View Full Version : Lich Infomonitor Documentation

06-15-2007, 04:12 PM
Is anyone familiar with the data structures that the infomonitor script stores its values in? I'm working on a script to determine lockpicking maxes and need to access the Skills and Stats structures, but it seems like the names for the data members aren't exactly self-documenting. I'm using what seems like hacks to me e.g. Stats.dex[1] is my dexterity bonus. I looked through infomonitor.lic and the command API, but these data structures don't seem to be documented clearly anywhere.

Any help is appreciated

06-15-2007, 08:21 PM
I may not have documented them... I definitely remember writing that somewhere though. Maybe it was only in the changelog. That's actually the only document that's ever up-to-date. That's how I intended it to be done (and how I always did it in my scripts). You can also go through Char.dex I think, but you can get almost all of your char info that way... if you don't like that, write your own methods as a script and put it on your favorites list so that it gets auto-loaded anytime you play:

def str_bonus
return Stats.str[1]

def str
return Stats.str[0]

... etc.

06-16-2007, 12:30 PM
I just re-read your post and realized I may not have answered your question. "Stats" and "Skills" are classes, they aren't actually data structures (not in the strictest sense at least). The values you access with "Stats.dex" and whatnot are 2-element arrays stored in class variables. They all follow the same naming convention: stats are the 3-letter abbreviations (Stats.str, Stats.dex, Stats.cha, etc.) and skills are the full skill name as one single lower-cased word (Skills.twoweaponcombat, Skills.stalkingandhiding, Skills.edgedweapons, etc.).