View Full Version : Why are you here?

06-26-2003, 12:57 PM

I'll make this short and sweet. I have something of a philosophical question thats been asked in the past but I feel it should be asked every so often.

Whats is Gemstone to you? What is this world your immerse yourself into? Is it an escape from the daily battles of life, a place to express one's inner self, or just because you have nothing better to do than sit in front of a box and watch text scroll? Be truthful in your answers and truthful with yourself. You never know what you might find hidden deep within yourself.

-One enchant

[Edited on 6-26-2003 by OnexShipshafter]

06-26-2003, 01:21 PM
I enjoy training my character and watching his progression. I like interacting with the friends I've developed, and its something I do to occupy time and forget about real world worries.

06-26-2003, 01:50 PM
Zanagodly likes being Striling's spell wench in cinder wasps and pyrothags.

::squeals away::

06-26-2003, 01:59 PM
hmm..thats actually a good question, give me a min or two to think about it..

I'd have to guess, that part of the enjoyment of GS is the numbers. I've always been the type of "gamer" that strives to better myself in any game I play. I love storylines and action just like other gamers, but I alway strive for that "perfect" game. I guess I like that challenge, because there is never really a perfect Char in GS. My warrior is one of the best chars I've ever made. Tank to the extream, fights well, 100% spell-less, but dumb as a rock. Takes forever to learn with him.

On the other side, I do like spending time with the small (and saddly enough, small is the best word) group of friends I do have. I "know" lots of people, but I only count a few of them as friends. Naessi, Ghrom, Valiria, and of course, Mazelina. Thinking about it, thats mostly my fault. I'm by no means a power hunter..but, I seem to like to do things on my own. Guess its just the freedom to just change my mind, or do this without having to discuss it or such. Weird I am.


06-26-2003, 04:13 PM
fun, way to improve my english, cash and cash

06-26-2003, 05:47 PM
It started out as just something interesting to do while I was stationed in the desert, a friend got me started on it. Now it's one of my biggest hobbies, I break my down time(which on occasions I have none and occasions I have alot) into beach, gym, and GS. When I'm done at this duty station and head back to IN to get married chances are I'll play alot less, and well the beach doesn't exactly exist it's just corn....
I started out of boredom and stay because I like training my character and RP'ing with other folks, lots of friends and memories in the game and it's fun to try and explain to someone that you play a text based game in 2003 :cool:

Decent topic Onex, and remember who first called you single enchant heh

06-26-2003, 05:55 PM
me like sword

06-27-2003, 02:34 PM
That's easy.

I enjoy matching wits with folks that are also interested in frpg's. Gemstone is the best place to do that if you can't find an intelligent, mature D&D group.

Winning friends, and influencing enemies. A challenge in life, and in frpg's.

06-27-2003, 03:46 PM
I enjoy learning new skills and spells and exploring the GS world.

06-28-2003, 07:16 PM
I started because a friend (who doesn't play anymore, for some reason) told me about it once upon a time. I'm not exactly sure why I kept playing, or why I keep playing now. This game is like friggin' crack or something. I go through withdraw when I stop playing, even!! Yeah ok... maybe I have problems that extend beyond simple boredom, but that's my business! Why are you asking such personal questions!?

I'm not crazy. The voices in my head are.

06-29-2003, 10:29 AM
I like the roleplay in Gemstone, when it is able to be done. Sometimes there are not a lot of people looking to RP, but I usually seem to get lucky that way.

I'm not big on mechanics or hunting, but I'm at least familiar with them now, since I've been reading up on them for a while. I'm a table top roleplayer too, but for some reason the stuff that happens in GS is boring, as far as mechanics goes.;) Some people love it, it's just not my thing.

I tried Neverwinter nights and Everquest and Camelot, and I just don't see it as being the same as GS. Camelot, though I can't really judge, since my character is only 10. ;)


07-25-2003, 07:17 AM
I first started playing GS when my RL brother and several of his friends found it back in the free AOL days back in 97 maybe. I was a pretty troubled teenager (heck, who isn't!) and it was a great way to escape. This was a world where I could be anyone I wanted, do anything I wanted without somone saying I couldn't because of this or that reason. I've come and gone during those years since I first found the game and none of them seem to have the quality due to literally years of work put into the game. Also it's a good chance to meet people who are interested in the same things I am. Fantasy and RP being among them. Through the game, I've known and met some amazing people and others who are less spectacular. That is the reason I stay because you never know who you'll meet.

Weedmage Princess
07-25-2003, 10:30 AM
I won't lie. I'm here because I'm a GS addict, plain and simple. There are lots of aspects that I love about the game, and there are some that bug me enough that I would have quit had I not been such an addict but...to steal a quote, I'm a virtual crack addict, and GS is my crack.

Besides nowadays, it's one of the few alternatives I have to spend my free time.

[Edited on 7-25-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

07-25-2003, 12:34 PM
well...I started playing after an older friend of mine suggested i use it to forget about a bad bad breakup/relationship...I started playing so I could think about something else. Then I got addicted.

Then I realized that what happens in my life is pretty darn important, and even though I still play a lot...there are times where I don't play for weeks or months because I can't find the time...even though that hasn't happened in quite a while...but if it did, I'd be okay with it. Also, because of my current situation...I find that adult conversation is the bees knees and I get that in GS (most of the time anyway).

07-25-2003, 09:44 PM
I wonder sometimes, why the hell this games got me so hooked. My friends all come over and call me a nerd, the whole bit. They ask, how can you play a game that's just words? The question stumps me too. It's more then words though, it's the personalities of people and the complexity and vastness of gemstone that keep me signing on whenever I have some time. Just something about coming home from a hard day at the coal mines, sitting down with my bong and my computer to gemstoning the night away.
Oh yeah, and hittin the level cap so all you smart mouth players can eat some uber lighting bolts with the mana I suck from your feeble minds.

07-26-2003, 04:30 AM
Ah, this is an excellent question and I'm glad to see something like this.

So why do I like GS so much? It's a place where I don't have to be me. It's a place where at least everyone shares a common interest, heh. I guess that's what makes Gemstone what it is, the people. To me, that's the biggest reason.

Over the years I've made a lot of friends playing GS, and some I've kept for years and years, and I'm making new ones all the time. Being in a world where we can come together and have a good time, whether we're sitting around talking or out being slaughtered is something I enjoy a lot and haven't gotten tired of in 6 years.