View Full Version : Official - ESP fixes

06-20-2007, 11:39 AM
ESP fixes, galore! · on 6/19/2007

A number of ESP fixes have been rolled live. They include:

1) Improper channel names
2) People not on correct channels.
3) "think to" option in StormFront.
4) ESP option and ignore wonkyness. (Yes, that's the official term.)
5) Improper notifications of friends logging on and off.
6) A bevy of other minor things.

At this point, we feel the system is very strong, and is pretty much set in its final form. Any further issues that are noted should be communicated by a BUG report. Thanks!


06-20-2007, 11:42 AM
ESP fixes, galore! · on 6/19/2007

A number of ESP fixes have been rolled live. They include:

1) Improper channel names
2) People not on correct channels.
3) "think to" option in StormFront.
4) ESP option and ignore wonkyness. (Yes, that's the official term.)
5) Improper notifications of friends logging on and off.
6) A bevy of other minor things.

At this point, we feel the system is very strong, and is pretty much set in its final form. Any further issues that are noted should be communicated by a BUG report. Thanks!

