View Full Version : 2 items

06-19-2007, 09:45 PM
selling these 2 items, trying to get some info on them:

will this be converted to the new raise dead? since it's from the 90's?
a leather-bound prayer book
(312) Fervent Reproach

anyone know anything about this?
an arachne symbol pendant, loresong:

The tangy smell of the briny sea comes over you as you begin to sing. You see a vision of what appears to be a young man on a privateer's ship. He is standing on the forecastle, looking down at the deckhands below as they swab the deck and check the rigging of the huge, billowing sails. A call comes from above and he spins to the rail to see what approaches.

Suddenly the deck below explodes in a frenzy of activity. All hands drop their mops and begin to arm themselves with a variety of deadly weapons. Off the starboard bow, the young man spies a four-masted merchant ship, trying desperately to outrun the privateers. He pulls out his dagger, and clenching it between his teeth, grabs a rope and gallantly swings down to the deck below. Running to the railing, he joins the other sailors in preparation for boarding the merchant ship.

The privateers pull alongside the merchant ship. Hooks attached to ropes fly through the air and boarding planks fill the space between the two ships. The young man joins the other sailors and crosses over to meet the armed and waiting merchant sailors. A short, pitched battle ensues on the blood soaked deck of the merchant ship. The sharp clang of steel fills the air as men on both sides fall to the swords of their opponents. However, the merchants are no match for the seasoned pirates, and they are quickly overcome.

The captain picks up the limp form of the young woman and carries her below decks into his quarters. He returns to the captain's wheel and begins barking out orders to set sail. The pirates slowly sail away from the burning wreckage of the merchant ship and begin to pick up speed across the waves. At the helm, the captain looks to the horizon as tears stream down his cheeks.

06-19-2007, 09:55 PM
Did you miss a verse in the loresong? Or is that just poorly written? What young woman? What captain?

06-19-2007, 10:02 PM
to be honest, I didn't even read it, and I don't think I missed a verse

The Ponzzz
06-19-2007, 11:21 PM
The pendant is from Thornes' Maze from the spitfire. Was quite a puzzle.

06-20-2007, 01:01 AM
I've had a prayer book converted, so I don't think it'd be too much of a problem. Assist and ask for a referral on it.


06-20-2007, 06:26 AM
great, thank you all, any idea on what either would be worth, if anything?

06-20-2007, 07:42 AM
a leather-bound prayer book has 10 invokes when new, so probably worth a little more than a 318 scroll. 50k-100k range, I do not know if it can be Infused.
