View Full Version : silly lich problem
07-09-2007, 02:15 PM
I cant seem to figure out the proper way to remove the LoginFortunes when you sign in.
--- Lich: ignore active.
Ignore who...?
;ignore list ...... Lists the people you currently have ignored.
;ignore (name) .... Add someone to your list of ignored players.
;unignore (name) ... Remove someone from your ignore list.
- Ignore 'LoginFortune' to suppress the random quotes when you link.
- Ignore 'Fam_Window' if you'd like LNet chats to appear in your Wizard familiar window.
--- Lich: ignore has exited.
;ignore loginfortune
--- Lich: ignore active.
Please remember that you must type the person's FULL NAME (caps don't matter though)
Loginfortune has been added to your LNet ignored list; settings will take effect the next time you run the LichNet script.
--- Lich: ignore finished.
;ignore LoginFortune
--- Lich: ignore active.
Please remember that you must type the person's FULL NAME (caps don't matter though)
Loginfortune has been added to your LNet ignored list; settings will take effect the next time you run the LichNet script.
--- Lich: ignore finished.
And then the next time I log in..
--- Lich: started infomonitor, lichnet.
(and then like 20 seconds later)
LichNet extends its greetings, person.
Oh, I don't blame Congress. If I had $600 billion at my disposal, I'd
be irresponsible, too.
-- Lichty & Wagner
(for info on disabling the random quotes at login, type `;ignore help')
07-09-2007, 02:22 PM
No idea but... trying putting in single quotes ... you typed:
;ignore loginfortune
You should type:
;ignore 'LoginFortune'
07-09-2007, 02:32 PM
>;ignore 'loginfortune'
--- Lich: ignore active.
Please remember that you must type the person's FULL NAME (caps don't matter though)
'loginfortune' has been added to your LNet ignored list; settings will take effect the next time you run the LichNet script.
--- Lich: ignore finished.
--- Lich: started infomonitor, lichnet.
LichNet extends its greetings, person.
Minors in Kansas City, Missouri, are not allowed to purchase cap
pistols; they may buy shotguns freely, however.
(for info on disabling the random quotes at login, type `;ignore help')
07-09-2007, 02:33 PM
;ignore list
--- Lich: ignore active.
Currently ignored:
- Loginfortune
- Loginfortune
- Loginfortune
- Loginfortune
- Loginfortune
- Loginfortune
- Loginfortune
- 'loginfortune'
- Loginfortune
- Loginefortune
- Loginfortune
- Loginfortune
- 'loginfortune'
- 'loginfortune'
- 'loginfortune'
--- Lich: ignore has exited.
07-09-2007, 02:43 PM
15 attempts and yet not once did you get the quotes and the case sensitivity right...
;ignore 'LoginFortune'
to exhaust all possibilities
07-09-2007, 02:44 PM
Got rid of all the extras and it still does the damn quotes.
--- Lich: started infomonitor, lichnet.
LichNet extends its greetings, person.
Cat, n.:
Lapwarmer with built-in buzzer.
(for info on disabling the random quotes at login, type `;ignore help')
;ignore list
--- Lich: ignore active.
Currently ignored:
- 'loginfortune'
--- Lich: ignore has exited.
07-09-2007, 02:45 PM
i did get the case right actually - it just doesnt appear to save the case
--- Lich: started infomonitor, lichnet.
LichNet extends its greetings, person.
Cat, n.:
Lapwarmer with built-in buzzer.
(for info on disabling the random quotes at login, type `;ignore help')
;ignore list
--- Lich: ignore active.
Currently ignored:
- 'loginfortune'
--- Lich: ignore has exited.
;ignore help
--- Lich: ignore active.
Ignore who...?
;ignore list ...... Lists the people you currently have ignored.
;ignore (name) .... Add someone to your list of ignored players.
;unignore (name) ... Remove someone from your ignore list.
- Ignore 'LoginFortune' to suppress the random quotes when you link.
- Ignore 'Fam_Window' if you'd like LNet chats to appear in your Wizard familiar window.
--- Lich: ignore has exited.
;ignore 'LoginFortune'
--- Lich: ignore active.
Please remember that you must type the person's FULL NAME (caps don't matter though)
'loginfortune' has been added to your LNet ignored list; settings will take effect the next time you run the LichNet script.
--- Lich: ignore finished.
;ignore list
--- Lich: ignore active.
Currently ignored:
- 'loginfortune'
- 'loginfortune'
--- Lich: ignore has exited.
07-09-2007, 02:48 PM
hmm, sorry then... just a factor I saw different, I'm sure one of the lichites will pop in soon and solve this, they're rather good at hopping on Lich issues.
07-09-2007, 03:27 PM
>;ignore list
--- Lich: ignore active.
Currently ignored:
--- Lich: ignore has exited.
--- Lich: lichnet active.
LichNet extends its greetings, XXX.
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words -- but only those to describe
the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described
with pictures.
(for info on disabling the random quotes at login, type `;ignore help')
>;ignore LoginFortune
--- Lich: ignore active.
Please remember that you must type the person's FULL NAME (caps don't matter though)
Loginfortune has been added to your LNet ignored list; settings will take effect the next time you run the LichNet script.
--- Lich: ignore finished.
>;k lichnet
--- Lich: lichnet stopped.
>;ignore list
--- Lich: ignore active.
Currently ignored:
- Loginfortune
--- Lich: ignore has exited.
--- Lich: lichnet active.
LichNet extends its greetings, XXX.
I also logged off and back on, and the ignores seemed to stay.
Dunno why this isn't working for you. I'd suggest clearing out all your ignores and try again.
You can also kill Lichnet and restart it without having to logoff and back on repeatedly.
07-09-2007, 05:21 PM
Trying to just take lichnet off my startup scripts. Since thats apparently whats giving the loginfortunes.
Its not working either.
07-13-2007, 02:59 AM
... I don't get it; it should be working. Ignoring the quote thing though, to remove any script from your global favorites list (which applies regardless of what char you login with), ;favs del all lichnet. To delete it from your current character's list, ;favs del lichnet. I think, at least. Check the ;help info if that doesn't work properly -- I'm thinking you're trying to remove it from your character-specific list when it's actually on the global one.
07-13-2007, 07:56 AM
Connecting to game - please wait...
[Log file auto-opened successfully.]
--- Lich v3.49 caught the connection and is active. Type ;help for usage info.
Please wait for connection to game server.
[Monsoon Jungle, Banyan Base]
Clusters of bright fungus dot the soft ground surrounding an enormous banyan. The huge lattice-work trunk creates numerous hollows and nooks. Sparse clumps of vegetation creep about the base of the tree in a feeble attempt to thrive. To the north, a group of lichen covered boulders rise from the earth in a pyramid-like shape. You also see a wide yellowed parchment nailed to a short wooden post, a fruit-laden booth, a green silk-draped booth, a plain booth and an enormous tanned leather tent.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, south, northwest
--- Lich: started infomonitor, lichnet.
>;favs del all lichnet
Global Favorites (apply to all chars): infomonitor.
LichNet extends its greetings, Maselon.
Alone, adj.:
In bad company.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
(for info on disabling the random quotes at login, type `;ignore help')
--- Lich: infomonitor, lichnet.
07-13-2007, 12:41 PM
Then try removing it from your character-specific favorites list.
If all else fails, just open the "favorites.txt" file in your Lich directory and edit the thing by hand. The format is "{character}:{script}" -- for example, "ALL:lichnet" is added by default the first time you login with Lich.
If you do have to edit it by hand, point that out to me. I always meant for people to be able to edit the scripts that automatically start at login however they please, and if that's broken for you, it's probably broken for at least some other people.
07-13-2007, 07:10 PM
Looks like it is fixed. Apparently I had to relog before the command took effect.
It was the Favs del all that fixed it though. The ignore command would not work for me.
08-28-2007, 11:59 PM
Different problem, figured Id use this thread just because..
I can't seem to figure out the proper command to list all the scripts I have on my computer that were downloaded from the repository.
I have a bad habit of forgetting the name of the things I want to run. And would like to be able to just look at what I have.
Anyone tell me how to do this?
08-29-2007, 12:13 AM
Different problem, figured Id use this thread just because..
AaRGgggh! Couldn't you have just linked to this thread in a new one!?!?!
... I have no useful additions to this thread.
09-02-2007, 12:59 PM
had another problem - was getting an error window when trying to Login to the game
I was using SGE, and as soon as lich tried to pick up the connection, it would have the window pop up saying
lich.exe - No Disk
There is no disk in the drive, Please insert a disk into drive D:.
Cancel, Try Again, Continue
I could click the cancel, try again, and continue buttons over and over to no avail. I could click the X in the top right hand corner enough that it finally went through, and opened the game and lich.
But the error happened every time I tried logging in.
This only started right after I installed Neverwinter Nights 2
So I uninstalled NWN2, and it was still happening. Uninstalled lich and reinstalled it, and now the problem is gone.
But what the fuck happened? Why would lich be looking for a disk of any sort in any drive? What did I change, and how can I avoid this I the future?
09-02-2007, 01:39 PM
;repos list
--- Lich: repository active.
Contacting the Lich server... if it's busy, this will take awhile...
Lich 3.49 StandardError: Invalid argument
Lich:5569:in `gets'
Lich 3.49 StandardError: Invalid argument
Lich:5569:in `gets'
Lich 3.49 StandardError: Invalid argument
Lich:5569:in `gets'
Lich 3.49 StandardError: Invalid argument
Lich:5569:in `gets'
Lich 3.49 StandardError: Invalid argument
Lich:5569:in `gets'
* Connection to the game has been dropped.
It sat there for over twenty minutes doing nothing.
Anyone else able to use the repository at the moment?
09-02-2007, 01:44 PM
That sometimes happens to me when I connect.
09-25-2007, 05:10 PM
The "No Disk" thing is a Ruby error, if memory serves. Some Windows syscall return value being ambiguous or improperly interpreted or something -- I read about this error like a year ago on a Ruby mailing list and have forgotten the details. Lich includes an embedded version of Ruby, bear in mind. First I've heard of it happening with Lich though. Why it happened after you installed a program and then went away after reinstalling Lich is something nobody will ever know.
You're saying the repository script waited 20 minutes and then popped up that error? That's the same "invalid argument" error listed on the website's FAQ, except apparently it was caused by the repository script. Anything over 10 seconds probably means the connection to the server is fucked... you can just kill the script and retry without anything blowing up.
As for what scripts you have, use which.lic -- type ";which help" (d/l it if it doesn't come bundled with the installer... I can't remember what does and what doesn't).
01-27-2008, 09:57 PM
Having the no disk in the drive failure again.. so I un-installed 3.49 and installed 3.53 and it still happens... Basically I have to have a CD in my drive or it wont let me log in.
I don't suppose you have heard anything new about this ruby error and how I can fix it?
01-28-2008, 09:23 PM
I don't suppose you have heard anything new about this ruby error and how I can fix it?
Wish I could tell you yes, but I can't: I've got no clue. I suppose your best bet is to try and figure out what you did or what changed just before it started happening again, and see if you can't undo whatever that was.
01-28-2008, 09:48 PM
OK, I already uninstalled the game, and uninstalled lich several times and all that. I couldn't figure it out. So I just left lich uninstalled.
Have no idea what installing that other game might have screwed up, so my only option is not to use lich. :(
Oddly, when it says no disk in drive, I can get it to go around it with a game CD in there, but if I put a blank disk in the drive it still won't work.
And sometimes when I would try it with the drive empty, and then put a disk in, it would open the game disk as well as gemstone and lich. And when I would hit cancel instead after inserting a disk, it would open gemstone anyways. Really weird.
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