View Full Version : Michaelous release him!!

07-12-2007, 07:06 PM
as most of you know i am hated by alot of people in gemstone just because of my reputation and rumors. besides the fact that my charecter intentionally does stir up trouble, but he does not do it with the intention of ruining other people's enjoyment. Alot of you also know my good side in which i am a pretty reasonable guy, yet i might have a short fuse or become rather defensive pretty quickly i dont think it justifies being treated in a special manner. I am posting this thread to see what your honest opinion on this matter might be. I blocked out the names of the officials so they dont think i am making a mockery of them.

SEND[Xxxxxxxxxxxx] Good afternoon Michaelous. I need to borrow you for a few moments, please? Can you move off to a more secluded room so I can bring you up?

Spazrael's group just arrived.
Spazrael's group just went southeast.
[Thanatoph, Highland Hills]
The trail winds further up into Thanatoph, narrowing to the point that you are forced to shimmy your way around. Catching a glimpse below, you bear witness to the defoliation plaguing the valley as it moves towards the mountain. You also see a narrow winding trail.
Obvious paths: southeast
You say, "Sure."
>'where do you want me to go?
You ask, "Where do you want me to go?"
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Xxxxxxxxxxxx's Office]
An oblong oak desk has been set in the middle of this octogonal room. You also see an oblong oak desk with some stuff on it.
Also here: GameMaster Xxxxxxxxxxxx
Obvious exits: none
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Here works."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx grins.
You grin.
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Now...Where to start."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "I guess the first place is that your name has been coming up a lot and not in the most positive lights."
You chuckle.
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "It's come so far as to the attention of both myself and Xxxxxxxxx."
>'my charecter has an evil aura
You say, "My charecter has an evil aura."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Um...No. More of a direct disruptive aura."
You say, "Hmm."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Spitting on characters to see if you can get a "rise" outta em hoping they'll attack and/or kill you, for one."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Continuously fighting in town, when you've been explicitly instructed that's a no-no."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "In otherwords, the same patterns that got you terminated the first time around are again resurfacing."
>'i never fight in town
You say, "I never fight in town."
* Collosso just bit the dust!
>'i am only attacked in town
You say, "I am only attacked in town."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Umm...I can cite a few incidents which GameMasters have spoken to you otherwise."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "So I'd be careful about using *never*."
>'i am attacked much more frequently then i defend myself
You say, "I am attacked much more frequently then i defend myself."
>'specifically because the gms get angry wth me
You say, "Specifically because the gms get angry wth me."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx asks, "Well...If you weren't stirring up troubles to get yourself attacked, then it's likely this would be a non-issue, no?"
>'as far as causeing a raccous yes i do it, but i dont see it to be disruptive,
You say, "As far as causeing a raccous yes i do it, but i dont see it to be disruptive, ."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "And yes, I have documented records of GameMasters witnessing you performing disruptive actions in-town which result in getting yourself killed."
>'in fact i think the game community enjoys it
You say, "In fact i think the game community enjoys it."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "The simple fact here, Michaelous, is that you were terminated for excessive warnings due to your repeated disruptive influence within the game."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "And those same patterns are stirring up again."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "And I know of two people, of whom I just spoke with, who do not."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "But they are not the only ones."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "So here's the deal...I don't want to hear your name anymore in a negative light."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "No disruption."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "No questionable conflicts."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Nothing."
You say, "Ok."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Anything else and it's likely you'll be gone."
>'so i cannot be an insane lunatic
You say, "So i cannot be an insane lunatic."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Nope...I want you to be the pristine example of an excellent customer for Simutronics."
You chuckle.
* Xdo just bit the dust!
>'well its suppose to be enjoyable for everyone right?
You ask, "Well its suppose to be enjoyable for everyone right?"
* Revon just bit the dust!
>'why just because a small group of people dont enjoy it, do the rest have to comply?
You ask, "Why just because a small group of people dont enjoy it, do the rest have to comply?"
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Exactly. If you want something that's fun for yourself without consideration for anyone else, there's a number of other games for that."
>'but everyone has friends and enemies in gemstone right?
You ask, "But everyone has friends and enemies in gemstone right?"
>'so whats the problem if someone has a few more enemeies then normal?
You ask, "So whats the problem if someone has a few more enemeies then normal?"
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Your history is a key factor here because it has never been kept "within" the group that approve when it's come to you."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "For every one person who may agree with your antics, I hear of 3-5 that do not."
>'when it comes to me, exactly but its my reputation you said yourself, not my behavior
You say, "When it comes to me, exactly but its my reputation you said yourself, not my behavior."
* Goldi just bit the dust!
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "It is your behavior that caused and continues to cause your reputation, Michaelous."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "So claiming the reverse is unacceptable."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "But it stops here and now."
You feel less secure.
Xxxxxxxxxxxx asks, "Agreed?"
>'i understand your views, but if there is one evil guy running around the entire elanthia, i dont see how that is disruptive when he is killed and punished in charecter all the time?
You say, "I understand your views, but if there is one evil guy running around the entire elanthia, i dont see how that is disruptive when he is killed and punished in charecter all the time? ."
* Stevras just bit the dust!
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Actually, that is a false statement."
You say, "Hmm."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "I'm not going to play games, Michaelous."
You nod.
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "The disruption ends now."
You say, "K."
>'what bout all the people who will attack me?
You ask, "What bout all the people who will attack me?"
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "If you feel yourself getting into a questionable situation, walk away, don't continue it."
>'i just have to take it?
You ask, "I just have to take it?"
>'i cant interact?
You ask, "I cant interact?"
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "There must be NO questionable actions."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "While I'd recommend that you just ASSIST and walk away about those situations, I don't expect you to do that."
* Erudit just bit the dust!
You chuckle.
>'has it come to your attention that i am the one doing the dying not the killing?
You ask, "Has it come to your attention that i am the one doing the dying not the killing?"
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "In regards to Xxxxxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxxxxx (only two of those I've spoken with), situations are ended with them. If you do have any further issues between you and them, you are asked to use REPORT and ASSIST and not handled it on your own."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "You are doing both the killing and the dying, Michaelous."
>'actually evcery single kill that ive made has been with a challenge
You say, "Actually evcery single kill that ive made has been with a challenge."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "And in most cases, you continually disrupt others enjoyment resulting in your character getting killed."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "This is not up for negotiation, Michaelous."
>'i can see
You say, "I can see."
You nod.
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "You're here by the good graces of us and that's it. I've reviewed your records, as has Sanguious, and I can honestly say neither of us are impressed from your behavior since release."
You nod.
* Envim just bit the dust!
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "So it ends here and now."
You say, "Ok."
>'how bout the boulder
You say, "How bout the boulder."
>'can i duel at the boulder?
You ask, "Can i duel at the boulder?"
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Boulder is the only acceptable place, as has been informed to you by Khaladon and others."
You nod.
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "I don't really like being a "hard-ass", Michaelous, but when I see someone back by a single string putting their playing career at risk by involving themselves in contiuous situations (especially those that got them terminated in the first place) again, I worry they just don't want to play."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Honestly...I'd love for you to prove me wrong."
>'sorry , i wont do anything anymore...... i just have a hard time understanding, why i am being disruptive to people that choose to interact with me
You say, "Sorry , i wont do anything anymore...... i just have a hard time understanding, why i am being disruptive to people that choose to interact with me."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Because Michaelous...Not all of them are and try to distance them from you, but you continue to push until a breaking point. Don't push yourself onto others by your actions, but let them start it."
You nod.
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "I've been watching you for more than a few hours today and that's what I've seen in more than a few situations."
The powerful look leaves you.
>'i wont push anyone anymore
You say, "I wont push anyone anymore."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "I'd like for you to repeat the following for me and agree that you understand this is your last chance. "I agree that I will no longer incite or cause disruptive situations with my actions or words. I understand that, should I violate this agreement, I risk my termination from GemStone IV."."
>' "I agree that I will no longer incite or cause disruptive situations with my actions or words. I understand that, should I violate this agreement, I risk my termination from GemStone IV."."
You say, ""I agree that I will no longer incite or cause disruptive situations with my actions or words. I understand that, should I violate this agreement, I risk my termination from GemStone IV."."."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx nods.
>'sorry for wasting your time
You say, "Sorry for wasting your time."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "I'd recommend you attempt to make amends to some of those with outstanding issues with you. No need to worry about Xxxxxxxxxxxx or Xxxxxxxxxxxx, as I've already spoken with them."
You nod.
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Thanks for your understanding Michaelous. I sure do hope you prove me wrong."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx winks at you.
>'i will try
You say, "I will try."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx says, "Enjoy the rest of your evening, Michaelous."
Xxxxxxxxxxxx waves to you.
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...

07-12-2007, 07:11 PM
Karma, baby.

07-12-2007, 07:14 PM
You randomly stir up shit that isn't even vaguely plausible. You've asked for it over and over and someone seems to be finally going after you over it.

07-12-2007, 07:17 PM
I've played a maniacal, insane halfling priest of onar and the stereotypical racist dark elf characters for a number of levels...and *never* got killed/had to kill another character.

If you read the RP forums on the officials, people get praised, with regularity, for playing evil characters well.

You don't RP an evil character.

You're a douchebag, you act like a douchebag, and blame it on your character. Such is life.

07-12-2007, 07:35 PM
You're a douchebag, you act like a douchebag, and blame it on your character.


No sympathy here.

07-12-2007, 07:40 PM
Your two choices suck.

07-12-2007, 08:20 PM
do you know how to spell characters?

07-12-2007, 08:39 PM
Worst poll ever. My character is evil and has never spent one second in consulation with a GM.


Sean of the Thread
07-12-2007, 08:51 PM
You're not an evil character imo.

You're option C

C)an annoying kiddy douchebag ooc fuckstain that I liked to kill.

07-12-2007, 09:36 PM
I don't even know you, never met you, but just from the way you talked to the GM...when you were put in a situation you didn't like...you sound like a whiny baby. I'm guessing you're just a douche bag.

Stanley Burrell
07-12-2007, 11:06 PM
I've seen a lot of people who are capable of doing more than an acceptable job of RP'ing UB3REVAL!!!!!!!1one through a text-based medium known as GemStone.

You sir, are not one of them :)

07-13-2007, 12:39 AM
the problem here is that there is too much GM interaction. GS now is a far cry from GS when it was free on AOL. Level 10 people going into hobs with a drake falchion and blue crystals and killing everyone in sight, or a capped character killing a Lorded character over and over is a situation where that person needs to be removed. A situation where someone is spitting on you, or calling you names in game, and you CHOOSE to interact with them, it should be considered IN character, and allowed to continue.

07-13-2007, 01:13 AM
Standing in the Landing, using sexual innuendo or calling someone a whore != EVIL.

Spitting, pissing, or other such use of bodily fluid != Insane.

All that makes you is a fucking antagonistic douchebag who couldn't RP his way out of a paper bag. My character hates your guts but because she doesn't like to waste her time doesn't bother with trying to 910 your ass on the spot.

That being said, your removal from the game would be welcome.

07-13-2007, 03:02 AM
I don't think a paper bag would respond well to roleplay in general as opposed to exclusively to Michaelous.

"What be this cursed, brown, paper-like barrier in my walking path? Doth it not know my glorious power?!"

"... I'm a fucking paper bag, dude, come on."

07-13-2007, 03:08 AM
A situation where someone is spitting on you, or calling you names in game, and you CHOOSE to interact with them, it should be considered IN character, and allowed to continue.

That implies that there is a good RP reason for the initial action. In his case, I don't see it happening, outside of his player saying at random, "Yeah I'm going to fuck with this dude!"

The Ponzzz
07-13-2007, 03:34 AM
I think you have confused evil with anarchist.

07-13-2007, 03:42 AM
It's ironic Revon died during that log. He's is practically the same character as Mich.

Still I don't see people who cause equal amount of strife such as Tsin being warned/banned.

Unfortunately I imagine that if the GM's really wanted to get rid of the idiots in the game, half their own ranks would be instantly culled.

07-13-2007, 03:43 AM
If Nixon taught me anything, it's that if a GM does it, it's not illegal.

07-13-2007, 07:32 AM
I think you have confused evil with retarded.


Moist Happenings
07-13-2007, 11:54 AM
Well, I'm finished sifting through the flame posts here. With those aside, I would love to see a log of one of your interactions, as i've never personally interacted with you.

Also, i'd like to know how many people you've interacted with after receiving a warn interaction from them.

If the answer is 0, I have absolutely no problem with you, regardless of what you do to people.

Stanley Burrell
07-13-2007, 12:39 PM
I don't think a paper bag would respond well to roleplay in general as opposed to exclusively to Michaelous.

"What be this cursed, brown, paper-like barrier in my walking path? Doth it not know my glorious power?!"

"... I'm a fucking paper bag, dude, come on."

bahaha :lol:

07-13-2007, 04:59 PM
Well, I'm finished sifting through the flame posts here. With those aside, I would love to see a log of one of your interactions, as i've never personally interacted with you.

Also, i'd like to know how many people you've interacted with after receiving a warn interaction from them.

If the answer is 0, I have absolutely no problem with you, regardless of what you do to people.

I'm the player of Vistal. I warned him, he warned me back, he attacked me less than 24 hours later.

07-13-2007, 05:47 PM
Awful poll, neither option is true or even applies, and the fact you think the options are opposites speaks volumes.

Your terrible spelling/grammar speaks more volumes, the fact you consider what you do RPing, the way you acted around the GM, the amount of times I see your name pop-up and the manner it does, the fact you are attempting to stir up more shit when that's all the GM told you not to do, this all speaks to why I think it would be great for the GS4 community if you got shit-canned.

Infact it makes me want to goad you into starting more shit so I can proudly be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and I've never interacted with you in game.

People like you with your ridiculous skew on the world (make believe at that) around them need to be culled.

End of the day: you're still a turd sandwich.

07-13-2007, 05:53 PM
Infact it makes me want to goad you into starting more shit so I can proudly be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and I've never interacted with you in game.

I was thinking the same thing. Though, knowing how fucked up things can get, we'd probably be the ones getting the warning instead of him getting the boot.

07-13-2007, 05:57 PM
It's ironic Revon died during that log. He's is practically the same character as Mich.

Still I don't see people who cause equal amount of strife such as Tsin being warned/banned.

Unfortunately I imagine that if the GM's really wanted to get rid of the idiots in the game, half their own ranks would be instantly culled.
Tsin's a GM, dickhead.

07-13-2007, 06:00 PM
I was thinking the same thing. Though, knowing how fucked up things can get, we'd probably be the ones getting the warning instead of him getting the boot.

I don't get it. Do you mean you'll kill him in game? That's a waste of time. Coinner totally showed people what persistance means and tbh I don't see how offing someone would help but stroke your e-peen.

07-13-2007, 06:05 PM
First: she has an e-vag

Second: It's not about killing him, it's about goading him into goading you into attacking him. Essentially all you have to do is be around him and be the center of attention in a positive way... he'll do what he always does when people pay attention to anyone but him and he'll try to disparage you, from then on it's a simple matter of escalating in such a way that he escalates, and it won't matter who attacks first, he'll be gone.

07-13-2007, 06:11 PM
I was thinking the same thing. Though, knowing how fucked up things can get, we'd probably be the ones getting the warning instead of him getting the boot.I don't get it. Do you mean you'll kill him in game? That's a waste of time. Coinner totally showed people what persistance means and tbh I don't see how offing someone would help but stroke your e-peen.

No, I'd goad him into killing me and then warn him. But then the GM's would probably see me doing the goading and warn me instead of booting him.

07-13-2007, 06:29 PM
How can you goad him without being so ooc the GMs would fuck your shit up anyhow?
You should just assume/expect to be pulled.

07-13-2007, 08:04 PM
Infact it makes me want to goad you into starting more shit so I can proudly be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and I've never interacted with you in game.

besides the fact that its the ignorant idiots like you that are ruining gemstone for things like your quote. its funny how you know exactly what im doing and my intentions when youve never even interacted with me. thank you for making my point stronger.

07-13-2007, 08:21 PM
besides the fact that its the ignorant idiots like you that are ruining gemstone for things like your quote. its funny how you know exactly what im doing and my intentions when youve never even interacted with me. thank you for making my point stronger.

Holy shit.

::borrows WoW forums::

L2Grammer nub.

07-13-2007, 08:21 PM
It is rather curious to me that I've been around Michaelous IG for years, and interact with him constantly (even killed him once) but I've never had bad interactions with him... even when I killed him it was well RP'd that he and Senja was arguing, he said something he shouldn't have to Akari's woman, and POW... but that was years ago...
I'm not saying he can't be annoying to other people, but he certainly never bothered me too much, and is alot less OOC then alot of the fuckheads I see IG.
Same with Revon, alot less OOC then alot of the fuckheads I see IG...
I'd rather deal with characters like thiers (that are assholes, but not too OOC about it) then the fuckheads that say shit like "I have other characters that are older, so just know that if you kill me you will die many times" or "just so you know, the GM's are watching you right now"
I respect Michaelous and Revon more then most of the asswhipes that run around starting shit... because they fight thier own battles and accept thier deaths if they get in over thier head... and they don't go whining like little babies to the GM's when things that they started get out of control and they start dieing alot

If we are pointing fingers here... there are alot worse then these two...

07-13-2007, 08:33 PM
I think that, at one point or another, a lot of us have been an antagonist... A lesser number have maybe even made a character specifically to be short-fused or generally angry with the world.

But how many of us have been banned from the game for it? How many have almost been banned twice?
I can't imagine the things I would have to do in order to be pulled into a GM's office. I've had some run-ins with GMs in my 13 years of Gemstone playing, but after I became old enough to understand the world isn't here for myself and myself alone all those GM runins slowly started to dissipate.

I don't really understand the reason to be a dick for dicks' sake... Your out-of-game comments, and your conversation with the GM certainly underscore your inability to function on a level that is at least civil to people around you, and this problem seems like it is more your RL attitude in general than an character flaw in the character on the game. RP isn't being as you wish you were (in your case what would happen if you didn't hold back IRL), but more of something to do to escape real life and explore other areas of the world.

If it weren't a personal attitude problem, it wouldn't be so easy for you to fall back into it and hard for you to stop when you are engaging in a civil conversation in a forum.

(edit. couldn't keep the word 'mature' in a paragraph with a dancing Brian in a bananna suit above it...)

07-13-2007, 08:37 PM
I respect Michaelous and Revon

If we are pointing fingers here... there are alot worse then these two...

You're so stupid. And I remember when you whined just as bad.
Now you post anything that has your 400+ (lol) CS.
It's easy to say you respect someone becouse they're a dickhead and consistent about it. It's another thing to say so about someone who's just pathetic.
Lol.. tell everyone you respect michaelous and revon.

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2007, 09:17 PM
Didn't he buy one of my chars?

07-13-2007, 10:12 PM
revon is nowhere near as bad as michaelass, come on now

07-13-2007, 11:45 PM
Revon is alright. Come on now.

07-14-2007, 01:09 AM
I like Revon good guy. Michaelous on the other hand not so much. Anytime you have to interact with him and try to kill him he runs to the TSC and sits there and acts like the fight never took place.

07-14-2007, 02:54 AM
You're so stupid. And I remember when you whined just as bad.
Now you post anything that has your 400+ (lol) CS.
It's easy to say you respect someone becouse they're a dickhead and consistent about it. It's another thing to say so about someone who's just pathetic.
Lol.. tell everyone you respect michaelous and revon.

Ash... WTF? who the fuck are you, and what the hell are you talking about?
I've never "whined" about anything... so you must have me fucked up for someone else.
and yes my main character has a 400+ CS... you are the only one that KEEPS bringing that up? you post stalking me or something?

P.S. get the fucking sentence right if you are going to try to pick apart what someone says... "I respect Michaelous and Revon MORE then most of the asswhipes that run around starting shit... " can't cut the sentence in half and try to make an argument about it, Moron...

07-14-2007, 08:36 AM
Well, I'm finished sifting through the flame posts here. With those aside, I would love to see a log of one of your interactions, as i've never personally interacted with you.

Also, i'd like to know how many people you've interacted with after receiving a warn interaction from them.

If the answer is 0, I have absolutely no problem with you, regardless of what you do to people.

Hehe, Look here.


07-14-2007, 09:24 AM
P.S. get the fucking sentence right if you are going to try to pick apart what someone says... "I respect Michaelous and Revon MORE then most of the asswhipes that run around starting shit... " can't cut the sentence in half and try to make an argument about it, Moron...

Then dont make stupid statements. If you are now trying to imply that you dont respect Michaelheytellmewhatyouthinkofmeaslongasit'sniceou s and Revon, then what you effectively saying is something as stupid as "Hey, I find that hideous looking person over there, more sexually attractive than the hideous person sat next to them."

Otherwise, what was inferred by your original message was "I respect Dumb and Dumber"

07-14-2007, 12:10 PM
Then dont make stupid statements. If you are now trying to imply that you dont respect Michaelheytellmewhatyouthinkofmeaslongasit'sniceou s and Revon, then what you effectively saying is something as stupid as "Hey, I find that hideous looking person over there, more sexually attractive than the hideous person sat next to them."

Otherwise, what was inferred by your original message was "I respect Dumb and Dumber"

Ok, let me specify since there are people here who are obviously not smart enough to understand a simple statement...
I do have MORE respect for the players that have great RP and don't run around starting shit, such as: Evarin, Nakiro, Debia, Jolena, Gothique, Missoni, Senja, and ther are many more, but I'm hoping you get the point...

Then, I have some respect for the ones that openly welcome PvP and enjoy it... but still RP as well, such as: Jenovadeath, Akari, Revon, Shonison, Perigourd, Michaelous, Jamus, Tayre, Mykill, Foxs... and many more...

However, I do not have any respect for the asshats that start shit, but have no clue what RP is... such as: Shirv, Foxye, Hughmungis, Enormis, Miscast, Hoodtralfek, and many more...

and even less respect for the ones that don't RP, start shit, then whine to the GM's when they get thier ass handed to them... THESE ARE THE WORST, and usually consist of noobs that don't stick around anyways

This is how I see things... if the problem wasn't that you didn't understand, but instead that you cannot deal with someone having a different opinion then you... then fuck ya... Cause I never said you have to see things my way, I'm simply pointing out that there are folks alot more deserving of getting the shaft, IMO

07-14-2007, 12:32 PM
I like that you chose PvP instead of CvC

07-14-2007, 01:24 PM
I like that you chose PvP instead of CvC

I'm pretty sure he chose that because it's the generally acceptable term to use to explain two people fighting one another in a MMOPRG like-game.

The people he listed most certainly engage in CvC (ie Perigourd) and not PvP.

07-14-2007, 01:40 PM
I'm pretty sure he chose that because it's the generally acceptable term to use to explain two people fighting one another in a MMOPRG like-game.

The people he listed most certainly engage in CvC (ie Perigourd) and not PvP.

that is correct... I normally just call it PvP, when in fact I mean CvC...

07-14-2007, 02:27 PM
Michaelous is a prick.
Always has been.
Always will be.

What more's to be said?

07-14-2007, 03:14 PM
Not much.

Except he seems to love attention and so makes threads like this to get people to stroke his epeen.

07-14-2007, 03:34 PM
It is rather curious to me that I've been around Michaelous IG for years, and interact with him constantly (even killed him once) but I've never had bad interactions with him... even when I killed him it was well RP'd that he and Senja was arguing, he said something he shouldn't have to Akari's woman, and POW... but that was years ago...
I'm not saying he can't be annoying to other people, but he certainly never bothered me too much, and is alot less OOC then alot of the fuckheads I see IG.
Same with Revon, alot less OOC then alot of the fuckheads I see IG...
I'd rather deal with characters like thiers (that are assholes, but not too OOC about it) then the fuckheads that say shit like "I have other characters that are older, so just know that if you kill me you will die many times" or "just so you know, the GM's are watching you right now"
I respect Michaelous and Revon more then most of the asswhipes that run around starting shit... because they fight thier own battles and accept thier deaths if they get in over thier head... and they don't go whining like little babies to the GM's when things that they started get out of control and they start dieing alot

If we are pointing fingers here... there are alot worse then these two...

Bahaha...that just explained VOLUMES about you Akari, I'm so glad you posted that for my viewing pleasure, since you are so quick to jump to conclusions about things.


07-14-2007, 03:41 PM
Not much.

Except he seems to love attention and so makes threads like this to get people to stroke his epeen.

Yeah. He's been pretty restrained in this one though. Remember way back when, when he would start a thread to ask something, then when people said he was a prick for his behaviour in it (or whatever) he would get all abusive?

Those were the days.

07-14-2007, 05:30 PM
Bahaha...that just explained VOLUMES about you Akari, I'm so glad you posted that for my viewing pleasure, since you are so quick to jump to conclusions about things.


wow, If you don't jump on the "hate Michaelous" bandwagon, it will run you the fuck over...
and how is an opinion a conclusion?
when in all reality, your opinion on this situation has nothing to do with if you like smooching cock or not.
So, please understand that I'm not saying you must see things my way, and understand that not everyone will have the same point of view as you.

I'm sorry that I don't hate Michaelous along with you... maybe I'm just as much of an asshole as him, and that is why I don't see him as being so bad... Or maybe you are just a cocksmoocher, and because I don't smooch cock, I'll never understand where you are coming from. Who knows...

07-14-2007, 07:41 PM
So, please understand that I'm not saying you must see things my way, and understand that not everyone will have the same point of view as you..

Well, convicted murders get marriage proposals in prison all the time so that just goes to show that no matter how much of a loser someone is there may well be a few people who for bizarre reasons still like them.

Being liked by someone doesn't make the convict any better a person, just shows that some people make very poor choices on who to associate themselves with.

07-14-2007, 07:48 PM
Worst post ever.

07-14-2007, 07:50 PM

07-14-2007, 08:18 PM
Then, I have some respect for the ones that openly welcome PvP and enjoy it... but still RP as well, such as: Jenovadeath, Akari, Revon, Shonison, Perigourd, Michaelous, Jamus, Tayre, Mykill, Foxs... and many more...

Ill let that slide heh :P

07-15-2007, 02:47 AM
asked if anyone wanted to hunt stone trolls, and being that ive hunted with this guy before i thought everything would be fine

[Thanatoph, Eastern Slope]
The path narrows here giving you an unpleasant view of the drop below. A hundred feet below, a narrow ledge wends its way around the mountain to the south. Fighting back vertigo, you keep your eyes on the path beneath your feet. You also see a stone troll and a war mattock.
Obvious paths: south, west
Eurt followed.
Eurt concentrates deeply for a moment.
You are now targeting a stone troll.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at a stone troll!
The stone troll evades the attack by a hair!
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel a fair amount stronger.
>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
[Roll result: 67 (open d100: -34) Bonus: 20]
You feint high, but the stone troll isn't fooled for a second.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Some studded invar shin guards partially deflect the onslaught of the puncture attack.
A stone troll swings a war hammer at you!
AS: +302 vs DS: +124 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +13 = +210
... and hits for 12 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at a stone troll!
AS: +381 vs DS: +136 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +10 = +281
... and hits for 128 points of damage!
Slash to the stone troll's ribs opens a sucking chest wound!
The stone troll topples to the ground motionless.
You currently have no valid target. You will need to specify one.
>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
With extreme effort, you beat back the attack with your claidhmore!
You search the stone troll.
She had a reinforced shield, a war hammer.
She didn't carry any silver.
Interesting, she carried a silver lockpick on her.
She had nothing else of value.
A stone troll sinks into the ground, leaving nothing behind.
Eurt says, "Woops."
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
AS: +381 vs DS: +272 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +7 = +135
... and hits for 4 points of damage!
Blow glances off your shoulder.
Eurt says, "Blast."
You cackle!
Eurt grins at you.
Eurt says, "No hard feelings."
>'you ok?
You ask, "You ok?"
Eurt grins.
Eurt asks, "Are you?"
>'did you wanna duel?
You ask, "Did you wanna duel?"
* Rothsay just bit the dust!
Eurt asks, "Why do all my friends hate you?"
You chuckle.
>'i dont know
You say, "I dont know."
[Thanatoph, Eastern Slope]
Carefully stepping through the loose rubble of a recent rockslide, you take care not to make too much noise. A wide ledge sits just out of reach above you, beckoning you with the promise of shelter. You also see a stone troll.
Obvious paths: north, southwest, down
Eurt followed.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at a stone troll!
The stone troll skillfully interposes his shield between himself and the attack!
>'there your friends, why dont you ask them

A stone troll swings a war hammer at Eurt!
AS: +325 vs DS: +172 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +69 = +241
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on Eurt's chest!
You say, "There your friends, why dont you ask them."
>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
You swing a ruby-hilted blue vultite claidhmore at a stone troll!
AS: +345 vs DS: +154 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +59 = +286
... and hit for 140 points of damage!
A mighty hit turns the stone troll's insides to outsides!
The stone troll topples to the ground motionless.
The air about a stone troll stops shimmering.
A stone troll seems a bit less imposing.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Eurt says, "If thats how you wanna handle it."
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
AS: +381 vs DS: +122 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +100 = +378
... and hits for 63 points of damage!
Crushing blow to the spine!
You slump to the ground.
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 6 rounds!
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
AS: +381 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +35 = +367
... and hits for 45 points of damage!
Weak diagonal slash catches your left knee!
It is dislocated.
Focusing on your bloodlust, you shake yourself out of the stun!
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
!P>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
Eurt seems a bit weaker than before.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
You flail on the ground but manage to parry the attack with your blue vultite claidhmore!
!P>sign of dark
Unknown sign.
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
Eurt concentrates deeply for a moment.
!P>sign of darkn
Unknown sign.
Sensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
Amazingly, you manage to parry the attack with your claidhmore!
!>sign of darkness
Eurt says, "Wow."
Darkness enfolds and surrounds you...

07-15-2007, 02:54 AM
Shouldn't you change the end there to



Plus Eurt is a noob for trying to kill someone in plate with a claidh.

07-15-2007, 06:47 AM
What's best? Mattock?

07-15-2007, 01:42 PM
asked if anyone wanted to hunt stone trolls, and being that ive hunted with this guy before i thought everything would be fine

[Thanatoph, Eastern Slope]
The path narrows here giving you an unpleasant view of the drop below. A hundred feet below, a narrow ledge wends its way around the mountain to the south. Fighting back vertigo, you keep your eyes on the path beneath your feet. You also see a stone troll and a war mattock.
Obvious paths: south, west
Eurt followed.
Eurt concentrates deeply for a moment.
You are now targeting a stone troll.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at a stone troll!
The stone troll evades the attack by a hair!
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel a fair amount stronger.
>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
[Roll result: 67 (open d100: -34) Bonus: 20]
You feint high, but the stone troll isn't fooled for a second.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Some studded invar shin guards partially deflect the onslaught of the puncture attack.
A stone troll swings a war hammer at you!
AS: +302 vs DS: +124 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +13 = +210
... and hits for 12 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at a stone troll!
AS: +381 vs DS: +136 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +10 = +281
... and hits for 128 points of damage!
Slash to the stone troll's ribs opens a sucking chest wound!
The stone troll topples to the ground motionless.
You currently have no valid target. You will need to specify one.
>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
With extreme effort, you beat back the attack with your claidhmore!
You search the stone troll.
She had a reinforced shield, a war hammer.
She didn't carry any silver.
Interesting, she carried a silver lockpick on her.
She had nothing else of value.
A stone troll sinks into the ground, leaving nothing behind.
Eurt says, "Woops."
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
AS: +381 vs DS: +272 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +7 = +135
... and hits for 4 points of damage!
Blow glances off your shoulder.
Eurt says, "Blast."
You cackle!
Eurt grins at you.
Eurt says, "No hard feelings."
>'you ok?
You ask, "You ok?"
Eurt grins.
Eurt asks, "Are you?"
>'did you wanna duel?
You ask, "Did you wanna duel?"
* Rothsay just bit the dust!
Eurt asks, "Why do all my friends hate you?"
You chuckle.
>'i dont know
You say, "I dont know."
[Thanatoph, Eastern Slope]
Carefully stepping through the loose rubble of a recent rockslide, you take care not to make too much noise. A wide ledge sits just out of reach above you, beckoning you with the promise of shelter. You also see a stone troll.
Obvious paths: north, southwest, down
Eurt followed.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at a stone troll!
The stone troll skillfully interposes his shield between himself and the attack!
>'there your friends, why dont you ask them

A stone troll swings a war hammer at Eurt!
AS: +325 vs DS: +172 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +69 = +241
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on Eurt's chest!
You say, "There your friends, why dont you ask them."
>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
You swing a ruby-hilted blue vultite claidhmore at a stone troll!
AS: +345 vs DS: +154 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +59 = +286
... and hit for 140 points of damage!
A mighty hit turns the stone troll's insides to outsides!
The stone troll topples to the ground motionless.
The air about a stone troll stops shimmering.
A stone troll seems a bit less imposing.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Eurt says, "If thats how you wanna handle it."
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
AS: +381 vs DS: +122 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +100 = +378
... and hits for 63 points of damage!
Crushing blow to the spine!
You slump to the ground.
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 6 rounds!
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
AS: +381 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +35 = +367
... and hits for 45 points of damage!
Weak diagonal slash catches your left knee!
It is dislocated.
Focusing on your bloodlust, you shake yourself out of the stun!
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
!P>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
Eurt seems a bit weaker than before.
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
You flail on the ground but manage to parry the attack with your blue vultite claidhmore!
!P>sign of dark
Unknown sign.
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
Eurt concentrates deeply for a moment.
!P>sign of darkn
Unknown sign.
Sensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
Eurt swings a pitch black mithril claidhmore at you!
Amazingly, you manage to parry the attack with your claidhmore!
!>sign of darkness
Eurt says, "Wow."
Darkness enfolds and surrounds you...

Wow, 2 fucking tools in one room. you both suck at life. Especially you, eurt.


07-15-2007, 03:15 PM
Eurt is one of the most retarded people I have ever met.

07-15-2007, 03:17 PM

07-15-2007, 03:23 PM

07-15-2007, 04:29 PM

OMG WTF?!?! Bob... was that you? rofl

07-15-2007, 05:05 PM

you quit gs, yet you still have that much free time on yer hands? to go around and search for retards, and then watch them, and then post them, well at least your doing something positive.

07-15-2007, 05:12 PM
lol, I like how you put "moron of the day" as the subject of your post. That's classic, lol.

07-15-2007, 05:25 PM
Damn Dialup.... I feel so out of the loop:(

Stanley Burrell
07-16-2007, 01:54 AM
you quit gs, yet you still have that much free time on yer hands? to go around and search for retards, and then watch them, and then post them, well at least your doing something positive.

He posted a youtube video.

Unlike you, it doesn't take Bob five hours to transfer a hyperlink. Fuck is wrong with you?

07-16-2007, 05:38 AM
Eurt is one of the most retarded people I have ever met.

Yet so easy to steal from in-game. :thanx:

07-16-2007, 05:40 AM
you quit gs, yet you still have that much free time on yer hands? to go around and search for retards, and then watch them, and then post them, well at least your doing something positive.

Unlike you, Warclaidhmjr.


07-16-2007, 10:23 PM
wtf? I'm not hanging with Michaelous anymore!

The gypsy fortuneteller takes your silver and pockets it.
The gypsy fortuneteller then spreads her cloak upon the ground and sits gracefully, tucking her dainty feet demurely under her hem.
She gazes into your eyes for a moment and then she rapidly shuffles a deck of strangely patterned cards. From time to time one card leaps out almost of its own will and flutters onto the cloak and she pauses to examine it carefully.

After several cards have done this, she stops and gazes intently at the pattern they form in front of her.

The gypsy fortuneteller looks gravely at you and says, "I see pain and death in your future, be wary of whom you call friend."

07-17-2007, 10:39 AM
wtf? I'm not hanging with Michaelous anymore!

The gypsy fortuneteller takes your silver and pockets it.
The gypsy fortuneteller then spreads her cloak upon the ground and sits gracefully, tucking her dainty feet demurely under her hem.
She gazes into your eyes for a moment and then she rapidly shuffles a deck of strangely patterned cards. From time to time one card leaps out almost of its own will and flutters onto the cloak and she pauses to examine it carefully.

After several cards have done this, she stops and gazes intently at the pattern they form in front of her.

The gypsy fortuneteller looks gravely at you and says, "I see pain and death in your future, be wary of whom you call friend."

try having your face shoved into the dirt for no appernt reason every few hours

07-17-2007, 11:05 AM
try having your face shoved into the dirt for no appernt reason every few hours

Seems like there's an apparent reason in your case.

07-17-2007, 12:18 PM
My two cents...
If someone needs to warn or report someone for anything short of afk scripting(and it's hindering themselves), completely harassing them, and or disarming a weapon or shield in some mannor and keeping it...Which I think falls into roleplay purposes( But there's always that dub that's a capped character that would abuse that).
Then you're entirely too stupid to play gemstone and you're just a whine ass. I've been playing GS since it opened to AOL, I don't EVER again talk to anyone that had warned me. And I've only had to(chose to) report 3 people ever.
One = afk scripting in an area I was hunting, from now on I just kill them = much more IG RP.(I still hate myself for being a RAT for that!)

Two = was this absolutely annoying little shit that would not leave me alone, found me in several towns just to annoy me.

Third was someone who reported me for an instance I should have reported him, so once I was spoken and told toreport them I did just that and the matter was handled.

Point is that's what...95-96 to 07 and it = 3 reports
Stop abusing the reporting feature! As for Michaelous, he could have deserved it I don't know. Sounds like people are just complaining to complain entirely too much, who knows...Not me!

Just keep in mind that the report feature IS NOT IC and should be reported!

Player of Morrff's many!

08-08-2007, 03:52 AM
Yes I know im late but, DAMN PPLZ! Im not THAT bad. My character may have killed his fair share of people in game but he is killing everyone with his sonic warlance of love. Its all love so lets all just hug. :smile:

Also, I didnt have a problem with anyone in GS. Sometimes Revon didnt like Michaelous and sometimes he did. Damn sure made things interesting at times. Same with Akari. Some people just take this game WAY too seriously.

Ooohh and one more thing, there are no warnings on Revons account and he's never been banned. Why? Because I follow the rules. Some people just have a hard time believing that shit happens everywhere and people like Revon exist and will always be there to make your life better or much worse. Oh the joy...

08-08-2007, 07:05 AM
One = afk scripting in an area I was hunting, from now on I just kill them = much more IG RP.(I still hate myself for being a RAT for that!)

Umm, AFK scripting is not at all an IC concept.

08-08-2007, 01:16 PM
Worst poll ever. My character is evil and has never spent one second in consulation with a GM.



08-08-2007, 02:16 PM
more like a mean charecter rather then evil. but when have you met a nice insane guy? besides the fact that most gms hate pvp situations. even though half the gemstone pop doesnt. forgot to mention other people do the exact same thing and doent get rebuked. candor does the same thing, he doesnt get banned wutfuxup. if you look at the big picture, he's doin the exact same thing i am, just in his own way. but technically same thing. actually alot of people do, yet no one else gets banned. then the whole reputation thing arises, so then it never ends. fact of the matter is policy is being twisted ethier way you look at it. gms forcing the grey areas to be black or white. which is a good thing, except they all choose diffrently for diffrent charecters which is a bad thing.

08-08-2007, 02:40 PM
Quit trying to cover your PvP with stupid excuses. You are abusing a roleplaying game to satisfy your ego and drawing people into conflict. If you were really roleplaying, this wouldn't be an issue.

A REAL evil character at least roleplays the situation, they just don't kill people for the hell of it...Niether do mean or insane characters.

08-08-2007, 02:42 PM
Quit trying to cover your PvP with stupid excuses. You are abusing a roleplaying game to satisfy your ego and drawing people into conflict. If you were really roleplaying, this wouldn't be an issue.

A REAL evil character at least roleplays the situation, they just don't kill people for the hell of it...Niether do mean or insane characters.

welcome to the bandwagon douchebag, quit tellin someone youve never met what he is doin, go sit on the stronger point bench

08-08-2007, 02:44 PM
you brought it to the PC boards moron, expect it.

08-08-2007, 02:47 PM

08-08-2007, 02:50 PM
SEND[Xxxxxxxxxxxx] Good afternoon Michaelous. I need to borrow you for a few moments, please? Can you move off to a more secluded room so I can bring you up?

You could have just said NO and avoided that whole situation.

Who was the GM anyway? What is the point in X'ing his name out? Someone PM me if this is answered because I'm probably too lazy to keep up with this thread of anti-heterosexuality.

08-08-2007, 02:54 PM
Honestly, Michaelous isnt as bad as he use to be. But once you've been labeled as a moron, you will always be considered one. Most of the people on these boards are afraid to disagree with the main populace so once a douchebag always a douchebag. All you need to do Michaelous, is NOT create a thread like this and just BE the douchebag everyone thinks you are. But do your best to RP it out and laugh at the people that cry about it. Simple

08-08-2007, 10:04 PM
Then, I have some respect for the ones that openly welcome PvP and enjoy it... but still RP as well, such as: Jenovadeath, Akari, Revon, Shonison, Perigourd, Michaelous, Jamus, Tayre, Mykill, Foxs... and many more...

I can't believe you named yourself. OMG FLMFAO !!!1!


08-08-2007, 10:08 PM
welcome to the bandwagon douchebag, quit tellin someone youve never met what he is doin, go sit on the stronger point bench

I would join the bandwagon, but I think it is over-full already.

I don't have to say a damn word regarding Michaelous. He knew before he even made the poll exactly who and what he is. He doesn't require my support in this matter.



PS ~ I will use a smiley though.

08-08-2007, 10:29 PM
Not to be rude Finiswolf but I always thought you were the biggest brown noser God has ever created. The epitome of a bandwagon whore. Some of the things you say are just soooooo cheesy. lol. Again, im not trying to be rude. A bit harsh but not rude.

08-08-2007, 10:30 PM
WTF am I brown nosing to? Or who the fuck am I brown nosing to?

Do I get magic beanstalk points for voicing my own opinion?

Yea, I didn't think so, so shut the fuck up.


PS ~ Yes I am being rude. AND, in case you didn't catch it Revon, I really don't care what you think.

08-08-2007, 10:39 PM
WTF am I brown nosing to? Or who the fuck am I brown nosing to?

Do I get magic beanstalk points for voicing my own opinion?

Yea, I didn't think so, so shut the fuck up.


PS ~ Yes I am being rude. AND, in case you didn't catch it Revon, I really don't care what you think.

Hey, calm down now. Its all love and happiness. And no I didnt catch it. You obviously DO care what I said else your post wouldn't seem so flustered. I feel bad for stating my opinion now.

Also, please refer to this thread for a perfect example of Finiswolf's cheesy brown noserness:
http://www.forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=26399 - seriously, WTF?

08-09-2007, 05:05 AM
Didn't see any brown nosing there.

08-09-2007, 05:25 AM

Yup, I am all flustered. LMFAO I simply responded to your opinion. You ever do that? You know ... someone speaks, you respond. That kind of thing. It's called a conversation. Perhaps some schooling is in order for you? :shrug: So don't feel bad, I know I don't.

Anyway ...

What does the link have to do with anything? The Poll Post was being a smartass, and in response to all the dumb ass polls of late.

Man, put down the crack pipe and step away from the keyboard because you are beyond lost, and you have zero idea of what you are talking about. Or, if you do know what you are talkikng about, I sure don't.


08-09-2007, 06:04 AM

Yup, I am all flustered. LMFAO I simply responded to your opinion. You ever do that? You know ... someone speaks, you respond. That kind of thing. It's called a conversation. Perhaps some schooling is in order for you? :shrug: So don't feel bad, I know I don't.

Well, you did say you were being rude so I just assumed you were flustered.

What does the link have to do with anything? The Poll Post was being a smartass, and in response to all the dumb ass polls of late.

Man, put down the crack pipe and step away from the keyboard because you are beyond lost, and you have zero idea of what you are talking about. Or, if you do know what you are talkikng about, I sure don't.


God you are so corny. Rofl!

08-09-2007, 11:07 AM
I think what he means is that since you're black, your nose is obviously a brown hue.

Or he just assumed you were another fat/skinny pasty zit faced white boy with greasy hair and focused on your nose when he saw your pic and assumed the worse.

08-09-2007, 11:40 AM
My rogue has plenty of people that hate her, but I've never had people that hated me ot the point they just wanted to kill me, forgoing and RP situations. If that's happening you've gone well beyond the bounds of RP and entered the realm of immaturity. Antagonising and insulting people until they dispise you isn't RPing an evil or insane character -- it's you beingg an immature douchebag. It's also something that the gemstone community doesn't need. We have enough of that crap already, we don't anymore.

08-09-2007, 11:49 AM
My rogue has plenty of people that hate her, but I've never had people that hated me ot the point they just wanted to kill me, forgoing and RP situations. If that's happening you've gone well beyond the bounds of RP and entered the realm of immaturity. Antagonising and insulting people until they dispise you isn't RPing an evil or insane character -- it's you beingg an immature douchebag. It's also something that the gemstone community doesn't need. We have enough of that crap already, we don't anymore.

Okay. Very interesting comment, but there are some inherant assumptions that make your statement a bit flawed.

The biggest problem with roleplaying evil is that MANY people in Gemstone are horrible RPers and they mistake REAL well-roleplayed evil or assholishness as the Player being an ass and not the Character.

Your statement would be 100% true if half the people in the game even understood what RP really is. I guess this branches off into the larger problem of players not being able to seperate themselves from their characters.

Sometimes it is hard for ME to differentiate between a guy being a dick to me because he's roleplaying, or a guy being a dick to me because his player is a dick. I obviously have to err to the former, but unless I'm talking to Querthose or Evarin or something, I'm never 100% sure that it's just the character.

So when you have a guy like Michaelous, who plays an intimidator/instigator and lives for every moment to get into a physical confrontation with other people...is that the character or the player? Or both? Kind of a hybrid maybe?

On a lighter note, I received an IM yesterday that made me proud of the person playing the character (not Michaelous). He said "That was very dishonorable, I'm trying to decide how [My Character] should react". He was calmly pausing in real life to ponder how the character and not the player should react to a violent and unnecessary situation. This is a character who values his honor, and may very well resort to violence for those that wronged him, but if he does, it won't be a knee-jerk player reaction, but a well thought out character reaction.

My point in posting here, is that the Latter is unusual these days. Most of the confrontation I witness is Player driven. I can't prove it, but it's just one of those things that you can tell the difference between.

08-09-2007, 11:52 AM
The instigation isn't vaguely logical. It is the player.

08-09-2007, 11:54 AM
The instigation isn't vaguely logical. It is the player.

What do you mean? If the character lives to intimate and attack other people, trying to get them to participate in that would seem pretty logical to me.

My character never misses a chance to duel, and it's thanks to guys like Michaelous anally attempting to arrange them, that he gets to duel half the times that he does.

It takes all kinds to make a world (even a fictional one). I agree that Michaelous is a dick, but he doesn't adversely impact my playing experience.

08-09-2007, 12:03 PM
IF you'll think back a few years to the dinghy you'd probably remember, Me, Plur, Nethergarde, Morphion and some others constantly promoting it as the original dueling location. None of those players (ok morphion was alittle nuts) were ever, or would likely ever act like Michaelous does, my point? It doesn't take people like michaelous to duel, people like michaelous make dueling a chore because you know there will be to much drama.

08-09-2007, 12:05 PM
I agree that Michaelous is a dick, but he doesn't adversely impact my playing experience.

You must not be female or hang out in the park. If either of those applied to you.. your statement would look like this.. "I agree that Michaelous is a dick."

08-09-2007, 12:05 PM
IF you'll think back a few years to the dinghy you'd probably remember, Me, Plur, Nethergarde, Morphion and some others constantly promoting it as the original dueling location. None of those players (ok morphion was alittle nuts) were ever, or would likely ever act like Michaelous does, my point? It doesn't take people like michaelous to duel, people like michaelous make dueling a chore because you know there will be to much drama.

Alright, I agree with this. There are certainly much more honorable people out there (who coincidentally know how to roleplay).

The drama at Michaelous' duel sesssions are about 90% of the fun. Mostly cause most of the people who come are either two young for me to duel or are capped casters. So theres not much to do other than watch Michaelous kill people who didn't want to participate, but he acts like they did.

08-09-2007, 12:17 PM
more like a mean charecter rather then evil. but when have you met a nice insane guy? besides the fact that most gms hate pvp situations. even though half the gemstone pop doesnt. forgot to mention other people do the exact same thing and doent get rebuked. candor does the same thing, he doesnt get banned wutfuxup. if you look at the big picture, he's doin the exact same thing i am, just in his own way. but technically same thing. actually alot of people do, yet no one else gets banned. then the whole reputation thing arises, so then it never ends. fact of the matter is policy is being twisted ethier way you look at it. gms forcing the grey areas to be black or white. which is a good thing, except they all choose diffrently for diffrent charecters which is a bad thing.

welcome to the bandwagon douchebag, quit tellin someone youve never met what he is doin, go sit on the stronger point bench

Having never met/interacted with you in game, I will say that in order to gain any respect you are going to have to sharpen your hideous grammar/spelling skills (or severe lack thereof).

08-09-2007, 12:19 PM
Having never met/interacted with you in game,

I have enough for both of us.. he's an assmunch.

08-09-2007, 05:12 PM
Wow, people here need to either get a hobby, or RP more aggressively to get their own issues out. Whats with the flaming?

The way I see it is this: There arent ALOT of real Roleplayers in Gemstone, considering the number playing. If Mich is one that's at least TRYING, good on him. Maybe people could give him some -productive- advice instead of taking what is obviously done in game, personally, (With much petty insulting at that).

I've interacted with Mich with a couple of my characters, one he treats perfectly nice, the other he completely offended and upset. It wasnt a go at me (the real person, here, in the real world). It wasnt a personal attack upon MY character, intelligence or anything else. It was a roleplayed "Hey, you want me to do that for you? Well I'm a douchebag so here, I'll do it if you pay me a rediculous amount".

I've seen alot of people who cant seperate the In Character from the Out of character. There is a difference!!! When someone says "OMG I am pregnant!" in Gemstone, unless its done like:
whisper ooc doofus OMG I am pregnant!>
Then its IN CHARACTER and should not be discussed in any IM outside of gemstone. If its done ooc, then go for it, tell her husband, might be interesting.

Mich, personally from what I've seen you do a fine job ROLEPLAYING a douchebag. Douchebag's can be entertaining and make a change from those who skip in every room and are constantly smiling and bouncing. (I play one of those two).

You guys want oocly offensive? I have played a strictly ic game in which my characters IC actions lead to people who didnt know wtf roleplaying was, trying to get my RL daughter taken off me. (No it was proven I was innocent of what they accused from logs. No they didnt succeed, I am not my character.) When you have things like that done, you'll realise that Mich is just someone who likes playing an ass, he's not hurting you, or ruining your real life. He's a character in a game that you should get the heck over as soon as you press the little x up the top.

GM's.. do you honestly realise that most of the people in this game take in character actions personally? Try informing and teaching people the difference instead of picking those that are actually Trying to RP and punishing them.

Mich.. dont swear at people, dont take it OOC, make it obvious your character is reacting to something another persons character did/is doing. Otherwise, you can beat up on my chars any day if you can figure out who they are ;)

08-09-2007, 05:19 PM
There arent ALOT of real Roleplayers in Gemstone, considering the number playing. I

GM's.. do you honestly realise that most of the people in this game take in character actions personally? Try informing and teaching people the difference instead of picking those that are actually Trying to RP and punishing them.

That's exactly what I'm saying. People have no clue about players vs characters on the whole.

BTW, why in the FUCK are you addressing GMs on this board?

08-09-2007, 05:25 PM
a rediculous amount".

And that's where I stopped reading. Thanks for strengthening my previous post.

08-09-2007, 05:55 PM
Wow, people here need to either get a hobby, or RP more aggressively to get their own issues out. Whats with the flaming?

The way I see it is this: There arent ALOT of real Roleplayers in Gemstone, considering the number playing. If Mich is one that's at least TRYING, good on him. Maybe people could give him some -productive- advice instead of taking what is obviously done in game, personally, (With much petty insulting at that).

I've interacted with Mich with a couple of my characters, one he treats perfectly nice, the other he completely offended and upset. It wasnt a go at me (the real person, here, in the real world). It wasnt a personal attack upon MY character, intelligence or anything else. It was a roleplayed "Hey, you want me to do that for you? Well I'm a douchebag so here, I'll do it if you pay me a rediculous amount".

I've seen alot of people who cant seperate the In Character from the Out of character. There is a difference!!! When someone says "OMG I am pregnant!" in Gemstone, unless its done like:
whisper ooc doofus OMG I am pregnant!>
Then its IN CHARACTER and should not be discussed in any IM outside of gemstone. If its done ooc, then go for it, tell her husband, might be interesting.

Mich, personally from what I've seen you do a fine job ROLEPLAYING a douchebag. Douchebag's can be entertaining and make a change from those who skip in every room and are constantly smiling and bouncing. (I play one of those two).

You guys want oocly offensive? I have played a strictly ic game in which my characters IC actions lead to people who didnt know wtf roleplaying was, trying to get my RL daughter taken off me. (No it was proven I was innocent of what they accused from logs. No they didnt succeed, I am not my character.) When you have things like that done, you'll realise that Mich is just someone who likes playing an ass, he's not hurting you, or ruining your real life. He's a character in a game that you should get the heck over as soon as you press the little x up the top.

GM's.. do you honestly realise that most of the people in this game take in character actions personally? Try informing and teaching people the difference instead of picking those that are actually Trying to RP and punishing them.

Mich.. dont swear at people, dont take it OOC, make it obvious your character is reacting to something another persons character did/is doing. Otherwise, you can beat up on my chars any day if you can figure out who they are ;)

Thank you! This is what i've been trying to say for a very long time. Most of the people here take IG situations personally and rant here so someone can rub their bottom with warm baby oil and make them feel better. And once they've realized you've made a good point, the next post is usually about as pedantic as Umpyr's.

08-09-2007, 06:02 PM
it is hard to make a good point when you sound like a moron

08-09-2007, 06:06 PM
it is hard to make a good point when you sound like a moron

You need to look up the word pedantic because you still prove my point.

08-09-2007, 08:15 PM
pe·dan·tic /pəˈdæntɪk/ –adjective
1. ostentatious in one's learning.
2. overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, esp. in teaching.

I would hardly consider proper grammar above that of a 12 year old to be a minute detail.

Your point? My point was not to merely point out spelling and grammar errors. My point was that he comes on here looking for sympathy or whatever and I mentioned that he should start by not making himself look foolish no matter what he is saying.

And apparently according to most of the other people posting in this thread, you too are a douchebag so I will not direct any more comments at you.

08-09-2007, 08:17 PM

Hey Revon, you ain't know what pedantic means, for the record.

08-09-2007, 08:38 PM
rant here so someone can rub their bottom with warm baby oil and make them feel better.
Yeah! If there's one thing the PC is known for, it's the tendency to be irrationally nice.

08-09-2007, 11:09 PM
it is hard to make a good point when you sound like a moron

if you wanna post about your english writing class, take it to another thread. this is the PC (KICKS YOU INTO THE PIT)

08-10-2007, 12:52 AM
Mich how old are you ?

08-10-2007, 09:33 AM
if you wanna post about your english writing class, take it to another thread. this is the PC (KICKS YOU INTO THE PIT)

The reason you are taught English in English class is for you to use proper English outside of English class.

Back on topic, my vote goes to #3, for you to shut the hell up.

08-10-2007, 09:51 AM
The reason you are taught English in English class is for you to use proper English outside of English class.

Back on topic, my vote goes to #3, for you to shut the hell up.


How about #4 where you both should shut the hell up.

i no kare bout grammar

either maxwell house or folgers columbian. drink it black, nothing in it besides water and coffee bean residue

saw simmer hunting in the tower in illistim last night with a CS of 520. good luck with problems with him if they should arise. that being said, anyone with a 520 cs shouldnt have to ewave during escort tasks.

So they're bashing him for taking an exhorbitant amount of money that I guarantee if it was offered to one of those jerkoffs they'd take it too...


08-10-2007, 11:33 AM
if you wanna post about your english writing class, take it to another thread. this is the PC (KICKS YOU INTO THE PIT)

If you want to post about your English writing class, take it to another thread. This is the PC.

I simply corrected your sub-grade school level attempt at English ... in case you didn't catch the point.

This is the PC and morons with poor composition abilities almost always catch a shit storm. Since you're a fucking moron with poor composition abilities, well it's not going to get any easier on you here.

Piss off already.

08-10-2007, 08:51 PM
Wow, people here have some major issues. Either that or they really cant be bothered using their brains for this forum.

Why was I addressing GM's? Hm, I dont know, it was part of my post, shouldnt I?
Unlike 99% of the rest of you, I'm new around here, so if I make a mistake then I'm terribly sorry, and perhaps you could er.. get over it.

Umpyr, I'm very sorry you found my post to be so boring. Next time I will try harder to entertain you.

08-10-2007, 08:52 PM

Way to take out the part where you bashed the PC as a whole. GOD DAMN I FORGOT TO QUOTE IT

According to you, I only swear because I can't think of a better word.


08-10-2007, 09:01 PM
Wow, people here have some major issues. Either that or they really cant be
bothered using their brains for this forum.

Why was I addressing GM's? Hm, I dont know, it was part of my post, shouldnt I?

Unlike 99% of the rest of you, I'm new around here.

Boring fact: I was taught people only swear because they're too lazy to find an
educated word to say.

Also, if half the people around are complete nobheads, why do you bother reading
and replying? I mean, it seems to me you only do so to be a nobhead yourself.

Umpyr, I'm very sorry you found my post to be so boring. Next time I will try
harder to entertain you.

Quoting what you actually said before you edited it. It makes you look much more like the retarded douchy bitch that you are.

08-10-2007, 09:03 PM

08-10-2007, 09:34 PM
Wow, people here have some major issues. Either that or they really cant be bothered using their brains for this forum.

Why was I addressing GM's? Hm, I dont know, it was part of my post, shouldnt I?
Unlike 99% of the rest of you, I'm new around here, so if I make a mistake then I'm terribly sorry, and perhaps you could er.. get over it.

Umpyr, I'm very sorry you found my post to be so boring. Next time I will try harder to entertain you.
You're awfully chatty, outspoken and quite frankly, bitchy, for a forum n00b.

People who go out of their way to join a forum only to mock them, therefore joining the frey of posters, make me laugh.. hard.

I would welcome you but it seems you already shit on the mat. People, wipe your feet please.

Sean of the Thread
08-10-2007, 09:56 PM
I regret ignoring this thread the last week. It's comedy gold.

08-11-2007, 11:42 AM
I regret ignoring this thread the last week. It's comedy gold.

QFT, this Chaste bird is top

08-11-2007, 11:55 AM

I guess I saw that coming eventually.

Wow, people here have some major issues. Either that or they really cant be bothered using their brains for this forum.

Why was I addressing GM's? Hm, I dont know, it was part of my post, shouldnt I?
Unlike 99% of the rest of you, I'm new around here, so if I make a mistake then I'm terribly sorry, and perhaps you could er.. get over it.

Umpyr, I'm very sorry you found my post to be so boring. Next time I will try harder to entertain you.

You're forgiven.

08-11-2007, 01:11 PM
Booo 1 star thread, Let it DIE already.

08-11-2007, 01:56 PM
Oy. Wanton stupid.