View Full Version : Guild Cafe

07-12-2007, 08:12 AM
I was reminiscing about my gaming history last night, thinking of all the games I’ve played on-line, the people that I’ve met, the fantastic adventures that we had and how we’ve all actually been participants in the evolution of on-line gaming. After trolling around looking for some signs of games I’d played that have closed I found Guild Cafe (http://www.guildcafe.com/).

It is a place to basically record your history, network with other gamers, and has some gaming resources. Kind of like a gamers MySpace. Its still in its infancy as far as I can tell.

Its founded by the guy who established Legends of Future Past, one of the first pay to play text games and possibly the first to have a crafting system. Hands down my most enjoyable gaming experience ever.

But the place covers all games. Check it out.