View Full Version : Fan of the Naruto Series? Like RPGs?

07-11-2007, 07:23 PM
Currently on OpenRPG, a system has been built off of the setting of the popular Naruto series. Unlike most systems built off of things like popular anime, it is not centered around the show. It is almost purely built on the scenario and a system developed around the thematics of the series.

It's very well done, and exists in a Persistant world format. Like Gemstone, players can interact, gain XP on their own, and participate in GM-run Events and Missions. Things like 3-Man squads with Jounin Leaders exist, Chuunin Exams are run, and generally a great time is had by all.

Players have a high degree of character customization both at creation, and for development. This is increasing by a wide marging with the release of our newest update to the Player's Handbook, coming soon. (I was actually going to hold off on the post untill it was released, but it's easier to answer questions ahead of time this way).

We do not have Restarts, and we accept submissions for customs (custom jutsu, abilities, uniques, weapons, powers) on varying conditions.

It's a blast. It's evolving, and it has a staff that visibly present.

AIM me at PhantasmMeum with questions, or ask a GM directly (His name is DJ) at DestructoJohnny

07-11-2007, 07:34 PM
my teenage daughter is really into this show.. has been for a long time. Is there an age restriction? She RP's on forums right now I believe that are based loosely on this show.

07-11-2007, 07:44 PM
my teenage daughter is really into this show.. has been for a long time. Is there an age restriction? She RP's on forums right now I believe that are based loosely on this show.

No we actually do have a decent teenage crowd. Adult content is kept off-server, though people are free to do what they wish. Severe usage of language usually gets people told to shut up (by the staff), and if they continue, they're made to shut up. It's lax, but the goal is PG-13. Violence and language *might* push the boundary sometimes, but "adult" content is taken seriously.

07-11-2007, 07:49 PM
So I guess my tentacle-cyber-jutsu is pretty much doomed, huh?

07-11-2007, 07:55 PM
That would be funnier if something like that hadn't happened off-server resulting in one person getting banned.

07-12-2007, 11:45 AM
It should be mentioned that while currently numerous Villages are open for creation, soon it will be Leaf, Sound, and Sand, but with a very high number of options within Clans and unlockable content!

08-03-2007, 01:32 AM
The New PHB is finished! After some events building up to the new release, the badass new PHB will be released and events will pour out!

Jump on OpenRPG and check it out!