View Full Version : Two weapon combat and roundtimes

07-17-2007, 06:28 PM
Three questions:

Can anyone post how two weapon combat roundtimes work?

How does weapon weight affect TWC roundtimes?

Is it possible for a bard to swing two short swords in one second given a -3 RT for Tonis and a 70 combined AGI/Dex bonus?

07-17-2007, 06:35 PM
The base roundtime for TWC is:
RHBase + min(LHB - 2,0) + Heavy weapon mod
From there it's the same as any other base RT: penalties for encumbrance and armor undertraining, bonuses for AGI/DEX bonuses, minimum RTs as appropriate.

I'm pretty sure weapon weight only affects the offhand base. If your character is a real race, you can use up to 4 pounds without a problem, and giantkin and maybe dwarves/HKs can do 5ers. The heavy penalty is 1 second.

Short swords are light enough for pretty much any bard to wield without penalty, so the question is can bards wield a base 4 weapon in 1 second with Tonis and the listed bonuses. I don't know, but I'm sure some bard will.

07-18-2007, 04:58 AM
I figure this: I swing two short swords in 3 seconds with a current AGI/DEX of 62 (4 RT reduction) and a -2 tonis. Logically, having the next level of AGI/DEX RT reduction at 68 (5 RT reduction) and a -3 tonis would bring that down to 1 second.

Does that seem right or am I missing some crucial base RT principle?

07-18-2007, 10:54 AM
The thing with base RT is it generates an absolute minimum RT that agi/dex reduction can't surpass. For base 4, that's 5 seconds. I again profess ignorance as to how Tonis works, but if it's simply -3, then that's only going to get you to 2 seconds.