06-19-2007, 04:17 PM
I had a rough night last night...
I had a ship to board at 8:30 PM. No problem... I get to the ship take care of the paperwork, then go to the Customs office to Enter and Clear the vessel.
At customs, I learn that the Filipino guy that I'd sent to the doctor from the other ship I was responsible for, early that morning has a brain tumor and needs to go home immediately.
So, I had to drive to the other ship, pick the poor guy up, and bring him to Immigration. So, he got paroled, confirmed flight details, and I got him back to the ship. By now it was about 12:15. Poor guy was absolutely devistated... I gave him my cell phone to call home to tell his family. He couldn't even tell them over the phone, and he was crying most of the way there and back... I felt so bad, but tried to reassure him that it was treatable... I had a similar problem around this time last year.
That ship finished at like 1:15 this morning, so I stayed on board. Got all the documents by about 3am... As I'm going down the gangway, a crew member drops the guy's suitcase, and it creams me as I'm going down the gangway... The suitcase proceeds to tumble down the gangway and into the water. The poor guy, who just learned that he's got a brain tumor now has his suitcase floating in New York Harbor... We use a grappling hook to pull it out, and he's sent off to the hotel so he can rest.
So I finally got to my office like 3:30... sent out the vessel's movements, and got home like 4:15ish. I go to sleep around 4:30... then I start getting phone calls at around 6:30. By 8:30 I want to drown my phone because I haven't really slept. Then I call my office to relay a message to my coworkers to take care of some things with that other ship I boarded.
Generally, company policy is if you're out past 12am for a ship, you can come in a few hours late. Well, the underboss (read: lowest level manager) thinks he's the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler when it comes to the office. He seems to think that he's entitled to all the benefits becuase he's been doing this job for 20 years, but thinks because we've all been doing this for five years and less, the policy doesn't apply to us.
Also, he refuses to do things that many of our clients require. For example, Conoco Phillips requires us to fill out their website for them while the ship is in port. Heidenreich Marine is another company that requires it. He refuses to do it, and passes it to one of us to do it for him. Also, I've heard him actually hang up on clients when he's on the phone with them because he didn't want to listen to them arguing with him!
So I get an irate call from him at 9am yelling at me saying that I have to take care of everything, set the ship up to leave from the dock, etc. Generally speaking, this is usually an hour's worth of phone calls. So I call the überboss in the office (who mind you, is the best boss I've ever had), he tells me "We'll take care of it. Go back to sleep." So I try... but now, I'm so pissed off, that I couldn't roll over and go back to sleep. So I got dressed and came to work.
I'm only running on about 2 hours sleep. So yeah... I'm SHOT.
I had a ship to board at 8:30 PM. No problem... I get to the ship take care of the paperwork, then go to the Customs office to Enter and Clear the vessel.
At customs, I learn that the Filipino guy that I'd sent to the doctor from the other ship I was responsible for, early that morning has a brain tumor and needs to go home immediately.
So, I had to drive to the other ship, pick the poor guy up, and bring him to Immigration. So, he got paroled, confirmed flight details, and I got him back to the ship. By now it was about 12:15. Poor guy was absolutely devistated... I gave him my cell phone to call home to tell his family. He couldn't even tell them over the phone, and he was crying most of the way there and back... I felt so bad, but tried to reassure him that it was treatable... I had a similar problem around this time last year.
That ship finished at like 1:15 this morning, so I stayed on board. Got all the documents by about 3am... As I'm going down the gangway, a crew member drops the guy's suitcase, and it creams me as I'm going down the gangway... The suitcase proceeds to tumble down the gangway and into the water. The poor guy, who just learned that he's got a brain tumor now has his suitcase floating in New York Harbor... We use a grappling hook to pull it out, and he's sent off to the hotel so he can rest.
So I finally got to my office like 3:30... sent out the vessel's movements, and got home like 4:15ish. I go to sleep around 4:30... then I start getting phone calls at around 6:30. By 8:30 I want to drown my phone because I haven't really slept. Then I call my office to relay a message to my coworkers to take care of some things with that other ship I boarded.
Generally, company policy is if you're out past 12am for a ship, you can come in a few hours late. Well, the underboss (read: lowest level manager) thinks he's the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler when it comes to the office. He seems to think that he's entitled to all the benefits becuase he's been doing this job for 20 years, but thinks because we've all been doing this for five years and less, the policy doesn't apply to us.
Also, he refuses to do things that many of our clients require. For example, Conoco Phillips requires us to fill out their website for them while the ship is in port. Heidenreich Marine is another company that requires it. He refuses to do it, and passes it to one of us to do it for him. Also, I've heard him actually hang up on clients when he's on the phone with them because he didn't want to listen to them arguing with him!
So I get an irate call from him at 9am yelling at me saying that I have to take care of everything, set the ship up to leave from the dock, etc. Generally speaking, this is usually an hour's worth of phone calls. So I call the überboss in the office (who mind you, is the best boss I've ever had), he tells me "We'll take care of it. Go back to sleep." So I try... but now, I'm so pissed off, that I couldn't roll over and go back to sleep. So I got dressed and came to work.
I'm only running on about 2 hours sleep. So yeah... I'm SHOT.