View Full Version : XBOX 360 vs. PS3 vs. Nintendo Wii

06-22-2007, 06:28 AM
Check out the games at http://www.yesitisfree.com/index.php?id=game5 looks like you have to participate to get the game - but worth it if it works out free or close to it!

06-22-2007, 07:24 PM
lets first establish which system is better:


(it doesnt get old)

06-22-2007, 07:25 PM
Try this link::

possibly NSFW


06-22-2007, 09:00 PM
I can't click right now but hopefully at least one of those links are to Chad Warden. "Halo? More like gaylo." "This Mario Party ain't even got a blunt."

07-07-2007, 01:22 PM

Xbox 360 Repairs Will Cost Microsoft $1B
Jul 7, 5:27 AM (ET)


SEATTLE (AP) - In another setback for Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) (MSFT)'s unprofitable entertainment and devices division, the company says it is planning to spend at least $1 billion to repair serious problems with its Xbox 360 video game console.

Microsoft declined to detail the problems that have caused an onslaught of "general hardware failures" in recent months but said Thursday it will extend the warranty on the consoles to three years.

The glitches, and the bad publicity, could weigh the company down as it claws for market share in the highly competitive console market. In May, the Xbox 360 ranked No. 2 in unit sales behind Nintendo's Wii, but still beat out Sony's Playstation 3, according to data from NPD Group.

"We don't think we've been getting the job done," said Robbie Bach, president of Microsoft's entertainment and devices division, which also makes the Zune digital music player, a distant competitor to Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s powerhouse iPod. "In the past few months, we have been having to make Xbox 360 console repairs at a rate too high for our liking."

Bach said the company made some manufacturing and production changes that he expects will reduce Xbox 360 hardware lockups, but he declined to identify the problems or say which others might remain. Microsoft said it will record a charge of up to $1.15 billion for its fourth fiscal quarter, which ended June 30, to cover the additional costs associated with the warranty extension.

The news comes just days before the video game industry descends on Santa Monica, Calif., for its annual E3 conference, and it could overshadow Microsoft's plans to build buzz for holiday season video game releases and "Halo 3," a much-anticipated shoot-'em-up for the Xbox 360 set to launch in September.

The software maker also said Thursday that sales of the game console fell short of expectations for the fiscal year that just ended.

Matt Rosoff, an analyst at the independent research group Directions on Microsoft, estimates that Microsoft's entertainment and devices division has lost more than $6 billion since 2002.

Microsoft has written down larger amounts in the past - more than $10 billion in the late 1990s related to investments in telecommunications companies, and more than $5 billion related to antitrust issues - but a $1 billion write-down for one division in one quarter is significant.

"It suggests the problem is pretty widespread," Rosoff said.

Microsoft will pay for shipping and repairs for three years, worldwide, for consoles that experience hardware failure, which is usually indicated by three flashing red lights on the front of the console, something gamers sometimes refer to as "the red ring of death."

This isn't the first time Microsoft has made changes to the Xbox 360 repair plan. Last December, the company extended the warranty from 90 days to one year for U.S. customers. In Europe, the warranty previously expired after two years.

Microsoft also will reimburse the "small number" of Xbox 360 owners who have paid for shipping and repairs on out-of-warranty consoles, Bach said.

In June, bloggers speculated that the Xbox 360 return problem was getting so severe that the company was running out of "coffins," or special return-shipping boxes Microsoft provides to gamers with dead consoles. "We'll make sure we have plenty of boxes to go back and forth," Bach said in an interview.

Chris Liddell, Microsoft's chief financial officer, said in a conference call that the company sold 11.6 million Xbox 360 consoles since the product's November 2005 launch, missing a target for 12 million units by the end of the fiscal year.

Xbox 360 prices range from $299 to $479, depending on their configuration.

Microsoft's entertainment and devices division reported an operating loss of $315 million on $929 million in sales for the three-month period that ended in March. Microsoft has said it expects the division to post a profit in fiscal 2008.

Microsoft announced the warranty extension after markets closed Thursday. Microsoft shares fell 11 cents to $29.88 in extended trading after falling 3 cents to $29.99 in the regular session.

360 wins it for me.

07-07-2007, 03:09 PM
still <3 my PS3

07-07-2007, 03:16 PM
PS3 is about to hit a $100 price drop in the next week, plus 5 free Blue-Ray DVD's. That's <3.

07-07-2007, 03:19 PM
i have no regrets buying my ps3 .. i love it for playing bluray's and the games i play (sports) are great on it. I'll probably never buy another FPS for it though, playing FEAR made me physically ill.

07-07-2007, 03:28 PM
Yeah, you can't beat a keyboard and mouse for FPS.

07-07-2007, 05:40 PM
I bought Harry Potter for the Wii.

It's stupidly fun casting magic spells with my Wii remote.

07-07-2007, 06:47 PM
I like my PS3, only because I got it for free. 360 is the best though.

07-07-2007, 07:33 PM
I'll probably end up picking up a PS3 once the price drop is official, and once there's a few games actually worth playing.

07-07-2007, 09:33 PM
The article called it a setback for MS but I think it's about time they stand behind their product and fix what's wrong with it. None of the usual couched language, he straight up said it's broke and they've committed a nice chunk of change to fix it. My favorite part is the reimbursing of 360 owners for past repairs. The three year warranty without having to pay extra was pretty huge, too, since I'm considering shelling out for an Elite -- something about paying BestBuy 60 bucks to insure the Xbox for two years rankled me.

07-07-2007, 10:14 PM
I'll probably end up picking up a PS3 once the price drop is official, and once there's a few games actually worth playing.

I cant find any articles stating this is offical, where have you guys read it.

07-07-2007, 10:40 PM
That 2 year insurance was my best friend. Ive replaced the damn thing 3 times already. I guess I got a good one now.

Microsoft is learnin the lessons the hard way.

Oh and I just picked up The Darkness which has been pretty good so far. Anyone else play this?

07-07-2007, 10:57 PM
PS3 is about to hit a $100 price drop in the next week, plus 5 free Blue-Ray DVD's. That's <3.

<3? that's desperation.

07-07-2007, 11:03 PM
This is why we laugh at people who stand in line the night before a release.

07-07-2007, 11:07 PM
I cant find any articles stating this is offical, where have you guys read it.




It's looking like it may be a price drop done by retailers. Possibly to unload their stagnating PS3 inventory. Sony hasn't confirmed it.

I can't see Sony keeping this up, though. They've gotta be hemorrhaging cash. The other week the Wii outsold the PS3 6 to 1, and Nintendo makes a profit on every system sold, whereas Sony takes a loss.

07-09-2007, 09:36 AM
Effective July 9th the price has dropped from $600 to $500. This is from Sony, not retailers.

07-09-2007, 10:31 AM
I don't know that I'd call it desperation. As the price of Blu-Ray DVD players comes down the price for the PS3 has to come down also. Instead of paying $400-500 for a Blu-Ray Player you could buy a PS3 and get a much more powerful system and only shell out a little bit more.

07-09-2007, 10:44 AM
The other week the Wii outsold the PS3 6 to 1, and Nintendo makes a profit on every system sold, whereas Sony takes a loss.

Actually, it was all of last month that the Wii outsold the PS3 6 to 1 in Japan. The month before that, 5 to 1, the month before that, 4 to 1...

The Wii has been spanking every other console both here in the states and in Japan. I have a Wii, i love that thing...plus all the old download-able games available online.

Most games on XBox360/PS3 will come out for the PC eventually...and I've got a beefy PC already. Plus, the price point on those consoles is stupid...

My next system purchase is going to be a DS Lite. That thing is awesome.

07-09-2007, 10:59 AM
The DS and the Wii are both very innovative. Nothing on the XboX has caught my fancy yet. Nothing truly incredibly must-have epic like Resi or FF7 on the PSX.

07-09-2007, 11:17 AM
I've played the Wii, and yes, it is innovative. I see it as more of a cheap fad though. Nothing about that system screams "serious" at me. The fad will last long enough for Nintendo to make loads of money, and it is probably more then a fad in Japan, because lets face it, Japs are friggin weird.

I'm going to wager that 360 will win this time, unless Blu-ray becomes the preferred medium for movies, which I doubt.

07-09-2007, 11:24 AM
Uh... fad in video games sells consoles... they don't last long enough to worry about being a fad or not. As for a system being serious... CT post a cat saying this r serious business.

It's video games, it's about what's fun, and while there are a lot of hardcore gamers, the best way to sell volume is to make it fun and pull in the non-hardcore players, because if I really want to play some "hardcore" game, I'm going to want to play it on my PC.

07-09-2007, 11:32 AM
Thats where I said they'll make loads of money. And its cheap as hell to get a Wii at that. And yes, its about whats fun, when 360 and PS3 actually start getting out more and more games with graphics they are hyped to beable to have, and Wii can't really compete so much, relying only on the appeal of their controller, thats when the fad dies in the US. The US console market tends to like more "Adult" games, and Nintendo doesn't really have the rep of delievering those as much as it's competitors. As I said, the Wii will own Japan though.

07-09-2007, 11:52 AM
Ooo! A request!



07-09-2007, 12:00 PM
The US console market tends to like more "Adult" games

No offense but, did you just pull that out of your ass? Japan doesn't have a stigma against businessmen playing their DS on the train on the way to work, while the US does, but that doesn't mean that kids aren't buying the kiddie games in droves. I'm not sure the stats myself, but I think you'd be surprised how well non-adult games are doing in the US market. I'm pretty sure the Gamecube did DAMN well, and it had what... two "adult" titles (Resident Evil 4... and um.. soulcaliber?)? Gamecube can be classified about the same as the Wii in 'adult' respects.

Oh... and thank you CT :D

07-09-2007, 12:17 PM
And does it bother anybody else that these console SKUs are just different hard drives and sport a $100 price tag. 20GB model... 80GB model... you can get a 500GB hard drive for $90.

07-09-2007, 12:39 PM
Thats where I said they'll make loads of money. And its cheap as hell to get a Wii at that. And yes, its about whats fun, when 360 and PS3 actually start getting out more and more games with graphics they are hyped to beable to have, and Wii can't really compete so much, relying only on the appeal of their controller, thats when the fad dies in the US. The US console market tends to like more "Adult" games, and Nintendo doesn't really have the rep of delievering those as much as it's competitors. As I said, the Wii will own Japan though.

Manhunt 2 is slated for the Wii.

07-09-2007, 01:26 PM
I'm pretty sure the additional price on the PS3 also includes wireless internet connectivity.

07-09-2007, 01:32 PM
I'm pretty sure the additional price on the PS3 also includes wireless internet connectivity.

Yeah, 360's the only one that doesn't come with wireless built in. I was leaning towards an elite, but now that I look at all the games coming up for the 360 that I wanna play, I could just get 'em on my PC.

Elite or 8800gtx.. decisions decisions. My old 6800 is (and has been) showing its age. Needa new PSU to power the 8800, though. I'll probably just splurge and build a whole new system.

Anyway, 8800 price cut is on its way, which is nice since the 640mb version is hovering right under the 400 dollar price mark.

07-09-2007, 02:04 PM
From NVidia's CUDA FAQ:
"NVIDIA GPUs supporting double precision in hardware will become available in late 2007."

Which essentially won't mean anything for a gamer, except for the fact that it means new GPUs late 2007... if you have patience (I don't think I do)

this deal (http://shop2.outpost.com/product/4551377) was the straw that broke the camels back for me and go full-blown new system (what with not having any SATA MBs). July 22nd Intel will have a massive price cut (AMD just had a decent one... up to 26%, but intels includes a 50% cut on their quad).

07-09-2007, 02:08 PM
and it is probably more then a fad in Japan, because lets face it, Japs are friggin weird.

I'm going to wager that 360 will win this time, unless Blu-ray becomes the preferred medium for movies, which I doubt.

Ever see that mosquito game? That thing was wierd... just go around and suck peoples blood trying to not be seen...

As for Blu-ray vs HD... As much as people THINK it's a format war a-kin to betamax and VHS, it's not. With VHS & Betamax, one couldn't be played in another's slot... with HD & Blu, The disks are the same size and the same technology is used to read both (read Laser technology, I know they're fundimentally different)

Two things will happen - 1) Multi-read players will come out that play DVD, HD-DVD, and BluRay... and a couple years later 2) Multi-layered DVDs will come out that can be read by any DVD, HD-DVD or BluRay player. Sony will stick with BluRay and Microsoft will stick with HD, and it'll just stay that way.

07-09-2007, 02:12 PM
Do BluRay DVD's have the regular DVD version on the other side? I know HD-DVDs do but I wasn't sure about BluRay.

07-09-2007, 02:19 PM
BluRay and HD-DVD lasers are incompatible, the only scheduled dual read device got put on hold because of a few reasons I can't really remember (having trouble producing it or cost or something). Didn't they make VHS sized containers for BetaMax? and allowed for dual read? Didn't really work. The biggest issue if I recall correctly is that HD-DVDs can be produced using existing equipment with a very minor change to the factory, bluray requires throwing out the majority of the production line, and generally cost more to produce. It can't be compared to VHS/Beta for different reasons than you mentioned, mostly current world market factors... it's more like the Flash/SD "battle" that didn't result in either dieing.

07-09-2007, 02:46 PM
You can buy a dual read device now.. if you want to spend $1200.

07-09-2007, 10:44 PM
No offense but, did you just pull that out of your ass? Japan doesn't have a stigma against businessmen playing their DS on the train on the way to work, while the US does, but that doesn't mean that kids aren't buying the kiddie games in droves. I'm not sure the stats myself, but I think you'd be surprised how well non-adult games are doing in the US market. I'm pretty sure the Gamecube did DAMN well, and it had what... two "adult" titles (Resident Evil 4... and um.. soulcaliber?)? Gamecube can be classified about the same as the Wii in 'adult' respects.

Oh... and thank you CT :D

I'm talking about adult themed games. Not games for adults to play. Adults tend to have a lot more buying power then children, and while I will admit that some younger folks get their parents to unload cash on them, they also tend to play more adult-themed games then adults do children-themed games. The japanese people, on average, like more games that we would consider to target the younger crowd here. Such as your Marios and Sonics and what-nots.

And Gamecube did pretty bad in comparison. You can think of two games for the gamecube that are adult-themed.

07-09-2007, 10:49 PM
Ever see that mosquito game? That thing was wierd... just go around and suck peoples blood trying to not be seen...

As for Blu-ray vs HD... As much as people THINK it's a format war a-kin to betamax and VHS, it's not. With VHS & Betamax, one couldn't be played in another's slot... with HD & Blu, The disks are the same size and the same technology is used to read both (read Laser technology, I know they're fundimentally different)

Two things will happen - 1) Multi-read players will come out that play DVD, HD-DVD, and BluRay... and a couple years later 2) Multi-layered DVDs will come out that can be read by any DVD, HD-DVD or BluRay player. Sony will stick with BluRay and Microsoft will stick with HD, and it'll just stay that way.

Personally, I think within the next five or so year, discs will start to become obsolete as a whole.

07-10-2007, 08:53 PM
Checkout this new Chatpad (http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/360-typing-made-easy/xbox-360-chatpad-pricing-and-ship-date-revealed-276942.php) for XBox. I hope they start making these for every system.


Sean of the Thread
07-10-2007, 11:23 PM
From the St. Pete Times today:

Sony dropped the price of the PS3 60g by $100.

Xbox is still having overheating/crashing problems and extended their warranty to 3 years.

07-11-2007, 08:47 AM
Effective July 9th the price has dropped from $600 to $500. This is from Sony, not retailers.
Yep, we already knew.

Personally it's still not worth the price to me yet.

07-11-2007, 11:04 AM
Yep, we already knew.

Actually I posted that before the other thread, that post was made to cancel out the speculation that it was a retailer based price drop.

07-11-2007, 11:10 AM
I know. Just stressing to Sean2 that it was day old news. ;)

07-11-2007, 11:17 AM
I know. Just stressing to Sean2 that it was day old news. ;)

Oh woops... now I feel like a jerk because you were actually saying to him what I thought you were saying to me but using my quote as a means of saying the opposite of what I had thought you were saying to me confirming that I did infact bring the news here first.

... And for Day old news, Backlashes face/off thread is the location for posting.

I wish Sean2 wasn't so dumb.

07-11-2007, 11:22 AM
Heh, no worries. My bad for not quoting him as well to avoid confusion.

07-11-2007, 11:48 AM
whats Sony losing on each PS3 now with that new price cut....

they better hope they have some FANTASTIC games coming out that are going to buoy their little console...

How funny is it that Nintendo is worth more than Sony...

07-11-2007, 12:11 PM
whats Sony losing on each PS3 now with that new price cut....

they better hope they have some FANTASTIC games coming out that are going to buoy their little console...

White Knight Story looks amazing, from what I've seen of it, and Lair looks interesting as well. Other than that... nothing I've seen has interested me. :(

07-11-2007, 08:39 PM
I might be wrong but I don't think any of them make money on the actual consoles, they make money on the games they sell. In my opinion, I think Sony screwed up by not coming down on their price from the beginning. I am sure they had a good reason for it but from my experiences most people I know either have a WII or an xbox 360 and not a PS3.

07-11-2007, 08:42 PM
I might be wrong but I don't think any of them make money on the actual consoles, they make money on the games they sell. In my opinion, I think Sony screwed up by not coming down on their price from the beginning. I am sure they had a good reason for it but from my experiences most people I know either have a WII or an xbox 360 and not a PS3.

Yeah, you are only slightly wrong. Nintendo makes money on their consoles (has from day 1 with the Wii). Sony and MS have to sell at a loss to keep up with the technology curve vis a vis what people are willing to pay.

Sean of the Thread
07-11-2007, 10:57 PM
I know. Just stressing to Sean2 that it was day old news. ;)

Thanks everyone for your concern!

At least half of my post was new to the thread. Tee hee.

07-11-2007, 11:13 PM
Thanks everyone for your concern!

At least half of my post was new to the thread. Tee hee.

The division commited something like a billion dollars in expected loss in the next (quarter/year/period whatever, I think year) to pay out warranties and get the hardware kinks worked out/subsidise system costs... they don't expect to start profiting from the XBox division until 2008. That's pretty nuts, people might say "MS is just throwing money around to undercut everyone else" well... Sony did it to Nintendo, and Nintendo used to be a monopoly in the console area (SEGA tried so hard)... this cutthroat gamer competion is absolutely fantastic for the consumer, when Nintendo was dominate we saw things like the virtual boy. Just think, all of those Sony Viao's with windows installed that joe businessman buys fund R&D in the gamer world.

Sean of the Thread
07-11-2007, 11:20 PM
Agreed. I'm fairly close to picking up a wii as it is anyways.

07-11-2007, 11:27 PM
Agreed. I'm fairly close to picking up a wii as it is anyways.

Cripple hater.

07-11-2007, 11:38 PM
Agreed. I'm fairly close to picking up a wii as it is anyways.

I've been trying to get one for the past month or so as a gift, fucking sold out unless you want the crazy $500 package w/ like 5 games or whatever. The people at target don't expect to actually maintain any sort of stock until after christmas. (They get them on sundays, sold out by monday)

07-12-2007, 12:09 AM
If they were striving for a console (which i believe they are) that does everything, games, music, movies, computer, etc...who do you think would make it first?

07-12-2007, 12:23 AM
Uh... it's called a computer

07-12-2007, 02:40 AM
I might be wrong but I don't think any of them make money on the actual consoles, they make money on the games they sell. In my opinion, I think Sony screwed up by not coming down on their price from the beginning. I am sure they had a good reason for it but from my experiences most people I know either have a WII or an xbox 360 and not a PS3.

I read that the WII is the only one that actually makes money on the console. Correct me if I'm wrong, I"ll look later for the article.

07-12-2007, 02:48 AM

"And because Nintendo makes about $50 in profit on every Wii sold, it can afford to give away a game."


The Ponzzz
07-12-2007, 02:49 AM
I think Nintendo has gone and fucked up on this system just like they have been since the N64.

Went to BestBuy to go look at the selection, and yet again, another fucking system, fully loaded for kids games. Between Nick jr and all the retarded cartoony games, I won't bother with the system. I don't care how awesome it is to swing a controller around a room. The graphics are all sub par, the 5 games I played were retarded and every game I WOULD play is on another system...

07-12-2007, 03:17 AM
F that, what about Mario Kart (if and when it gets released)

I love my WII

The Ponzzz
07-12-2007, 03:25 AM
Again, MK is fun and all, but it's aimed for kids, with adults in mind...

It's no GT....

07-12-2007, 01:48 PM
Zelda is awesome, SuperMonkeyBall is tough as hell, Rayman Raving Rabbits is cool, Madden kicks serious ass...I'm borrowing Super Paper Mario this weekend to give it a try out. Plus by the end of the year we should have the new Super Mario, the new Metroid and the new Mario Kart. Plus, I just bought FZero for the gamecube, kicks serious ass.

Gears of War is coming out for the PC, as will GTAIV...Bioshock and plenty of others.

The Wii offers me games I cannot get anywhere else, most developers for XBox and PS push their games to the PC arena too...and usually with upgrades.

As for kids games, so fucking what? I mean really...what kind of games are you trying to play. The Adventures of Asshole and Sodomite? Resident Evil is coming for the Wii, who knows if Manhunt 2 is coming for anyone.

07-12-2007, 01:59 PM
F that, what about the 100+ new games going to be released?

I love my WII

yea that (fixed)

07-12-2007, 02:02 PM
Nintendo's have always been kid's machines. There's nothing wrong with that, I just prefer games with a bit more content.

The Ponzzz
07-12-2007, 03:04 PM
I'll believe 100+ new games when I see it. And as long as it's not Dora the explorer or Blue's Clues...

NES and SNES were not kid oriented...

Zelda's graphics, comparing directly to games like FFXII, Oblivion and GoW2 were shit... Better yet, i could still play it on my GC too. Sure I don't get to whip a controller around my room (Because that's fun, right?) but I can still play the game...

SuperMonkeyBall is tough as hell, Rayman Raving Rabbits is cool, Super Paper Mario

Kid games that just to happen to have adult content...

Madden I can get on any system, with super graphics.

And I'm not graphic oriented, but if I'm buying a next gen system, it better sure as hell look better than the last system...

I'm not bombing on Nintendo games, but I'm just saying, they made the same fucking mistake as they keep doing. They don't supply any good action games (other than their headliners), RPGs, Stradegy or Adventure.

07-12-2007, 03:08 PM
Meh, I prefer gameplay to graphics

07-12-2007, 03:19 PM
Yeah that's the draw... when gameplay is preferred over intense graphics. Some people would rather have a semi-decent graphic game that plays awesome than an awesome graphic game that is a pain in the ass to play. It's all about preference in the long run.

07-12-2007, 03:22 PM
Unless they are exclusive games thats a bit moot unless you really feel gameplay on the WII is that much enhanced over the 360 or PS3.

07-12-2007, 03:24 PM
I do think the gameplay on the WII is much more fun than the 360.

I've played Madden on both the 360 and the WII and it's 100x more entertaining on the WII

The Ponzzz
07-12-2007, 03:46 PM
Yeah that's the draw... when gameplay is preferred over intense graphics. Some people would rather have a semi-decent graphic game that plays awesome than an awesome graphic game that is a pain in the ass to play. It's all about preference in the long run.

This is why I play my SNES and Genesis still. Nothing tops the gameplay back then. I swear they make games for people with 41 IQs now...

07-12-2007, 04:32 PM
Manhunt 2, a game that was recently pulled back to formula due to it's Adult's Only rating, was given special controls for the Wii version.

For example, if you wanted to kill somebody by smashing their head in with a baseball bat or a pipe, you would swing the remote like a baseball bat or a pipe.

If you wanted to choke someone to death from behind, you would move the Wii remote and nunchuck back and forth to simulate the choking.

If you wanted to saw someone's arm off, you would move the remote back and forth.

All of them with gruesome results.

What was that you were saying about kiddy games?

Think of it this way...

Nintendo has always designed systems for the whole family. Developers kept that in mind in past iterations (especially N64 and GameCube). This wasn't a problem for the developers, since Sony had taken a majority of the market share by then.

Many developers were probably assuming the same would happen with the current generation... Sony with the most market share, with Nintendo intended for family friendly games. That hasn't been the case. Nintendo has been conquering market share at the fastest pace ever seen in the industry. Developers were taken off guard, unprepared for the sudden shift in power. So, with the early Wii release games, they were still made with the previous Nintendo market in mind... family friendly games and so forth. Now with Nintendo poised to take the number one spot in a matter of months, more and more developers are jumping on board.

In any case, I'm going to play Resident Evil 4 on my Wii, where I can pinpoint aim with the Wii remote and blow off villagers heads and arms in a big gooey mess.

The Ponzzz
07-12-2007, 04:53 PM
That's one game...

07-12-2007, 05:25 PM
Resident Evil 4 for the Wii is amazing, btw. Makes headshots so much fun! <3

07-12-2007, 08:18 PM
I just talked with the guys at Babbages/EB...

They said Manhunt 2 will be available for the Wii on October 1st. The ONLY way to get it from the store though is to pre-order it. They are not allowed to sell it off the shelf and not allowed to sell it to people who randomly walk into the store.

I put down $5...game is gonna be cool with the Wii-mote.

The Wii is friggin awesome...and to the person that said Madden was awesome on the Wii...i second that. I was playing with a buddy of mine the other night again...it's such an awesome experience. Haven't been able to get 4 people together yet for it...but I hope to eventually.

07-13-2007, 08:20 AM
I just talked with the guys at Babbages/EB...

They said Manhunt 2 will be available for the Wii on October 1st. The ONLY way to get it from the store though is to pre-order it. They are not allowed to sell it off the shelf and not allowed to sell it to people who randomly walk into the store.

I will be calling eb/gamestop today. Manhunt on the Wii will be 100x better than any other platform. IDC if you can see little brain pieces flying around on the 360/ps3. I know how much fin it is walking around choking people on Godfather. I can only imagine doing this(among the other 362 ways to kill someone) in manhunt.

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2007, 09:48 AM
I like my PS3, only because I got it for free. 360 is the best though.

I got my 360 for free and sold that piece of shit.

07-13-2007, 10:11 AM
So, apparently, in regards to the PS3 price drop.

At the same time they announced a new SKU, an 80gb model that will retail for $600.

What they didn't mention is that America will be getting no new shipments of the now $500 60gb units once they sell out of the remaining stock, which they predict to occur sometime in August.

At that point, the only available model will be the $600 80gb model.

07-13-2007, 10:22 AM
If you think the 360 is a piece of shit, well, that would be your opinion. I think it is a fine instrument of gaming and a (fat)weight gain enhancer.

07-13-2007, 06:56 PM
Straight from the horses mouth. About 3/4's of the way through the video.


Apparently 20gb of extra hard drive space is worth $100, according to Sony.

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2007, 08:19 PM
If you think the 360 is a piece of shit, well, that would be your opinion. I think it is a fine instrument of gaming and a (fat)weight gain enhancer.

Hehe. Well it is my opinion but I'll share why.

It offers me nothing a PC doesn't.
I hate the controllers.
I love playing EA sports titles....... PS2/3.
I hate the controllers.
they crash a lot.
I hate the controllers.

07-13-2007, 08:27 PM
xbox360 has no EA titles? interesting....XBOX AINT GOT NO GAMES!

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2007, 09:11 PM
Have you ever played a EA sports title with their shit controller!

Madden and NCAA can only be played with ps controllers.

07-13-2007, 09:21 PM
Madden `07 cannot be played with any controller. I'd rather play `95.

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2007, 09:31 PM

07-13-2007, 10:20 PM
It's not my fault the gameplay sucks ass. And wtf is up with selecting your favorite team EVERY TIME you turn the power on?

07-17-2007, 02:36 PM
PS3 Pricecut ... temporary?

apparently they don't plan on continuing to make the 60gb version, so when all the $500 60gb sell out, that's it, and back to $600 PS3.

What a PoS.

07-17-2007, 03:06 PM
I hate when companies improve things and give you more product for the same amount of money. I also want to go on the record for hating getting things at a discounted rate from what people originally paid for the item.

07-17-2007, 03:22 PM
$100 for a 2.5" 80gb HD over a 60gb one? I'm actually pretty sure you can take any sata 2.5" drive and mod it in yourself. It's shit that their "elite" model is just a swapped out hard drive.

Giving people a taste of $500 has to be a bad business model... but I don't supose to know anything about that so...

07-17-2007, 04:08 PM
I don't pretend to be a marketing analyst either but I can't see it being such a bad business model sides Sony already offered everyone a wiff at $500 with the 20gb model.

Basically the way I see it is Sony originally introduced 2 models (20 gb and 60 gb) that were seperated by $100 with the differences being WiFi, chrome, and a flash card reader. If you chose to spend the extra $100 for the "minor" perks that was your prerogative. Eventually they discontinued the 20gb model and now they've announced they stopped production on the 60gb models which will be replaced by 80gb models for the same price that millions of people bought the 60gb models at. In addition to 20GB extra you also will get (to my understanding) a free game with the 80gb systems which has a $60 value. I fail to see why thats so bad. If people choose knowing this information to spend $100 less and get the "inferior" system good for them. If they wait for the 80GB system then good for them also. I see it as win/win for a lot of people you either save $100 from what people before you spent or you get more bang for your buck at the equal rate that people before you spent.

Sean of the Thread
07-17-2007, 04:14 PM
$100 for a 2.5" 80gb HD over a 60gb one? I'm actually pretty sure you can take any sata 2.5" drive and mod it in yourself. It's shit that their "elite" model is just a swapped out hard drive.

Giving people a taste of $500 has to be a bad business model... but I don't supose to know anything about that so...

My sata card and drive are currently pissing me off. :(

07-17-2007, 05:02 PM
are you also aware that they have removed the "emotion engine" from the 80gb model, meaning it won't be backwards compatible with a lot of PS2 games.

It's coke original all over again! ... hey where's the sugar?

07-17-2007, 05:05 PM
I wasn't aware of that I can see how it would be a negative for a lot of people. Personally though I don't play any ps2 games on my ps3 since I mainly play sports titles and upgrade every year so I just upgraded to this years ps3 games as they come out.

07-17-2007, 09:23 PM
The difference in price between the 20gb and 60gb made sense, since the 60gb model had some perks, not to mention 40gb of extra space... and for everything that Sony had promised with the system, 20gb probably wouldn't be enough. They discontinued that model due to poor sales.

And now they drop the 60gb to $500, and introduce an 80gb model. It's got the same little perks (wifi etc), so the only difference between the systems is 20gb.

So, I don't really see how consumers are supposed to accept that, in November, 40gb and extra system components were worth an extra $100, but now only 20gb is worth the same $100.

It's a very desperate move on Sony's part, most likely to increase cash flow before the next quarterly report.

07-17-2007, 09:31 PM
So, I don't really see how consumers are supposed to accept that, in November, 40gb and extra system components were worth an extra $100, but now only 20gb is worth the same $100.

They also don't plan on continuing to make the 60gb, so as soon as the items on the shelves run out, the price goes back up to $600, with no option for $500.

07-17-2007, 11:20 PM
Have you ever played a EA sports title with their shit controller!

Madden and NCAA can only be played with ps controllers.

You must have the smallest girliest japanese sized hands. The PS3 controller is still the same shitty dualshock that came out in 1997. It was never terribly comfortable and now they've added semi-triggers on the L2 and R2 that make it worse. Even worse than that the analog is still in the secondary position. Who the fark plays with a d-pad anymore? It made sense in 1997 when the d-pad was still king but seriously, why is the analog still out of the primary position? I hate the dualshock 3, xbox controller is 100 times better.

07-18-2007, 12:27 AM
Bought a PS3 today along with NCAA 08. Figure I'll have that, Madden, and GTA within the next few months.