View Full Version : Armor, weapons, shields, + more! You'll wanna look! Big auction.

07-15-2007, 11:55 AM
This is just the start of a long going auction, I have a lot to go through. Post bids here, IM me at pinkberries17 or e-mail at tocamix90@yahoo.com

All sold items, contact me at pinkberries17 on aim for pickup. Thank you. PLEASE PICK UP SOLD ITEMS - SOLD LIST FOUND AT BOTTOM OF PAGE

some weathered brigandine - 2x MB:10k

a fur-lined chain hauberk - 3x hauberk MB:10k

you some spiked blue steel plate - 2x MB:50k Burak SOLD

some deep brown studded leathers.- 4x MB:20k


a burnished vultite moon axe inlaid with tiny golvern stars 4x MB:50k

a naginata 4x (ebladable up to 8x) CB:500k Celros SOLD!

a glittering golden spear 4x heavily crit weighted spear (sorry about not having a mb for this before) MB:5m

a dark imflass halberd +12 CB:5k Havother SOLD!

a dark mein halberd +15 MB:5k

an opaque vultite falchion (somewhat damage weighted) CB: 500k Eldreth SOLD!

**You tap a pearl-hilted vultite katana**
*The handle of this elegant blade is wrapped in black sharkskin. The blade itself shimmers in the light. Etched along it are scenes of tall elven warriors battling one another. A faint aura of holy light radiates from the katana.

7x oldstyle - falchion based. MB: 12m

an ebon-hafted vultite jeddart-axe - 4x polearm 9lbs - CB:20k Havother SOLD!

a viper-twined dark emerald lance - 15lbs 4x polearm acid flares CB: 50k Iysl SOLD

a long-handled vultite gaff - 4x CB: 10k Havother SOLD!

a monir-shafted heavy steel voulge - 4x MB:20k

a thick rune-covered broadsword - 4x vibe flares MB:20k

a rune-etched rolaren long knife - 4x vibe flares CB:125k Makisinhi ONCE


a twilight grey rolaren heater 5x MB:700k

enamelled celestial blue greatshield + 20 11lbs Medium shield MB:20k

a sinister ora spiked vultite buckler - 4x MB: 100k


Fixskill potion - MB:10m

a pale crystal shard (Sand Elemental thingy) MB:1m

a sturdy vine-embossed leather bracer - under 1lb wearable hold an item. CB:5k Eldreth SOLD

some purple velvet breeches piped with heavy gold trim MB:1k

a bejeweled gold signet ring MB:1k

a deeply hooded black silk cloak
As (you,wearing it) drapes a deeply hooded black silk cloak from her shoulders, it billows out behind her as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.
You remove a deeply hooded black silk cloak from your shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around you.
(you, verb wave) catches the edge of her black silk cloak with one arm and sweeps it out in front of her until all that is left revealed are her eyes. The cloak ripples mysteriously as it moves.
(you, close) pulls a deeply hooded black silk cloak around herself tightly, obscuring most of her form.
(you, open) throws open her black silk cloak. It billows out behind her like a pair of wings.
Might have more actions, but that's all I could find, 6lbs holds large CB:450K lady Kit ONCE! BO:750k

a back-slitted snow white silk poet shirt. - pin worn MB:10k

a ghostly white battle veil - pin worn MB:5k

a shimmering silver mesh satchel - medium sized amount and beln worn MB:10k

a gleaming onyx nose ring - old pin worn nose ring - MB:20k

some knee-high vivid scarlet boots MB:1k

a faceted bloodjewel-link belt - belt worn obviously - MB:1k

a purple velvet doublet edged with gold trim and diamonds - pin worn holds VSA - MB:20k


a deep black ruic long bow inlaid with shimmering veniom - 5x bow. CB:1m Dedos (SOLD)

a blackened glaes spear - 3x polearm fire flares CB:10k Tilarium (SOLD)

a leaf-bladed dark blue glaes spear - 3x earth flares? infused with earth elemental. CB:20k Tilarium (SOLD!)

a laje banded tower shield 6x - CB: 2.5m Vontez (SOLD)

a pitted dark vultite handaxe 4x acid flares CB: 75k Reakwon SOLD

a diamond-edged serrated black vultite falchion 4x CB: Reakwon SOLD

a chipped navy vultite tower shield 4x CB:20k Silvanostar SOLD

07-15-2007, 12:03 PM
a graceful ruic recurve longbow set with ivory nocks - 4x MB:50k

ill go 50k - Maselon

07-15-2007, 01:53 PM
i'll bid 20k on the acid flaring lance

07-15-2007, 05:23 PM
a blackened vultite kite shield - 4x - 20k
well-balanced black vultite longsword - 4x - 20k
some brightly linked chain mail - 4x - 20k
a suit of black veniom-inlaid half plate - +15 half plate - 20k
a gold-inlaid winged rolaren warhelm - 4x helm - 20k
a rolaren scaled battle helm - 4x helm - 20k

07-16-2007, 12:11 PM
Bump! Item's added.

07-16-2007, 12:24 PM
2.5 on the laje shield

07-17-2007, 04:53 AM
a viper-twined dark emerald lance - 25k
some forest green elven leathers - 4x brig - 20k

07-17-2007, 11:10 AM
Bump! some awesome items added

07-17-2007, 05:23 PM
a translucent spidersilk satchel weighs 4, shoulder worn, holds VLA open/closes MB:10k

I'll bid 10k.

07-17-2007, 06:59 PM
I'll bid 50k on a pitted dark vultite handaxe - 4x acid flares

07-18-2007, 10:45 AM
Updated and more organized.

07-18-2007, 11:13 AM
a translucent spidersilk satchel weighs 4, shoulder worn, holds VLA open/closes CB:10k Ausek

50k on this.

07-18-2007, 07:20 PM
a gold-inlaid winged rolaren warhelm - 4x helm CB:20k manganello (Twice)

-I'll bid 30k on this

a translucent spidersilk satchel weighs 4, shoulder worn, holds VLA open/closes CB:10k Ausek

-and I'll bid 60k on this

07-18-2007, 07:23 PM
a translucent spidersilk satchel weighs 4, shoulder worn, holds VLA open/closes

Can you confirm that this is a Very large amount? Was it deepened?

07-18-2007, 07:46 PM
Hm, a question about the katana. Can I enchant that to 10x, then convert it getting an essentially 10x heavily weighted katana?

07-18-2007, 09:08 PM
Hm, a question about the katana. Can I enchant that to 10x, then convert it getting an essentially 10x heavily weighted katana?

No, unless something is special with katanas, anything you convert doesn't get it's properties changed except the DFs, avds, etc.

I know if you convert an unweighted claidhmore it doesn't get crit weighting, I tested that myself.

07-18-2007, 11:57 PM
Wasn't sure on this myself, so I assisted. Apparently, If you take your katana into the autoconverter you will in fact get a katana that can be wielded either one- or two-handed. But sadly enough, no crit weighting would be added.

07-19-2007, 12:02 AM
Also, the spidersilk satchel is large amount only, not sure how I screwed that one up, but it's only large amount. Sorry about the mistake.

07-19-2007, 12:44 AM
a chipped navy vultite tower shield 20k

07-19-2007, 05:19 PM
Updated and new items added

07-20-2007, 04:18 AM
a gold-inlaid winged rolaren warhelm - 4x helm CB:20k manganello (Thrice)

I don't know if you read my post up there but I bid 30k on this warhelm.

07-20-2007, 11:37 AM

07-20-2007, 11:53 AM
a translucent spidersilk satchel weighs 4, shoulder worn, holds LA open/closes CB:10k Ausek Twice


07-20-2007, 10:17 PM
a translucent spidersilk satchel weighs 4, shoulder worn, holds LA open/closes CB:10k Ausek Twice


07-23-2007, 11:25 AM
Updated, going to add new items later today. Please pick up sold items!

07-24-2007, 04:18 PM
badadabump! Updated. Going to hold a flat sale soon after this because this auction style is a pain.

07-24-2007, 09:56 PM
a sturdy vine-embossed leather bracer - under 1lb wearable hold an item. MB:1k

07-25-2007, 10:40 AM
Updated, pick up your sold items. If you don't pick up within a week, it will be placed in my flat priced sale and as first come first serve.

07-31-2007, 10:58 AM
Been busy past few days, finally updated