View Full Version : fel hafter vs. golvern morning star

07-05-2007, 02:23 PM
I am working on a new warrior, and I was wondering which of these is better? My second question is if the fel hafter is better, is the 5 or 6 million more silver for it worth the difference?

07-05-2007, 02:44 PM
The money difference is the only worthwhile comparison besides damage type.

Felhafters crush and slash, whereas I believe golven stars crush and puncture.

You will run into many critters that you cannot puncture, which is a pain in the ass. Also you have to look at damage factor. I don't have the numbers off hand, but I'm pretty darn sure the waraxe (handaxe) has a better damage factor against just about every armor type (the ones you will care about anyway, like plate and chain).

So is that worth 5 mil more? To me, yes. You'll have to make a personal judgment call though.

07-05-2007, 02:53 PM
Fel-hafted vultite waraxe: +20, handaxe, heavy crit weighting
Golvern morning star: +25, morning star, somewhat crit weighting

Somewhat 5-6
Heavy 9-11

____________|ROBES_|__LEATHER__|___SCALE___|___CHA IN___|___PLATE___|
Handaxeּּּּּ|ּ.420ּ|ּּּ.300ּּּּ|ּּּ.270ּּּּ|ּּּ.24 0ּּּּ|ּּּ.210ּּּּ|
_AvD________|___30 |32 31 30 29|38 36 34 32|41 37 33 29|41 35 29 23|
Morning Star| .425 |ּּּ.325ּּּּ|ּּּ.275ּּּּ|ּּּ.300ּּּּ|ּּּ.225ּּ ּּ|
_AvD________|___33 |35 34 33 32|34 32 30 28|42 38 34 30|37 31 25 19|
Falchionּּּּ| .450 |ּּּ.325ּּּּ|ּּּ.250ּּּּ|ּּּ.250ּּּּ|ּּּ.175ּּ ּּ|
_AvD________|___35 |37 36 35 34|38 36 34 32|39 35 31 27|39 33 27 21|

DF goes to the morning star
AvD is kind of a wash

+5 AS to the morning star
+~5 Crit weighting to the Fel-hafter

5 points of crit weighting equate to about 8 or 9 points of endroll on average for a handaxe.

Edit: thought I would put falchion up there because it's often in the same consideration group.

07-05-2007, 02:57 PM
I'll be damned. Never knew morning stars were that awesome!

I'm leaning toward "No, 5 mil more ain't worth it" now.

07-05-2007, 03:34 PM
I've been saying that for years. <3 me some morning star. Bad part about them is the rarity of really high end ones.