View Full Version : Damn OOC Twits..
11-23-2003, 03:41 PM
I can live with them being OOC around themselves and their friends..but do they really have to force it on everyone?
[Voln : Amberain] drakam can decay wont affect you at all
[Voln : Drunvallo] explain that please Amberain?
[Voln : Amberain] excuse me drunvallo..explain what
[Voln : Drunvallo] why decaying won't effect him?
[Voln : Amberain] for the next two weeks as said by a gamehost when you die you can just decay and no experience is taken from you...ask them if ye dont believe me
[Voln : Ffaron] Gamehost?
[Voln : Quishd] That is true.
[Voln : Ffaron] What's a game host? Someone who hosts, lets say, a game of dice?
[Voln : Drunvallo] that'd be nice...
11-23-2003, 03:49 PM
God, it won't stop!!
[Voln : Amberain] then dont be askin me stupid questions if ye dont like de answer....someone earlier said ye spelled my name wrong..believe it was sergey and how can ye spell someone's name wrong when we pronounce names..
[Voln : Ffaron] What I would give for one of those seashells...
[Voln : Masiras] How the thoughtnet works is a difference of perception. I prefer to think of the words being imprinted on my mind such as on a blackboard, as people think them. Others prefer to think that they "hear" em. Neither is right or wrong.
[Voln : Drunvallo] Oi!
[Voln : Drunvallo] well, i hear thought in my head that are subdued...or faint...i can't imagine them being written in some subdued fashion.
[Voln : Porcell] Such a fine arguement, and one certainly suited for the Voln net. Please oh please continue this diatribe.
[Voln : Drunvallo] may we? Why must everything be an arguement to you people, as opposed to a conversation. Mind yer own eh?
[Voln : Masiras] I'm not even sure why there is an argument. How one interprets the thoughts in there head is there own business and to come down on them for it, regardless of how they view it, is like making fun of someone who speaks another tongue
[Voln : Porcell] I question the appropriateness of the "conversation" then.
[Voln : Copernicus] drunvallo's evil!
[Voln : Drunvallo] Buahaha. and i wasn't coming down on anyone, again, mind your own eh?
[Voln : Drunvallo] you people are too uptight.
[Voln : Copernicus] silly volnies
[Voln : Amberain] it appeared that ye were comin down on me drunvallo that is why i answered the way i did..and i nye de least bit uptight
[Voln : Drunvallo] Wait...what? All i did was ask you a question...what are you talking about?
[Voln : Drunvallo] i only got two rights.
[Voln : Reshil] Not that I care either way, but as I'm trying to rest I'd like to make this actually should HEAR the thoughts of voln and amunet in your head. Ok..everyone done with this conversation now?
[Voln : Amberain] everyone got onto me about mentionin one of the people we assist too..i didnt mean to go ooc..but it was de only way to answer yer question hard feelins on my side whatsoever
[Edited on 11-23-2003 by LordAdredrin]
11-23-2003, 04:04 PM
Report, be sure to symbol of sleep them before
11-23-2003, 04:17 PM
Amberain was always an idiot going ooc all the time. Why is she apologizing now? She simply could have said something like rub your amulet and I could answer better for you. Oh but then that would be too easy.
11-23-2003, 04:21 PM
Amberain has issues. I think she's on way too many drugs at one time that fucks up her thinking or she has been beat over the head with a stupid stick. Take your choice.
I'd give examples but then I'd spend the next hour typing and anyone who has ever seen Amberain already knows how stupid she is.
11-23-2003, 06:01 PM
It's a pity TC is sancted, or there'd be atleast 1 empath much poorer.
11-23-2003, 07:34 PM
One reason I'll always love the wizard: I can hide Voln Thoughts. :D
11-24-2003, 12:02 AM
How is Amberain still not banned? Vif must've taught her the secret.
11-24-2003, 12:08 AM
I've not witnessed this, but I've heard from others that she used to be fond of telling other women "close your legs, I can smell fish." Definitely Vif-worthy.
11-24-2003, 12:53 AM
::glances at Spun Girl's post and shudders:: Ew. Just what the lands need... another coarse, crude, vulgar woman.
Moist Happenings
11-24-2003, 10:39 AM
Amberain's a retard. She keeps provoking one of my characters who actually tried to RP with her in whispers, trying to get me to kill her so "Violenttmoon can come kill me".
I just don't involve myself with her.
Funny part about it is, when I was getting frustrated with Amberain:
You whisper to Violenttmoon, "Hey Vi, i'm going to kill your daughter, okay?"
Violenttmoon whispers, "Okay. Just wait until i'm not here."
Amberain, along with Vif, should be banned.
11-24-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
[Voln : Porcell] Such a fine arguement, and one certainly suited for the Voln net. Please oh please continue this diatribe.
Gotta love Porcell.
11-24-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Neff
Amberain's a retard. She keeps provoking one of my characters who actually tried to RP with her in whispers, trying to get me to kill her so "Violenttmoon can come kill me".
I just don't involve myself with her.
Funny part about it is, when I was getting frustrated with Amberain:
You whisper to Violenttmoon, "Hey Vi, i'm going to kill your daughter, okay?"
Violenttmoon whispers, "Okay. Just wait until i'm not here."
Amberain, along with Vif, should be banned.
I told you the Amberain story. So if you still tried to RP with her, having that kind of knowledge, it's your own fault.
If you want to make peace with her, so she'll stop provoking you, now. Strike up a conversation with her in whispers, about the significance of the date 4/20.
Moist Happenings
11-24-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Camri
Originally posted by Neff
Amberain's a retard. She keeps provoking one of my characters who actually tried to RP with her in whispers, trying to get me to kill her so "Violenttmoon can come kill me".
I just don't involve myself with her.
Funny part about it is, when I was getting frustrated with Amberain:
You whisper to Violenttmoon, "Hey Vi, i'm going to kill your daughter, okay?"
Violenttmoon whispers, "Okay. Just wait until i'm not here."
Amberain, along with Vif, should be banned.
I told you the Amberain story. So if you still tried to RP with her, having that kind of knowledge, it's your own fault.
If you want to make peace with her, so she'll stop provoking you, now. Strike up a conversation with her in whispers, about the significance of the date 4/20.
I know you told me the story. That's why I went out of my way to start something up with her when I encountered her. I give people the benefit of the doubt, no matter how reliable the source is that I got information about them from.
11-24-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Neff
Originally posted by Camri
Originally posted by Neff
Amberain's a retard. She keeps provoking one of my characters who actually tried to RP with her in whispers, trying to get me to kill her so "Violenttmoon can come kill me".
I just don't involve myself with her.
Funny part about it is, when I was getting frustrated with Amberain:
You whisper to Violenttmoon, "Hey Vi, i'm going to kill your daughter, okay?"
Violenttmoon whispers, "Okay. Just wait until i'm not here."
Amberain, along with Vif, should be banned.
I told you the Amberain story. So if you still tried to RP with her, having that kind of knowledge, it's your own fault.
If you want to make peace with her, so she'll stop provoking you, now. Strike up a conversation with her in whispers, about the significance of the date 4/20.
I know you told me the story. That's why I went out of my way to start something up with her when I encountered her. I give people the benefit of the doubt, no matter how reliable the source is that I got information about them from.
Well now you know.
Next time maybe you'll just take my word for it. :lol:
Moist Happenings
11-24-2003, 01:26 PM
Well now you know.
Next time maybe you'll just take my word for it. :lol:
No way, woman. I do things the hard way or not at all.
..usually not at all.
11-24-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Neff
Well now you know.
Next time maybe you'll just take my word for it. :lol:
No way, woman. I do things the hard way or not at all.
..usually not at all.
Typical guy...
11-24-2003, 09:41 PM
Caladrial softly says, "My td is low."
Ah, love the OOC.
11-24-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Camri
I told you the Amberain story. So if you still tried to RP with her, having that kind of knowledge, it's your own fault.
If you want to make peace with her, so she'll stop provoking you, now. Strike up a conversation with her in whispers, about the significance of the date 4/20.
:lol: That night was CLASSIC! She was so out of her mind, I drug her north one and she had no idea where she was. At least sometimes she's good entertainment!
11-24-2003, 10:48 PM
Someone's gonna yell at me for this but I got like no sleep so my eyes aren't working too well but... I thought the name of this thread was Damn OOC Tits
11-24-2003, 10:49 PM
She has sillicone filled tits. <--- Leloo's OOC tits.
11-24-2003, 10:52 PM
Hey, don't knock April the twentieth.
I tried to talk my ex-wife into being married on that day. I had to settle for earlier in the month, though.
11-24-2003, 11:04 PM
That's pretty sad to be that obsessed with a substance that you wanna get married on 4/20.
11-24-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
Originally posted by Camri
I told you the Amberain story. So if you still tried to RP with her, having that kind of knowledge, it's your own fault.
If you want to make peace with her, so she'll stop provoking you, now. Strike up a conversation with her in whispers, about the significance of the date 4/20.
:lol: That night was CLASSIC! She was so out of her mind, I drug her north one and she had no idea where she was. At least sometimes she's good entertainment!
Yeah, even if she's damaged beyond any kind of RP, or normal communication, she's still entertaining on a boring night.
I wonder if she ever found that guy she thought she was bitching at, while she was thrashing around on the ground alone like that. :lol:
11-24-2003, 11:15 PM
Who says I'm obsessed?
Judge not, lest ye be judged.
11-24-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by DaMaGe
Who says I'm obsessed?
Judge not, lest ye be judged.
Then why would you choose that date to be married on?
Snapps assumption doesn't seem to far fetched.
11-25-2003, 11:03 AM
I think it's funny that you two might presume to know me oh so well.
I smoke weed. I like to smoke weed. I am NOT obsessed with smoking weed.
We have differing senses of humor. That's fine. All I'm saying is, trying to belittle someone because they're different than you likens you to only slightly more than a child, in my eyes.
11-25-2003, 11:41 PM
Well, once you get married, that pricey weed is going to translate to things like bills, rent, food, bills, child care, car payments, bills...
Maybe you'd like to do some reading about the effects of marijuana have on sperm/sperm count and the fetus, too.
11-25-2003, 11:49 PM
It's free if you grow it yourself.
11-26-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Well, once you get married, that pricey weed is going to translate to things like bills, rent, food, bills, child care, car payments, bills...
Actually, I'm divorced...
Originally posted by Caramia
Maybe you'd like to do some reading about the effects of marijuana have on sperm/sperm count and the fetus, too.
...and I have the most beautiful baby girl that God ever created.
12-01-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by DaMaGe
Originally posted by Caramia
Well, once you get married, that pricey weed is going to translate to things like bills, rent, food, bills, child care, car payments, bills...
Actually, I'm divorced...
Originally posted by Caramia
Maybe you'd like to do some reading about the effects of marijuana have on sperm/sperm count and the fetus, too.
...and I have the most beautiful baby girl that God ever created.
Well, obviously someone is masking their life screw ups with smoking some mary jane. Loser. :rolleyes:
12-01-2003, 04:12 PM
Ahh, another heartwarming, judgemental opinion! Must be the season.
Acolyte Kurili
12-01-2003, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
Ahh, another heartwarming, judgemental opinion! Must be the season.
Acolyte Kurili
Well, it is my opinion. And you know what they say about those..
::yawns:: :smilegrin:
12-01-2003, 05:55 PM
everyones got a opinion and are entitled to it.....I don't smoke but I would much rather be around someone that smoked then someone who drinks too much or indulges in "harder" drugs
12-09-2003, 11:07 PM
Ok, just to be fair and show another side of the story, ill post.
I am actually probably the furthest down the road of addiction as far as pot goes. I smoke weed everyday, as often as possible. I have no job, no lady, no real hope.
My friend is just about as far along as i am. He smokes daily, as often as he gets a chance. The one thing thats different, he has direction. Sure he smokes weed.. ALOT, but that doesnt stop him from going to school, getting good marks, in one short trimester he will have a BA, or AA... whatever comes second. (leave me alone, i already addmited i have problems.)
So saying anything bad about weed, especially if you have never smoked it, is just foolish. Weed doesnt make people bad, stupid, or lose direction. It just helps you along a little, alot like what alcohol might do to someone, and i dont hear anyone complaining about it.
Of course, those people who are all about 4:20, and all the little kiddy shit that goes along with it, are all just kinda stupid in my eyes. Weed isnt about 4:20, or a shirt with a pot leaf on it, its about forgetting how shitty real life is for a minute, and just being high.
12-09-2003, 11:34 PM
Um what is 4:20?
12-09-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by GemstoneFan
Um what is 4:20?
Ask Amberain.. she'll give you a super long answer about "magical numbers" and whatnot.
12-10-2003, 12:14 AM
Smoking weed all day probably does have an effect on your lack of drive and initiative, FatesClwn. And just because your friend doesn't experience any problems TODAY doesn't mean he will be problem-free from the long-terms effects of marijuana use down the road.
4:20 isn't about kiddy shit and t-shirts, as you put it, it's about the "lifestyle" of drug use, and that includes using to forget about how shitty your life is. 4:20 isn't about pop culture and accessorizing.
No job? I'm afraid to ask if you're spending your unemployment and disability money on dope. No lady? I wouldn't wanna hang out with someone that felt better about themselves by dropping out of society. Do you want to really add "no home" to the laundry list?
You aren't the only one with a life that sucks or has been dealt a harsh hand. Get over it and grow up. Get the help you need to move on.
I bet you can't resist toking up for one day... or a week. But, if you actually tried it, took a shower and get dressed, combed your hair and went someplace where you could get job advice, job training, or... heavens forbid... volunteer doing something useful, you might feel better about your life and find a direction. I'm sure my last suggestion will fall on deaf ears... get counseling.
12-10-2003, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
combed your hair
Narc. ;) I never comb my hair. It's too much work for too little benefit.
12-10-2003, 01:34 AM
Previously I had the hope of getting Symbol of Dreams. I put up with the Voln Net. Now? I dunno.
4/20 is actually my bday too so it has lots more significance. but, smoking weed Is not bad as long as you have a hold on your life. Just like alcohol it can take over if you let it and sap away the energy from your life...
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