View Full Version : 80 Rogue/MasterArtisan/Guildmaster w/many unique high end items (Long)

06-17-2007, 04:15 PM
It's that time. $1300.

Race: Half-Elf Profession: Rogue (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 27 Expr: 5451031 Level: 80
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Constitution (CON): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Agility (AGI): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Discipline (DIS): 80 (10) ... 80 (10)
Aura (AUR): 77 (13) ... 77 (13)
Logic (LOG): 81 (15) ... 81 (15)
Intuition (INT): 93 (21) ... 93 (21)
Wisdom (WIS): 67 (8) ... 67 (8)
Influence (INF): 62 (11) ... 62 (11)
Mana: 9 Silver: 0

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 220 120
Combat Maneuvers...................| 182 82
Ranged Weapons.....................| 264 164
Ambush.............................| 264 164
Physical Fitness...................| 204 104
Dodging............................| 346 246
Arcane Symbols.....................| 126 33
Magic Item Use.....................| 120 30
Harness Power......................| 15 3
Picking Locks......................| 50 10
Stalking and Hiding................| 346 246
Perception.........................| 346 246
Climbing...........................| 105 25
Swimming...........................| 105 25
Pickpocketing......................| 264 164
Training Points: 0 Phy 10 Mnt (228 Mnt converted to Phy)
PsiNet has recorded your current skills.
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

338 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2008.

Your 30 day migration period will begin when you choose to degrade a skill.

Currently has Fixskills

About 5m total in banks around the lands (Primarily EN)

You are Guild Master of the Rogue Guild.
You are current with your dues and must check in again sometime in the next 19 days.
You currently have 310 ranks out of a possible 372 for your training.

You are a Master of Sweep.

You are a Master of Subdue.

You are a Master of Stun Maneuvers.

You have 1 rank in the Lock Mastery skill.
You need 96 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to pick some easy boxes under a variety of conditions.
You have 3 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You are a Master of Cheap Shot.

You are a Master of Rogue Gambits.

You have been a devout follower of Andelas since Leyan, Fashanos 11, 5104 (2/11/04).

Culture: Tehir

Current society status:
You are a Master in the Council of Light.
Past society affiliations (resigned or cast out):
You have no past society affiliations.

You currently have 363581 unspent bounty points.

You have accumulated a total of 375781 lifetime bounty points.

You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task 105 times.
You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task 128 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task 79 times.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 15 times and failed 4 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Herbs task 176 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task 98 times.
You have succeeded at the Rescue Child task 42 times and failed 7 times.

s>art skills
In the skill of forging - crafting, you are a master.
In the skill of forging - one handed edged, you are a master.
In the skill of forging - pole arms, you are a novice.
In the skill of forging - brawling weapons, you are a master.
In the skill of fletching, you are a master.

Has attuned Perfect mithril hammer and apron.


an enruned black ora torc - EG unique black ora jewelry. Pulses randomly about 3-4x an hour, giving 50 mana. Pulses randomly 1x every 3-4 hours draining 1 spirit. Can not be removed. Scripted

>l torc
The black metal is etched with strange, spidery runes.

>dust torc
As you clean and polish your black ora torc small puffs of a miasmal haze spring up from the dark metal.
>poke torc
Your black ora torc suddenly pulsates darkly and seems to be trying to suck all the air from your lungs. You gasp and struggle as you try to breathe! Just as suddenly it stops and you are finally able to draw a much needed breath.
>clench torc
As you grip your black ora torc it pulses under your hand as dark wisps rise, coiling sinuously in the air.
>turn torc
A low-pitched, moaning hum emanates from your black ora torc.
>tap torc
A black misty haze drifts from your black ora torc, eddying around your body until it finally dissipates.
>pull torc
As you absent mindedly tug on your black ora torc, swirling tendrils of darkness caress your hand.
>rub torc
You rub your black ora torc causing a shroud of darkness to momentarily envelop you.

some scorched imflass half plate - 6x (+27) HCP Halfplate. 24lbs and perm. +25% lightning resist/10% slash resist. Perfect for the OTF hunter.

>l plate
Several scorches visibly mar the surface of the armor, signs of electrical damage, yet the armor is in curiously good shape. A series of slash marks blemish the edges of the plate armor, bright metal exposed from beneath the darkened surface coloring. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

(Ugly, yes, but then you can cover it up with.....)

a deeply hooded sandy raw silk burnoose - Armor concealer with hood. Holds a small amount for several items. Also, it is the Limericloak.

>l burn
The silk is of cream, beige, and tan, the colors resembling sand. The long draping burnoose has been sewn fairly loose, its lines falling to fit a tall man. The fabric pools to a deep v-shaped hood clasped at the neck by a clasp made of wood. The hood falls to the waist but could be pulled up past the face, concealing all that a hood should.

Not to be outdone, is the limerickukri
a subtly carved black ora kukri - 2x Black Ora.

>l kuk
Crafted alongside the blade's tang is a yierka carving quite plain. Its maw open mid-yawn shows a tongue curvy and long extended between rows of sharp fangs. The blade's curve is slightly deflected, but the finish is carefully perfected. Two notches are placed right at the blade's base, only noticed when closely inspected.

a silver-rimmed black ora horn - Black Ora drink container. Opens Closes. Holds 7 sips.

>l horn
Crafted from black ora into the form of a long slender horn, this drink receptacle is approximately 15 inches in length from tip to rim and has been decorated on either end with two silver-studded yierka hide bands. The inside of the horn has been coated with a thin silver lining that spills out over the mouth, creating a wide rim on the exterior. Small miasmatic stains cover the lip where the silver and black metals meet, curling up and around spidery runes that have been carved into its side.

a pale yellow banana-shaped dagger – INFAMOUS, 4x lightning flares

>l dag
Possessing a more rounded blade than most daggers, the blade of this weapon has been forged to look like nothing so much as a peeled, uneaten banana, with the edges forming the veins of the fruit. The hilt, cast as the four segments of deep yellow peel pulled back from the banana-shaped blade form a convenient handguard. Serving as the pommel of the dagger is an irregular piece of jet, looking like a bruise on the skin of the banana as it sits at the end of the peel-shaped guard.
You notice your crafting mark.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read dag
In the Common language, it reads:

a deep yellow banana-shaped bow - 5x Ice Wand bow. Buy the deal so you can drip this down the well along with the infamous Bananagger.

>l bow
Nocked at either end with irregular pieces of jet, the limbs of this bow have been generously thickened and dyed a deep yellow as to give the appearance of a giant, unpeeled banana. A multitude of thin grooves along the face and back extend the entire length of the bow, representing veins on the outer skin. The limbs taper suddenly at the center, where, acting as a grip, a hand tightly clutching the magnificent fruit has been carved into the wood. You also see a small opening along the grip that has a cloudy blue glow surrounding it.

a slender ruic long bow - 5x lightning wand bow.

>l bow
Small curling patterns flow along the length of the gracefully curved long bow. Two narrow grooves circle the bow about one hand's width apart, framing a molded hand grip, while tattered black silk wrappings pad the area. The surface of the pale ruic wood is scuffed and marked in a semblance of fine sand. You also see a small opening along the grip that has a dazzling silver glow surrounding it.

a scorched ruic light crossbow - 6x light, 8 lbs?

a pair of ora-bound leg guards - Drogur Originals. 33% Slash resist.

>l gua
Several thin bands of ora support the stiff double-layered yierka hide plates, running parallel to each other at evenly spaced intervals and linked by the intersecting braces that run up the sides of either leg. Scuffed and slashed doesn't even begin to describe the abhorrent condition that the leather in; however, the double layer of each individual plate appears to afford the strength to still provide decent protection.

some tightly wound armwraps - Drogur Originals. 33% Slash resist.

>l arm
Long strips of yierka hide, weathered and scuffed from years of exposure, have been tightly wound around and across each other creating a sturdy yet adjustable form of protection. Faintly embossed into the hide is a small wavy-rayed sun, set to rest at the base of the wrist when the armwraps are bound into place. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

a tri-fold yierka hide kit - Herb Kit, Scripted, Pocketed.

>l kit
This tri-fold kit seems to be a receptacle designed specifically with the containment of small items and sundry in mind. Thin leather strips form loops that line the interior, and small pouches of ebony silk sit closed by small, wooden toggles. Along the outer flap, a leather cord drawn through a blackened disc of silver serves to close the kit, and upon closer inspection, a faint engraving of a wavy-rayed sun marks the clasp.

>rummage kit
You rummage through your yierka hide kit, taking careful note of its contents.

In the smaller compartments you see some acantha leaf.

In the leather loops you see a thick tempered glass flask.

You also see a red vornalite mushroom in the yierka hide kit.

a finely woven yierka hide sack - LA, weighs 4?

>l sack
Thin strips of yierka hide, many of which well-worn and frayed along the edges, are tightly woven together to form this simple sack. As a means to close the container, a leather cord has been wrapped multiple times around the mouth and drawn through a blackened disc of silver, which upon further inspection appears to be void of any ornamentation and worn smooth from years of exposure to the elements.

a finely woven yierka hide satchel - LA and Deepened an additional 4 times. Also 4 lbs?

>l sack
Thin strips of yierka hide, many of which well-worn and frayed along the edges, are tightly woven together to form this simple sack. As a means to close the container, a leather cord has been wrapped multiple times around the mouth and drawn through a blackened disc of silver, which upon further inspection appears to be void of any ornamentation and worn smooth from years of exposure to the elements.

an arabesqued mammoth tusk back-quiver - LA and deepened once, backworn, 3lbs, sexy.

>l back
Arcing slightly along its length, the mammoth tusk back-quiver is secured to the back of its wearer by several braided black leather straps. At the mouth of the quiver is a wide band of silver that has been crafted along the outer rim flush with the bone, providing an interior lip on which arrows can rest. Covering the entire surface of the quiver is a series of elaborate arabesque patterns that have been meticulously carved into the tusk, noticeable only by the subtle deviation of outer and inner bone color.

a mysterious black gauze veil – Head/neck protection. Gauze.

Also comes with a locker FULL of items, ranging from weapons, armors, toys, dice, magic items, etc… Too long to list, but a nice surprise when opening.

06-17-2007, 04:19 PM
Ah so thats what the black ora stuff at EG did.

06-17-2007, 04:41 PM
Sucks that it got put on a rogue. +50 mana 3-4X and hour plus draining a spirit on a rogue seems more like a negative thing to have, if it can't be removed.

06-17-2007, 04:51 PM
Props on bananagger and bownana.

06-17-2007, 04:52 PM
I was the first to put them on so I had no idea of what it did. Its not bad, the spirit is of no hinderance at all (since im VERY attuned to it, it happens maybe once or twice a day. Newly attuned it would do it about 2-4 times an hour), and should Mal become a lockpicking rogue the mana would be more of a benefit. The scripts are damned nice and roguely though, and the torc is the neatest jewelry piece IMO.

06-24-2007, 03:10 PM

06-24-2007, 04:14 PM
NO. No no no!

That's all I got.

I will be more vocal once I'm back from vacation. But I still think you should fake the experience to get a serving gig for a month, and not sell out.

Or at least give me the limericloak. Dirty slut.
