when they don't get something done.

07-18-2007, 10:10 AM
It would have been cooler if they left the post and let the public just tear into him for being a moron.

Thats what we (The PC) are here for. ;)

07-18-2007, 10:16 AM
Thats what we (The PC) are here for. ;)

Ut oh, get Ganalon the Pom Poms! ;)

07-18-2007, 10:18 AM
I got a post pulled because I said "Wow thats a bunch of BS"

Was told that BS was vulgarity masking. I re-posted with Bullcrap and he said that was fine.


07-18-2007, 10:29 AM
I got a post pulled because I said "Wow thats a bunch of BS"

Was told that BS was vulgarity masking. I re-posted with Bullcrap and he said that was fine.


No, not an idiot, just following the rules of the officials. I got one pulled for using 'wtf?' once. I reworded and was fine.

And as was mentioned before, "That's what the PC is for".

I wouldn't call someone doing their job properly and idiot. It only makes you look like the idiot. :wtf:

07-18-2007, 10:38 AM
I got a post pulled because I said "Wow thats a bunch of BS"

Was told that BS was vulgarity masking. I re-posted with Bullcrap and he said that was fine.


Please, children read these boards. For their sake will you instead use "bull-plop" or "donkey-doo-doo" else their innocence be lost to Satan.

I know when I was a child I never swore. I was a good little boy. A gooooood little boy.

07-18-2007, 11:17 AM
>Should people have to stop playing because they date a GM?

Of course not. That would be idiotic. Some tact, however, would not be.

I had this discussion with Augie last night. I wouldn't be anywhere NEAR my boyfriend if he was a GM who was merchanting. It could simply cause too many hard feelings and suspicions.

>I don't really think it's that far-fetched. I've "seen" GM's send an IM to a player they know letting them know that their merchant is about to make an appearance.

I've never been witness to such a thing but, as they're ALL apt to say from time to time, GM's are people too. I'm sure it happens.

>While that situation may not be far fetched, I am assured that is not the case in this one.

People lie. Some people are real good at it. I'm not meaning to attack you here but your posts on this subject have an air of naivete about them.

I'm an instantly suspicious person, though, nor do I trust implicitly and fully just because someone is a GM, or capable of assuring another in a convincing manner.

>Do you not think that because the relationship is out in the open, he has not been watched by the powers that be?

I would hope so.

> I would be more suspicious if they were trying to keep it secret.

Out of sight out of mind.

>I think the original poster is just one of those that whine and like to find fault with others when they don't get something done.

I don't know Chronin. Don't think I've ever had a chat with him. But he had the balls to say something that other people have been thinking. I won't tear him down for that. Could maybe have worded the post a little less confrontational, but, eh, not everyone is a wordsmith.

I'm not the kind of person who will turn a blind eye to something I don't agree with. And as I told Khal last night, if I don't agree with something he does, I'll tell him, bluntly and honestly. I'll give him my opinion, whether he likes it or not. I'm not going to be all fluffy and ass-kissing (can I use that word here? Heh) just because he, or anyone else, is a GM. They're people, too. They make mistakes. They're human. And sometimes, someone needs to step up to the plate and call them on something that causes concern.

07-18-2007, 11:31 AM
This GM is not one to be so unprofessional.If this story is about Khaladon (which the last post seems to indicate), are you serious about that statement? The New Year's fiasco alone is enough to demonstrate that Khaladon isn't exactly a beacon of professional bearing.

07-18-2007, 11:32 AM
That certainly made for an interesting evening in the chat.

07-18-2007, 11:48 AM
Eh, this is so foolish that it's ever being discussed. She GAVE AWAY her slot.

There is no favoritism here, move along..that is ridiculous.


07-18-2007, 11:54 AM
Eh, this is so foolish that it's ever being discussed. She GAVE AWAY her slot.

There is no favoritism here, move along..that is ridiculous.


That the person was there, on the list, and had been with the same GM's other lists at the festival, was the purpose of the complaint, I think. Though, maybe I'm wrong.

07-18-2007, 12:03 PM
First off, don't you think that if they were going to cheat and do this, that she would use a character that no one knows? It would make more sense to me, at least that is what I would do.

>I had this discussion with Augie last night. I wouldn't be anywhere NEAR my boyfriend if he was a GM who was merchanting. It could simply cause too many hard feelings and suspicions.

She has avoided him and many others just to keep from this. This has been a topic of discussion for a while now. When are people going to let it rest?

>People lie. Some people are real good at it. I'm not meaning to attack you here but your posts on this subject have an air of naivete about them.

No, I am very well aware that people lie, no need to educate me on the subject. But it clearly works both ways, I see people here making statements about this relationship and they have no evidence to back it up. Just speculation.

>I'm an instantly suspicious person, though, nor do I trust implicitly and fully just because someone is a GM, or capable of assuring another in a convincing manner.

There in lies your problem. I don't trust as such either but I do give people the benefit of the doubt before I start persecuting without any strong evidence. Just because these two are together does not automatically give cause for cheating. If you have some solid evidence, bring it, otherwise shut up about it and let them live their lives.

>But he had the balls to say something that other people have been thinking. I won't tear him down for that.

And it's been said over and over again. Don't you think it's old now? If it's a real concern, contact the appropriate people. But I stand my by statement, I think he said it to spark emotions in people or he would have filed an official complaint.

>I'm not the kind of person who will turn a blind eye to something I don't agree with. And as I told Khal last night, if I don't agree with something he does, I'll tell him, bluntly and honestly. I'll give him my opinion, whether he likes it or not. I'm not going to be all fluffy and ass-kissing (can I use that word here? Heh) just because he, or anyone else, is a GM. They're people, too. They make mistakes. They're human. And sometimes, someone needs to step up to the plate and call them on something that causes concern.

Then do just that, but as Khal has stated before, approach him, not bringing out on boards and such. Or bring it to the attention of Simu. Have them look into it if it is a 'real' concern. There are avenues set up to do these things. But when you come in making accusations about someone, you'd better be able to back them up.

I wouldn't use a public forum or chat room to bring a concern I have to the table. I would go to the appropriate people before I start throwing around assumtions.

And you said GM's are people too, yeah, they are...so is the girlfriend in this situation and maybe she would just like to try to enjoy the game like everyone else and not get slammed on everytime she gets an alteration or something. She has feelings too and I don't think people are taking that into consideration.

But point is, if you have a valid concern or complaint, take it to the right people rather than starting a post about it or bringing it up in a chat room infront of the people you are complaining about. That's just vicious and mean spirited.

07-18-2007, 12:24 PM
wait a minute...... GM's have girlfriends???
is this a hoax?

The Ponzzz
07-18-2007, 12:36 PM


07-18-2007, 12:40 PM

And here we all thought it was by choice the whole time.


Stanley Burrell
07-18-2007, 01:07 PM
wait a minute...... GM's have girlfriends???
is this a hoax?

You have to realize that the bedpartner plays GS too :wasntme:

07-18-2007, 01:26 PM
I think it's sad that the girl in question has to log in OTHER characters in order to go to a festival and enjoy it, otherwise people think she's get favored.

I hate that people would even think that of that particular GM too, because he is just NOT like that.

You guys are barking up the wrong tree with this one.


07-18-2007, 01:34 PM
>She has avoided him and many others just to keep from this.

At this festival? Not from what I've witnessed.

>This has been a topic of discussion for a while now.

Has it? I wouldn't know. I'm not usually involved in those types of discussions.

> But it clearly works both ways, I see people here making statements about this relationship and they have no evidence to back it up. Just speculation.

You're right. No one knows. Or maybe someone does and has gone through the proper channels. People voice frustration all the time. Perhaps the post that started this was a byproduct of that. I have no idea. But - really, why bother to mention something like this if there wasn't a real concern?

> If you have some solid evidence, bring it, otherwise shut up about it and let them live their lives.

I don't care enough to even want to look for evidence. But that doesn't mean I'm going to be quiet about my opinion on the subject.

> But I stand my by statement, I think he said it to spark emotions in people or he would have filed an official complaint.

Or to see if there were any who felt the same way? I dunno.

>Then do just that, but as Khal has stated before, approach him, not bringing out on boards and such. Or bring it to the attention of Simu. Have them look into it if it is a 'real' concern. There are avenues set up to do these things. But when you come in making accusations about someone, you'd better be able to back them up.

Yes, if all was right in the world and everything worked the way we wanted, that's exactly how it would be done. Read the Complaints folder on the officials lately? Heh.

>I would go to the appropriate people before I start throwing around assumtions.

I agree with you. But - look at it from the side of a person who maybe doesn't know either of these people, but is concerned something unfair is happening? I wouldn't believe a word someone says if I don't know or trust them.

>She has feelings too and I don't think people are taking that into consideration.

I agree. But - there is also a line that one must draw to avoid this very thing from happening. Out of sight, out of mind. If people didn't ALWAYS see that same person at every one of her significant other's merchants, I bet this issue would probably never have come up. Maybe it would, but I doubt it.

I'm not in this situation, so I can only say what I'd do, or not do. Maybe if it happened to me, I'd act differently.

>take it to the right people rather than starting a post about it or bringing it up in a chat room infront of the people you are complaining about. That's just vicious and mean spirited.

Not really. It's being direct.

Evarin was unfairly attacked in the chat room last night. He just posted that message to the chat, he isn't the one that wrote it. I didn't write it. I IM'd it to him. The person that IM'd it to me didn't write it. I'm sure it flew around IM's all night because, face it, people love a scandal. Not saying its right or wrong, but, its going to happen. And how those accused deal with it, will probably go a long way to instilling confidence and trust - if one cares about such things.

07-18-2007, 01:39 PM
Is it just me or is a sig like that a little unprofessional in a CSR email?

Emeradan needs to quote better Smallville lines is what it is.

The Ponzzz
07-18-2007, 01:45 PM
And here we all thought it was by choice the whole time.



07-18-2007, 01:48 PM
Emeradan needs to quote better Smallville lines is what it is.

Yeah, but that girl was smokin'... not as smokin' as the one who plays Lois, but still :)

07-18-2007, 01:57 PM
I'm tempted to ask for names, but the last time I asked for names with a big ole scandal, all hell broke loose.

07-18-2007, 02:32 PM
I'm tempted to ask for names, but the last time I asked for names with a big ole scandal, all hell broke loose.

Fine, I'll help out this time.

Names plz.

07-18-2007, 02:58 PM
Heh, I meant when I was told, people had their underwear in a twist because they were outted and got all pissy and dove into Denial.

Hey, I'm just curious like that. :)

07-18-2007, 03:10 PM
Heh, I meant when I was told, people had their underwear in a twist because they were outted and got all pissy and dove into Denial.

Hey, I'm just curious like that. :)

The 'accused' have already been mentioned in a previous post.

07-18-2007, 03:23 PM
This is about Khaladon? Seriously? I can't keep track of his women so if that's the case, I'm done wondering.

07-18-2007, 03:27 PM
This is about Khaladon? Seriously? I can't keep track of his women so if that's the case, I'm done wondering.

Hah, you are really out of it.

07-18-2007, 03:28 PM
Ut oh, get Ganalon the Pom Poms! ;)


07-18-2007, 03:34 PM
Heh, the hell are you talking about CT?

At least know what you are talking about before you shoot your mouth off.


07-18-2007, 03:59 PM
wait a minute...... GM's have girlfriends???
is this a hoax?

Meh, in this case they have a giant bitch.

07-18-2007, 04:02 PM
Heh, the hell are you talking about CT?

At least know what you are talking about before you shoot your mouth off.


You should really take your own fatass advice in other threads

07-18-2007, 04:19 PM
He got married at simucon did he not? He's wearing a ring on his ring finger in that picture, did he get divoriced and now having girlfriends? I'm confused.

The Ponzzz
07-18-2007, 04:22 PM
I really don't think his life is needed to be shown on a timeline...

Some Rogue
07-18-2007, 04:37 PM
At least know what you are talking about before you shoot your mouth off.


If only everyone lived by this motto huh? :tool:

07-18-2007, 04:40 PM
He got married at simucon did he not? He's wearing a ring on his ring finger in that picture, did he get divoriced and now having girlfriends? I'm confused.

I'm not allowed to talk about his life because apparently telling people who his girlfriend is/was WAS A FUCKING PERSONAL ATTACK AGAINST HIM.


07-18-2007, 06:19 PM
Uh, Chronin is a disgusting creep and I'd never believe anything he had to say, even if I didn't know for certain he was dead wrong in this case.


07-18-2007, 09:27 PM
So what if she gets favors for dating a GM. That's fucking life. Happens all the time. What bothers me is that some of you DON'T expect this.

07-18-2007, 10:02 PM
I'm not allowed to talk about his life because apparently telling people who his girlfriend is/was WAS A FUCKING PERSONAL ATTACK AGAINST HIM.


I'll accept a PM for names.

07-18-2007, 10:53 PM
Heh I'd comment on the thread about the cookie man but he'd just IM me and whine 'I thought we were friends' or some horseshit in an attempt to guilt me into stfu land.

Either way if someone was dating a GM & they were smart they would make an alt for a festival because there is no way to avoid juvenile 'you're xxx's favorite because you're his g/f' in g.s.

Thank god I retired my accounts, what a waste of money.


That Jay
07-19-2007, 12:08 AM
If this story is about Khaladon (which the last post seems to indicate), are you serious about that statement? The New Year's fiasco alone is enough to demonstrate that Khaladon isn't exactly a beacon of professional bearing.

New Year's fiasco? What was that?

07-19-2007, 12:27 AM
New Year's fiasco? What was that?http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=17967

Long story short, at the NYE thing where people can visit GM offices (IG), Khaladon's office somehow unintentionally had a thing where people could buy stuff. The stuff was confiscated, threats were allegedly made, people were unhappy, etc. In the long run Khaladon apologized and restitutions were made and so on and so forth. The interim handling (which, to be fair, was no doubt encouraged by less-than-isolated snertish behavior on the part of some players) is what resulted in my designation of the behavior as unprofessional.

07-19-2007, 12:43 AM
I think it's sad that the girl in question has to log in OTHER characters in order to go to a festival and enjoy it, otherwise people think she's get favored.

I hate that people would even think that of that particular GM too, because he is just NOT like that.

You guys are barking up the wrong tree with this one.


I don't have any problems with the GM in question but as a general rule in life if you don't want people to know don't put the information out there. I'd like to think if I was dating a GM and I liked not being the center of scandals (true or false) I'd avoid letting the information that I'm dating a GM leak to the general public.

07-19-2007, 07:16 AM
So what are they supposed to do at Cons? Stay 10 feet away from each other at all times?

07-19-2007, 08:26 AM
Hateration. I'm glad to be officially completely uninvolved with this sort of thing any more.

07-19-2007, 08:42 AM
Well, Kembal, the question would primarily be, why are you at a Con to begin with?

07-19-2007, 09:09 AM
Hah, you are really out of it.
Well I don't play anymore so I don't hear the details instantly, sorry. I found out who the other half was so all is fine.

Heh, the hell are you talking about CT?

At least know what you are talking about before you shoot your mouth off.

:lol: Wait, what? You of all people need to shut the fuck up. In this entire thread, I'M the one you're going to say that bullshit to? I asked who this was about and one person said a name was already mentioned and I didn't notice any other name than Khaladon. I'm guessing (and evidently right, so I don't know WTF YOU are talking about now). If I'm wrong I apologize but certainly not to you. Not to the person who bold-faced lied to me about something. I'm sure this is closer to your heart since you're the harlet in that New Years Eve party story. So back the fuck off.

07-19-2007, 11:56 AM
Just to be clear, I don't have a problem with anyone else in any of these stories; that is to say, whoever Khaladon's GF is/was hasn't done anything wrong IMO.

07-19-2007, 11:58 AM
No one makes you goto Cons. If thats your cup of tea and you go with your SO and make it known that you're together then you deal with the consequences good or bad of that action.

07-19-2007, 12:54 PM
Just to be clear, I don't have a problem with anyone else in any of these stories; that is to say, whoever Khaladon's GF is/was hasn't done anything wrong IMO.

Geez, this is crazy. I have absolutely no idea who's involved, but I do know for a fact that Khaladon is married to another GM. I've never known it to be a hush hush type of thing, so I'm going to say who he's married to: Siani. Big freaking deal.


07-19-2007, 12:55 PM
Personally, I don't think it is anyones business besides Khal's and his GF. I would assume they don't live in the same place, I would assume she showed up because she wanted to drop in and do something cute that girls like to do since how often do they get to actually socialize in the game together? She is known to give away stuff of realitive value all the time... I mean who else takes time to put together scavanger hunts for alters?

You can all suggest that she needs to create an alt for merchant events etc. If it ever got out though that she was that person and got alterations done that way and they all showed up on her character or people figured out it was her how bad a shitstorm that would create?

It's a lose/lose under every possible scenario involving mercant events etc. Frankly, it is sad. As for making a couple alters.... I made two picks from spinners with the same body in two days and my last alteration was 7 years ago. I didn't make the list people are referring to, but I was there and before her, and it opened up after I got there. I mean if you cannot respond to a merchant when they send out the annoucement that they are about to do work it's not my problem.

07-19-2007, 01:12 PM
Geez, this is crazy. I have absolutely no idea who's involved, but I do know for a fact that Khaladon is married to another GM. I've never known it to be a hush hush type of thing, so I'm going to say who he's married to: Siani. Big freaking deal.

HAHAHA. You're a little behind the times there, buddy.

The Ponzzz
07-19-2007, 01:16 PM
Geez, this is crazy. I have absolutely no idea who's involved, but I do know for a fact that Khaladon is married to another GM. I've never known it to be a hush hush type of thing, so I'm going to say who he's married to: Siani. Big freaking deal.



Stanley Burrell
07-19-2007, 01:20 PM
On the realz: We be sweatin' this shiznod too much.

/patronizing shiznodding

07-19-2007, 01:51 PM
Well, Kembal, the question would primarily be, why are you at a Con to begin with?

I get your point.

However, doesn't give the OP the license to spew BS like he did.

07-19-2007, 01:53 PM
HAHAHA. You're a little behind the times there, buddy.

LOL - Man, so they got divorced? What was it, internet pron or cybering in a consultation lounge?


07-19-2007, 02:38 PM
I'm warning you, stop the personal attacks.

Keep it up, and posts will be deleted.

If you have a staff issue, talk about the issue, not the staff members personal life.


07-19-2007, 02:39 PM
rofl, it was her

07-19-2007, 02:48 PM
I would assume they don't live in the same place,

I'm sure we all know what assuming does.

07-19-2007, 02:49 PM
I'm sure we all know what assuming does.

Yes, it creates a dumb thread like this.

07-19-2007, 02:54 PM
I find this thread entertaining on numerous levels...I'm easily entertained though

07-19-2007, 03:04 PM
"A sorrid affair" would be an appropriate assessment, I'm sure.

07-19-2007, 03:09 PM
Yes, it creates a dumb thread like this.

How the post was worded, I agree with you completely.

The concern BEHIND the post, is a valid one.

07-19-2007, 03:52 PM
How the post was worded, I agree with you completely.

The concern BEHIND the post, is a valid one.

Oh, grow up.

07-19-2007, 03:59 PM
Geez, this is crazy. I have absolutely no idea who's involved, but I do know for a fact that Khaladon is married to another GM. I've never known it to be a hush hush type of thing, so I'm going to say who he's married to: Siani. Big freaking deal.



07-19-2007, 04:10 PM
"A sorrid affair" would be an appropriate assessment, I'm sure.

If "sorrid" were a real word, you might have a clever little post there.


07-19-2007, 04:28 PM
If "sorrid" were a real word, you might have a clever little post there.


Oops, must be that time of the month.

07-19-2007, 04:41 PM
I think the most pertinent question is who the hell really cares about alters any more?

07-19-2007, 04:48 PM
I really doubt a capped charachter that already has tons of silvers/alters etc is interested in getting with a gm for alters.

07-19-2007, 04:56 PM
I'm warning you, stop the personal attacks.

Keep it up, and posts will be deleted.

If you have a staff issue, talk about the issue, not the staff members personal life.

Since this IS about the GM's personal life and his girlfriend, since that's what the complaint was about (right or wrong) was favoritism for the girlfriend, it's on topic. What was that about keeping their fucking mouth shut about things they don't know about? Yeah, thanks.

Personally if you let the public know you're together, that's what you have to put up with. This isn't news that people frown down on favoritism. Yes they're all human, but they should also act like grown-ups, and if they know the public will get all bent out of shape over it, then in the game, put some distance, or play an alt no one knows about.

07-19-2007, 04:57 PM
Oops, must be that time of the month.

07-19-2007, 05:11 PM
Oh, grow up.

Slinging insults because you don't agree with what I have to say? Look in the mirror, pot. Kettle is calling.

The Ponzzz
07-19-2007, 05:33 PM
Wait, who's pot? My pot?

07-19-2007, 05:34 PM
Wait, who's pot? My pot?

Tsin's of course.

OH! No, sorry, wrong kind :)

07-19-2007, 05:41 PM
I want some pot

07-19-2007, 06:23 PM
Ok, got a few things to say.

I will admit my post may have been worded badly, frankly I was half asleep and a little irratated from two im's I received as this was happening.

I never Accused Khal of doing anything wrong, I never said he Gave her a spot cause she is his GF. Her giving away the service makes no difference really. I would ask why bother entering to give it away, but thats neither here nor there.

My problem lies in the fact that a friend immed me and told me to come to serpantis cause a crowd was gathering. I had said ok, but it's late and I doubt he is showing, nothing was said, and they said yeah, Goth is here so he will most likely show.

That made me wonder.. 4 min after she said that I was in the room and the list was full, so I don't think serpantis ever announced Island wide he was working. He would have had to just appear and drop a list.

My Real concern is this.. I KNOW people have gotten im's from people saying hey.. come here.. -enter merchant name- will be showing up soon. Most of us probably have, and alot of the times they do show up, so people do know about them ahead of time, even when they arnt posted, either via chat, or friends with a gm.

In this case, the person lives with the GM. She don't even HAVE to get an IM from him, she can see him logging into his comp. Heck , even if his "GM" comp is enclosed in a sound proof room with a retnal and finger print scnanner entrance so she could see what char he is logging in or not, his entering would indicate something is going on.

To me.. it's a moral issue. if you KNOW a GM ( Who you are dating ) is logging in his merchant, then do use that info to go and get work? or do you refrain, knowing that going and getting work once again could cause bad blood.

I mean really.. if half the game flips out cause Tsin wins another raffle.. are you telling me that only 3 people care that something like this could be going on?

And for me it's not about the alters. In fact I GAVE UP a 10 minute alter session for winning the cooking contest. Why? Simple.. I was on the phone IRL, and not doing anything in game, but supporting Chronin's wife. Once in awhile I leaned on her and huged her. I appluaded when they won. I didn't know I was entered into the contest by her, and as soon as I saw my name announced, I informed the GM that I did not want the prize as I did not deserve it. I had not participated in any way. Sure, I could have kept my mouth shut and kept it. But Morally I felt I shouldn't. and if anyone doesn't believe me, ask the GM.

Oh.. and one last point.. I was told by two different people that she ran immediatly from winglins to go to Serpantis... now I got to ask.. I know there were people hanging out in that room all week long.. but was she one of them? Had he announced that he was going to be working there soon? If those are both no, then why would she have went there?

07-19-2007, 06:33 PM
It has happend with more than this just said (and only supposedly happened) occasion, I've seen it myself and it does happen. It does bother me when nothing is announced and somone tells me someone told them to go somewhere and then magically they appear.

I don't see the system ever being perfect, and this ever going away. Yeah it's annoying, and then when you have situation where it is actually random 10 tsin's show up. I don't really see any way of getting around this, I don't talk to any gm's and just occasionally try for merchants and I do just fine.

Whether it happened in this case or not, who really knows. But no matter how much you complain, it won't matter because nothing will be done anyway.

07-19-2007, 06:35 PM
The way I handled it was this. If I heard the information from a festival chat...I'd go, because frankly, if I wouldn't have been with who I was...I'd still be in festival chats.

"In this case, the person lives with the GM."

I don't believe they actually live together.

My question for you is this, Chronin. Should she not actively get alters? Should she not enjoy the game? To be quite frank, people with a certain amount of moxie are going to get alters and are going to get early warning of merchants.

There are MANY ways to find a merchant without announcements, either.

07-19-2007, 06:49 PM
My problem lies in the fact that a friend immed me and told me to come to serpantis cause a crowd was gathering. I had said ok, but it's late and I doubt he is showing, nothing was said, and they said yeah, Goth is here so he will most likely show.

In this case, the person lives with the GM. She don't even HAVE to get an IM from him, she can see him logging into his comp. Heck , even if his "GM" comp is enclosed in a sound proof room with a retnal and finger print scnanner entrance so she could see what char he is logging in or not, his entering would indicate something is going on.

Oh.. and one last point.. I was told by two different people that she ran immediatly from winglins to go to Serpantis... now I got to ask.. I know there were people hanging out in that room all week long.. but was she one of them? Had he announced that he was going to be working there soon? If those are both no, then why would she have went there?

Your first mistake was listening to your friends advice about 'Goth is there'. It doesn't matter. I have seen her several times waiting and he doesn't show. She doesn't know anything, just like we don't. She's been playing for years. Not like she needs help knowing how to get work done.

Second, they DO NOT live together. I know this for a fact. You are very wrong to assume things you really have no knowledge of.

Thirdly, you are going to file a complaint or post things about someone just from what you 'heard' from other people? You obviously weren't there so you have no basis or evidence to say anything.

How old are you? 15? Coz you're acting like a pissy little teenager who didn't get his way.

Die thread Die!

07-19-2007, 09:31 PM
On a side note, I love how it's my time of the month because Atlanteax doesn't know how to use his words.


07-19-2007, 09:34 PM
I think the most pertinent question is who the hell really cares about alters any more?



The Ponzzz
07-19-2007, 09:48 PM



07-19-2007, 11:19 PM
< Oh.. and one last point.. I was told by two different people that she ran immediatly from winglins to go to Serpantis... now I got to ask.. I know there were people hanging out in that room all week long.. but was she one of them? Had he announced that he was going to be working there soon? If those are both no, then why would she have went there? >

I'm one of those people who runs to where a merchant I want work from IMMEDIATELY after the previous merchant is over. I've done it every single night short of when I was RP'ing in the jungle. I haven't gotten work yet, but its persistance.

I've seen Gothique run there twice this week, ( Sunday and Tuesday night prolly around 1am EST to my memory ) while I've been there. I'm certainly not "in the know" but I do know that I'm going to go glance at his list whenever I can find it easily done. I value that merchant's service.

07-20-2007, 10:33 AM
Die thread Die!

No. Entertaining

07-20-2007, 11:59 AM
And yet with all that blubbering, she left the post in. Whatever.

07-20-2007, 01:37 PM
Heh, the hell are you talking about CT?

At least know what you are talking about before you shoot your mouth off.


If you took your own advice, we would never hear from you... especially in the Political Folder.

07-20-2007, 01:39 PM
This thread is treading on thin ice as it is. I'm not the moderator in this folder or it would have been cleaned up already for personal attacks on the GM in questions personal life. I'm not the slightest bit involved in the situation, but the two people who are being attacked by some idiots in this thread, are friends of mine, and I really don't appreciate the childish-ness at all.


07-20-2007, 01:41 PM
I'm sure this is closer to your heart since you're the harlet in that New Years Eve party story. So back the fuck off.

Hahaha.. CT called Ilvane a skanky ho in a nice way.

<3 CT

07-20-2007, 01:50 PM
Nah, a broke fat whore who wanted to suck dick for alters


I'm warning you, stop the personal attacks.

Keep it up, and posts will be deleted.

Self pwning at it's best

07-20-2007, 02:02 PM
This thread is treading on thin ice as it is. I'm not the moderator in this folder or it would have been cleaned up already for personal attacks on the GM in questions personal life. I'm not the slightest bit involved in the situation, but the two people who are being attacked by some idiots in this thread, are friends of mine, and I really don't appreciate the childish-ness at all.


Man.. you really are the only entertaining thing in this thread. You make it 4 stars.. while it would have been maybe 1.5 stars without you.

What a complete joke you are. Since when did a personal life attack of a GM of GS4 suddenly become like attacking an empath? Does this hard fast rule go for all GMs of GS4 or only the ones you personally like? What about GMs of other games, like WOW or internet Hearts? I'm certain I can find AMPLE examples of attacks on people's personal life that you didn't thrust your gigantic nose into.. but OMG! KHALADON IS A GM AND NEEDS MY PROTECTION SHIELD BUFF PUT ON! I MUST COME TO HIS AID!

Let me be clear.. I think Khaladon and especially Siani are 2 of my favorite people in GS... but hey, when you put your personal life on the internet, then it becomes fair game. Sucks.. but the rules on this forum shouldn't change just because you are a GM of a text based game. If you are going to start editing posts because they are of a personal attack nature, then you have a LONG ass job ahead of you, since the PC is filled with them.

Learn to moderate without bias.

07-20-2007, 02:25 PM
::Sniff:: I love personal attacks...

Harmnone is gone, don't try to fill the void, it's a void we leave empty out of respect.

07-20-2007, 03:34 PM
Not at all.

Sean of the Thread
07-20-2007, 03:37 PM
Jolena is mad because you called someone fat.

07-20-2007, 03:39 PM

07-21-2007, 12:52 AM
Ok, I'm sitting here reading this, and I have to speak up on a few points...

First, Alfster, Chronin, and Odysia, you should be ashamed of yourselves.. your posts and been childish, selfish, and terribly uninformed. If you had legitimate concerns with something then making it a 'crap-flinging' bashfest probably wasn't the best way to gain yourselves support. You are WRONG.

Second, brings me to my character in-game. I play Siobhana, a 27th train TWC Giant Paly. Siobhana has really unbelievably CRAPPY luck when it comes to merchant events. This is my fourth in a row (2 of my previous were pay) to get completely skunked (not a single list or spin made).

Granted, I had THOUGHT that was all changing when I was at Heart of the Mountain, and won a raffle for an enchant. I met all the rules, was within all the requirements. But was still denied service, NOT because the merchant didn't want to work on my item, but because he was saddled with a new rule that hadn't even been a consideration or issue till my turn came up.

Seems Senior staff made a new rule about advanced combat scripting with some of the more impresive services (such as flaring and enchanting). I have a perfect forge (all bonuses for such) eonake (thus sancted & 4x/+20) main-gauche (DS boosting offensive weapon) with switchable fire/vibe flares. Obviously staff couldn't have seen me coming, and so it was unfortunate that I couldnt get work done. Since the raffle was fairly offered and it was MY issue with not having another blade to work on, the merchant couldn't refund my silvers, so as a consolation he gave me a white ora slab. While its not the bump I had been praying for.. its still a nice guesture considering he could have been a complete prick about it and simply told me to get out.

Which brings me to my third point. Gothique knows I've had REALLY shitty luck this festival.. when I went to Serpantis shop for his list and work, I obviously failed to make the list. Gothique joined the list, to GIVE ME A BETTER CHANCE. She didn't need the service, probably didnt care about it either. I have no doubt she was willing to pay for the work as well.. she just wanted to see that I got SOMETHING nice out of the festival. She joined that list to get ME a shot at something neat.

Only problem, is that neat little rule everybody got saddled with for this festival. Serpantis couldn't work on any of my blades any more then Forvarul could. Not without gutting the magic allready inside them. I use a greater white ora katar (yes, the Iasha one) as my primary, a 5x unlocked white ora quoit as my secondary/off hand, and for the times I find myself needing more DS , I have the gauche. Carrying other weapons is not only needless, its pointless. I RP my character quite faithfully, and love the hunting style.

Gothique felt even worse about my not being able to get work from Serpantis then I did.. (I'm getting used to merchants saying "No" at this point). So I thanked her, Serpantis, and everyone there, and then left.

Now.. I'm all for jumping on the lynchmob bandwagon when its some asswipe like Tsin.. hell, he probably masterbates when when people get upset over his daily routine... but I don't know Gothique at ALL, I've never hunted with her, never borrowed silver from her, or generally had interaction with her outside of our shared merchant chasing. But I DO know this.. she didn't HAVE to do shit for me.. but she did anyways. There was no upside for her, no advantage. It was just NICE.

This is the total opposite of what Tsin did with the pike.. Tsin KNEW he wasn't going to get any where NEAR the kind of profit margin he was looking for on that lance.. there are simply too many similar or better enchants out there, with similar or better abilities. Its a nitche market, and you can't generate sales or profit that way.

Did I see her get picked at other mechants, yes I did... so what? I honestly don't give a shit, and neither should you. I saw plenty of times where she DIDN'T get picked. You want to scream favoritism or problems? Then focus on people who walk away with with the best services and items every event, not folks who are actually generouse for no reason othe then because they can be.

As for Khaladon... All you accuusers need to get a clue. The man works HARD. You REALLY think he's got the kind of time it would take to actually single people out for favoritism in the middle of him trying to run 3 and 4 merchants IN A ROW, for 6-8 hours straight, 2 DAYS IN A ROW, every weekend for a month, PLUS all the work he must be saddled with every day during the normal work week? Go fuck yourselves... seriously... I bet he's feeling seriously unappreciated right now, and some of you owe him an apology.

And the guy's never shown ME any favoritism with in-game services or merchants.. EVER. I made a slot on his first Iasha list of the festival, and he denied me because I didn't need my katar unlocked, as it was his greater white ora, I was wanting to get its horribly bad alter changed.

As for people's accusing them of 'trading favors'? Yeah... when she's walking around in +50 masterfully padded plate with the hinderances and weight of a tunic, and boosts your TD +50 when rubbed... THEN talk about unethical behaviour... otherwise stfu.. seriously

As for the folks who defended Khaladon, I'm glad you're here... otherwise the place would start to seriously stink.

07-21-2007, 02:47 AM
You're obviously very naive.

07-21-2007, 08:38 AM
You're obviously very naive.



07-21-2007, 10:46 AM
Ok, I'm sitting here reading this, and I have to speak up on a few points...

First, Alfster, Chronin, and Odysia, you should be ashamed of yourselves.. your posts and been childish, selfish, and terribly uninformed. If you had legitimate concerns with something then making it a 'crap-flinging' bashfest probably wasn't the best way to gain yourselves support. You are WRONG.

Does it look like I had legitimate concerns?

As for Khaladon... All you accuusers need to get a clue. The man works HARD. You REALLY think he's got the kind of time it would take to actually single people out for favoritism in the middle of him trying to run 3 and 4 merchants IN A ROW, for 6-8 hours straight, 2 DAYS IN A ROW, every weekend for a month, PLUS all the work he must be saddled with every day during the normal work week? Go fuck yourselves... seriously... I bet he's feeling seriously unappreciated right now, and some of you owe him an apology.

This sounds like Gothique's defense back in the day. BUT HE DOES SO MUCH FOR THE GAME...who cares? He still gets off on having power. To tell me I owe him an apology is hilarious.

And the guy's never shown ME any favoritism with in-game services or merchants.. EVER. I made a slot on his first Iasha list of the festival, and he denied me because I didn't need my katar unlocked, as it was his greater white ora, I was wanting to get its horribly bad alter changed.

Oooo, because he's never shown YOU any favoritism, that means it doesn't exist? Why are you so god damn important?

As for the folks who defended Khaladon, I'm glad you're here... otherwise the place would start to seriously stink.

Stink like fish...(goth's crotch)

07-21-2007, 11:33 AM
Damnit, Summertime can you sum that shit up in one paragraph?

07-21-2007, 12:17 PM
First, Alfster, Chronin, and Odysia, you should be ashamed of yourselves.. your posts and been childish, selfish, and terribly uninformed. If you had legitimate concerns with something then making it a 'crap-flinging' bashfest probably wasn't the best way to gain yourselves support. You are WRONG.

You're welcome to your opinion. And, clearly, I don't care what you, or anyone else thinks of me. Nor do I care about gaining support. I'm voicing my opinion.

Which brings me to my third point. Gothique knows I've had REALLY shitty luck this festival.. when I went to Serpantis shop for his list and work, I obviously failed to make the list. Gothique joined the list, to GIVE ME A BETTER CHANCE. She didn't need the service, probably didnt care about it either. I have no doubt she was willing to pay for the work as well.. she just wanted to see that I got SOMETHING nice out of the festival. She joined that list to get ME a shot at something neat.

. . . but I don't know Gothique at ALL, I've never hunted with her, never borrowed silver from her, or generally had interaction with her outside of our shared merchant chasing. But I DO know this.. she didn't HAVE to do shit for me.. but she did anyways. There was no upside for her, no advantage. It was just NICE.

Being nice does not erase the valid concerns posted by Chronin. And she is FAR from the only one giving things away at this fest, but those other people, for the purpose of your post, are conveniently not mentioned.

This is the total opposite of what Tsin did with the pike.. Tsin KNEW he wasn't going to get any where NEAR the kind of profit margin he was looking for on that lance.. there are simply too many similar or better enchants out there, with similar or better abilities. Its a nitche market, and you can't generate sales or profit that way.

I'm not happy with some of what Tsin does, but he didn't have to give that pike up in the first place.

As for Khaladon... All you accuusers need to get a clue. The man works HARD. You REALLY think he's got the kind of time it would take to actually single people out for favoritism in the middle of him trying to run 3 and 4 merchants IN A ROW, for 6-8 hours straight, 2 DAYS IN A ROW, every weekend for a month, PLUS all the work he must be saddled with every day during the normal work week? Go fuck yourselves... seriously... I bet he's feeling seriously unappreciated right now, and some of you owe him an apology.

Just because he does all KINDS of good things for the game does not mean we don't have the right to voice concerns, whether it be over conduct, favoratism, a decision he's made regarding the uber cool items he's allowed to make, whatever.

I'm not going to turn a blind eye.

I've told Khal personally. I'm happy to praise him when I like something he's done, but I'm not going to bend over and kiss his ass (like some do for fear of in game retribution) when I think he's done something wrong.

07-22-2007, 11:40 AM

07-22-2007, 05:22 PM
I've told Khal personally. I'm happy to praise him when I like something he's done, but I'm not going to bend over and kiss his ass (like some do for fear of in game retribution) when I think he's done something wrong.

Very mature way of argueing there. So anyone with a different opinion is kissing ass for fear of game retribution? LOL!

There has been favoritism in the game, no doubt. The culprits usually did not last very long on staff. In this case, the accusation is completely baseless.

Anyone can be there before a merchant when they have the name highlighted and are watching the log on window. Making a list like that only requires macros or scripts.

Add to that Khaladon's work ethic and experience. The personal attacks really have no place here or elsewhere.

07-22-2007, 06:32 PM
I just don't find these arguments terribly convincing. None of the "accusations" couldn't be duplicated by a well informed merchant hunter, which Gothique was long before she got involved with Khaladon.

Way to try to deny someone a festival just because she's dating a GM (notice I said dating, not living with like the one fellow stated).

Sure, Khaladon has his problem areas. He's handled stuff wrong before in my opinion. That doesn't mean he would stoop this lamely low. Senior staff bias and favoritism (if it occurs) is on a level way above this penny ante shit.

07-22-2007, 08:11 PM
Very mature way of argueing there. So anyone with a different opinion is kissing ass for fear of game retribution? LOL!

Did I say all? No, I said SOME. I had someone tell me not too long ago that they weren't going to say anything bad about him because they wanted to stay on his good side.

That's ridiculous.

07-22-2007, 10:00 PM
I've actually heard the same thing from people who know him both in game and out.

07-22-2007, 10:12 PM
this is still going?

07-22-2007, 11:07 PM
I've actually heard the same thing from people who know him both in game and out.

Very specific and convincing.

07-23-2007, 12:46 AM
I'm using Backlash's style of arguing

(not backing up my argument)

07-23-2007, 12:49 AM
I'd respond with an insult, ala Parkbandit, but I don't really care enough.
