View Full Version : Quick assessing question

06-28-2007, 03:40 PM
I am changing my warrior over to just assess weapons. I was just wonder is there any use to train at all in shield use for assessing?

06-28-2007, 03:55 PM
I'd think so... I believe assessing is the only way to figure out strength/durability (for the breakage system that'll never be implemented). I don't think shields can have crit/damage padding/weighting added, so that's a moot point.

06-28-2007, 03:58 PM
Umm, I think anyone can assess strength/durability.

So no training in shield use would not be needed.

Latrin recently did some research on this...

06-28-2007, 04:03 PM
There are damage padded shields.

06-28-2007, 04:12 PM
There are damage padded shields.

... do they work? Or do you mean damage weighted shields that work with shield bash?

Anyway if you're going "full out" assessing
2x all weapons + 2(3)x armor = 54(62)/21

That should be no problem to pull off leaving room for shield use... if you go 2x armor you should have room for 2x shield use no problem...

06-28-2007, 04:14 PM
No i mean vaalin-bound shields that actually assess as damage padded.

06-28-2007, 04:32 PM
Never heard of a shield being like that before. Guess i will train in it all. Either way being only 25 and 2x everything its gonna take some time to get a read. Thanks for everyones help.

06-28-2007, 04:41 PM
It's not a very common thing (I can't think of another example besides those shields) I'm not sure I'd tailor my training towards it... I'm just saying they do exist. Who knows what they'll implement in the future.

06-28-2007, 04:46 PM
From what I remember the purpose of the padding on those shields was to preclude further enchantment; that is to say, the padding itself had no effect.

However, damage padding is extremely easy to test for, so if anyone has one of these shields and can post a hit (on a non-reduxed character), the matter will be settled shortly.

Though I haven't done any direct research on it, I would be extremely surprised to find out that shield use had any effect on assessing weaponry. I say this because when I did my testing I left my warrior's 150ish shield ranks trained. If they do have an effect, it is extremely negligible.

In terms of assessing shields, here are some messages:
You examine the shield closely and you don't note anything.
You examine the breastplate closely and you don't note anything.
You heft the weapon a few times...but note nothing unusual about it.

From this, it is reasonable to conclude that shields are assessable.

06-28-2007, 07:17 PM
Yeah there were some damage padded shields, no they dont actually work.

No dont train in shields with your level 25 warrior, if all you want to do is assess weapons.

Get 40 ranks of every weapon you can or want to get, if you get them all and have more TPs left over, work up to 50 on some.. if you can still get more then max it at 54 a piece. I really doubt you will get that far into the ranks though.

06-28-2007, 07:20 PM
Get 40 ranks of every weapon you can or want to get, if you get them all and have more TPs left over, work up to 50 on some.. if you can still get more then max it at 54 a piece. I really doubt you will get that far into the ranks though.

I already gave the math for it, he should have plenty of points to do just that.

48PTP/21MTP for 2x weapons... add 3x armor for 14PTP for "maximum" assessing skills... still doable, but only a few points left for shield use after that depending on stat placement

06-28-2007, 07:36 PM
Huh - yeah.

Had forgotten warriors had such cheap ass weapon skill costs. They suck so much though I havent touched mine in forever. honestly it sucks that warriors are the only ones who can assess padding.

Also sucks that bards get better lock readings than rogues. But thats for another discussion I guess.

06-28-2007, 08:14 PM
Should there be a point when i stop training in armor for assessing purposes? Started fletching so there will be two trains and figure gem bounties and foraging bounties will help to.

06-28-2007, 11:00 PM
Should there be a point when i stop training in armor for assessing purposes? Started fletching so there will be two trains and figure gem bounties and foraging bounties will help to.

Well Latrin gives you your odds of finding the padding, and at a certain point you can pretty much just assess multiple times and way more than make up for any overtraining. So I say if this character is going to be utility (and actually, 2x shield, 2x armor, 2x weapon is viable...) you could put the other points into making yourself more viable (PF, MoC, etc) or more utility (Trading, First Aid, Survival, disarming/perc to go with box bashing)

06-28-2007, 11:41 PM
I'd say 80 ranks is a good all-around point to stop in armor if you just want adequacy. Repetition is the key for assessing at that level.

07-20-2007, 02:59 PM
whats wrong with warriors having at least one thing some other profession cannot do? (ie assessing).

without that, we would never be asked for any help.

ok bashing is two.

07-20-2007, 07:28 PM
who bashes things anymore? And assessing the weighting or padding on something is an integral part of merchanting and shouldnt be so hard to get the actual information. Same for having to have bard to get the exact bonus of the enchant.

If you don't MA, you have to sit on the near empty amunet and ask for help that rarely comes when you want it. Or have a TON of friends. Enough so that when you need help one will be around. etc etc.. I hate how some things are just so time consuming. Its a game and I shouldnt have to waste half my life to get something done before getting back to what I think is fun.

Basically theres nothing actually wrong with it - but I am a procrastinator and like to complain about things. I like things spoon fed to me. Pay no attention when I complain about things.